
Lite examined the poster confused on why Doll was showing it to him. He saw n resemblence between himself and the poster. "You want me to find him?" Lite asked Doll with a curious look. He continued to examine the poster. "I like his outfit, where can i get one of those? He said looking to his coat. They were the same. "Would you look at that..." Lite laughed. "It's me!" He said quite loud causing people to peer at him wondering what he was getting on about. Lite grinned. "What did i do this time?!" He said snatching the paper and reading it thoroughly. "No way! That man was trying to steal and kill me and that one guy!" He continued to complain loud enough for the crowds to hear him.
As Gavin ran through the market, he noticed Lite and Dahlia walking along, "They probably don't even know what's going on!" He pounded on his best friend's door and explained the situation. "Allright first we need to find this, Lite guy and his servant and then we can get everything explained to the guards. "Do you know where they went?" ask Gavin's pal, "Yeah, they were heading to the great tower... Damn... We need to get there now!" Gavin sprinted out the door and made his way to the great tower, where Lite and Dahlia were on there way to.
ooc: sorry about me not being on. like i said i can get on sunday's but some of the other days it depends.
Doll looked around and saw that a lot of people were now staring at the two of them. She hoped that none of the villagers had seen the wanted posters with Lite on them, but there was something like recognition spreading across a few of their faces. Worried, she turned to Lite, wondering if they should play it off like it was nothing and that the townspeople were seeing things, or if they should just run for it before someone took matters into their own hands.
Gavin turned a corner before the tower and noticed a dozen or two towns people crowding around Lite and Dahlia. "Oh crap..." Gavin said quietly. "Wait... most of these people are my customers!" Gavin Stood on a box on the side of the street and yelled aloud, "People! Listen to me!" Gavin attempted to quiet the crowd, "That man!" Gavin pointed to Lite, "Is innocent! He saved my life! the night the inn was set ablaze was not his doing! This man Stop the mage from killing me and looting my corpse, and it was the mage that set fire to the inn!" The crowd looked confused. "How can we believe you?" asked someone in the crowd, "Do you want proof? Lite show them your burn marks! Why would the starter of the fire stay to burn with it? He wouldn't! He would run like a coward! But Lite, yes he killed the mage, but he didn't strike first! I owe this man my life!" Gavin stood with his chin high with pride of standing up to help Lite. Suddenly an arrow nearly shot him in the torso and wedged itself into a wall...
ooc: quick question which kingdom are you guys in? and also, the Tournament of Games is not held in a certain kingdom but in a neutral ground.
( - w - confuuuused I'll just roll with whatever you all saay)Lite looked to Doll and so her expression of worry then he heard the Gavin guy that they had met earlier preaching Lite's innocence. He then noticed the arrow that whizzed by his head. "Looks like someones got it out for that guy." Lite looked around and saw that the guards were beginning to approach the crowd. Lite waved to Gavin. "You should get out of here! You don't need to get yourself into trouble for me. I can take care of all this crap." Lite yelled out to Gavin.
(we are in avalon and were simply going to sign up for the games.)

"No, I can stand my ground as well as you can," Gavin unsheathed the Short-sword, jumped down from the box, and prepared for a fight. Gavin noticed an archer on one of the roof tops and tore the lid off a crate to use as a shield.
AvalonToday was sur:ose to be a good day for young AC. She and her fellow companions had travelled to Avalon in order to sign up for the Tournament of Games. But AC didn't get much sleep the night before because the inn her and her friends were staying at was burnt down. AC saw the fight that transpired between the hooded figure and the other two. She would of helped out but the fight was over before she had a chance to get involved. So after dhe helped put out the fire her and her two companions found another inn to sleep at but this one wasn't as good as the first. Now was a new day and AC was trying to not let the previous night's problems mess with her mood. That was until she noticed the wanted criminal posters. She knew the man was innocent but wasn't sure on how to go about telling the guards just by herself. So she went to find the man and luckily for her, the man revealed hiself after practically shouting. QC tried to get to the man but things began to get out of hand. So, AC goes up to the man and the other sge also recignised from the inn fight. "I can help you get out of here." She said, "I was at the inn last night snd i know your innocent. But harming these gaurds won't help your case."
Gavin saw a young woman approach Lite and said, "This isn't a safe place for you girl! But if you really think you can help us, or him in some way, that would be greatly appreciated!" An arrow struck Gavin's make-shift shield and he took a step back from the force of the arrow.
Doll heard Gavin talking to all the townspeople, telling them all that Lite was innocent. Apparently the guards didn't believe the story, and they began firing arrows at Gavin. Suddenly a girl approached from nowhere and offered her help to Lite and Gavin. Doll didn't know who she was or why she believed Gavin's story so easily, but it was good to have someone on their side. It was not good, however, that the guards were none too happy about their story and their fighting back. It could get them into a lot more trouble if they attacked the guards.
AC waited for Lite to reply. as she did heard the other man tell her she could help then the arrow get shot at him. So AC turned towards the archer then with skill from years of practice she shrugged her own bow from her shoulder swung towatds the archer, then in a matter of seconds pulls out an strange looking arrow and shot it at the archer. The arrow sailed through the air and hit the archer square in the head. but since the arrow had a pad looking thing on it insteadof a point, it knocked out the archer instead of killing him. Once she had shot the archer, she turned to Lite. "So, can i help you get out of here now?"
Lite was utterly confused once he realized that EVERYONE's attention was on him. He peered from person to person. Gavin, the lady, the guards, the scurrying townsfolk. Lite then turned to Doll practically calling for help with his expression. He had barely an ounce of knowledge of what was going on. All Lite could figure is that his blade may have need to be drawn soon enough. "Whatever help comes my way will be gladly accepted." Lite said in the moment not thinking anything through. He just wanted to get out of there at the moment. Lite realized something. The guards were all busy with there pursuit of Lite and Doll that they were all leaving there posts. Lite grinned. The mass of confusion amongst the people had a crowds running in circles. Even the guards had no idea of what was going on. Lite nodded then rushed for Doll. He swooped her into his arms and carried her off to the now unguarded tower. He quickly began climbing the steps. Running out of breath soon enough but still carried her to the top. Once at the top he plopped on the floor and about passed out. "Told you.. i'd get you up here." Lite said breathlessly.
AC had seen Lite getting confused so without hesitation she used her ability to make them invisible to the guards. So then after they left the now confused guards AC followed Lite and Doll into the tower. once they stopped, AC revealed herself to them. "Excuse me."
Doll suddenly felt herself being lifted up as Lite ran with her all the way to the guard tower and up all the stairs, where he fell to the floor from exhaustion. She smiled, appreciating his effort. She hoped that none of the guards had followed them here, since now that they were in this high tower there was no chance of escape unless.... Unless they went out the window. Doll looked out the small window that looked down upon the whole city of Avalon. Gavin and the girl were still in the area closeby, probably wondering where they'd gone. The guards scoured the area, searching for the man they thought was a felon, and they were dangerously close to the tower. She turned back to Lite, who was exhausted from the climb. He would stand no chance in a fight now. Dahlia walked back over and sat down. "Thank you." she said. It was sincere; she really dis enjoy the view. She just wished it could be under better circumstances, since the guards would discover them any minute now.

Doll noticed a bow and some arrows and picked them up for good measure. When she saw the girl from the square appear, she nocked an arrow and aimed. "Oh," she said, realizing who it was. She lowered the weapon.
Lite smiled at the blur of Doll. He was starting to black realizing that they had forgotten breakfast. Lite closed his eyes trying to relax some. He heard the lady from before as well as Doll answer her. He didn't see her draw a bow and didn't think to open his eyes and see what was going on. Lite was quite tired and needed to keep his eyes shut for just a little longer. Being as all this hub bub was about him Lite almost felt like a celebrity. Not good one though. The life of a celebrity is tough and tiresome. Lite realized this and slowly sank into oblivion. Lost in thought, and soon enough lost in dream.
Gavin saw Lite carry doll up the tower and was shocked when AC simply vanished! He dropped the make-shift shield and quickly made his way up the tower right behind Lite. Although he stopped at one of the lower rooms of the tower and set up a barricade of furniture so the guards couldn't enter if they were trailing behind.
Dahlia heard someone else approaching as her master passed out. That left her and the other girl to defend themselves and Lite from whoever was coming for them. Dahlia pulled the bowstring back once more, ready to defend Lite as he'd defended her so many times.

((Sorry for the short post >_>))
Gavin made his way up the rest of the tower to check on Lite and Dahlia, after making sure that the barricade wasn't going anywhere.
Dahlia saw someone entering the room and took aim. When it was Gavin that entered, Dahlia lowered her weapon. She walked back over to the window to check the situation below. The guards were searching frantically, and Doll had no idea how they hadn't been discovered yet, but she was glad. Lite was unconscious and they were pretty much trapped here.
Gavin reached the top stair and saw a bow aimed at him and prepared for death. He opened his eyes and noticed it was only Dahlia. He let out a huge breath he held waiting for death. "Oh thank the gods, it's only you Dahlia!" He noticed AC and he was puzzled, "How did you end up here? I saw you just disappear, and now you reappear here.. How?"

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