
Dahlia nodded and ate some of the remaining food. It seemed as if Lite was troubled by something, but chances were it was none of her business so she didn't question him. She ate quietly and thought he must have fallen asleep. When the milk was gone she crept from the room to go downstairs and get more. The happy innkeeper gladly gave her another glass and said it was on the house. She smiled and turned to leave when she noticed the guy from earlier talking to a hooded man in the corner.
Gavin spoke to the man, "Hello, um... Did you wish to purchase this short-sword? I received a letter saying that you did." The hooded man stood up from his chair and stared at Gavin, "No i do not wish to purchase it..." "Then may i ask why you asked me here?" Replied Gavin. "I do not wish to purchase the sword, but i am going to take it from you!" The hooded man raised his arm as to point to the sword. "I'm sorry sir, you cannot just HAVE, this sword. The steel this sword is made out of, was mined from the great hills of Avalon!" The hooded man grinned and launched a wall of air towards Gavin.

Gavin was thrown backwards into a table on the other side of the room. "that's exactly why I want that sword you fool!" The hooded man lowered his arm and began walking towards Gavin, who was now unconscious...
Dahlia watched the events unfold and saw the hooded man attack Gavin. She placed her glass on the table and ran upstairs to her and Lite's rented room, flinging the door open, running across the room, nudging him awake and grabbing his hand, dragging him downstairs to the bar area where the hooded man was stealing Gavin's belongings. "Help." she said quietly, pointing to the two men.

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]
Lite rustled around when he felt Doll pushing and pulling at him. "What? What is it?" he asked slightly annoyed at being awoken. Then she insisted on leaving the room. Lite followed along half asleep already. "Help?" He asked confused then examined the situation some. "Wait? What?" Lite was utterly in confusion. It seemed there was a small fight. A man was knocked out and another hooded and approaching menacingly. Like a movie!" This was Lite's chance to be a hero. Yes, This was Lite's chance to be known as the hero. He rushed to get in between the hooded man the unconscious man. As he was just about to make his introduction a chair magically appeared in front of Lite's leg(He didn't notice it) causing him to fall right over on his face. "Ow..." Some introduction. Lite pushed himself to his feet and looked at the hooded man. "Hey now! No need to get all rough! No one wants to get hurt especially with grand event coming! We should be celebrating not fighting." Lite stood in the same stance he did when He and Doll were surrounded by bandits. Lite held his hand in either side of his cloak gripping on to his small throwing knives.
The hooded man stood staring at Lite, still grinning, he loudly asked, "Do you have any idea how powerful the steel that sword is made of IS!" The man raised his hand once again, and prepared to use another spell.
Doll stood closeby, trying to stay out of the way in the cramped space but still wanting to see what was going on. She looked down at the sword the hooded man was talking about. So that's what he was after? And it was why he attacked Gavin... She looked over at Lite, who was prepared for the fight even after his embarrassing entrance. Hopefully he would be able to stop this theif.
Lite sighed. "Honestly i don't give a damn." He examined the hooded. Simple magic user, nothing very bothersome. Lite planned out a quick strategy, not sure if it would work but simple and easy to pull off. Lite stood in a his stance, still and silent. With a quick sudden movement, Lite sent out three knives. one headed for the mage's leg, one for his torso, and one for his head. just as quick as he threw the knives. Lite kicked his foot which was situated on the seat that he had tripped on previously. Sending it flying at the mage. Lite then crouched down. expecting some type of retaliation.
The first knife struck the man in the leg and he launched a small fireball up at the roof as he fell. The other two knives hit him and he died before he hit the floor.

Gavin awake quickly due to the smell of smoke of the roof catching fire. He noticed the hooded man lying dead on the other side of the room, with Lite standing over him. Gavin collected his newly made short-sword and rose to his feet.
Dahlia smiled when Lite took down the hooded man. After that, the unconscious man woke up and picked up the sword that was almost stolen from him. She looked up, though, to see that the inn was ablaze. The innkeeper was not going to be happy about that, especially since he'd just gone to bed a few minutes before the fight broke out, and now there was a fire on the ceiling.
Lite let out a heavy sigh. "Guess no sleep for us." He he looked to Doll. "Evacuate! Wait outside ill come get you after im done." Lite rushed into each room trying to wake everyone up before the fire spread.

(Can't think of anything to say)
Doll walked outside to wait for Lite. They had just found a place to stay and now they were back on the streets again. Well, at least they'd gotten some food while they could. But they probably wouldn't get their money returned from their night's stay... Doll looked around at all the people evacuating.
Gavin cleared some debris for the evacuating people and stepped outside. He noticed the Neko girl and walked up to her, "Hey, I saw you inside the inn before it was set fire. You were watching the guy who killed the hooded man... Do you know him?" Gavin asked politely. "I know this isn't a very convenient time to start a conversation but I could go get him out if you want me to?" Gavin glanced at the inn...
Doll looked over to see the man from earlier arroaching her. "Yes, Lite is my master," she replied after greeting the man. "We were here to rest from traveling and I asked him to help you..." He asked if he should go get Lite. She looked back towards the building. "He's very smart and strong, I know he will be okay. He'll come out once the others are safe..."
Gavin looked back at the Neko girl and listened to what she said, "It sounds like he treats you well. some servants around here are treated like animals." Gavin noticed towns people all around hurling buckets of water at the flames, "I'll be right back i need to grab some pales of water," At that, he ran home and fetched some buckets. Gavin ran back to the inn and held out a bucket to the Neko girl, "I think the best thing we can do right now, would be to help put out this fire!"
Lite went from room to room twice to look for anyone that hadn't been evacuated. Once the place got stuffed with smoke for him to breath easily Lite ran for the exit. When he was in view he saw that it was covered in flaming debris. "Dammit all!" He whined as he quickly examined the area. Lite ran to the second floor and looked around the room. "Lucky day!" After a while Lite bursted out of the second level window and dived to the ground. He rolled when he hit the ground trying to soften the landing slightly as well as put out the small flame that had begun at the bottom of his pant leg. "Help!" He called out as he rolled around on the wet ground trying to get the fire out. Then someone threw a pale of water at him and put out the flame. Lite now lays sprawled out on the floor, breathless and tired but with a smile on his face. Hidden at the side of his cloak was a pouch of coins.
Doll grabbed the pail of water from the man and started to walk towards the burning building. She saw Lite jump from the second story window and went to make sure he was okay. His pants were on fire, so the first thing Dahlia thought to do was dump her pail of water on his legs. He smiled and laid there, and she looked down at him with a cute grin. "You need new pants."
Gavin threw his pale of water onto a flame. The flames slowly died down after more and more people showed up. Gavin walked over to the Neko girl and the Guy who basically saved his life earlier, and held out his arm to him to help him up, "Thanks for savin' my ass back there. I'm Gavin, the local blacksmith. May I ask who you and your Neko friend here, are?"
Lite chuckled as his little Doll came to his side. "Good news is! We have the money to buy some." Lite laughed then they were approached by another. The man that had gotten into a fight and couldn't hold his own. "It's no problem really." Lite said grabbing his arm and boosting himself up. "But i suggest you be more careful. Not everyone is as kind as i am." Lite stretched some. Quite the chain of events had happened today. Lite hadn't even gotten a full nap. He turned to Doll and smiled "Out of anything you should thank her for bringing me over."
Dahlia smiled at the compliment but was back to her usual self, not saying a word. She was much more likely to open up and speak around Lite, but around strangers or even Lite's friends she normally remained silent. She looked over to see that the fire was gone, but there was a lot of damage done to the inn. Her ears dropped sadly. They had nowhere to go now, and neither did any of the other travelers that had been staying the night there.
Lite rubbed his chin "Hm?" He noticed that Doll seemed tired and sorry for the people who were gonna go without shelter for the night. "I have a good idea Mr. Gavin! Since you owe us your life and all, i think should do us a big favor!" Lite grinned. "Since all these people have no where to stay for the night!" Lite gestured to the four other people who were scavenging from the remains of the inn. "You should put us up for the night!" Lite nodded thinking that this was the obvious thing to do and the Doll would be proud of him for thinking of it.
Gavin smiled at the man's idea, "I was just about to offer such an idea! Although, I've only got one extra bed, besides mine..." Gavin thought for a moment. "Wait a minute! I've still got my bedroll from my travelling days! It's a bit old, but you can use it if you want." Gavin started walking home, "My house is just down here!"
Doll smiled at Lite's idea, and again when Gavin so quickly agreed to it. At least everyone would have a roof over their heads tonight, even if it meant they had to sleep on the floor. The innkeeper was of course devastated, but would be happy to know that his guests would be boarded elsewhere and he wouldn't have to share his own home. Dahlia looked at the other people, waiting for either Gavin or Lite to inform them of the news.
Lite nodded "Good deal!" He went over to the inn folk and explained the situation. Two followed Lite back a mother and son. The others would stay at the innkeepers house. Lite nodded to Gavin and followed him. "By the way, I'm Lite. This little cutie here is my servant Dahlia." Lite introduced himself and Doll, since Doll didn't like to talk much.
Gavin arrived at his house. It was a cozy little two story house with a small kitchen, Gavin's bedroom next to that, and an upstairs which included a guest bedroom and a spare room that he used as a storage room. He opened the door "Well, welcome to my humble home! I have a couple extra sheets and pillows for you to use up in the storage room." Gavin Ushered them everyone in.

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