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  1. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

    Haitini slightly opened his eyes and took a small peek at what's happening. He sees that the Neko girl he met earlier wasn't sitting there anymore. "Where is the girl that was sitting here earlier?"
  2. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "You have no right to talk Lilith....." Jin said as his sharp glare seemed like it could pierce through the soul. "I can tell you no-one will be able to take my responsibilities and powers, if they do.....they will never be as good as me" He was enraged my Lilith's comment, he wanted to kill but...
  3. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "Let's leave it at that.......every time I look at that Angel's face, I see my sister's smile.............she died because of an angel, if I just..." The words were getting stuck in Jin's throat before tears slowly welled up within his eye socket. "If I was just a bit more.......harsher she...
  4. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "Lilith......please" Jin pleaded before letting go of her shoulder. He slowly approached to the kneeling demon, and used his right hand to pick up the young demon back onto her feet. "Little one, first rule of being a demon never bow down to anyone.....EVER" Jin said before shifting his gaze...
  5. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "Lilith calm down....let's hear what she has to say" Jin said as he placed his right hand on Lilith's shoulder and slightly pressed it down. After doing so he stared at the young demon girl with sorrowful eyes, "Do you understand what you have done?" He asked with his right hand on Lilith's...
  6. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    It was kinda awkward, seeing the two of you talking how gay each of you are.
  7. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "I can sense them but I can't see them" Jin said before sprinting towards the corner of the street. He could hear two voices talking to each other, he slowly took a peek, to his surprise he saw a demon female talking to what seems to be an angel
  8. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    Thanks for the compliment
  9. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    Jin was abruptly made to snap out of his thoughts, "Yea, yea, I'm fine.....just thinking about something....anyways, who said we are going to have human food, actually we might have human food..... I find it tasty" He stated, then the Revelation Ring on his left hand slightly vibrated, and at...
  10. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    Jin let out a rare smile and continued walking with Lilith beside him. "Anyway, want to grab some food, I'm kinda hungry" Jin asked with his hands in his pocket to check whether his wallet was still there. After confirming that his wallet was still there, "I'll pay", seeing Lilith thinking about...
  11. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    As Jin saw the two angels retreat, he let out a grim smile before he balled his fist which caused the ball of fire to dissipate. "Quite the impatient one aren't you Lilith, I'm sure if I didn't appear you would've been fatally wounded if not dead" He stated as he stared at Lilith with annoyance...
  12. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "You should listen to that guardian of yours, impatient one" Jin stated as a small grin slowly crept on his face. He took a quick glance at the ball of fire, to see whether there were any abnormalities. "I could ask the two of you to surrender, but knowing your kind's pride, I highly doubt you...
  13. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

    Knowing what was happening around him, Haitani didn't bother waking up because he felt super exhausted, and the moment he closed his eyes, he knew he won't be able to open them until his body was full off energy again.
  14. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    "This one is impatient" Jin stated as the shield he spawned warded off the Lightning streaks. A sudden ball of fire slowly formed above Jin's head, but the ball of fire wasn't increasing in size. It was condensing itself into the size of a golf-ball, meaning it will be more faster, and have a...
  15. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

    "Its my pleasure" Haitani said before leaning back on his chair, and closed his eyes, he hoped to sleep for a bit until the teacher came,
  16. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    Jin's grin slowly faded away and turned to his normal emotional-less expression. "Patience Lilith, don't let your desires take over you sanity" Jin replied, he slowly flew towards Lilith's position. As he flew towards Lilith the revelation ring on his left hand, glowed brighter by the second...
  17. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

    "No problem" Haitani said as he let out a rare smile
  18. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

    A few seconds later, his grin became ever more demonic and distorted that the gem on his chest started let out a golden light, which in turn caused the energy circulating through his muscles to accelerate at the fastest rate possible. His muscles slowly became more refined, it didn't look like...
  19. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

    As he was about to sit down he saw the Neko he met earlier sprint into the room and sit in the corner of the room next to the window with no-one around her. Haitani let out a sigh before picking his bag up and moving to the seat next to the neko
  20. CasarollChicken

    Fantasy Magic school (Monsters, Nekos ect.)

    Haitani let out a sigh as he saw a figure approaching the two, "If you have anymore troubles speak to me, I'm in your class....I think, or you could find me" Haitani said before abruptly turning around and walking to class.