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Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

"You should listen to that guardian of yours, impatient one" Jin stated as a small grin slowly crept on his face. He took a quick glance at the ball of fire, to see whether there were any abnormalities. "I could ask the two of you to surrender, but knowing your kind's pride, I highly doubt you will surrender without a fight.....so sad" Jin said as the ball of fire slowly descended towards the holy light which seemed to be coated over the city. "But what's worse it that you even risk your lives for the petty humans.....very sad" The ball of fire was just about to touch holy light before it stopped with just a millimetre gap left
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Jasper scowled and flew back next to Balthazar "fine lets go but next time I will kill you" he said glaring at the two demon lords. "meet me back at the compound" he shouted in enochian to the angels below to retreat before disappearing from sight leaving a black feather falling slowly to the ground



Lilith watched as the angels retreated, disappointment coating her face as she slowly morphed back into her human form.

"What fun are they, Jin?" she asked. "I've never been so bored with an angel encounter in m entire existence. I wished to play with their limbs."

Lilith huffed and hissed at a nearby demon that wandered too close to her for her liking. She was full of pent up energy and had yet to find another outlet to release it.

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Jasper Reappeared at the Angel Compound He growled slamming his sword on the table causing it to dissipate into electricity making the lights go haywire before returning to normal he folded his wings they disappearing as he did so leaving a small black feather in their wake he walked outside his combat boots thumping the ground angrily he held his hand out to a gong and shot lightning at his causing it to ring loud enough for the whole compound to hear "LISTEN UP" he shouted to the angels and humans "THE DEMON LORDS ARE BACK EVEN THOUGH WE THOUGH THE ALL DIED OFF WHEN AZAZEL WAS KILLED BUT I GUESS NOT THEIR ARE TWO DANGEROUS DEMON LORDS ROAMING THE STREETS SO WATCH YOUR BACKS" he turned and walked back into his cabin to see a boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes laying on his bed, Japer frowned "What do you want Tommy?" he questioned the boy
Noctis sighed as she played with the shadows caused by the flickering street lamp. She was bored out of her mind! Her "teacher" was gone for the week, leaving her with no one to talk to or even practice her powers with. It was lonely. Suddenly, light lit the sky causing her shadows to growl in complaint, slithering around her body, leaving small red welts as they squirmed against her pale skin.

"Shhhh guys, it's just a little light. Don't worry. You aren't like normal shadows, remember? We were trained to withstand this kind of thing. But it is weird... I wonder whats going on..."

Pushing to her feet, Noctis located where the light came from and started toward the building. She sighed as her wings pushed out of her skin to carry her up to the building top before retracting back into her body. Creeping slowly toward the opposite side, she crouched behind a rotting air vent and peered around the edge. Her breath caught in her chest as she watched her Demon Lords clash with... ANGELS! She couldn't believe angels would actual dare to come this far into demon territory! A growl rose in her throat as she sniffed the sweet scent of the angels for the first time and thought about her parents. It was because of them that she had been forced to grow up in an orphanage and never had the chance for a real childhood. She wanted to rip them to pieces.

Her shadows began to pulse at the desire swelled in her chest but she forced them to calm.

"You guys know we aren't strong enough to take down full grown Angels. One day we will make them pay though... We will make them all pay..." She smiled to herself as she watched the Angels retreat.
Balthazar blinked into the compound, his face lined with worry "Jaspers, Sir, Many need to think rationality about this particular situation as Ones enemies seemy to crawl out of the woodwork wile others are taken out ons by one. This is an unwinnable battle through force, only few have their full powers and One is not certain that they will ever regain it. A full on war against demons will be the Angels Undoing." The Guardian angel explained, dropping you the floor and changing back to his human form.
As Jin saw the two angels retreat, he let out a grim smile before he balled his fist which caused the ball of fire to dissipate. "Quite the impatient one aren't you Lilith, I'm sure if I didn't appear you would've been fatally wounded if not dead" He stated as he stared at Lilith with annoyance. "Don't make this a habit.....ok" Jin said before his body turned into a blur (meaning he disappeared, and left an afterimage). He reappeared on the ground in his human form, and continued to walk down the silent streets.
Jasmine seemingly had some time off. The demons seemed to be out. Probably killing or making others miserable. She sighed and got up, stoking the fire in one of their houses, before sneaking out. "Oh my gosh... flowers!" She grinned and picked some flowers, stuffing some in her pockets, knowing the demons wouldn't like them. "Ughhhh.. someday when this war is over, I hope I won't be taking orders from anyone." She glared at the large spiked fence that surrounded the residence.
Noctis sighed as she watched one Demon Lord leave. It had seemed an exciting battle... well from the battles she had ever seen which wasn't very many. She ushered her shadows to calm down as she emerged from her hiding spot. She felt a wave of anticipation caress her skin as she looked around. The small of Angel hung in the cold air, along with the stench of demon coming from below. She knew the smell of her own kind but some of them, mainly the ones that hung out in the alley ways to attract hobos for dinner, didn't smell all to great to her. She was just thankful she was taken in before she ended up as one of them.

Twirling a piece of her silky hair around her finger she walked over to the place she had seen the Angels disappear off to. One day she would be strong enough to follow them and destroy them. But until then, she knew she had to get stronger. A child would do nothing more then give the Angels target practice.
Balthazar needed to get away from the others for a bit, walk through the streets and try and find something to take his mind off of the war. He was good at disguising himself as a human, even his angel peers had a hard time telling him apart from the citizens of earth, this would of course make him seem like a completely normal being, and the demons wouldn't track him for this. He left the complex and began to roam the streets, looking for something to take his mind offor the threat at hand.
Nocits jumped from the building and began to walk away in the opposite direction of her home. She didn't want to go back just yet, even though she would catch hell for being late. (hehe!) She pulled her hair into a ponytail, looking nothing but human as she kicked a can as she went. She watched all the demons retreat for the night/day as the humans started to venture out to find food. They didn't seem to notice her as she traveled in silence along the path. She always wondered what it felt like to be a human in a demon world, always being under watch or attacked for blood. She figured it would be similar to cattle, something she didn't understand even then. Lost in thought, she was caught off guard as she bumped into a human.

Balthazar was deep in thought, he always kept his guard up just in case a demon wished to pray on him without knowing his true form, this he would always have to avoid, he turned the corner and bumped into a young lady with a slight "Ooof" leaving his lips, he caught her before she could fall backwards and let her regain her balance before he smiled and stepped back "My word, I am sorry for running into you, I'm quite the Klutz you see, always daydreaming and not paying attention. Typical Day for me" he said with a slight chuckle, he had really not been paying attention, if this girl were a demon he would have had a fight on his hands, something he always tried to avoid.

Noctis smiled a pretty little smile as she regained her balance.

"No no.. It is my fault, I should have been being more careful of were I was going!" She sniffed the air slightly, trying to make sure he was of no threat to her. At his touch, her shadow shifted slightly as if cringing from his touch. How odd... she thought to herself. She had never had that happen to her before. She looked back up at the man she had almost bulldozed over. He didn't look like much of a threat to her. She could probably take on a human like this. She didn't feel very hungry though so she resisted the urge to try and take a bite. Instead, curiosity got the better of her.

"What are you doing out here? Isn't it a little dangerous to be out here all on your own? You know not all of the demons are in their holes yet. Some still stalk for food and fun."
Balthazar looked around before he responded "I don't fear the demons, If they would want to devour my soul or whatever it is they do I'm sure they would have done it a long time ago." he smiled again and extended a hand for her to shake "I guess an Introduction is in order, My name is Zar Engloh. I am what one could call a magician of sorts, mainly silly parlor tricks here and there, but I get by alright. Especially when the night is young and the bars are full with fearful folk, People pay well for anything that take their mind off this entire Armageddon situation." he explained enthusiastically, he had always had a knack for watching magicians, though his angelic powers made his disappearing acts a little too extravagant for his own taste.

Who was this girl, she seemed to know that it was dangerous here and yet she was being hypocritical in being outside the so called safe zones. This was truly strange and something that made the Guardian Angel nervous about his safety.

Noctis laughed a melodic sound as she looked at this man. "You do parlor tricks? You don't seem like the guy to do such things." she liked this man. She didn't know exactly why, but he reminder her of someone....

Shaking off the thought she took his hand in hers even though her instincts were screaming at her to flee from him. "My name is Noctis. I don't have a last name..." she gave a sad smile. "I find it impressive that you aren't scared of the demons. You are one of the bravest people I have meet so far. I hope nothing happens to you though. The brave ones are almost always the ones to go first." She glanced around to see that the streets were emptying out as humans crept into the bars and sanctuaries of the decrepit town buildings.
Zar took out a deck of cards and took one out of the deck, spinning it around between his fore and middle finger, the face changing from 2 of clubs to jack of hearts to 7 of diamonds and then finally to the ace of spades "My appearance make them question my abilities, It's a way to make extra money as they never expect it from someone of my stature." he explained with his grin broadening as she complimented him "It's a Pleasure to meet you Miss Noctis, and yes you are right, the bravest are most often the most thick headed, so I guess it won't take long until a Demon decides that I shall be the next tasty meal. But the way it's looking god has forsaken us all and we will all slowly be picked off by the demons, so I don't mind being brave and stupid for a while longer" he said with another chuckle.

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Noctis laughed as she watched him play with the cards. "That's amazing! Its not everyday you meet someone that can do that sort of thing."

or keep a demon interested she thought to herself. "I hope a Demon doesn't get you anytime soon." She smiled at him. He really did amuse her and keep her interest. It would be a shame for him to get hurt.

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Lilith laughed at Jin, her sultry lips stretching daintily across her angelic human face.

"I would not call it impatience, Jin," she replied, jumping off of the building and landing lightly by his side. "I just have an intense varying amount of lust and only so much can quench it." She winked at him, but this was Lilith's way. She was the essence of desire and emotion, it was only fitting that she play the part.​

I took a few steps out an ally holding a cup, my fingers curled around it as I felt the warmth radiate off the cup. "Royal blood my a**, this taste like donkey piss." I said very inelegantly. There was nothing to do in this area, but I was told to stay here by higher ups or else they would threaten my position. I started strolling to the nearest caffe to help make my drink taste better
Jin let out a rare smile and continued walking with Lilith beside him. "Anyway, want to grab some food, I'm kinda hungry" Jin asked with his hands in his pocket to check whether his wallet was still there. After confirming that his wallet was still there, "I'll pay", seeing Lilith thinking about her desicion, Jin absentmindedly traced his finger on the Revelation Ring which is embedded on his left hand
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Lilith shrugged.

"I guess," she replied. "I'm not one for human food, but I can handle the grime when the want arises." Lilith looked at the ring on his hand idly, but only because his attention was so focused on it. She held no want for more power surprisingly. Lilith was completely content with the power she had now. All the strategy that came with being the first lord was too much for her liking. Lilith gave Jin a genuine smile.

"You alright there, all powerful Lord?"
Noctis smiled at her new found friend. She didn't know what it was but she enjoyed this man. She brushed her hair from her face as the wind blew around them. She sniffed the air and gasped softly to herself. She smelled demons. Not just any demons either but the Lord Demons. She knew if they saw her with a human it would be bad on her. She had no right to be friends with the 'cattle' and she knew it. The orphanages had beat that into her at a young age. The memories made her shudder as goosebumps rose on her pale skin.


"Noctis what are you doing?!" Her nanny snarled as she forced the young girl to her feet as she eyed the group of children around her. She sniffed each child in turn before her eyes narrowed toward a shadow in the corner. It was poorly created and shielded very little of the child. "You dare to bring a human to this home?!" Anger flared in her eyes as she started to change from a normal looking nanny into her true form. Her platinum blonde hair changed to blood red as her fingernails elongated into fierce claws. She snatched Noctis up, her nails digging into her skin making blood sprout from the wound. "We have been over this you insolent child!" She threw the girl away with little effort as the rest of the children coward together. Noctis let out a small cry as she slammed into the ground. "Humans are food! Not friends!" she snarled as she reached for the human child. The small girl whimpered in fear as the demon approached her. "I'll show you what they are meant for..."


Noctis felt her fear rise as she remember the rest of that day. She growled to herself as she tried to force the thoughts away. She wouldn't think about that. She couldn't. She just had to get away before she endangered this man or herself.

"Well it was nice to meet you and hopefully your bravery doesn't bring the demons after you!" she rushed out as she turned to leave.
As Misery finished the last off the last of the demons he sat down and thought 'I want coffee....' He got up and realized that he missed one. He drawed a sawn off shotgun and shot the poor thing dead in the head. He put away the gun and started to fly from the camp to his small home. He put his things away and started to walk towards the cafe.

@Jack of Cloves
I walk over to the cafe still sipping on the the "drink" that I got earlier, I scrunched up my nose with every sip. Once I got to the stand where there were an array of sugars and cream I started pouring them into my cup making sure to cover up the smell so it wouldn't smell. I let a sigh escape my lips as I stirred the sugar into the cup, "Maybe this was a bad idea..." I drank from the cup letting some of the contents slip out of my mouth and run to my chin, not really caring any more I just wiped it away and put the lid back on.

Jin was abruptly made to snap out of his thoughts, "Yea, yea, I'm fine.....just thinking about something....anyways, who said we are going to have human food, actually we might have human food..... I find it tasty" He stated, then the Revelation Ring on his left hand slightly vibrated, and at each step the vibration became faster and faster. "This is weird, it only vibrates this fast when there is a high-ranked Angel near....by" His eyes widened as he realised what is happening.

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