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Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

I grabbed the coffee and walked over to the sugar and cream table. "Excuse me." I say to you because I was bored. "But did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?" I said in a smooth voice which made up for my cheesiness.



Lilith tensed immediately, scanning around her, but she remained in her human form so as not to show just how high ranking of a demon she was.

"Do you see them?" she asked in the native tongue. "Are you able to pick them out?"
I choked on my drink when a strange boy came up to me and tried to use a pick up line on me. I leaned on the counter coughing and tilted my head towards you, "Why..." I whimpered as I kept on coughing. I stood up straight once I stopped and I put my hand over my mouth trying to hide smile, "I-I don't even know how to respond to that." I glance over to you.

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"Well let's see... The last person I tried that on was a lesbian and they smacked me so I guess that's a good start." I say with a smile and I start to chuckle
I turned fully towards you and smiled, "How dare she touch your beautiful face." I though for a second before replying again, "Were you born this beautiful? Or did you make a deal with a crossroad demon?" I slightly chuckled at these cancerous jokes, but they were entertaining me to an extent for the time being so I was content for now.

I chuckled and looked at you then made my way to a chair, "Join me if you'd like, stranger." I crossed my legs and took a sip of the red liquid, the drink became much more pleasant to drink once I added the sugar and 5 cups of cream, "Although I consider it rude to come up to a lady and just start talking with no introduction I'll make an exception for you. So, what's your name?" I said as I placed my now tinted red lips on the cup still looking up at you.

"Well you girls love a good mystery and that's how I keep my date interested. Is it working?" I say in a joking voice. "My name is...." I debate on telling you my actual name but I decide against it. "Misery" I say coolly.
I rolled my eyes and smiled, "That names sounds like quite a Misery to have." I joked, "And who said this was a date?" I smirked and leaned on the table trying to destruct my self from a faint ringing sound. It usually suggests that a high ranked demon and Angel were near by. Although it didn't worry me that much since demons don't really trigger much of a reaction so I just tuned it out for now.

Jasper sighed and flopped next to Thomas laying with him "you know now we have demons Lords on our hands"" I thought they were all wiped out when Azazel died" Thomas questioned with wide eyes "apparently not.." he sighed and punched Thomas "that's for sneaking into my cabin idiot" he said before falling asleep next to the other angel snoring slightly Thomas grinned and followed suit

(( Something is not right their are two gay angles xD I need someone who can play Thomas ))
"I can sense them but I can't see them" Jin said before sprinting towards the corner of the street. He could hear two voices talking to each other, he slowly took a peek, to his surprise he saw a demon female talking to what seems to be an angel
As the girl left Balthazars smile faded instantly, he looked up towards the sky briefly before disappearing into the nearest bar. She was a Demon and he knew this, but he had always had issues with his feelings, he always made the wrong friends and it never turned out well.


Balthazar was forced to watch the execution. He had tried to keep her safe, she wasn't like the others and he knew that, but it was no longer possible to protect her. She smiled at him, brave as always and he just stood there tears streaming down his face as the Archangel Gabriel beheaded the Demon he so dearly loved.

~Flashback ended~

Balthazar shook his head to shrug off the memory of the past, he sighed and headed inside the nearest bar to do this.

Noctis sighed as she started for home. Something didn't set right in her chest as she went over her encounter. She had never met a human like that, and the warmth that radiated from his touch had been different. What had that been all about? Feeling suddenly cold, she summoned her shadows, bidding them to wrap around her like a cloak, forcing some of the chill away from her body. Her instincts still turned in turmoil in her chest, making bile rise in her throat. Something didn't seem right...

"Hey baby! Wanna come get a drink or two with me?" Rancid breath hit her face before the thugs words did.

"I'd rather someone kill me." She snarled as she continued walking. She felt annoyance when he continued to follow her

"Come on now... Don't be that way." He grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him. She felt a growl rise in her throat as she glared up at the man. He was a good foot taller then her.

"Last warning. Let. Go. Of. Me."
Balthazar had just finished his final set and taken part in the bars 'Free drinks for Entertainment' policy, though after a while he had gotten bored of all the jokes they threw his way so he left the bar, the cool wind hitting his face to greet the darkness of night. Something he again didn't fear, his powers would protect him from any attack and they would keep him from seeming anything but human as the humans had created many forms of self-defense, something that he had studied over the years and mastered.

The Angel walked down the streets and heard an argument taking place close by, obviously someone was stepping out of line, he stepped into the entrance to the alleyway and audibly cleared his throat "Excuse me sir" he began, moving towards the man pinning the girl to the wall "It seems you've met my friend, I would advise letting her go before she does something drastic." he said with a broad grin, his tone rather threatening
Noctis felt her face flush a deep red. How embarrassing needing a human to come along to see her like this?

"Why don't you mind your own business!" The man slurred, his grip tightening on her arm. "We are getting along just fine over here before you showed up!"

Noctis felt the sting of his breathe on her face again and let out a snarl. She felt the tendrils of darkness itching to leave her body to strangle this human.

We don't need to create an even bigger scene here..she told her shadows.

Seeing a small opening, she swung her leg high, slamming into the thugs rib catch. He staggered a little but kept his hold on her strong. "You little brat! And here I was playing nice." His tone turned vicious as he knocked her against the wall roughly. Her head buzzed with pain spots filled the sides if her vision. She felt something cold against her neck as the man pulled a concealed blade out of his sleeve. "Always gotta be prepared ya know? Case some demon tries to go for a snack."
Balthazar moved quickly, grabbing the mans arm and twisting hit behind his back, forcing him to drop the blade "Now now, I know these are quite forsaken times, but we can still be gentlemen to women." he said, giving the man a slight push as he let go, the man stumbling forward into a few trash cans, them tumbling and coating him with their content. Balthazar gave a slight chuckle as he looked at the blade, tossing it upwards onto one of the balconies above. No doubt he would be forced into a situation he wanted to avoid as he preferred not to fight but rather to defend. "Are you alright?" he asked Noctis, his eyes still remaining to the thug who seemed dazed after a stranger apprehended his plans for the evening, but hey, a drunk was an easy opponent.
Noctis blushed and rubbed the back of her head "Yes. Thank you. I guess demons aren't the only threat out here huh?" She joked as she looked at her hand. Blood coated her fingers.

Shitshitshit! She growled internally. Now there would be no hiding from higher ups. Her appearance and scent could be covered slightly... Not that she was to good at that as is but her blood scent was over her head. There was no way she could mask that. She just hoped it would be so weak that it wouldn't bring any curious lookers her way. They would never let her live down having this man save her. She knew she could have taken the drunkard but she didn't want to reveal herself to the open world. She sighed as she wiped her hand on her skirt, the blood drying quickly. "I didn't think he would be big enough or sober enough not to fall when I kicked him." She laughed softly, "I guess I should work on my judgement from that huh. Thank you though for coming along when you did " she gave a small bow to him, she was really starting to like this man.
Zar chuckled and waved off the thank you "You don't need to thank me, I don't like seeing people get hurt, especially not people that I have taken a liking to" He said as he walked back towards the street "Would you like me to walk you home? Just in case you get jumped again?" he asked, stopping underneath a streetlamp to light a cigarette. It had indeed been an interesting evening, and he knew fully well that he would get in loads of trouble if anyone found out that he was pretending to be a human just to interact with someone he clearly knew was a demon, but the old Archangels had already been killed, so this time her safety would not be in any danger.
Noctis felt a wave if panic go through her. "H-home?" She stammered as her eyes grew wide at the thought. Home was an orphanages run by a nasty demon. She would slash Zara's throat immediately if she so much as caught a sniff of him. "I-I don't think that's a good idea.... My house mother isn't very kind to men...." Especially human men... She thought to herself. She didn't want him to get hurt because of her. Hell he had already jumped in to save her life once! She fought the urge to scream in frustration as her shadow started to tremble. Her emotions always triggered her powers. She had no one to help teach her to control them any better, especially since her sensei was gone.. She hasn't seen him in a few weeks and was beginning to think the worst had happened.
[QUOTE="Jack of Cloves]I rolled my eyes and smiled, "That names sounds like quite a Misery to have." I joked, "And who said this was a date?" I smirked and leaned on the table trying to destruct my self from a faint ringing sound. It usually suggests that a high ranked demon and Angel were near by. Although it didn't worry me that much since demons don't really trigger much of a reaction so I just tuned it out for now.

"Ha! And also you didn't answer my question." I say while I chuckle at your joke. "This isn't a date, just two people who started flirting with each and decided to get a drink." I say as I think of something to ask. "So what race are you part of? It's obvious you're not human." I say with a smile on my face. 'Please dear God let her be an angel... I don't want to make a scene here...I actually like this coffee shop...' He thought to himself.

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