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Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)

"Race? That's a strange question, I think I'm part Asian part European." I played dumb as I tried to chug down the rest of the blood in the cup I was drinking out of, "Say, do you want to get out of here?" I said changing the subject.
[QUOTE="Jack of Cloves]"Race? That's a strange question, I think I'm part Asian part European." I played dumb as I tried to chug down the rest of the blood in the cup I was drinking out of, "Say, do you want to get out of here?" I said changing the subject.

"Sure..." I say suspicious. 'Demon? Definitely... I'll play along for now...see what happens...' Misery thinks as he furrows his brow. He gets up and offers his hand to her.
I get up and politely turn your gesture down and stood up, "It's fine, I'm not too old yet." I chuckled and started walking to the door to throw away my cup, "Let's go, I know the perfect place, it's a very scenic view." I smiled and held the door open for you.
[QUOTE="Jack of Cloves]I get up and politely turn your gesture down and stood up, "It's fine, I'm not too old yet." I chuckled and started walking to the door to throw away my cup, "Let's go, I know the perfect place, it's a very scenic view." I smiled and held the door open for you.

"Why thank you." I say with a smile on my face. "You like piggyback rides?" I ask you my smile growing.
I guffawed, "Sorry good sir, I don't piggyback on the first date." I took a few steps closer to you, "But I do like to do other things." I smirked and playfully pushed you back into the store then walked ahead not waiting for you to catch up.

((@Hisan I don't like how these are so short, everything feels so empty
Lilith stopped and followed Jin's gaze. Her eyes changed at the sight before them and she hissed at the demon girl, but the scene folded out immediately. It seemed as if the Angel was protecting the Demon. It was the guardian from the fight before. It couldn't be good and she was sure that someone would die at her hands tonight.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" she roared at them, her fair skin rippling but not changing.



Noctis gasped as her eyes widened. "My Lords!" She didn't think about the human she was with as the words escaped through her lips. Her past flashed through her mind as her shadows darted out of the dark and wrapped around her body, a hissing sound seeming to come from them. "I-It's not what you think!" She stammered as she tried to think of a logical explanation. Her mind darted back and forth as she glanced between Lilith and Zar.

NoNoNo! This is not good! This is not right! I almost made it! If only that drunk hadn't been here!

Her mind screamed at her. She felt Lilith's rage radiating in the air. She had never been this close to the lords before but she knew that nothing good could possibly come of this.
"Lilith calm down....let's hear what she has to say" Jin said as he placed his right hand on Lilith's shoulder and slightly pressed it down. After doing so he stared at the young demon girl with sorrowful eyes, "Do you understand what you have done?" He asked with his right hand on Lilith's shoulder and his left hand behind his back. Jin's left hand was clenched into a ball, as he controlled his emotions from running rampant.
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Lilith turned her reproachful eyes toward Jin, anger seething under her aura. She growled at the Lord but was steadied by his firm hand on her shoulder. She held Jin in high esteem, higher than she liked to admit, but she was a demon and a volatile one. Listening to reason was not her forte.

"Hear what she has to say?" she repeated, her voice a deadly quiet. "Surely you remember our oppression at the hands of these mongrels. How many did we lose to them and I'm to listen to what she has TO SAY?!" Her voice steadily rose and her form quivered, shaking like an erupting volcano.



"I didn't mean any harm... I-I stumbled into him and we just started talking... Then this man grabbed me and I didn't want to cause a scene in front of the humans so he 'saved me'..." Noctis said as she looked at Jin. He seemed a little more reasonable then Lilith and she hoped she could draw from that. She didn't want any blood shed from Zar. He had been nice to her, even if he didn't know she was a demon. Now he did. She knew the fear she would see if she looked at him. It would be the same fear every human showed her, at least those that didn't know how weak she was in the demon world.

At Lilith's words, Noctis cocked her head to the side in confusion.

How many they lost to them? That can't be right... We have never lost any reputable demon to the humans...

She forced herself to keep her gaze on the Lords, making sure to avoid eye contact as she waited for what was to happen next.
"Lilith......please" Jin pleaded before letting go of her shoulder. He slowly approached to the kneeling demon, and used his right hand to pick up the young demon back onto her feet. "Little one, first rule of being a demon never bow down to anyone.....EVER" Jin said before shifting his gaze towards the angel who seemed to be in his human form. "And you.....you...." Jin didn't know what do say instead he silently turned around and continued walking in the opposite direction with his head slumped down into a depressed manner.
Noctis gasped to herself as Jin brought her back to her feet. From all the stories told to her from the orphanage, all demon Lords were vicious and wouldn't hesitate to snap a lower demon in two. "Y-Yes my Lord." She said, her voice growing a little stronger as she took his words to heart. She would become someone like him. She would be strong and graceful. This was her first step in growing into a powerful demon. Her mind was set on this now. His reaction to Zar still confused her though. What about this made him depressed?
Lilith growled at the Demon Girl, her anger pulsating through her like white hot molten iron.

"I will not be so quick to pardon you next time, creature," She hissed at the angel. "And you-" she snapped to the girl. "Run along, and be mindful of the company you keep. Remember what The Angels have done to us. Remember who we have lost." Smoothing her face over and fighting her instinct to kill, Lilith reached out and touched the Demon girl's shoulder in pardon and dismissal before turning tail and following Jin, striding in front of him in angry steps. When they were far enough to be out of ear shot, Lilith rounded hard on Jin, her face livid.

"I respect your wishes and your authority," She began, her canines pointed and her blue eyes unusually cool toward him. "I would appreciate if you could return that favor, Jin." The anger was evident in her face, but under that was betrayal. How could he just leave the Pure Blood to his own devices?!



"A-Angel?!" She whirled around to face Zar. "That can't be true..." She whispered as she remember her parents. Their death had been gruesome and merciless. She felt tears threaten the back of her eyes before anger took over in its place. She felt her shadows turn barbed as they scratched her skin as rage consumed her. Pink whelps appears where the dark strands ran along her body. How could she have been so stupid as to not know this was an angel?!

Stupid girl! You should have known! You should have picked up that he wasn't human!

She yelled at herself as she starred at him. "
You knew what I was didn't you? Why? Why didn't you try and kill me? Why were you nice?! Don't you know Angels and Demons hate each other?! We are at WAR with each other?!" She snarled, not sure if she was angry at him or at herself anymore. She took a deep breath as she forced her nerves to calm down. Getting upset would not solve anything. It also wouldn't help her if he did decide to attack her. She had to be ready. She narrowed her eyes as they turned pitch black as she felt her wings force their way out of her back. Her teeth began to elongate as her nails sharpened into vicious points. She would be ready if he wanted to fight.
I kept on walking away, but before long I was able to sense strong auras. An Angel's and... 3 demons? "Maybe it's an arch-angel." My lips twisted into a devious smile now going towards them.

I hid around the corner as I watched it all fall out, from the lady barking at the young demon who supposedly was fraternizing with the angel to where they are now.

It was quite the sight to see the young demon now just finding out about her "friend" seeing the tears threaten to fall from her eyes, "I guess I'll watch the show until the other arrives." I murmured as I made my self comfortable.
[QUOTE="Jack of Cloves]I kept on walking away, but before long I was able to sense strong auras. An Angel's and... 3 demons? "Maybe it's an arch-angel." My lips twisted into a devious smile now going towards them.
I hid around the corner as I watched it all fall out, from the lady barking at the young demon who supposedly was fraternizing with the angel to where they are now.

It was quite the sight to see the young demon now just finding out about her "friend" seeing the tears threaten to fall from her eyes, "I guess I'll watch the show until the other arrives." I murmured as I made my self comfortable.

I watched as she ran away and thought 'Well then she must've hated my cologne.' I say with a chuckle before I catch a whiff of something. 'That smell...demons....powerful ones as well' I smiled and started to run home. I got my cloak, mask, guns, and my sniper rifle. I quickly set up a minor position on top of the building across from everyone.
Jasper jumped from the bed leaving the other angel to sleep he put on his normal work clothes that consisted of black jeans a white button up shirt and a black vest he put on his combat boots and grabbed a white beanie putting it on before teleporting to the city "Now lets see if I can get to work without any demons bothering me " he said as he continued to walk
This was not good, Balthazar had remained silent to listen and think of a way out, he recognised Jin was there but was not sure how the Demon felt about him, he was indeed to blame for the Death of the Demons sister. The guardian needed to answer now or he would most likely be struck down where he stood, he leaked a bit of his power out, just in case a shield or a quick escape was needed. "Yes it is true, I am an Angel, a Guardian angel to be exact, I protect those who need it regardless of who or what they are, I embody the spirit of forgiveness, something that is lost in this dark time of war. 'Remember what the angels have done to us' These are typical leadership words that have been spoken in countless wars, and once again here we stand, an overwhelming number of one side against a single one of another, looking to exact revenge on an entire race for the crimes of many. If any of you are to kill me now, let it be Jin, for after all these years he could still not avenge his sister." As Balthazar spoke he considered every angle of escape, he had a Demon beside him, one hiding around the corner who thought they wold not be noticed and two Demon Lords. There was no way he would get out if this alive unless...he stuck both his arms Infront of him, hands limp. He would let himself be taken hostage, this would be the only way out without a fight.
Noctis sighed to herself, forcing her shadows to calm. She felt the familiar sting as they drew small lines of blood up her arms and legs. "I can make it home just fine." She mumbled to herself as she looked at the ground. She felt the air stir as he leaked some of his power. Even if she had attacked him, there would be no way she could have won. Her wings slid back into her body, leaving no sign that they had been there in the first place. She looked up at the sky as clouds floated by. "Maybe if I had been stronger I would have known you weren't human... This wouldn't have happened then. Its really not save for you here." She wanted to be angry but for dinner reason she just couldn't. He had saved her after all hadn't he?
"Let's leave it at that.......every time I look at that Angel's face, I see my sister's smile.............she died because of an angel, if I just..." The words were getting stuck in Jin's throat before tears slowly welled up within his eye socket. "If I was just a bit more.......harsher she would be alive" He said in a grim tone before quickly wiping the tears away. With his eyes red and swollen, Jin let out roar of despair then continued to walk.
I grimaced while watching everything roll out, I didn't expect to have the angel put up much of a fight but what I DID expect was the demon to start exploding on him. I leaned against the wall I was hiding behind and combed through my white hair, "This really isn't as exciting as I thought it would be." I sighed and walked away, instead of intervening. There was a nice restaurant near by, I might as well try to have some fun there.
"You did nothing wrong" Balthazar shouted after Jin, he could not help but try and comfort the demon "You know how she was, no one could change her mind about anything, not even I could convince her to stop visiting me...she was the most wonderful, brave and charming being I ever met, even during her execution she smiled." The Guardian angel said, a smile creeping across his face in memory of his last great love.
"There is a lot of history between you two isn't there." It was a statement, not a question. Her anger had dissolved away as her mind cleared. She knew she should just leave. Just go home and await whatever punishment would come from her being late but something made her stay. She had never been this close to an Angel, and even though she vowed to get revenge for her parents, she still wanted to talk to this Angel. He didn't seem anything like what she was told and that made her wonder, did anyone ever tell her anything of truth? Were her parents really killed by Angels? Did they really want to destroy everything and everyone? She didn't know anymore.
Lilith looked into the higher demon's eyes, but the coolness in her blue did not change. Showing weakness in front of her subordinates and enemy was not a smart move, something Jin seemed to have failed to see. They had all lost someone in the war, something else he failed to see through his own grief.

"If you can not lead, First Lord," she replied, her voice cool and detached, something she had never been toward Jin before. "Pass your leadership to someone who can. We can not afford this pardon without offering ourselves to the lowers' mercy."



"You have no right to talk Lilith....." Jin said as his sharp glare seemed like it could pierce through the soul. "I can tell you no-one will be able to take my responsibilities and powers, if they do.....they will never be as good as me" He was enraged my Lilith's comment, he wanted to kill but he knew where his standing was so instead of attacking Lilith he quickly strided past her. He needed some time alone to vent out his anger, his emotions and the only place where he could do that was the 9th circle of hell. So the core on his chest let out a bright light which teleported Jin into the depths of hell.

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