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  1. Captain Caramel

    Signature Limit Increase?

    So I know signature limits are in place to make the forum experience nicer... you don't get massive page-stretching because of long strings of pictures with TinyUrls, etc. But I do think that 100 characters is awfully short (and there's something weird with the "line" limit: I had 3 lines and it...
  2. Captain Caramel

    Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

    Angelica nodded at Dark's reply, but just before she turned to the cabinet that held her glasses, she saw his cat ears flatten against the top of his head. As he apologized, her jaw dropped a little. Quickly shutting her mouth, she stepped towards him with a sad, pitying look in her eyes. "I'm...
  3. Captain Caramel

    Seeing the Untouchables (Captain Caramel & Happy Crane13)

    'Peppermint Milk tea?' Emily repeated to herself. It sounded strange, but also potentially tasty. She didn't often drink tea, but absolutely loved milk, and peppermint was one of her favorite candy flavors. Then, Leo grabbed her hand and they started running. This ended up endowing a benefit...
  4. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    Ryn continued walking, which - I admit - irritated me a little. Okay, a lot. I really disliked being ignored. "Hey," I said again, "Earth to Ryn, I'm talking to you."
  5. Captain Caramel

    Seeing the Untouchables (Captain Caramel & Happy Crane13)

    Emily heard Leo calling her name and managed to slip out of the crowd to join him out of the way. "Hey, I hope your English class went well," she said with a smile. She hadn't noticed how cold it was until she left the throng of warm bodies, a shiver made her quickly zip up the light blue...
  6. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    Over the next two weeks, I spent a lot more time doing work and studying than I ever had before. I even came to class every day - on time, which surprised the teacher. I think she suspected I was up to something, it was hilarious. But really, I just wanted to see Ryn as much as I could. We...
  7. Captain Caramel

    A Union of Peace - or War? (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

    Maki nodded and disappeared into the back to begin cooking. Moments later, a small face peeked through the doorway; the young granddaughter of the owner fled into the back when she was spotted. Ayame crossed her arms on the raised bar-like take in front of them, and she laid her head sideways...
  8. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    I let Ryn take the knife and then removed the things I had already taken from my pocket. After putting them back, I turned to her and said, "Don't hide from me any more. I'm gonna keep an eye on you and make sure you don't do anything. Don't make it hard." I didn't care that she locked her...
  9. Captain Caramel

    Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

    Angelica pushed the kitchen door shut with her foot, then went to the sink to rinse the plants she was holding and wash her hands. As she passed Dark, she peeked at him out of the corner of her eye and saw that something was wrong. She could not describe his facial expression, but it was not a...
  10. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    .............................. "Maybe you can't forgive me," I replied, stepping away from Ryn, "But I truly am sorry and I do care for you... and will continue to do so, whether you hate me or not." I was willing to do whatever it took to gain her trust back, but unfortunately didn't know...
  11. Captain Caramel

    Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

    Dark was watching her, and it made Angelica even more uncomfortable. "Make sure this doesn't burn," she ordered him, and tried not to hurry out of the back door that led from the kitchen to her garden. It took her a few minutes to walk through the garden, finding the vegetables she wanted and...
  12. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    Though I don't know what it was about her words, I felt a twinge in my heart. A kind of suffocating feeling, like I couldn't breathe right. Before I could think about it, I leaned down to kiss Ryn. I had dropped from my hands to supporting myself on my elbows, and my body pressed down on hers as...
  13. Captain Caramel

    A Union of Peace - or War? (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

    Ayame thought it funny, how Danny claimed to have no interest in brothels. It was quite common, especially in the upper classes. Her father had a wife and a few mistresses, yet even he would visit this district occasionally. The princess was interested, though, wondering whether he was serious...
  14. Captain Caramel

    In need of a roleplay! (:

    I have some ideas that kinda overlap with yours. Send me a message if you'd like to hear more about them :)
  15. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    The clumsy girl fell backward on her bed, and I quickly stepped forward to the edge of the bed, put a hand on either side of her shoulders, and leaned over her, making it so she couldn't get up. "It might matter..." I said softly, staring her in the eyes intently.
  16. Captain Caramel

    fantasy/romance/action rp?

    (Though, one formula could have somewhat different effects depending on the person taking it... Just like medicines now may have different side effects - some people get dizzy, others sleepy, others feel nothing, etc)
  17. Captain Caramel

    Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

    Yeah, I guess I seemed contradictory, but to me, there was a difference between a "buddy" and a real "friend". I didn't have to trust Justin to have his back... "Ah, yeah..." I scratched my head, "more accurately, I don't hate all people, I just don't trust people." What Ryn started to say...
  18. Captain Caramel

    The Kaltaran Chronicles (Premiere Role play, coming to RPNation!)

    You had me at Wheel of Time ! ;) This sounds well thought-out and exciting!
  19. Captain Caramel

    -[1x1] Dragon roleplay

    I'd be willing to play a male dragon if you're still interested in doing this rp
  20. Captain Caramel

    Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

    Angelica didn't notice when Dark stepped forward until he lifted up her chin. They were about the same height, and she found her eyes drawn to his. They were molten gold; warm, but dangerous - intimidating, almost, due to their feline nature... Her contemplation of his eyes was cut short as he...