Innocent v.s Bad (Miki_Zyraka and Captain Caramel)

Yeah, I guess I seemed contradictory, but to me, there was a difference between a "buddy" and a real "friend". I didn't have to trust Justin to have his back... "Ah, yeah..." I scratched my head, "more accurately, I don't hate all people, I just don't trust people." What Ryn started to say interested me - was she really worried? About me? That was something I hadn't been told in many years... "Not nevermind, what were you saying?" I asked, stepping closer to her.
"N-nothing...." I told him. The things I would say would be nothing but nonsense to him. "It's not....going to even matter anyway." Not looking at him, I take a few steps back away from him but then I tripped on my own foot and fell onto my bed.
The clumsy girl fell backward on her bed, and I quickly stepped forward to the edge of the bed, put a hand on either side of her shoulders, and leaned over her, making it so she couldn't get up. "It might matter..." I said softly, staring her in the eyes intently.
I knew he was going to be persistent about it so I sighed and decided to tell him, "Well....if anything happened to you, I....I don't know...what I'll do with myself....I don't know....what can I do...without you." I felt that what I said was probably stupid to him. After all, he doesn't want me to worry so much...but I can't help it. I feel like I need Kai for everything.
Though I don't know what it was about her words, I felt a twinge in my heart. A kind of suffocating feeling, like I couldn't breathe right. Before I could think about it, I leaned down to kiss Ryn. I had dropped from my hands to supporting myself on my elbows, and my body pressed down on hers as I captured her soft lips.
As Kai kissed me I enjoyed it for a bit...until he started to deepen the kiss and his body was pressing harder on mine. "Kai....stop you're....hurting me," I told him in between the kisses. I wanted to stop. I tired avoiding this kisses but there was no escape. His body was literally on top of if he didn't want to get off. Then, that's when I looked into his had lust written all over it. I was scared...

"Maybe you can't forgive me," I replied, stepping away from Ryn, "But I truly am sorry and I do care for you... and will continue to do so, whether you hate me or not." I was willing to do whatever it took to gain her trust back, but unfortunately didn't know what that would be! At that point, I decided not to touch her any more. Any physical contact between us would have to be initiated by Ryn, that way I couldn't hurt her again.

"Now, do I need to take this all away from you?" I asked, bending over to pick up the small knife I had dropped on the ground.
"N-no. I'll be fine...." I told him as I slowly took the knife from his hand. It's like he was being serious about his apology. I just need to be away from him for a while.
I let Ryn take the knife and then removed the things I had already taken from my pocket. After putting them back, I turned to her and said, "Don't hide from me any more. I'm gonna keep an eye on you and make sure you don't do anything. Don't make it hard." I didn't care that she locked her doors, in fact, that's a good thing to do. But not answering phone calls, messages, or visits was not cool. I didn't want to have to stalk Ryn or put her in uncomfortable situations to see or talk to her.

I left Ryn and spent the rest of the day doing homework. I even went back and did assignments I had skipped for classes with teachers that accepted late work.
It's been 2 weeks since the incident, and I was less talkitive than I'm normally am. Most of the time, I don't talk at all as if I lost my voice completely. We had gotten out test papers back from last week. I studied for this test and now gotten it back I looked at it and I.....failed...? I studied was this possible? It's not like I'm the smartest or anything but I usually do better. If I fail the exam, I'll fail the class...the teacher was surprised that Kai had been coming to class on time and doing his work. She was even more suprised that he even had a perfect score on the test. Was he trying in school or...was he already a genius that bothered not trying. I sat there with a disappointed look on my face, still looking at low grade I gotten. "Ms. Satako," the teacher called out as she walked up to me after the bell rang and students were leaving. "The end of the year is coming, and you can't afford to fail my class. You haven't been doing well with your quizzes and tests. I suggest you find yourself a tutor, okay?" I nodded then left the classroom, heading for myself.
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Over the next two weeks, I spent a lot more time doing work and studying than I ever had before. I even came to class every day - on time, which surprised the teacher. I think she suspected I was up to something, it was hilarious. But really, I just wanted to see Ryn as much as I could. We didn't talk much in class, and even less out of class, but I got to be near her. And check her arms for any signs of further cutting.

Packing up my stuff after class, I lingered when the teacher started talking to Ryn. Afterward, I was very glad I did. This was a great opportunity, I could help Ryn, be with her more, and maybe start to gain her trust again. "Hey," I called, following her out of the classroom, "maybe I can help you out."
I heard what Kai had said to me...but I kept walking silently. It's not like I don't want him to be around me...its just that I feel like I forgotten how to talk. I could've said yes but....I was more shy then usual to even say anything to him.
Ryn continued walking, which - I admit - irritated me a little. Okay, a lot. I really disliked being ignored. "Hey," I said again, "Earth to Ryn, I'm talking to you."
I opened my mouth a little, but no words came out. Did I really forgotten how to speak?? I just sat there...looking at Kai in the eyes, wondering how to talk to him. I then figured out that I should maybe do sign language or something. I pointed at Kai's book, hoping he could understand what I'm trying to do.

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