Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

He looked at her with a smile. "I think that's it." He wanted to get back. His tail felt restricted inside these pants. & it was getting a bit late. He yawned. "I'll wait for you outside." He wasn't too sure about running into another cashier like the first store. Not that he minded it, but Angelica seemed to.

He walked outside, taking in the cool air. Close by, he heard the cry of a cat. He looked in the direction he heard it & just across the street & down a bit he saw a scrawny stray cat bolt from an alley of a restaurant. A man ran after it. "You filthy scoundrel!" he heard the man call out. His ears went flat & he let out a low growl. He'd heard that before.
Angelica nodded at Dark, trying not to yawn herself. She quickly found an open cashier and paid for her items. Thanking the man, she picked up her bags and left the store, to find Dark outside. The woman hurried to catch up to him. "Hey, what are you looking at?" she asked, looking in the same direction, but the cat was long gone.
Dark Scoundrel growled a bit, still looking in that direction. "It was nothing." He didn't want to upset her. He knew the cat was long gone. The man was back inside the restaurant. He was considering going over, sneaking in, killing the man, then dragging his lifeless body outside for the strays to eat. He was considering it. But he didn't want to upset the woman. & if he did & she'd found out, she'd have probably turned both of them in out of guilt. He didn't want to see her charged as an accessory, then caged like some animal.
"Well then," Angelica said, "Let's get home and get something to eat!" The woman could tell something was amiss, but understood that Dark did not want to tell her, so she brushed it off. They returned to the car, she deposited the bags in the trunk, and began the drive home. "Ah, how are you feeling?" Angelica asked as they passed out of the town. He had been awfully mobile for someone so badly injured.
Dark Scoundrel sighed, still thinking of the man & the cat. "Yes, let's." It was better they get out of here before he do something Angelica would regret.

As they rode, he sat silently looking out the window. He almost didn't notice her speaking to him. He turned to her & gave her a soft smile. "Fine. Still a bit sore, but it's not like it hasn't happened before. I always heal. It's just a matter of pushing past the pain." He couldn't wait to get back & lay down or a bit.
Angelica frowned slightly, but nodded, "I see. Well, it would probably be better to leave the open wounds covered for a bit longer to heal some before we mess with them again. But if you think that funny-smelling salve helped the bruises at all, I can help put that on..." She turned off the main road, onto the unpaved road that wound through the forest to her house. "But at the very least you can get some nourishment and then rest!"

A few minutes later, they arrived at Angelica's house. She went and unlocked the house and left the door open, then returned to the car to begin unpacking the bags.
He grimaced a bit. The slave had helped some, but it smelled awful. But he couldn't lie to her. "It did help some."

He watched the scenery as they traveled through the forest. It was pretty out here. & quiet. But he'd still be glad to finally go inside & get something to eat & some sleep. He couldn't help but wonder what his Master was doing right now. It caused him to whimper a bit.

Once they were at the house, he started to help her with the bags, ignoring his injuries. It's what he would have done anywhere else as well.
"Thank you," Angelica said as they went inside. "Just put all the bags in the kitchen and then go to bed and get some rest. I'll make dinner." She set to work immediately, starting to grill a chicken breast on the stove as she unpacked the rest of the groceries.

After that, she took Dark's new clothes, removed the tags and packaging, and started a quick cycle through the washing machine. It was always best to wash new clothes before wearing them, or so she had always been told. Next, she went to check to make sure her guest had followed the directions she gave him; she peeked into the living room to see if he was there.
Dark Scoundrel put the bags where she asked then made his way to the living room. He had tried to lay down, but couldn't. He was tired, but restless. He was used to being cuddled. No matter how bad Master always beat him or what had happened for the day, Master never went to bed mad at him & would always cuddle him. he would usually end up going to sleep like that. If it wasn't Master he was sleeping with, it was always someone else. He never went to bed lonely. Not like now.

After wandering the living room for a bit he finally settled back down on the couch, still unable to go to sleep.
"Oh silly," Angelica said quietly, thinking Dark had fallen asleep, "I meant go rest in bed, the couch is so uncomfy." As she spoke, she picked up the light throw blanket she kept under the coffee table and began to cover Dark, noticing he was awake as she did so. "Sorry!" she said quickly, stopping halfway, "I thought you were already asleep! Well, it's only 10-15 minutes until dinner's done, now."

The woman retreated into the kitchen after her apology, blushing a bit, though she wasn't quite sure why. 'Embarrassment,' she decided, flipping over the chicken and then starting to prepare the lettuce for the salad.
Dark had heard her speak but didn't expect her to come cover him up. He purred as she did, but then she retreated quickly with an apology. Was it his purr? Had he done something to upset her yet again?

He followed her into the kitchen & watched her for a bit. As she started to prepare the salad, he came beside her & nuzzled against her, not realizing it might not be appropriate. "Why are you sorry for?" He tried to stop it since it already ran her off, but couldn't help it. He started to purr yet again.
Angelica hadn't heard Dark purring the first time, but she definitely caught it the second, when he was so shockingly close to her that she stopped what she was doing and froze up a little. "Uh... um..." she was rendered speechless by his invasion of her personal space. It was not right but she didn't know how to explain that to him. From what he said, it sounded like he had been beaten by his "Master" when he did things wrong, and she didn't want to scare him.

"...I was just embarrased..." the flustered woman finally responded to his question. "Um, Dark? What you're doing isn't normally considered appropriate... I don't mind!" Emphatically, she tried to put him at ease with a little lie; it was very awkward for her but she wouldn't tell him that. "But generally you should ask before getting so close to people, since people tend to like a kind of 'personal space' around them..."
Dark looked at Angelica curiously. "What were you embarrassed about?" He was still considerably close. That was until she mentioned it wasn't normal. It had always been normal for him. Usually, people paid to be close. he'd been so comfortable around her, he'd forgotten she was a stranger still.

He backed off. "Um... Sorry... I... I didn't mean to." He could tell he was making her uncomfortable. He had to put is mindset into play to treat her as he would someone on the streets. But he didn't want to come off as ignoring her or just using her. But he wasn't sure how to blend the two together. He'd never had an actual friend before. At least not a human one. He wasn't sure how to act with a friend.
"No, it's okay," Angelica said again, reaching out and catching his arm before he backed away too far. "I guess I'm embarrassed since I don't interact much with other people..." she found herself looking next to Dark rather than at him, "...Add to that the fact that you are very different than anything I've ever seen before, and have come from a situation very different than anything I have ever known."

Realizing that she was holding on to him, Angelica quickly let go and admitted to the floor between them, "I'm not quite sure how to act, myself."
Dark stopped backing up when Angelica grabbed his arm. He was staring at her. "I interact with people, but it's usually in a different kind of setting. I've... never had a... friend. Just cats. Master can be like a friend sometimes... but others...?" He sighed. "You're different from what I'm used to as well." It was true. He wasn't used to someone who wasn't either beating him or hiring him for various things from sex to drugs to murder. He'd never had someone be nice to him for the sake of being nice & no other reason.

As she looked at the floor, he placed his forefinger under her chin to gently lit her head to look at him. He was now staring into her eyes, his golden cat-like ones locking with her rare violet ones. "Then don't think about it. Just act." As soon as he said it, he found his lips meeting hers in a kiss.
Angelica didn't notice when Dark stepped forward until he lifted up her chin. They were about the same height, and she found her eyes drawn to his. They were molten gold; warm, but dangerous - intimidating, almost, due to their feline nature...

Her contemplation of his eyes was cut short as he leaned forward slightly and kissed her. She froze; her heart began racing and with it, her thoughts. But her mind was jumbled, no conscious thoughts could surface, and it went blank nearly immediately. After a few seconds, Angelica stepped back, breaking the contact. Her face was flushed, and she quickly looked away from Dark.

"Excuse me... um... the chicken..." she mumbled, stepping away from him and to the stove to flip over the chicken breast. Luckily, the chicken hadn't burnt yet, though was already a little overcooked on the one side. Angelica had been too busy writing to be interested in boys, so hadn't been kissed since elementary school - where such things had little meaning and even less feeling. Now, she was still processing what had just happened; it was so different than anything she remembered that she was stuck on the 'what' and couldn't even begin to wonder about the 'why'.
He smirked a bit as she stepped away to tend to the chicken. He really hadn't wanted the kiss to end, but seeing her a bit flustered was cute. It was becoming of her. He'd never noticed he'd had that effect on anyone. More so, he never met anyone who could have that effect on him... until now.

He leaned up against the counter & watched her. The way she moved. The way she looked. Her scent. It all blended together like a living poem. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Not that he wanted to.
Dark was watching her, and it made Angelica even more uncomfortable. "Make sure this doesn't burn," she ordered him, and tried not to hurry out of the back door that led from the kitchen to her garden. It took her a few minutes to walk through the garden, finding the vegetables she wanted and making sure they were ripe enough to harvest. During this time, she contemplated what had just happened. 'A kiss?!' even thinking of the word made her blush more, 'I only met him this morning! I mean, he wasn't even conscious until like 12 hours ago!'

After hearing about Dark's past, she knew he had experience with such things, but wasn't sure why he would have kissed her. From his stories, she understood what he had meant when asking if she was a 'trick', but thought she had made it clear that's not why she was helping him. Or did she? Maybe she should make sure tell him explicitly?

But there was also the problem of his last words - "...don't think about it. Just act." If Dark had been following his own advice at that moment... Well, Angelica wasn't sure what that would mean. She sighed, bringing one dirty hand up to her cheek to feel if it was still warm, leaving a smear of soil on her face. It was less heated than it had been, but she was sure to turn pink when she saw him again. Gathering the pile of a few carrots, radishes, and fresh spinach, Angelica returned to the kitchen.
Dark sighed as she rushed out of the kitchen. Now what had he done wrong? He watched the food as instructed, making sure it was done but not overdone & burnt. He had acted & had scared her. It wasn't his intention to do so. But she'd acted as though she'd never been kissed before. Had she? She did seem pretty reclusive. Maybe she hadn't. But why? Surely someone as beautiful as she was had.

Then it hit him. Maybe that was why she seemed to be in such a rush to get away from him. After all, why would someone so pretty want anything to do with a guy who was scarred up & half cat? He hadn't thought of it before. She just seemed so friendly. Had he taken it the wrong way? Was it not what he was supposed to do? Not what she'd wanted him to do? But the way she had looked at him, the way their eyes met... He felt bad that he seemed to keep upsetting her like he was. Why couldn't he do anything right?
Angelica pushed the kitchen door shut with her foot, then went to the sink to rinse the plants she was holding and wash her hands. As she passed Dark, she peeked at him out of the corner of her eye and saw that something was wrong. She could not describe his facial expression, but it was not a happy one. She began to chop the vegetables and contemplated asking him what was wrong, but couldn't bring herself to do it. After adding the ingredients to the salad bowl, she returned to the stove.

"Thank you," she said to Dark as she turned off the gas and took the chicken. She chopped it into bite-sized chunks and mixed it into the rest of the salad, then took the salad and two plates and forks to the table. "Ah, what would you like to drink?" she asked, realizing something was missing.
Dark sighed a bit. She wouldn't even look at him. Boy, he screwed up this time, hadn't he? Only difference was she wasn't beating him for it. That was strange, at least to him anyway.

"Whatever is fine." He didn't much feel like answering her question for fear of messing up again & giving her a wrong answer. He still expected a beating for kissing her when she didn't want it. He looked at he almost expectedly, his ears flat against his skull. "Sorry I kissed you. I just... acted on it. It didn't occur to me that it might piss you off. Aren't you going to beat me for it?"
Angelica nodded at Dark's reply, but just before she turned to the cabinet that held her glasses, she saw his cat ears flatten against the top of his head. As he apologized, her jaw dropped a little. Quickly shutting her mouth, she stepped towards him with a sad, pitying look in her eyes.

"I'm not going to beat you!" she denied emphatically. "I'm not even angry, I'm..." the writer found herself at a loss for words: she didn't know how to finish the sentence.... confused? shocked? embarrassed? instead, Angelica repeated, "not angry." She paused, reaching up to gently stroke one of his ears, then finished very seriously, "Even if I was, I wouldn't hurt you. I will never hurt you, okay?"
Dark flinched out of reflex as she came closer to him. But he grinned a bit at hearing her words. She wasn't angry! That meant he did nothing wrong! His tail flicked. She wasn't going to beat him after all. He wasn't quite sure why she said she never would though that seemed a bit unusual to him. He began to purr as she stroked his ear. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her & nuzzled her, his purr sending vibrations through her as his tail gently wrapped around her leg.

As he realized how close he was to her now, he backed up a bit, remembering what she said about personal space. "Sorry. I know. Personal space. Sorry." He didn't really want to back up, but he did so out of respect. Though he did rather like being within her personal space. He just didn't think she did.

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