Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

Angelica was startled at the man's deep insight about the noise of the forest compared to the city. Somewhat timid around people, the reclusive writer was intimidated by the hustle and bustle of the city. Therefore, she didn't think she agreed with his statement that the city could be quiet. But she agreed that the forest could be too silent and lonely. "The trees sometimes have the wisest answers," she replied with a smile.

As he offered to share the cooked rabbit, the image of the blood on the white fur and white skin flashed before her eyes. "No thank you," Angelica replied politely, starting to wash the dishes. The old cabin had no dishwasher, so Angelica washed all the dishes by hands. Today, she scrubbed them more than normal, trying to wash away the gory images along with the blood and fat of the pan.
Dark Scoundrel chuckled slightly. "The trees sometimes have the wisest answers, but not always is the wisest answer the correct answer." He winked at her. He did enjoy the quiet sometimes, but sometimes he missed the noise as well.

As she declined his offer, he shrugged & ate his meal, unsure why she didn't want to try it. Maybe she just didn't like rabbit. The thought that it may have been the blood didn't occur to him. Having been a murderer for hire he'd seen his fair share of blood.

As he ate, a thought occurred to him. "You said you found me, right? Living so far out here you must have a way into the city. We could go there & find Master. Then maybe I can finally figure things out & get the answers I need. He'll give them to me. I can't tell you how to get to the city from here as I don't know where here is, but once in the city I can find my way home. I don't know street names. I just know direction by site, smell, & sound." Yes, once he found Master he would be able to straighten everything out & find out why he was dumped in the woods.
Still scrubbing the dishes, Angelica pondered his suggestion for a few minutes. She really didn't like the sound of Dark's Master, but it wasn't as if he could live on his own... 'Well he could out here, but he obviously prefers the city,' she tools herself as she rinsed the soapy pans.

"I'll tell you what," Angelica said, "I only travel to town for groceries once every two weeks, and I rarely go into the city if I have to. I will take you there, but only if you stay a week with me. I just went shopping yesterday, so it'll be a week before I'll need to again if there's two of us." As she began to dry the dishes and put then away, she tried to verify, "The nearest city is Jamestown, is that familiar? If not, there's a few larger cities further out..."
Dark Scoundrel looked a bit shocked by her request. Most people didn't want him around for long except Master. He grinned & shrugged. "Yeah, I'll stay for a week." He wasn't sure if Master would be looking for him or not, but he didn't have much choice to accept the Angelica's offer.

He pondered her question for a moment. He'd never really known city names. But he'd know it if he'd seen it. I light bulb went off in his head & he snapped his fingers. "You're a writer, so you must keep up on latest events. It's the city where sometime this year there had been a series of about ten or so deaths that involved cats in some way. I'm sure a few of them had to have made it to the news. & a burglary of an art museum where a priceless painting was stolen. Looked pretty worthless to me, but Master wanted it. I know that made TV news." Yes, if she could find the city, then he could find home.
Angelica tried to ignore the implications that he was involved in the crimes he began listing. "Ah, the painting does sound familiar..." Actually, Angelica didn't like to read the news, since it was filled with so much depressing things. And she didn't have a television out here in the forest, so she never watched the news either. But her mother loved art and had mentioned a stolen painting when they had talked on the phone last month. "I think that was Springfield. It's to the South, about an hour away. That's where my parents live, so it won't be a problem to go down that way." It had been a long time since Angelica had visited her parents rather than the other way around.
He grinned at her. At least she knew where it was. But he wasn't real sure what parents were. He'd never had any. He had a basic idea of them from what he'd seen & read, but it was something he'd never experienced before. First he had the people in white coats & blue masks. Then the stray cat around the city. Then Master. But never actual parents.

He looked at her a bit curiously. "How are you going to explain me to your parents? Certainly you can't tell them you found a human cat. They'd think you mad. & showing me to them may give them a heart attack if they're not prepared for it. Unless of course I cover my ears & tail." He'd like to meet actual parents. But he'd found that the older generation tended to freak out a bit more due to his appearance.
Angelica hadn't thought the situation through. 'I guess it would be better to go see my parents first and make that our base of operations when looking for his Master... but how would I explain him?!' she wondered to herself. "Do you mind covering your ears and tail? Then you could be anything - an old friend, a new friend, a coworker..." she suggested.

As she spoke, the woman realized she hadn't really thought anything through! If he was to stay here for a week, he couldn't continue wearing her clothes. "Um, how about we do go into Jamestown? That way, we can pick up some clothing that will fit you better..." Also, she didn't stock much meat in the house since she didn't eat very much, but she was sure Dark would like it, and she knew she would like no more wild animals killed.
Dark Scoundrel chuckled a bit. "I usually hid my ears under a dark hoodie. As for my tail, I suppose I could hide it, though I'm not used to it. Normally, the shadows hide me pretty well. That plus the dark clothes I wear plus the fact my ears, tail, & hair are black, I can blend in pretty easily." He decided not to mention that he was also used to wearing gloves with his claws sticking out. He figured she might ask him why & the knowledge that it keeps fingerprints from being left behind might unease her, which he was sure he'd done enough of already. She hadn't seemed too happy with his lifestyle.

"Thank you. Yes, clothes would be nice. I've already woken up naked in your house once. I'm sure you don't want me like that all the time." He gave her a mischievous wink.
Angelica blushed at his reminder. At the time, his nudity hadn't phased her, since she had been so focused on remembering the correct first-aid procedures and making sure he was alright. But now, she felt embarrassed to have seen him. The woman had gotten herself immersed in writing at such a young age, she pretty much missed the hormonal stage because she was so busy. Consequently, she had not thought much about the opposite gender, a fact which her editor always complained about, since she was pretending to be a man writing her stories.

"Well, there won't be any shadows in the clothing store, so I'll get you a fresh pair of pants. Can you wash those last few dishes?" she asked, gesturing at his plate and fork. Then, Angelica returned to her room, changed out of the clothes that she had been wearing since she found him, and put on a nice pair of jeans and a blouse. Retrieving her last pair of sweat pants, she returned to the dining room to give them to Dark.
He chuckled slightly at her blushing. Having turned tricks before he was used to people seeing him unclothed. But apparently she wasn't. Seeing her blush was kind of cute & he started to purr, his tail flicking back & forth.

No shadows in the clothing store? He supposed that meant it would be a good idea to hid his ears & tail. He busied himself with washing the last of the dishes. It was a task he didn't mind doing, yet still his ears went flat against his skull as he had to turn on the water.

As he finished up she returned with another pair of sweatpants for him. Giving no mind to her being there, he changed in the kitchen. He'd never been taught decency or what was or wasn't appropriate when it came to such things. He curled his tail around his leg inside the sweatpants. It was slightly uncomfortable to him, but it kept it hidden. "Now that takes care of my tail, but how are we going to hide my ears?" He motioned to the two black cat ears on his head.
When Dark started taking off his pants right there in the kitchen, Angelica quickly turned around. She felt her cheeks heat up and wondered 'Is he doing this on purpose?' Once he spoke, she figured it was safe to turn around again. "Oh, I was going to grab a hoodie, too, sorry." The woman returned to her room to pick out a larger hoodie and brought it back to her guest.

Then, it was a quest to find her keys. Since she didn't travel much, she kept them always in a drawer by the front door and never lost them, but today she was in such a hurry with the injured man that she hadn't been as careful as normal. "Where did I put those keys?" she murmured to herself as she searched.
Dark Scoundrel looked at Angelica curiously, but soon a smile came across. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm just so used to people wanting me undressed. You're the first I've come across who seemed disturbed by it." He wasn't sure why it bothered her so much. Did he really look that bad? Was it because of his scars? He wasn't sure.

He'd waited until went to find her keys before putting the hoodie on. He didn't want to embarrass her again by taking off his shirt in front of her too. Though he was sure it was a little late for embarrassment. It was cool outside, but too warm for two shirts. He flipped the hood up to cover his ears. He snuck up behind her, watching as she searched for her keys. He leaned in next to her. "Did you leave them in the car?"
Dark's explanation made Angelica smile a bit. Had she not known about his history, he would have sounded cocky. Though, if he chose to be cocky, he had justification - he had a nicely toned body. Underneath all those sad and somewhat scary scars.

The woman jumped as Dark spoke to her - she hadn't heard him coming. "Ah! Oh, um, maybe... You gotta stop sneaking up on me like that!" she said, holding a hand to her pounding heart. Angelica went outside and sure enough, had left her keys in the car. "Good thinking!" she said, starting it up and double-checking that she had her wallet and license.
As Angelica jumped, so did Dark Scoundrel. He hadn't expected to scare her. It was just his natural habit to sneak around. Plus, he was naturally quiet as well, just like a cat.

As he got in the car next to her he buckled up. The last thing they needed was to be pulled over by the cops. When she started it up, he started licking his hand & smoothing the fur out on his ears under the hood, much like a cat would to clean themselves. He figured he better do it now before they got to where they were going. It might look pretty strange for him to do it in the store. Normally he didn't go to stores unless he was scoping the place out.
The drive was actually rather short - they entered Jamestown in about 10 minutes. Angelica parked, made sure she grabbed her keys out of the ignition this time, and stepped out of the car. There was a street lined with small stores in the center of town. Angelica led Dark to the first of these and let him loose saying "Go ahead and grab whatever you like, if there's nothing here we can check other stores." Based on how Dark had described his wardrobe, this store was the best Angelica could think of.

The worker in the store greeted her with a hug. "Hey Angel, who's your friend? And whatcha doing in my store? You don't come here often." The girl was small and perky.

"An old friend," Angelica lied, "he's spontaneous, and decided to come visit me without packing anything!l Angelica laughed lightly, "And of course, we go for a hike and he ruins his only clothes on the first day!" She made sure to have an explanation for why he was wearing her clothes, so no one would get the wrong idea.
Dark Scoundrel looked at the two women & chuckled bit. That was one way to explain him he supposed. He had intended on possibly doing his usual five finger discount but because this woman seemed to be a friend of Angelica's he thought it best not too. Maybe at another store.

He went through & picked up some items he needed, mostly black or really dark hoodies, jeans, & socks, a pair of black gloves, a toothbrush, & black boots as his feet were cold seeing as he hadn't put shoes on when he left the house. He wasn't sure hers would fit him anyway.

He brought the items back up to Angelica, nuzzling against her slightly. As soon as he did he knew it was immediately a bad idea as his purr started up.
"Just a friend?" the girl inquired skeptically as Dark got close to Angelica, "Are you purring? Oh, you are a funny one! And so tall!" She had stepped closer to him and now noticed how tiny she was. With a wink, she offered, "Well if Angel doesn't have a claim on you, I might have to steal you away."

Angelica was afraid of how Dark might react to that, so she quickly took the items from his arms, and held them towards the shopkeeper. "I think it's fair to claim my friend, especially to keep him out of your clutches." The other girl laughed as she began to ring up the items.
dark Scoundrel looked at the shop woman with a curious grin as she got closer. Tall? He'd never been considered tall before. If anything, he was relatively short for a man. But as the girl got closer, he could tell she was shorter than he was.

He smirked as the woman as she mentioned stealing him away. He chuckled noticing how Angelica became in a such a rush to leave. So she was claiming him now? But claiming him as what? A friend? A lover? A pet? A toy? He'd been a pet & a toy, but never an actual friend or lover. Not unless Master counted. But Angelica hadn't seemed too thrilled with the mention of his Master last time. He wasn't sure why.
After paying for the items and exiting the store, Angelica sighed heavily, "She always drains me..." She glanced in the bag, since she hadn't looked at what she was buying while in the store, "What else do you need?" she asked, looking at her companion. Hopefully, they could stop at only one or two stores, then the butcher, then she could go home and rest.
Dark Scoundrel thought for a moment. He had clothes now & a toothbrush. Angelica had pot, pans, & other cookware, so that was covered. She had other basic necessities, so he didn't need any of those. Ah, but there was one thing he thought of that he did need that might come in handy. "Flea & tick shampoo. I don't have any fleas or ticks, mind you, but the shampoo keeps me from getting any. & a nail file to keep my claws intact. Other than that, I can't think of anything else I need unless there's something you might need."

He looked at her with a small smirk. "Hate to ask, but can have my boots & socks now, please. My feet are kind of cold. I sort of left the house without shoes because yours wouldn't fit anyways."
"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't even think of that!" Angelica admitted as she passed him the bags. "I was just going to run to the grocery store for a few items, they'll have shampoo and nail files there. What foods do you like?" Angelica asked, wanting to make sure there would be enough food for the week in case he had different tastes than her.
Dark Scoundrel pulled out the socks & boots. He took a seat, using his claws to remove any of the little hang tags stores so often put on items & put them on. That was better.

He looked at her with a smile. "I used to live on the streets, remember? I'm not picky. I'm used to eating whatever I can get a hold of when I can." Surviving was something he learned a long time ago how to do, weather it was hunting & killing his own food, stealing it, or rummaging for scraps, he was used to it. Granted since Master came into his life he hadn't had to do that much, but the instinct to do so was still there.
Walking towards the grocery store, Angelica nodded at his statement. Once inside, she asked with a smile, "Well, if you could get a hold of everything in this store, what would you eat first?" Meanwhile, she stopped by the small pet section for some flea & tick shampoo. Next, she paused at the beauty section, trying to find the most heavy-duty nail file she could.
His ears perked up under his hood. What would he eat first? That was easy. What else would a cat eat if given a choice? "Salmon & chicken, of course." It was the two main ingredients in most cat food, which he'd had to eat before. It wasn't bad, but he still preferred actual meat. "& don't worry, I do eat other things besides meat as well."
"You will have to," Angelica said matter-of-factly, "I like to make well-rounded meals. But I don't usually eat much meat at all, so don't have much at my house. She picked out the best nail file she saw - a crystal one that never goes dull - and moved into the meat section of the store. There, the woman picked out some chicken and a few filets of Salmon. "Anything else?" she asked, heading to the register.

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