fantasy/romance/action rp?

I was thinking about doing a romance story but it's also filled with action and fantasy too. Basically: a group of unknown scientists have huddled together and designed this sort of formula to give regular mortal humans supernatural powers. I thought that maybe they could decide to test it on some mere orphans who kidnapped just for the purpose of this experiment. In the process they gain powers as they had intended to do, but the boy and the girl that were kidnappedd try to escape. During all of this cuckoness the couple somehow find time to create a special bond...eventually falling in love.

Idk, just an idea. If you're interested or have any ideas of your own, just let me know! :D
Hmmm.. Pretty interested too c:

(Baww, is there any chance that more than one RPer would be recruited?)
Kairi said:
Ooh, I like this idea :) reminds me of a book. I'm interested!

[QUOTE="Luna Crimson]Hmmm.. Pretty interested too c:
(Baww, is there any chance that more than one RPer would be recruited?)

Sure, why not? :3 I don't mind.
I can rp as either gender but I have done more with guy characters. I'd prefer to take rhe role as the guy, but you don't mind.

Oh! Another thing! If Luna Crimson posts back again, do you think this should be a triangle live between all three of the characters? Or would it be better if they were just all friends? ....perhaps we should wait to see if she actually returns before we deecide.
Yeah, of course! That would be cool *^*

Even if one more person joins, we could do it as if they were friends and then developed feelings, etc. It's pretty flexible :)
Alright, so you'll take the part as the girl. Cool!

Okay, okay. I guess that makes sense.

Is there any I should add to the basic storyline? Anymore details?

Maybe have a list of possible results of the scientific formula they were injected with eg. The powers, consequences such as shorter lifespan, even illness if it wasn't completely successful. Maybe the ages, though I presume they're in their teens?

So they are basically trying to escape le evil scientists?
Yeah, regular teenagers, and yeah again for the trying to escape the psychopaths part. They're basically the scientist's guniea pigs. Planning to design and test out many other formulas in the process.

I suppose they should receive the exact same power instead of getting different...that would make more sense since it was onlh the one formula. Haven't actually thought of what type of supernatural power I wanted to use....silly me.
(Though, one formula could have somewhat different effects depending on the person taking it... Just like medicines now may have different side effects - some people get dizzy, others sleepy, others feel nothing, etc)
True...I don't care either way. ^^

Should they have seperate powers? It might be more interesting if they could do different things from one another.
I think it would be more interesting with different powers. It could affect people differently, whether it be blood type, age, gender, or just completely random ^^
I agree! ^^ I'm excited too. Do you think its ready to be posted? I can start with the intro.

Btw what should the rp be called?
If you're ready ^^ though I'll have to sleep soon D:

Hmm.. Gosh, I don't know o-o

Maybe name it after the formula or the experiment (eg. Formula 21 or The Mortal Experiment, cliché lol).
Ah. :c I'll post it up so it'll be ready when you come back.

I was just wondering so that we can both know what forum to look for. I like the idea of using the formula number. I'll probably do something like that.

I'll start on the rp in Private Rp's right now.
I have come!

Or was I too late? Sorry ;c

If ever I could fit a bit, tell me what to do O:
Sure, :D you can still join. I've already posted up the rp in the Private Rp section, I believe the title was "Experiment #18A". Pretty sure that's what it was called.

I was thinking that they all could be friends since it's all about survival and they're forced to stick together anyways. If you want to join in on the romance part, your charrie could form a love triangle between the three characters.

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