The Kaltaran Chronicles (Premiere Role play, coming to RPNation!)

Don Valence

Virtuous Madman
Greetings, fellow role players! In case you haven't met me, I'm Valencetiger. While I haven't been on this site very long, I have been an active participant in forum-RPs for several years. Some of you may know that I once ran and monitored a role play of my own design that lasted for quite some time, without any interruption or pause. The role play I am about to introduce to RPNation is the role play I have learned to call my biggest success . . . the richly imagined Kaltaran Chronicles.

When I first created Kaltara, I was heavily influenced by Robert Jordan's The Wheel Of Time series; in fact, I based the basics of Kaltara on the Seanchan, a massive and undefeatable ancient empire. Although the beginning wasn't of my own complete design, the world became something . . . more, as time progressed. It grew it's own history, it's own legends and magic, it's own character and beauty. I hope that when you all finally see it, you will enjoy the world of Kaltara as much as I have. Here's a brief summary on what Kaltara is like:

In Kaltara, everything is similar to a mixed Asian/European culture with a steampunk-setting (without black-powder weaponry), and magic is a dangerous enigma to the world. Kaltaran society is ruled by the Imperial Family; a two thousand and seven hundred-year-old dynasty that has been deified by its' subjects, and below them are the noble High and Low Blood Houses. The social standings of Kaltara are rigid, similar to a strict caste system; it is possible to ascend the ranks and become powerful, but it is not easy. The rise of steam-technology had come from the tainting of Kaltara's astral magic more than three thousand years ago by an evil God . . . which poisoned the minds of magic-users and drove them insane, resulting in a magical cataclysm that lasted one hundred years until the slaying of the last mage. Ever since, mages have been hunted down and executed by Kaltaran law.

However, despite the danger that mages posed, the creation of a specific tool helped keep a reign on mages and effectively turned them into weapons for the Empire: the Soulshackle. With it, a female mage could be controlled and saved from the taint on Kaltaran magic, but in return they lose their freedom and must follow the orders of their masters, the Sul'jin. This is the secret behind the Empire's powerful hold. Of course, then you have the Nightchildren; an expansive organization of cultists who exist in every part of society, dedicated to freeing the same evil God who had tainted the world's universal magic. Although they are shunned and hunted by most of Kaltaran society, they are numerous and often play with Imperial politics.

That is a brief explanation of the Kaltaran world . . . but believe me, there's more. A lot more, and much more organized. Shortly, I will begin to create the Storyline section of this role play, and you can grow a further understanding of Kaltara and all it's secrets . . .

Warm Regards,

[QUOTE="Captain Caramel]You had me at Wheel of Time ! ;) This sounds well thought-out and exciting!

You took the words right outta my mouth.
you had me at Robert Jordan, i'm still reading the series, are you only going to include the elements of Seanchan or are you going to also include the other elements of the story? For instance Aes Sedai etc.?
Excellent, I see that this has sparked interest! It is going to take me a few days to collect my notes and make necessary edits, but hopefully the RP Storyline/Info thread will be up sometime this week. Unfortunately, there is no way I can put all of the necessary information in a single post . . . so it will have to be a series of posts relative to the Kaltaran subject. I plan to have the first of the posts made sometime tomorrow or Wednesday.
As for your question, Chiba, this RP is an original creation. Oh sure, the Dragoran Empire may be based off Robert Jordan's Seanchan, but everything has a unique flavor and style to it. It is my belief that any nation that rules over several cultures is an 'empire' . . . and the Dragorans are no exception. There are several differences in Kaltara compared to the Wheel of Time:

1. Rather than simply the Creator and the Dark One, there is a whole selection of Gods in Kaltara, many of which are the creators and patrons of their own races. The two most influential of the Gods are Celesbin (the All-Father, creator of world and the other Gods), and Azrial (the God of Magic and patron of the Human race).

2. In Robert Jordan's creation, there are really only two races; humans and Ogier. In Kaltara, many of the classic fantasy races are at play, including Elves, Dwarves, Fae, etc.

3. While there are several similarities between the WoT plot and the Kaltaran plot, there are also numerous differences in their prophecies and important events. In essence, where the Dragoran Empire rules is basically the main setting of the WoT series, but shows a place where the Seanchan had managed to conquer everything.

4. The magic is also very different; 'flows' or 'weaves' exist, but the system of magic is quite complex compared to the One Power. The magic that is tainted is Kaltara's 'Astral' magic, which is capable of using and incorporating all of the major elements of the world. There is still singular magic, but can only be attained through years of study in a particular magic school; the ones who succeed are known as Sages. It is a prerequisite for Sul'jin to become Sages of one of the six primary schools: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Celestial, and Divine.

5. Unlike in the WoT, a Blight doesn't exist currently in Kaltara. It had in the past, before the years of the Dragoran Empire, but has not been seen for three thousand years and since the tainting of Astral magic. However, monsters similar to shadowspawn will appear within the story, under the command of the Nightchildren (darkfriends) and the Heartless (Kaltara's Forsaken).

Fortunately, you should be able to see the differences and similarities on your own soon enough, once the info posts begin rolling in.
this seems like it will be a very interesting roleplay do you have a idea on what you might make the post lengths be?
The standard post lengths will be similar to most other RPs: a few paragraphs or so. Granted, there may be moments where a few paragraphs aren't possible . . . but those are understandable. No one-liners, certainly :tongue:
Whatever you are capable of doing, fellas. As long as it's more than 3-5 sentences.

Anyway; I plan on having the first Info post up by tonight; The Foreigner's Guide to Kaltara will begin with the Kaltaran Timeline; a brief list of historical happenings that have occurred since the world's creation at the hands of the Creator. Then, shortly afterwards, a view into Kaltaran society and organizations.
Not quite yet; still have more critical information to post up. Planning on finishing the Organizations and Race section tonight, hopefully.
This looks incredible.I would love to join in on this dynamic world :smile 2:!Please PM when you everything up.

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