The Kaltaran Chronicles (Premiere Role play, coming to RPNation!)

I have no set limit on the cast; due to the expansive size of the world, it would be impossible to truly make a small player-base. So, the more the merrier. Inform your friends! Once the RP reaches appropriate sizes, I'll start recruiting moderators to aid me in running the RP.
Valencetiger said:
I have no set limit on the cast; due to the expansive size of the world, it would be impossible to truly make a small player-base. So, the more the merrier. Inform your friends! Once the RP reaches appropriate sizes, I'll start recruiting moderators to aid me in running the RP.
I will spread the word.
It's an interesting concept, so many fascinating ideas! I love steampunk and Wheel of Time inspired pieces! I was curious, though, if you say elves and humans may develop relationships, is there such a thing as a half-elf? Or is it impossible for humans and elves to conceive a child together? Or if a child were conceived, would it belong to either one race or the other, with little to no indications of mixed heritage?
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Half elven children can occur; in fact, most of the Imperial Family has both elven and human lineage due to previous political marriages and alliances. Such children are often well-respected and even referred by many citizens in the Empire...unlike in most fantasy stories, where half-elven peoples are disliked.

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