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  1. Romulus Deathbringer

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Deal. Price will be the land of Dragon's Roar." Hanson was getting his guild armour ready.
  2. Romulus Deathbringer

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Sure. I will do that for you. Power will be our payment. Depending on the people, we will decide after I kill them." Hanson whispered, grinning.
  3. Romulus Deathbringer

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Hmmm, assassination or torture? What do you need? We will discuss the price after." Hanson said with a glare, putting his silencer on his pistol. "Just remember, you double cross me, I kill you in the worst way." pointing to the man hanging from the ceiling with his ribs ripped out of his body...
  4. Romulus Deathbringer

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    As Hanson was sitting in his lair practising his Shapeshifting, his mind goes back to the time when he was younger, about 12'ish, when he was normal, and not a freak. He thought to himself in a dark matter "I will get revenge on the people who despise me, I will cause havoc amongst this world, I...
  5. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    (No, I always had the glock on me Also, she left the Katana at my house And also a Glock-18 has crosshairs, which I put.)
  6. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    ...the door "TEKINAI! I HAVE YOUR KATANA!" Then, he saw Kirito and Linus. "Oh, you again, anyways, I can easily cut those bands, so, we do this the easy way, or the motherf**king hard way." Romulus would hold up a Glock-18 with the crosshair pointed at Kirito's head. @bloodydaimyo @FlameintheRoses
  7. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    (well i didn't fucking know ok? Fucking hell)
  8. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    When Romulus was waking up, he was in a unfamilliar place, a basement. "W-Where are am I? I may be tied up, but I can shift." Suddenly, a huge massive rhino took the place of Romulus and dashed out of the wall. In the distance, he saw Tekinai. "TEKINAI!" Romulus shouted dashing for Tekinai still...
  9. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    (Bye you guys, I'm off.)
  10. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "Thanks, I will keep you safe. We are going to my home." In what seemed like a couple of minutes, They arrived at a 2 story house.
  11. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    (Dude stop, you can't find us)
  12. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    Seeing the two, Romulus quickly shouted "Get On!" And shifted to a wolf and scurried away so they cant find Tekinai and Him.
  13. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "T-Thank you. C-Can you come close please?" As Tekinai leaned in, Romulus kissed Tekinai.
  14. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "Woah, it-it was there, infront of me, wh-where is it?" Romulus asked, panting @FlameintheRoses @AtlasTheShapeless
  15. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "OH MY GOD TEKINAI, RUN!" Romulus quickly jumped infront of the dog and took the blow to shield Tekinai. "I-I did it f-for yo-you."
  16. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "I like your thinking" Romulus said and winked in a gorgeous manner.
  17. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

  18. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "I beg to differ. Anyways, me and this lovely woman, Teki, are on a date. We will talk about this tommorow, now please go away."
  19. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    "You, how are you alive? I took you out... I know who you are. But we'll settle this tommorow ok? Also, I sense a demon round here. Thats all I'm telling you."
  20. Romulus Deathbringer

    Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

    Romulus started to pick up his silverware and started dining. "Great food isn't it?" Romulus asked, taking a sip of his wine. @FlameintheRoses