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  1. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki looked at Jake,unsure how to answer. "I..I can't remember what classes I'm taking..." He got out a slip of paper from his jacket. Too bad that was only his map. Man, he'd been carrying that thing everywhere recently. He blinked, and looked up again. "I g-guess I'll just h-have to tell you...
  2. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki looked at komachi who had just came over, and answered "I'm Saeki Hiru.." He began to get more antsy and nervous as people began to gather around the table. He looked down, hoping to not draw too much attention to himself. @Mr jake @Wolfiy @Ballerina
  3. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    When Saeki awoke, he discovered that his roommate had already gone to breakfast. He rubbed his eyes and glanced over at his clock...6:54 the time read. He decided that if he didn't want to be late he should get up. Saeki rolled out of bed, and quickly got dressed. His hair was a bit unruly as...
  4. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki had immediately got himself ready for bed once he'd entered the dorm. He'd had a rather unusual day and figured tommrow would be about the same. Once he had done that, he sat on his bed,knees to his chest almost and began to doodle some more. He wasn't exactly tired, so this is what he...
  5. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki, who was still a bit shaky decided it couldn't hurt to meet up in the morning. "S-sure!" He said. "Sounds g-good!" He waved awkwardly and began walking towards his dorm. He had almost reached it when he remembered that he hadn't answered why he had come to this school. Oh well, he thought...
  6. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    "I-I'm Saeki" He replied. "What's y-you're name..?" He looked downward and fidgeted with his map. Was a person actually keeping a conversation with me? . I guess different schools have different people, he thought. Hopefully he wouldn't say anything to upset this person. @Mr jake
  7. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki jumped a bit, startled. He didn't know what to do. Normally people don't ask him anything. "I-I'm s-sorry but I d-don't.." Dangit! He thought to himself, stuttering again...always on a first impression too! He proceeded to stand there awkwardly. @Mr jake
  8. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    After a bit of doodling, Saeki decided he better unload the rest of his other items. He closed his sketch pad, and went after his luggage. He put away his clothes, and proceeded to organize his other belongings. Once he had finished, Saeki thought it would be a good idea to go visit the...
  9. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki made his way to his dorm, avoiding all people he saw along the way. He was slightly, and secretly hoping he wouldn't have a roommate. At least if he did maybe they would be nice, or not bother him too bad. He went in, and set down his things. He pulled out his sketchbook and began doodling...
  10. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy (Accepting Always)

    Saeki gathered his things and began to study his map. He was rather nervous about his first year, and was hoping not to make a fool of himself. He looked up briefly, and noticed most people had someone to talk to after just starting school again. Not that he minded, he never was good with...
  11. Stormfast

    Realistic or Modern Nanairo Academy

    Assignment Requirements: Name: Saeki Hiru Age: 15 Appearance: Unruly black-ish brown hair, green eyes. Rather short for his age. Personality: Quiet and shy. He tends to keep to himself, especially around strangers, but can come out of his shell every once in awhile. Gets emotional over...