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  1. ShadyDrizzle

    Fandom Looking for Long-Term Partner!

    Bumping this up with high hopes.
  2. ShadyDrizzle

    Fantasy Adventure/Romance RP

    Why, hello there! Name's Shady :3 So, I've always loved the premise of world-building and would be super interested to speak with you further! I've even my own little world idea, if you're interested to hear! Feel free to PM or how you do, hmhm!
  3. ShadyDrizzle

    Fandom Looking for Long-Term Partner!

    Well, it's obviously a touch of a longer story, heh. Would you be opposed to me telling you in PMs so I don't spam with walls of garble XP
  4. ShadyDrizzle

    Fandom Looking for Long-Term Partner!

    Hello, everyone, I hope you've all slept well, my name is Shady Dreams. I've tried quite a few different things on here only for things to get in my way rather harshly and take up all of my time. Thankfully, I have too much time on my hands nowadays, and was really hoping to put it to something...
  5. ShadyDrizzle

    Fandom (1x1 / Fandom / Original / A LOT OF PLOTS/FANDOMS) Dev's long list of... stuff

    Well, eh, I'm techincally looking for a romantic WoW RP requiring a female character, heh... Perhaps a small discussion is in order...?
  6. ShadyDrizzle

    Oddly addicted to trying and getting a female Goblin thing going... I hate myself.

    Oddly addicted to trying and getting a female Goblin thing going... I hate myself.
  7. ShadyDrizzle

    Fandom WoW Looking for Female Goblin -LONG TERM-

    Yeah, I know, this is incredibly specific, and yeah, I know, this is kinda sad to most people. Well, I'm not most people. I'm gonna keep this short, sweet, and within range of not needing a tl;dr, heh. I'm just looking for someone who would by any chance want to roleplay a female goblin in a...
  8. ShadyDrizzle

    Master and Slave

    Yeah, for some reason it just never works, I haven't a clue why. Sent the Pm though, sorry
  9. ShadyDrizzle

    Master and Slave

    Meet me over on Pm. My. Phone actually notices me of a P while it's in sleep mode lol. 
  10. ShadyDrizzle

    Master and Slave

    Lol, well, I'll keep that in mind.  I'd definitely like to give it a shot, hell, need to practice some more on my detail work anyway, heh. Any chance we could talk further? Work on some world building just a bit then get down and dirty? And by that I mean get into trying the rp, of course. 
  11. ShadyDrizzle

    Master and Slave

    You're dirty.  I kid, I kid. I do wish to ask, however, if I may, Do you have an actual world with which this is based in? Like, a full-fledged realm with its own regions and countries, etcetera, or did you only have the city of Kilan in mind? I understand the city is grand and whatnot...
  12. ShadyDrizzle

    Any Possible Smite RP

    If you don't feel up to reading my wall of vomit, scroll to the very bottom to get the long story short. ^^ HEY, LOOK, IT'S THAT DORK SHADY TRYING TO START ANOTHER SMITE RP!!  Yes, he sure is. I tried this up a while back and got a few responses that didn't end up turning out as I had...
  13. ShadyDrizzle

    Desperately looking for a SMITE RPer.

    Sorry, grew terribly busy. As for specific pantheon, no, it will most likely include each pantheon, just touched on here and there when they need to be every now and then.
  14. ShadyDrizzle

    Desperately looking for a SMITE RPer.

    If you're down to do it, you know I'm down, heheh. All you need is to tell me a couple gods you'll main, as in the four/five (or something like that) gods you'll mainly delve deeper into character with, and I'll give mine. :3
  15. ShadyDrizzle

    "Grandma's Cookies."

    "Grandma's Cookies."
  16. ShadyDrizzle

    Desperately looking for a SMITE RPer.

    Well, it's basically set up like any fantasy setting in the middle of a war would be. Certain gods join Zeus and the Order Halls to fight to defend Olympus and what it stands for, while the Chaos Assault comprises of gods, including Hades, who want nothing more than to see Olympus crumble down...
  17. ShadyDrizzle

    Looking for Possible SMITE RPers.

    Alright, so, I have like three candidates here willing to do this, and a buddy I spoke to who's also willing to do it, so I may just scrap this 1x1 idea. I had only done it in the 1x1's because I thought noone else would be looking to RP SMITE, heh. If you guys would like, however, I'd be more...
  18. ShadyDrizzle

    SMITE RP is a possibility it seems. Friggin' huzzah!

    SMITE RP is a possibility it seems. Friggin' huzzah!
  19. ShadyDrizzle

    Looking for Possible SMITE RPers.

    I understand that lol. As for a story, basically, it'll be specific gods are a part of the Chaos Assault, and the others will be a part of the Order Halls. As I'm sure you know, the two teams are warring against each other for control of Mount Olympus, the Order Halls holding the lines and...
  20. ShadyDrizzle

    Looking for Possible SMITE RPers.

    ...I'm just reeeaallly looking for someone >.<. I'm open to other RPs, but my fandoms tend to be quite vague, so if you're interested, ask away! *Ahem* Right, anyway. If by some miracle I do find someone, just know I try my best to keep replies at at least 1 paragraph, and, though I won't...