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Fantasy Adventure/Romance RP


nah im done roleplaying sorry peeps
Hello everyone! I've just recently gotten back into roleplaying again, and I've always loved partner roleplays more than anything. I don't have a full plot planned out, but if you have any ideas you'd like to try just let me know and we can discuss the details.

About my RP standards: I usually write one or two short paragraphs. As long as your post is a decent length and moves the story along, it's fine with me! I usually have romance in my roleplays, and I do either FxM or FxF. The only thing that really bothers me is overpowered characters, so try to stay away from that.

I also have a small, vague idea if you'd like to try this. The basic premise is that in this fantasy world, nearly everything is run by guilds. There are many of these guilds throughout the world, and they each have their own alliances and rivalries. Along with setting down the law, they are used to provide entertainment through battles and duels. Every year, the guilds have a tournament to see which is the strongest and give regular citizens an exciting event to watch. I was thinking that we could have two characters as roommates in a guild/clan/faction and just... figure it out from there, I suppose!

If you like my idea or have one of your own, I look forward to role playing with you!
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Hi, I enjoy romances but I would like to know wht type of stry lines your into fr rping. Contact me through here or discord name Gyoyo, tag 4246
Why, hello there! Name's Shady :3

So, I've always loved the premise of world-building and would be super interested to speak with you further! I've even my own little world idea, if you're interested to hear! Feel free to PM or how you do, hmhm!

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