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Master and Slave


Werewolf or Werefox? who knows its a WereFolf
It has been almost 100 years since the discovery of Demi-human races as they seemed almost human but each different kind has had so sort of... additional feature which really stood out. Since their discovery, humans have taken the pleasure of, raiding villages of these people as they weren't as civilized as many lived in tribal conditions or lived within the trees, depending on what kind of demi-human it was. When caught, humans didn't care who they were, just that they were punished, brutally beaten into submission to the point where they would now live out as slaves to the humans. There were no laws for the slave as the only rule about it is that you can never steal or kill another persons property (aka the slave). 

Every 4 months, Slavers would gather in the grand city of Kilan to show off their wares as they ranged from elves, lamias, beast-men and a whole grand list of what kind of slaves they had. The sad part in which humans never cared for is that most slaves that were not sold were sent off to the slaver guild in which they would breed each race against their will to create new batch of slaves as they did not care of what age they sold the demi humans at. The rest of them though... were most likely abandoned and ended up being killed as they were usually left out in the wilderness for the wild animals as those not bought are never seen again. 

It has been 4 months since the last sale of slaves in Kilan as a new batch was now being sold to the people of the city within it, a girl (me), who looked only like she would be in her mid teens was being sold to the public as she had ragged clothing, torn... her hair and fur was frizzled up from the harsh conditions she lived in as well as small cuts and bruises from when she was being punished for going against her, current masters, the slavers will. Her will broken, she was to afraid to fight back anymore as she now waits like everyone else who awaits to be sold.

(I'm looking for someone to take the role of the person who ends up buying her, It can end up in a romance, it doesn't need to though as it all depends on the flow of rp. PM me or leave a comment if you'd like rp this)

Name: Kira Everglade

Age: 16

Race: Kitsune

Gender: Female

Personality: Fearful, easily scared


She was just a normal girl living in a clan of her own people who lived in fear of humans, ultimately they were eventually caught as her parents were killed protecting her but now she ended up being a slave who hated the sight of blood but even at that she had become so obedient, even if she feared it she would do it if her master would order it.
You're dirty. 

I kid, I kid. I do wish to ask, however, if I may,

Do you have an actual world with which this is based in? Like, a full-fledged realm with its own regions and countries, etcetera, or did you only have the city of Kilan in mind? I understand the city is grand and whatnot, but did you have more areas already though out? If you do, I'm curious to inquire further, but if not, I'd still like to speak more. If I may, of course, hmhm. 
Well... no I don't have an actual world which this is all based it, I just basically made up a name of where slaves basically are sold, its basically like the main slave selling area where people buy the slaves, where they go with them, is all up to them. and of course you can ask more if you like, its just a basic background plot for rp, as what happens within I tend to just let it roll out, for all I know if you decide to take the position, you could even end up just taking me on a ship
Lol, well, I'll keep that in mind. 

I'd definitely like to give it a shot, hell, need to practice some more on my detail work anyway, heh. Any chance we could talk further? Work on some world building just a bit then get down and dirty?

And by that I mean get into trying the rp, of course. 
Yeah sure we can, we can discuss using PM or in here I don't mind either
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