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  1. E

    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

    As everyone got up and made their way to their rooms Alice did the same. Already there was drama flying around and she wasn't sure how she would fit in with all of these people. And the guy who had stabbed some, she wasn't sure if he was trying to make a bad joke or if he was serious. She made...
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    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

    Alice looked at the girl named Ellie. She seemed really upbeat which was kind of refreshing, while everyone else in the room seemed closed off, including herself. "I'm Alice Day, but you can call me Copper. Everyone back home calls me that." she said giving the girl a small smile. She was glad...
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    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

    Alice caught the glare coming her way and immediately ceased her tapping. It felt strange without out the movement, but she hated annoying people and she mouthed the word sorry to the guy who had glared at her. Then she noticed his closed eyes and flushed in embarrassment. The room had become...
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    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

    As more people filled the room Alice began tapping her foot wildly. She did it without thinking as she always did when her anxiety spiked. There were too many new faces, too many names she would have to remember later. The tapping calmed her somewhat, but it was one of those things that had...
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    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

    Alice blanched at the word "misfortune", because wasn't what that what had brought them here? "Alice... I'm Alice," she said in a quiet voice and glanced at the people around her. They all looked pretty normal, but then again looks could be deceiving. She wondered if they had problems like her...
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    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

    Alice looked up at the house in front of her. It was beautiful, the classic style she loved in homes, although she loved anything with a vintage charm. There was a sign in the ground that bared the company logo and then a bunch of signs displaying names. She found hers among them and thought the...
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    Realistic or Modern Second Wind {accepting}

    Yay I'm excited!
  8. E

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn had found the library and was curled on a window bench hidden away from the main entrance. She had her spell book in her lap and was holding a ball of flame in her palm. He grandmother had made her practice this trick a million time to center her magic and help calm her. It was working now...
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    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn decided she might as well explore the school and she hoped to find the library. She loved to curl up among the books and it was probably quiet there as well. She stepped out of her room into the hall way and started on her exploration.
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    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    "Oh wow..." Quinn said and stared at Abs in amazement. She didn't think such things existed, but then again she had powers of her own so why wouldn't other people. They finally made it to the dorm rooms and Quinn broke off from Abs when she saw her room number. "Thanks for everything," she said...
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    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn followed closely behind Abs and nodded a sorry to the person they had bumped into. "How do you keep doing that?"
  12. E

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn almost leaps out of her skin as Abs grips her wrist and pulls her with her down the hallway. Not to mention the freaky glowing in her eyes and the fact that she suddenly knows where to go. Something like that would've taken Quinn hours with a spell book to figure out. "Hey!" she cried out...
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    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn followed her down the hall lugging all her baggage. She hoped that they wouldn't get lost so she could finally put down her bags.
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    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    "Oh well its 139," Quinn responded. She eyed the girl curiously. "I suppose we could go together if you are looking for them too."
  15. E

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    The girl before her was beaming and it shocked Quinn with how open she was. "Y-yes um just do you know where the dorms are?" She shuffled from foot to foot and shifted her bag on her shoulder.
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    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn was startled by a girl running past her and had to step to the side quickly to let her pass. She was mumbling something under her breath, but she wasn't sure what she was saying. "Umm, excuse me?" she called after the girl.
  17. E

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Quinn looked up at the building before her. It was going to be her new home and a safe haven from the hunters, but she wasn't exactly happy to be there. She had never been around other people with abilities other than her family. She grabbed the small crystal that hung around her neck and...
  18. E

    Hello Hello!

    Hiya! I'm Elizabeth and I'm new on the rpnation scene. I'm always looking for people to RP with and I hope to make a few new friends along the way too! I'm open to anything, but I tend to let my partner lead. I'm just a little shy when it comes to making my own RP starts ^_^ I'd love to hear...
  19. E

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Oh great! well I hope I get accepted then!
  20. E

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Name: Quinn Furrow Age: 17 Gender: Female Gift: Witch Abilities: Uses rituals and her inner magic to perform spells, however these spells take energy and large spells can drain her pretty quickly. Mainly performs black magic in rituals. Personality: She is closed off and usually an...