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Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

Will watched the first half of the exchange from the doorway to Alex's room, tense at first though gradually relaxing. It had ended well enough, all things considered. A brawl would have been an unfortunate start to their time here in the house, especially after the one downstairs had been averted.

With the situation under control, Hendrix gathered up his things and went to claim the room furthest from the top of the stairs. He stopped dead in his tracks upon looking inside: a large, solitary window was prominently displayed along the far wall. He hesitated, nearly turning around to look for other accommodations before taking a deep breath and walking inside, setting his bags down.
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Jace glanced behind him as he walked down the hall at Ellie before stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him, it was nice and clean, pretty large considering the circumstances. He set his stuff down and practically ripped his shirt off before leaning against the sink and staring at himself in the mirror, he could feel anxiety flowing through him as he tried to concentrate on his breathing before reaching over and fumbling with his phone, putting on some music but quieter this time before turning to the shower and turned the water on

Aelxander Pooler

He bit his lip and scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to do. He'd never really been great at reassuring people, or comforting in general. He just told jokes, spoke his mind, and hoped for the best. "It's not your fault" Alex quickly assured Elle. "I shouldn't have been acting stupid."

He grabbed his pillow back from the bed and sighed. "I'm just gonna go unpack. If you need me, don't hesitate to drop by anytime. I'm serious." He gave her a meek smile and began his trip back to his room. He gently touched each door he passed, counting down the rooms before he reached his. With a grunt, he fell back into his bed.
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"Yet another leaves... Another bear faced liar "She muttered and walked to the kitchen and opened the cupboard finding little of what she felt like. She opened every cupboard to find what she felt like until frustration got the better of her grabbing a nearby glass and throwing it on the floor hearing it shatter before throwing another.
As everyone got up and made their way to their rooms Alice did the same. Already there was drama flying around and she wasn't sure how she would fit in with all of these people. And the guy who had stabbed some, she wasn't sure if he was trying to make a bad joke or if he was serious. She made her way to a room and sat her bags down on the bed. She glanced around nervously and could hear people talking. She poked her head out of her room and then made her way to the kitchen. She hadn't eaten anything that morning because of her nerves and now she was starving.
Jace hopped in the shower and quickly washed himself before getting out and drying off, he pulled on a navy blue v-neck and plaid pajama pants before gathering his things and opening the door, his hair a wet mess
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Alexander Pooler

Barely an hour and things were already getting interesting. If this was how things were going to be, then Alex could not wait for dinner. Speaking of food...

Alexander winced as his stomach growled. In his haste to get ready, he had totally skipped out on breakfast. The only source of energy he ate on the way to the house was half a bag of Doritos and a protein bar that should've been thrown out years ago. No wonder we felt more drained than usual.

Alex grabbed his white stick and unfolded it. He made his way out the door, navigating to find the kitchen. As he reached the stairs, an audible
crash caught his attention. Alex hesitated by the top step. Crashes meant trouble. Trouble meant a shitload of chaos. Another crash followed. Crashes also meant kitchenware, which was in the kitchen, which also had food. Alexander liked food.

Taking the risk, Alex hopped down the stairs and made his way to what he hoped was the kitchen.
Jace watched as Alexander walked by and shrugged before wandering towards the stairs himself The hell is that noise?! He wondered

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