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Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

Felix glanced back at Jace. The joke clicked in his head, and he gave a little laugh. "Yeah, just like the cat," he said, masking his surprise. So the attempted murderer was making cartoon jokes? Well, Jace was the last person he would have expected to make a comment like that, but if ever there was a patron saint of second chances, it was Felix. "And you're Jace - er, I mean, Sin... which do you prefer? You know, so that I can relate it to something funny."

Jace looked surprised when Felix acknowledged him and even remembered his name "A cat seems to suit you" he teased with a small smirk before blushing a little "W-Whichever, doesn't really matter" he mumbled a bit embarrassed, Why the hell was this guy having such an effect on him? Jace didn't understand it, He'd never felt this way around anyone before and certainly not a guy

@London Fog
Alexander Pooler

"Thanks, Will." Alexander gave him a small nod. "I'd like that." He navigated through the hallway of rooms, pausing as his cane knocked against the closest door. "What's this one?" He found the knob and opened it, tapping his cane inside. "Is it nice looking?"
"Gee, thanks!" said Felix, running a hand through his hair. "If it doesn't bother you, I think I'll just call you Jace. You don't seem all that sinful to me, and you look like a Jace anyway." Then he stooped over and picked up his bags. "I'm gonna go scope out a room. I'll catch you later, Jace." He gave him a little wave with his free hand and started up the stairs.

Peeking inside the room Alex had chosen, Will shrugged instinctively. He realized a moment later the futility of the gesture and spoke up with uncharacteristic ruefulness, "I should warn you I'm not an expert on interior decoration. I spent the last six years either in a barracks, a FOB, or hospital bed. That being said... it's not bad."

He then went about describing the layout of the room in detail to Alex: the color of the bed, the end table, the walls. "So, sound like a winner?"

Jace nodded and watched him get up and leave before picking up his own bag and walking after him as he slung the backpack over his shoulder, he peeked inside each room, wandering past Alex & Will before having picked the possibly smallest room but it had a full-sized bed and that was about it, he walked in and left the door open as he threw his backpack of belongings on the floor and flopped onto the bed letting out a loud groan of happiness

@London Fog
Alexander Pooler

Alex walked into the room and felt around, nodding slowly as the room matched William's description. "So far so good. I like it!" He grinned and folded his cane before plopping down on the bed. To his delight, the mattress was soft and the pillows fluffy. All the more reason to sleep in everyday. He patted the area beside him, gesturing for the other man to put down the bags and sit. Unpacking could wait. Right now, he was curious about his mew friend. "So, tell me Mr. Guitar Man," he said as he leaned back, "What brought you to this merry little band of misfits?"
Will cocked his head as he walked forward to set the bags down. "Well, you have the Taliban to thank for the pleasure of my company," he remarked lightly.

He hesitated, not sure if he should go on. He considered being evasive and leaving it at that... But if was going to live with these people,

there would be no avoiding the truth forever. "As for why I'm here... If you were to ask the doctors at the VA, they'd tell you that I suffer from..." he paused to clear his throat,"...'moderate to severe post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of combat-related trauma compounded by survivor's syndrome'." He rattled off the diagnosis with a slight sarcastic edge to his otherwise monotone voice.

He glanced down toward the floor. There was no mention of the crippling depression, the guilt that came with that diagnosis. A familiar face flashed through his mind.

The opiates didn't need to come up either.

His tone softened as he quickly added, "Besides, I guess those same doctors took exception to me signing myself out of therapy early. They thought I needed time to adjust to the shiny new leg they gave me."

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Jace rolled around in his bed as he glanced outside the door every so often, secretly hoping Felix would pass by, Instead he rolled towards where he threw his backpack and pulled out a portable speaker and plugged it into his phone, he scrolled through his phone looking for his music app and pressed play on Strange Comfort by The Color Morale, He sighed contently as his angry hardcore music filled his small room, Not even caring that other people would hear it if they passed by his room

@London Fog @Phaesaris @Safton
Alexander Pooler

"Well, damn..." For once, Alexander felt at a loss for words. "Rough life, man." It was the understatement of understatements, but he couldn't quite find the right words to say. He tried to give William a small pat but ended up hitting air, so he resorted to a small smile. "Well, I can't really say I know exactly what you're going through. But if it helps, I'm right here if you just need to rant or go out drinking or something. We may be strangers, but it doesn't have to stay that way."

Alex figured it would have been a touching moment.
Would being a key word. Alex gave a yelp of surprise as loud music began blaring from outside, his cane raised like it was a sword. "The hell is that?!" He stood and stumbled to the door, still unused to the layout of the room, before poking his head. The music sounded like it was coming from down the hall.
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Jace began singing along quietly, completely oblivious to the other two down the hall hearing it, His voice actually hitting all the notes pretty damn well considering he rarely had the courage to sing to it, He laid flat on his back and closed his eyes as he continued singing

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Will nodded at Alexander's sympathy, despite the uselessness of the gesture. He hadn't expected much from the young man, nor did he want anyone's pity. He had gotten plenty of that in his life. Still, he appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

"Thanks. I may--" he started before being unceremoniously cut off by the din of music down the hallway. He watched as Alexander poked his head out the door. William let out a long-suffering sigh. "That would be our roommate 'Sin', if I had to guess," he remarked, putting a slight but noticeable patronizing edge on the nickname.

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Alexander Pooler

"Is he trying to turn me into the next Helen Keller?" Alex complained, raising his voice slightly to be heard over the noise. He went back the bed and grabbed a pillow before heading back outside. With his left hand dragging across the wall, the tall man searched for the source if the noise. Not that it was hard to find, considering it was where the music was loudest. "Hey, rockstar," Alex barged in and threw the pillow forward, hoping to hit someone or something. "Trying to have a moment here. You mind?"
Jace looked up and tried not to laugh at the rockstar comment as the pillow just missed his head "You have pretty good aim for a blind guy" he said as he sat up and cocked his head to the side "And no, I really don't mind" he remarked with a small smirk "Atleast my music taste is good" he added in a cocky tone before flopping back on the bed

Elle heard the music as she was preparing for bed, dressed in short shorts and a tshirt. She liked the music but was a little too loud for the time and went looking for the source and saw Alexander throwing pillows. "Is this a private pillow fight or anyone can join?"She asked approaching them and saw that Jack was the offender."Ah, so it's you... Oh Alex you might want to aim a little to the left."
Alexander Pooler

"Feel free to join in," Alex greeted Elle. He reached down and began untying one of his shoe, smirking with victory as he managed to tug it off. He tossed it in one hand, nodding with satisfaction, before turning to Elle. "Little to the left, right?" He chucked his shoe with blind faith.
Jace gasped and quickly ducked to the side "Hey! You could break a window with that" he said, knowing the man couldn't see there weren't any windows in this specific room before looking over at Ellie "Where've you been?" he asked with an eyebrow raise before leaning over and pausing his music, a very awkward silence filled the room as he sat up and pulled his knees to his chest while looking at them both, suddenly feeling a bit like a lost child

@Phaesaris @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
She covered her mouth as if surprised that Alex actually through the shoe but it was mostly to hide her smile at his reaction. "Bullseye, Alex. "She said chuckling."Honestly I didn't think you would actually throw that." She turned back to Jace with an apologetic smile and didn't mention there was no windows."Sorry about that I couldn't resist... As to where I was... Just wasn't feeling to well. I like your music, been a while since I heard them play."
Jace blinked and looked surprised when she said she liked it but shrugged "It's alright I guess" he muttered as he looked away and rested his head on his knees, his eyes darting from the wall to the both of them and back as he began feeling a bit anxious

@Phaesaris @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Alexander Pooler

"I'm a man of many surprises," Alex said with a mysterious smile. He hopped towards the bed, his shoeless foot raised up in the air. He plopped down beside Jace and began looking for his shoe. "I didn't hit you or break something, did I?" A dash of concern filled his voice. He was aiming to hit Sin, not hurt him.
Jace nervously shifted away from Alex before reaching to the gap between the bed and the wall and picking up the mans shoe and placed it in his hand "No I'm fine" he said quietly with an uncomfortable grumble before giving Ellie an unintentionally scared look

@Phaesaris @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Ellie noted the look immidiately and became concerned. "Hey are you OK? You seem agitated... "She noted how he kept away from Alex and remembered why everyone was here. "It 's OK, he doesn't really want to harm you... He was just playing around OK? "She said softly and gently as possible.
Alexander Pooler

Alexander winced and slipped on his shoe before standing up. "Sorry if I was being too much," he said guiltily. He hadn't meant to agitate the poor guy. He made his way back to the door and stood there with Elle, flashing Sin an apologetic look.
Jace looked up at them both before quickly looking away "It's fine" he insisted before scooting to the edge of the bed and began digging stuff out of his backpack to shower "I'm going to go shower" he muttered, not really caring if they heard him or not as he pulled out a clean t-shirt and underwear along with two little travel bottles of soap

@Phaesaris @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
She sighed sadly as she watched Jace leave and looked down. "It's me isn't it... I always do this freak people and drive them away.. He couldn't leave me quick enough." She got up wIping a new tear on her face. "I need. ..I need to eat something..,"

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