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Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

"No problem big guy. Just mind were you swing your staff."Ellie said to Alexander with a smirk and looking at the other that haven't introduced themselves. "Hey you! Cutee with earbuds, join will yeah. We will be stuck together we might as well be friendly!"
William Hendrix

Will watched the conversations around him unfold, impassive and silent. He was far from disinterested, though. It would pay to at least know the names of the people he'd be spending some time with. As such, he went about committing their names to memory: something he thankfully had a knack for.

Still, as much as he was flattered to be compared to Jimi Hendrix, Will wasn't exactly eager to join Ellie's impromptu circle. His eyes glanced down toward his left leg, or what was left of it. The prosthesis wasn't visible under his cargo pants and his gait was normal enough that only the most observant would notice something was off, but that hardly worked wonders for his self-confidence. He discreetly tugged his pant legs down a little lower out of habit, looking toward the guidance counselor as if searching for an escape.
Zach glanced around the room with apparent boredom and desire to go home. The others seemed so happy, so content chatting small talk. He wished he had that kind of confidence, that kind of ability to not shrink everytime he tried to talk. Hell, he wished he could talk, period. Then perhaps he could convey his feelings better than mere words. All of his anger stemmed from that simple fact: his muteness. Zach had no mouth and he must scream.

And how was he supposed to scream with a whiteboard?

Finding that sitting around would only let his negative thoughts fester, he took to drawing on the whiteboard, taking care to avoid drawing over his own credentials. He drew everyone's outfits with surprising accuracy; Dana's, the blind man's, the outgoing Ellie's, everyone. The fervent squeaking sound of his black marker resonated quite soundly through the living room, indicating just how passionate Zach was drawing. Perhaps the only way he could be considered expressive nowadays.

Elias 'Eli' Stone

Eli shoved back some of his pale blonde hair, lifting a bottle to his alcohol tainted lips. The strong beer slid down his throat in a single gulp. The bitter and earthy liquid stung the blisters on his mouths. The blisters that he encountered after smoking two packs a day for several months.

He threw the empty bottle into the nearest bush, looking around to make sure no one saw him. Not that it would have mattered, he would have just waved and flashed his award winning smile. After looking around, he realized that he had completely forgotten his destination. Eli shuffled through his pockets in search of the map that he'd shoved into them.

"Shit." He bit his lip and looked around again, this time hoping someone was around. A young woman stood at the curb at the end of the street, waving down a taxi.

"Hey, miss?" Eli Frantically waved in the woman's direction. "Do you know where the Fresh... umm..." He searched his drunken mind, hoping the right words would fly onto his tongue. "Fresh Start Program! That's what the fucking thing is called." He rolled his eyes.

The woman furrowed her eyebrows in amusement, "Yeah it's right there." She pointed to the building directly behind him, "You're literally standing in front of it..." The lady's face glowed with laughter.

"Oh yeah... I knew that." Eli winked before nodding his head and stumbling towards the building. He puled out another cigarette before swinging open the door, not bothering to knock.

"Well everyone," he looked at the various people who were scattered across the room, "I'm Elias but you can call me Eli." The lit cigarette dangled out of his mouth and the nauseating smell of alcohol dripped from his pours. He paced to the far end of the room, taking a seat on the floor, resting his head against the plain white walls.
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Dana eyed Eli with a sort of forced hospitality. "Good to meet you, Eli!" she said, smiling - or trying to, at least. "Err, would you mind not smoking in here? And maybe stow the alcohol, for now... We were just going around and introducing ourselves... er..." Her eyes scanned the room, seeking a silent scapegoat. Felix hadn't spoken up yet. He was fiddling with his hands a bit, but he looked otherwise pleased as punch to be surrounded by people. Perfect. "Felix, would you like to go next?"

"Oh, right. Sure!" Felix straightened up a bit and smiled. He was a somewhat tall fellow, but not a skinny one - not quite overweight, either, but he'd never picked up a weight in his life, and he looked the part. He had a rounded, shining face, lit by blue eyes that crinkled and twinkled when he smiled. His blonde hair looked fluffy to the touch. He glanced around the group, nodding to his new housemates. "Hi, everyone, I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs." There were a few laughs. Felix smiled, brushing his own joke off with a flick of his wrist. "I'm Felix Bergfalk. My folks are from Sweden, I have a degree in nursing, I love cooking, and, erm... I still like warm hugs."

"And would you like to tell the group why you're here?" Dana implored.

"Err... I mean, I could," Felix stalled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Dana nodded at him, and he continued. "Well, I'll spare you guys the details, but I'm in the process of grieving. It was a bit much for me to handle, and my family was worried that I wasn't taking care of myself... so now I'm here!" He clapped his hands together and tried to smile.

Dana nodded and made a few notes on her clipboard. "Now, who'd like to go next?"
Jace watched the drunken man walk in which caused him to scowl, he proceeded to watch Felix introduce himself before catching himself gazing at the blonde man, rolling his eyes at his jokes before glancing at the counselor and sighed heavily "Guess that'd be me" he said sounding annoyed though didn't bother to straighten up "I'm Jace Pierson, but you can call me Sin, in fact I'd much prefer it" he said as he glanced around the room quickly before Dana asked why he's here "I just y'know, casually stabbed someone almost to death" he said nonchalantly, smirking a bit as he waited for reactions from some people
"Cooking, felicity? Me too, I am trained chef I could cook something up at some point."She said excitingly."Oh this place is getting better and better... Need to enjoy this while it lasts."
Jace glanced at the girl who seemed way too excited to be here and rolled his eyes before shifting back into his seat, pushing himself as far back into the couch as he possibly could as he watched the reactions of people who had a felon living with them
Alexander Pooler

Alexander raised an eyebrow as the clearly intoxicated man entered the room, wrinkling his nose at the stench of smoke and alcohol. "Lovely." He turned his attention back to the group, perking up at the sound of cooking. If these people were as good of cooks as they said they were, then he was definitely going to have a fun time.

His interest perked even more as one of them, Sin, mentioned killing a man. There was no tremor to his confession, no hesitation. It was as if he was casually telling the time. "And just when I was hoping to room with a killer," he said, sarcasm dipping from his voice. "Well, so longs as I'm on on wrong end of the knife, you're good in my book."
Jace looked over at the blind man and smirked "Explosive Anger Disorder" he stated with a shrug "Therapist said he thinks I could be bipolar too but I got arrested before he could make an official diagnosis" he added
"Well, definitely going to stay on your good side... However we are not here to judge but to get better after all." Elle chinned in towards Jace."Or dumped by parents not wanting to deal with you."
William Hendrix

Will narrowed his eyes at Jace, the self-admitted almost-killer. It wasn't a judgmental glare -- after all, Hendrix had been a professional killer and had spent years in the company of others like him -- but rather one of caution. He was unknowingly sizing the young man up as if he planned to grab a knife and attack at any moment. It was an unwitting response, one he had grown used to after it kept him alive for so long. Now it seemed more like a liability...

He turned his attention away from "Sin", instead glancing toward Elle with an attempt to appear vaguely interested in what was being said.
Jace smirked a bit at Elle "You too eh? Except mine was when I was an infant" he said as he noticed the military guy looking at him "What? You just gonna sit there and stare at me or are you going to man up and say something?" he asked a bit harshly as he raised up a bit but stayed seated
Alexander Pooler

Alexander laughed bitterly. "Gotta love parents. Saying 'I love you' one day, and then throwing you out the next."

He raised his hands as Sin began to challenge one of his housemates. "Woah, sit down buddy. It's not gonna help anyone if we start off fighting eachother. Like Elle said, we're here to help one another."
Jace grumbled at the blind guy "Well if he has something to say he should say it" he said as he crossed his arms and walked over to the man "So what? Afraid I'm going to attack you?" he asked mockingly as he cocked his head to the side

@Phaesaris @Safton
"Come on guys settle down. We will be living together remember try to play nice."Ellie said seeing the situation escalating. She got up and tried to get between the two.
Will stared blankly at Jace, his face impassive and unblinking. Through Alexander's attempted intervention, Hendrix didn't turn his gaze away or shift in the chair. If his muscles coiled and tensed, it wasn't visible. It wasn't a challenge, at least not a deliberate one. He wasn't one for testosterone-fueled standoffs, the pissing contests of young men. At twenty-four, Will was already a disillusioned old man.

As Ellie stood up and moved to interpose herself between the two, Hendrix raised one hand in a gesture for her to stop without taking his eyes off of Jace.

When he finally answered Jace, his tone was flat. "No." He paused to briefly look the man up and down. "Not anymore."

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Jace huffed before glancing at Ellie "Good." he stated to Will before turning in his heel and returning to his seat, this time instinctively closer to the blonde who mentioned he enjoyed cooking, he felt...drawn to him, He was someone he didn't want to fight for once which was new to Jace, he caught himself continue glancing at him from the corner of his eye as he leaned against the side of the couch with a very light blush crossing his cheeks

@Safton @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @London Fog
"Now, take it easy, everyone," said Dana, standing and gesturing for the belligerents to break it up. She looked doubtful. "I have to go soon. There are three other FSP houses that I have to take care of today. Can I trust you guys not to fight while I'm gone?"

"Yes, ma'am!" chimed in Felix, giving her a smile and a little mock salute. Then, in a moment of uncertainty, he seemed to reconsider. "I mean, no, ma'am... We won't fight, I mean! Right, guys?" Felix glanced imploringly around the room for approval. He noted that one of the fight's instigators was sitting a little closer to him than before, looking at him more intently. Is there something on my shirt? he wondered, giving his top a quick brush down. Maybe that was what had caught they guy's eye.
Ah, conflict. With humans, even silence could invoke it. That was an inherent flaw shared with humanity. Zach had seen it in his mother, his peers, even his late grandfather, who had a reputation for his patience. So he could hardly fault this Sin (aptly named, really) to have such a hair-trigger temper. Even still, it was in everyone's best interests to avoid a bloody situation on Day 1. That was why he let the others take care of it. After all, what could a mute do in this situation?
Alexander Pooler

Alex gave a thumbs up. "I'll be sure to watch them closely," he reassured her with a joking smile.

The tall man stood, unfolding his white cane. He kept it to the ground so that no one would get accidentally hit and faced the general direction of his companions. "Well, I'm gonna go find my room and unpack. Can someone grab my bag? It's got a square tag."
Hendrix nodded to Dana. "We'll be fine, miss," he said quietly as he stood up, moving over to the bag that Alexander had described. He grabbed it from the floor, sliding it over one shoulder. Before grabbing his ruck with the other. The room was starting to feel crowded after the encounter and he'd take any excuse to get somewhere quieter.

"Got it," he said to Alexander. He wasn't sure whether an offer to guide the man to a room would come off as condescending.

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Alexander Pooler

"Thanks. Wanna walk with me to my room?" he offered, "I need someone to tell me whether or not I'm choosing the luxury suit." Alex gave a welcoming smile, eager for the company. Introductions had gone a bit rough, but that wasn't going to stop him from getting to know his new living companions. Besides, a house full of fighting was much more interesting than what he was used to. Alexander swept his cane across the floor, taking note as it tapped against walls and furniture as he tried to find the stairs.
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Jace hesitantly nodded to Dana feeling somewhat embarrassed for some reason that he'd had such an outburst, he watched Alex & The military guy who's name he'd already forgotten leave the room before looking back at Felix, smirking a little as he wiped his shirt but quickly hid it "Felix eh? Like the cat?" he asked jokingly

@London Fog
"Don't mention it," William replied. He watched as Alex expertly navigated the unfamiliar space using the cane, despite his disability. Hendrix murmured short directions to the man only as needed: "Left, three feet. Bottom of the stairs."

He let Alex know when he neared the top, guiding him toward the bedrooms. "Looks like you'll get the first pick," he hesitated briefly. "...Would you like me to describe them to you?"

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