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Realistic or Modern Second Wind {no longer accepting}

In the Webster suburb of Rochester, New York, there was a house. A woman had lived there for as long as anyone of fewer years than her could remember - namely, everyone within walking distance. It had once been a big, beautiful old thing, with its arched windows and pointed turrets. As she aged, so did it. The pretty fish-scale shingles fell away, as though it was going bald, and the warm brown paint peeled as moss crept up its sides. Such a story could only end in death, one might suspect. But anticlimax being on our side, the old woman was taken away to a retirement home before her time.

The house had gone from shining relic to fixer-upper from the bowels of hell, and no house hunter wanted anything to do with it. The house lingered on the market for half a year. Then, the "for sale" sign by the walk was marked sold. Much of the neighborhood awaited the arrival of some adventurous young couple in over their heads, or another old fellow looking for a place to lay down and die.

A few days after the house was marked as sold, a crew arrived, the backs of their yellow T-shirts emblazoned with "volunteer." They uprooted weeds and moss, splashed on fresh paint, replaced the shingles, trimmed the tree as its leaves turned, and hauled furniture in from a truck marked with the New England Universal Social Services Committee logo. Rumors circulated, but no one bothered to ask before the crew packed away the paint canisters and hammers and shears, and departed.

SEPTEMBER 29th, 2014


A yellow cab pulled up outside of the house some days later, as the neighborhood held its breath, for lack of anything better to hold its breath over. A young man trundled out, a suitcase in one arm and a backpack over the other. He'd talked his way through the entire drive with the cabbie out of some odd mix of goodwill and nervousness. Before he could go around to the window and thank him one more time, the cabbie had driven off, and he was left to face an uncertain future.

The porch of the house was festooned with streamers, and a bundle of balloons was tied to the mailbox. In the place of the "for sale" sign, someone had posted a new one bearing the FreshStart Program's logo. Across the side of the house, colorful posterboard signs had been posted wherever they would fit. "Welcome home, Toni!" one read. "Welcome home, Mason!" read another. He read through the names - Alice, Elle, Alexander, Toni, Jace, Eucliwood, Mason, Julia... Felix.

Felix smiled. Eight other people. Eight! He didn't know what he'd been so afraid of. His confidence renewed, he made his way through the front door.

The living room shone with new furniture, polished floors, and the smile of a dark-skinned young woman wearing a FreshStart Program shirt. Her eyes brightened, and she stood up from the couch to open her arms. "Welcome home!" she said. "I'm Dana, and I'll be your guidance counselor." She offered him a hand, and he shook it readily. "Go ahead and set your bags anywhere for now." She glanced at a clipboard. "You're either Jace, Felix, or Alexander, yes?"

"Felix," he said, trying to match her smile.

"Good to meet you, Felix," she said, checking something off on her clipboard. "Go ahead and take a seat! The others will be arriving shortly. We're just going to be introducing ourselves for a bit."

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Alice looked up at the house in front of her. It was beautiful, the classic style she loved in homes, although she loved anything with a vintage charm. There was a sign in the ground that bared the company logo and then a bunch of signs displaying names. She found hers among them and thought the rest must be for the other participants, if you could call them that. Nervousness had pooled in her belly and she wondered if she would have a panic attack on the spot. Luckily the medication her doctor had been pumping her with at least helped someone what. She mentally shook herself and picked up the duffel bag that held all of her belongings and made her way up the steps.

Inside she was greeted with a smile and a hug from a woman wearing a staff shirt. "Hello! I'm Dana and you are...?" she asked. "Um, Alice," she answered, fiddling with the strap on her shoulder. "Alright Alice if you just want to have a seat we are waiting for the others to arrive." Alice nodded her head and moved more into the house. It was actually really nice instead of the pit she was imagining. There was a guy in the room that she hadn't noticed and she gave him a small smile before setting on one of the couches.

Alexander Pooler

"Let's do this."

Alex stood before the house, one hand holding onto his duffel bag while the other idly tapped his cane against the sidewalk. A ghost of a smile hovered across his face, though it was laced with a mix of anxiousness and excitement. This was going to be his new life. His new home. No more babying, no more arguments, no more midnight shenanigans--well, okay, he was still going to do the last one. But things were different now. Much different. Sweeping the cane in wide arcs, Alex strode confidently towards the house. His cane knocked against the porch steps and as he hopped up them, the smell of fresh paint and plaster filled his senses. Taking a deep breath, the young man pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"Welcome!" The voice that greeted him was light and full of warmth. "I'm Dana, your guidance counselor. Are you...?" papers rustled as Dana checked for his name, "...Alexander?"

"I prefer 'Alex the Great and Awesome', but Alex will suffice." With a wide smile, he took Dana's hand shook it.

"Alright Mr. 'Great and Awesome'," she chuckled, "you can have a seat on the couch to your left."

Alex nodded and plopped down onto the seat, folding his cane to avoid accidentally hitting someone. Judging by the fact that he wasn't the only one on the couch, it seemed like he wasn't the first to arrive. "So, who has the misfortune of living with me?" He turned to face them.

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Elle walked from the bus stop towards her new home for the next few months. She sighed, her parents sighed her up for this Fresh Start program but weren't bothered to take her to it. They dont care, she thought, why would they knowing how she was. She looked at the box she was carrying, it was filled with biscuits and other treats she made for the group but now tempting her. They don't deserve it after all, she thought reaching in the box, they wont appreciate them they will just take them and just think of her as treat dispensing device until she drives them away like everyone else. She took one biscuits out and looked at them, the dont deserve them.

She arrived a the apartment empty handed apart from her wheeled suitcase with her things. She filled full but wanted to eat something else. The place looked fresh and new, she could even smell that it was recently painted. It was nice, nothing special but nice. She saw the guidance concealer inside.

Welcome!" The voice that greeted her was light and full of warmth. "I'm Dana, your guidance counselor. Are you...?" papers rustled as Dana checked for his name, "...Eleanor?"

"Elle yes, hi." She replied with a forced wide smile back, not believing the smile but forcing her self not to comment.

"Have seat i will be in there soon." Dana replied pointing in a nearby room.

Elle walked into the room and saw the others there." Hello, pretty gents and ladies." She said as she entered and sat down.
Alice blanched at the word "misfortune", because wasn't what that what had brought them here? "Alice... I'm Alice," she said in a quiet voice and glanced at the people around her. They all looked pretty normal, but then again looks could be deceiving. She wondered if they had problems like her own or if it was something bigger than that. "I'm next to you," she said to the guy who had sat beside her. She had never met someone who was blind before and hoped that she didn't offend him with her words.
Julia was next to arrive and she was greeted in the same way everyone else was. She spent some time looking around the interior of the house before she sat down with everyone else. It was a relief to be in here, it was oddly relaxing. Maybe it was the colour scheme they used or the old style of the house. She hadn't felt nervous at all, only excitement but now the reality of it had started to catch up with her. She sat there tapping her leg, trying her hardest not to cry in front of all these strangers.
Jace was one of the last to arrive, which annoyed him a bit, he got out of the car carrying only a backpack of necessary items in it, He'd gotten used to only bringing what he needed from being bounced around so much from home to home, he took a deep breath before walking up the steps to the house and opening the door. He looked around at the people there and huffed quietly as he was given the whole spiel from the worker who's name was Dana "I'm Jace" he muttered before taking a seat near the blonde guy, he set his bag in front of him before leaning back and staring at the bag, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone else in the room.
Elle said in silence with the others, feeling calmer than before didnt like the silence it just made her think. She was craving something food, alcohol anything to stop her from thinking. She tried to think of something to talk about with the others but didnt know whether she should. She began to think of a song that made her smile considering their situation and began to hymn the tune before singing softly as she tapped her foot and bobbed her head slightly. "Well I don't know why I came here tonight. I got the feeling that something ain't right.I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair. And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs.Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am.Stuck in the middle with you." (Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You)
Alexander Pooler

"I can hear where you are." Alexander swiveled his head towards the general direction of Alice. He gave her another one of his smiles, this one more gentle than mischievous. That tone of voice, hesitant and careful, was one he often heard from his parents and friends. He'd grown to tolerate it, though he was hoping he'd change it. "Don't worry 'bout nothing. Just treat me like anyone else. Except, y'know, blind."

Soft singing soon caught Alexander's attention. It wasn't a song he recognized, but the voice had a wonderful lilt. He turned his head slightly, trying to pinpoint the general direction of the song. "Who's singing? You're pretty damn good."
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William Hendrix

William stared out the passenger side window of the compact rental car as it cruised down the Rochester streets, which thankfully weren't jammed with traffic. He watched the groups of people making their way up and down the sidewalks: some carefree, others clearly eager to be on their way. It was Will's first time in New York, though he could hardly enjoy the sightseeing aspect in his current situation.

"Hell of an improvement over Savannah, huh?" Hoyt remarked from the driver's seat. William smirked and grunted something vaguely resembling agreement before settling further into the pleather seats. Danny Hoyt was one of Will's best friends, or at least he had been at one time. They had come up together through the Rangers, graduating from the same class at RASP, being assigned to the same platoon as Privates, and even attending the same Ranger School class.

It had been Danny who led the effort to track William down and get him signed up for the Program. Hendrix was genuinely honored, despite his misgivings about the road he was on. Hoyt was well aware of this, insisting to fly Will up to Rochester himself and drive him to the boarding house. As much as he might insist otherwise, William knew it was to ensure that he actually showed up.

Before long, Danny began to slow the car down, glancing at the GPS for confirmation. "And... we're here."

William beheld his new "home away from home" for the foreseeable future. While it was hardly a luxury penthouse, it was considerably more upscale than anything he was used to. When once's adult accommodations had consisted largely of barracks and remote forward operating bases, even the smallest of creature comforts were welcome. With a sigh, Hendrix grabbed his Multicam-colored baseball cap from the dash and slid it onto his head, stepping out of the vehicle and working out the kinks in his leg. Danny helped him remove his luggage -- a stuffed military rucksack plus a few other odds and ends -- before holding out his hand.

William took it with a smile, leaning into a brief hug. "Thanks, Hoyt."

Danny pulled away. "No problem man. Like I said, if you ever need anything, just hit me up. I'm just a short flight away." He turned to walk back to the car, only to hesitate. He faced Will again. "..For what it's worth, I really think Lance would be proud of you right now."

Hendrix didn't reply, merely nodding. Hoyt held up a hand. "Take care, brother." With that, he climbed back into the compact, starting it up and making his way back to the airport. Will turned back to the house, releasing another sigh. Hefting the ruck onto his back, he made his way up the stairs and into the house. He spared a moment to take in the furniture which was actually fairly impressive, even to someone who cared little for interior decoration. Hendrix made his way to the living room where he found more than a half-dozen other people -- his "roommates" -- already waiting. Signing himself in with the counselor, he made his way to a small chair at the corner of the room and sat down. Back to a wall, all exits and entrances in sight. That was one of the rules.
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Zachary Engels walked down the streets of Rochester, carrying a simple brown suitcase and his trusty communicating whiteboard. The Asian boy was clad in a smart khaki suit jacket over a turquoise shirt, along with black jeans and a light brown trilby. On his feet were green flip-flops, incongruously casual against his overall dapper outfit. Today was the day his new life began. He would stay in a house with several other 'troubled' people like him and together, they'd get better.

That was the plan, ideally. But Zach knew that nothing was ever that simple. There was surely going to be trouble, one way or another. If he could cry out in frustration, he would. But he couldn't now, could he? Otherwise, he wouldn't even need to be a part of the stupid second chance program. Even the premise was stupid. Life didn't work that way. It had always been either survive or die. No mercy, no respawn and definitely no second chances.

Several minutes of temperamental walking later, he was standing in front of the telltale FSP house. It was...for lack of a better word, quaint. A house that anyone could feel at home in. Maybe it wouldn't so bad after all. Anticipating greeting sessions, Zach wrote out the necessary things on his whiteboard.

Zachary Engels



Now deeming himself ready, he stepped towards the building and entered. Just as he entered the living room, a young woman walked up to him and was about to ask him the necessary questions, but he held up the whiteboard and she nodded in response.

"Ah, welcome, Zachary, we've been expecting you! I'm Dana and I'll be your guidance counselor," she cheerfully said. "You were a rather...late applicant, weren't you?" Zach nodded tactly. "Well, no need to worry about that. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable, we'll be starting shortly." With that, he wandered off without a word and found himself a seat.
Phaesaris said:
Alexander Pooler

"I can hear where you are." Alexander swiveled his head towards the general direction of Alice. He gave her another one of his smiles, this one more gentle than mischievous. That tone of voice, hesitant and careful, was one he often heard from his parents and friends. He'd grown to tolerate it, though he was hoping he'd change it. "Don't worry 'bout nothing. Just treat me like anyone else. Except, y'know, blind."

Soft singing soon caught Alexander's attention. It wasn't a song he recognized, but the voice had a wonderful lilt. He turned his head slightly, trying to pinpoint the general direction of the song. "Who's singing? You're pretty damn good."
Elle instinctively raised her hand at the call for her before realizing that the man asking was blind." Me and thanks... Needed to do something to break the tension here.. Thought this song was appropriate, considering our situation."She said before smirking." I am Ellie by the way. Wavy blond hair, 6 foot tall, blue eyes and hourglass figure."She lied jokingly. "Defiantly doesn't wear glasses."
Jace watched the blind man and the girl who's singing was annoying him beyond words, before looking up to see a man with a whiteboard, dressed pretty nicely except....flipflops, he rolled his eyes and rest his elbow on the arm of the chair with his face resting on top of his hand observing the people around the room, His eyes wandered and continuously landed on the blonde man next to him before quickly looking away "You're such a liar, Ellie" he said with an evil smirk

"Huss you..." Ellie said in a load whisper like voice as if trying to hide it but doing a bad job of it. " He doesn't know that..." She couldn't help chuckle a bit. "Fine i am a red curly head with nerd glasses."

Alexander Pooler

Alexander feigned a shocked gasp. "Lying to a blind man. Truly you are the scum of the Earth." He reclined back and grinned. "Red, blonde, glasses, no glasses--you all look the same to me." He laughed and crossed his arms.

His head lifted as he heard someone enter, yet no introduction was given. "Did someone come in? What's your name?"

Mason Leigh Stamey

Her petite figure trembled with anxiety, and the beautiful girl felt as though she was at risk of a panic attack at any moment. What was waiting for her? Well, I mean, she knew what was waiting for her - it was her new group home. But she wasn't sure of much else. Part of her feared that she wouldn't be able to handle it there, and would jump out of the window before any real work could be done. Another part was weary about her interactions with the other people, as she would likely be the youngest one there. Yet another part of her was just straight up terrified of being hurt again. She felt as though her parents had abandoned her so she wouldn't weigh them down anymore. She didn't have many friends to begin with, but the ones she did have left her after they didn't believe her story. And, honestly, she had given up on herself far before anyone else had.

Mason took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. The policeman who had escorted her led her to the doorway, and she waved at him with shaky fingers. She turned and formed those same fingers into a fist that she used to knock on the door.

A rather energetic, eccentric figure opened the door. "Hiya! I'm Dana, the counselor. You would be..." She checked her notes. "You're Mason, right?" Mason nodded. "Come right on in! We're just getting started." Mason forced a smile and entered the extraordinary house as quietly as possible. She found a chair and sat, attempting to calm herself before interacting with anyone.
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William Hendrix

"Did someone come in? What's your name?"

Will glanced over at the young man who had asked the question. He had heard enough of the others' conversation to know that the man was blind. Part of him was tempted to ignore him; not necessarily out of a desire to be rude or dismissive but out of a belief that it would be simpler that way. Still, he knew as soon as the thought crossed his mind that this kind of attitude wouldn't do... not anymore. He was in for the long haul.

"William..." he said flatly. "Hendrix."

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As more people filled the room Alice began tapping her foot wildly. She did it without thinking as she always did when her anxiety spiked. There were too many new faces, too many names she would have to remember later. The tapping calmed her somewhat, but it was one of those things that had always annoyed her parents, they never understood why it helped her. When William spoke she looked up, and noticed him in a chair in the corner. He seemed standoffish and she wondered what had brought him here, or what had brought any of them here. Her tapping got worse and she knew she was probably shaking the couch, but she couldn't help it.
Jace continued eyeing the people who entered as if they were prey, darkness in his expression before he heard a girl tapping her foot, he shot her an angry glare and tried to resist the urge to say something, instead he reached into his backpack and pulled out an mp3 player and stuck the headphones in, trying to drown it out with loud, angry music that was turned up so high the people near him could probably hear it, he shut his eyes while still resting his head on his hand

Alice caught the glare coming her way and immediately ceased her tapping. It felt strange without out the movement, but she hated annoying people and she mouthed the word sorry to the guy who had glared at her. Then she noticed his closed eyes and flushed in embarrassment. The room had become quiet and she could hear the music blasting out of his headphones. She wondered how he didn't blow out his ear drums.

Safton said:
William Hendrix

"Did someone come in? What's your name?"

Will glanced over at the young man who had asked the question. He had heard enough of the others' conversation to know that the man was blind. Part of him was tempted to ignore him; not necessarily out of a desire to be rude or dismissive but out of a belief that it would be simpler that way. Still, he knew as soon as the thought crossed his mind that this kind of attitude wouldn't do... not anymore. He was in for the long haul.

"William..." he said flatly. "Hendrix."

"Like the gitarist? Awesome." Ellie chimed in with a chuckle looking around at the others. They all seemed worried and introverted which was a shame, they were going to be living together they might as well be friendly. "Come on everyone let's go in a circle and introduce ourselves. I am Ellie Collins."
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
"Like the gitarist? Awesome." Ellie chimed in with a chuckle looking around at the others. They all seemed worried and introverted which was a shame, they were going to be living together they might as well be friendly. "Come on everyone let's go in a circle and introduce ourselves. I am Ellie Collins."
Alice looked at the girl named Ellie. She seemed really upbeat which was kind of refreshing, while everyone else in the room seemed closed off, including herself. "I'm Alice Day, but you can call me Copper. Everyone back home calls me that." she said giving the girl a small smile. She was glad someone was going to break the ice.
Jace opened one eye as he noticed the girls talking and paused his music as he watched them before glancing over at the blonde guy beside him, wondering when he was going to speak up, he was rather curious about this one before realizing the girls were introducing themselves, he chose to stay quiet and wait until someone bothered to ask him what his name was, he yanked one earbud out but kept the other in and unpaused his music as he closed his eyes again

@London Fog
Alexander Pooler

William, Ellie, Copper. Alexander silently memorized the names, reciting each one in his mind. He was never good at memorization, but that'd have to change. After all, he couldn't exactly go around calling his new housemates, "Hey, you!".

Alex capped his hands together and rubbed him, eager for the introductory invitation. "Name's Alexander Pooler. You can call me Alex, Xander, King of the House--most preferably the latter. Originally shoved in here by my folks 'for my own safety'," Bitterness, totally alien from his previously cheery mood, seeped into his voice and expression. In an instant, it lifted and his brightness had returned . "But if I'm going to have folks like you as housemates, then I don't really mind that much. Just don't leave your crap on the floor."
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