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  1. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee says nothing and stands off to one side, his men facing the way ahead. He waits patiently and quietly until the group is ready to continue.
  2. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    "I have returned" /Dragoon
  3. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    "Additional weapons will be useful, though. Any specifics on what should and should not be grabbed?" Lee asks, sticking his head in and glancing around the interior long enough to confirm his suspicions.
  4. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee stays quiet... he'd been expecting something of the sort for a while. With his troops surrounding him, he eyes the stairwell down. Eying the holes askance, he remains quiet and outwardly at ease.
  5. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee follows Arama, keeping his fang about 25 steps behind Arama's in case something nasty happened. "Stick with me, boys" He quietly orders his group, "And we'll all get out of here alive." Maybe they would. He certainly hoped so.
  6. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    ...hopefully >.>
  7. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    Hope y'all had a good new year.
  8. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    Jah jah, and a good Yule, that's for shure.
  9. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    *pokes the IC thread hopefully*
  10. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee frowned. This was going to be fun. In that nasty, special kind of way that implied lots of screaming and painful death.
  11. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee motions to his squad leader, getting the men out and deployed in a defensive perimeter before walking down the ramp, his blade already held out in a ready position.
  12. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    My last final is Tuesday of next week.
  13. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    I did almost as good with half the pool xD
  14. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    Trying to get more detail with the reader before I pocket it: Results for 6 dice: 5 successes [ 0 5 1 8 0 4 ] (TN: 7)
  15. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    "Oh joy..." Lee says dryly, nodding at his sergeant. "Get the men ready to move once this thing's stopped. And make sure they know where the rally-points are if there's any difficulty." Lee spends a couple of moments fiddling with the reader, "book-marking" the rally locations that he and...
  16. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee nods at his command, sliding the schematics of the lower city out and studying it, plotting out potential rendezvous points on the eventuality that the fang is split up, primarily conferring with his NCO in the seat next to him.
  17. GaelicNinja

    [IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

    Lee pockets his map, and after ensuring that he had everything he needed about himself, applied the tracer and saddled up, motioning to his men to do the same thing. "This map should help. And stay close to me, men" He said, nodding quietly at them.
  18. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    I'd rather have a slice of delicious cake! Possibly cheesecake, but if that's unavailable, I'm willing to compromise
  19. GaelicNinja

    [OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

    What about from the sides and bottom? >.>
  20. GaelicNinja

    Looking for Players

    What are your thoughts on an Eclipse who's almost been rebuilt with Magitech limbs and other components? Story-hook-wise, his best friend received the Black Exaltation in the same explosion that prompted the removal and replacement of his limbs. (and is now an enemy). Of course, the zombie...