[IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]

The presence of the Iron Ox was... a surprise. An unwanted one at that. While not menacing in and of itself, especially since there was no load of either cargo or passengers for it to be pulling there was little reason for it to be at a secret entrance to the lower city.

At Meadow's mention of blood and flesh, Arama pulled the helmet of her armor on fully, and scanned the area through the artifact lens and visor over her eyes. One hand raised in a quick memorized battlesign for her squad to prepare themselves for possible threats as the other grabbed the hilt of Three-Tiered Tower at her back. Silently, she cursed, and hoped that they hadn't actually been unknowingly deposited into a combat situation.

"Any features of the unknown factor?" she asked as she looked back and forth warily. "Physical, Essence, or other?"
Gazing about the hall revealed nothing dangerous in and of itself...

Venturing closer to the train, the metallic scent of blood only grew stronger as did the scent of charred meat. A hint of incense and something that didn't smell normal and more alien, liquid was hidden in those two growing scents as Arama drew nearer to the Iron Ox.

Looking into the driver's comparment of the Iron Ox revealed a charnal house. With dragonblooded and mortal bodies lying about dead. Quite dead and for some time too.

A cursory investigation would have shown that they likely died of the cuts and burns. But Arama's keen eyes revealed more... those wounds and burns had oddly occurred they had died.

Save for the one corpse by the inside wall. A dragonblooded armed with daiklave and plasma tongue repeater.

A dragonblooded who, after inscribing a message from the blood of his wounds, had cut his own head off.

"May the dragons have mercy on us."

It was the gush of blood that had spread across the ceiling of the compartment that was the source of the dripping sound.

Judging by the dead and the temperature of the Iron Ox, the vehicle had been parked here for several hours at the least.
Arama cautiously moved up to the Iron Ox and looked inside. After peering at the interior for a moment, she pulled her head out of the opening.

"It seems that there is a definite threat, at least further into the complex," she said in a dry, flat voice, the only thing that could have hinted at her reaction under the Ashigaru helmet. The Earth-aspect moved out of the way so that the others could see what was inside. "Does anyone who is not particularly squeamish wish to commandeer some additional weapons? We may need them."
Aine deploys his squad covering the hall as the other STARS investigate the Iron Ox.

"I take that the contents ain't particularly pleasent then." Aine speaks in his normal unimpressed tone. "Well we better get a move on, the less time we spend here , the quicker we can reach our objective and then get out of here."
"Additional weapons will be useful, though. Any specifics on what should and should not be grabbed?" Lee asks, sticking his head in and glancing around the interior long enough to confirm his suspicions.
0552 Hours / 25th Day / Descending Fire

"Tch," Taizei Wu's face scowled as he peered into the entrance of the Iron Ox. "We'll need to dispose of the bodies before we get hungry ghosts. If no one wants anything from the dead bodies, I'll be setting them on fire."


Decapitated Wood Aspect - White Jade Breastplate - Plasma Tongue Repeater (no ammo left) - Green Jade Daiklave Pile of Dead Bodies (2 DBs and 4 Mortals or Poorly Bred DBs) - 1 pair of Black Jade Razor Claws - 1 pair of Red Jade Short Daiklaves - 2 Plasma Tongue Repeaters (no ammo left) - 1 Gunzosha Armour (damaged) - 1 Ashigaru Amour (undamaged) - 1 Green Jade Reinforced Breastplate Armour
Aine shrugs., "Nope, I don't now shall we quickly get what we need, burn the bodies and move on?"
"It's always tricky, when putting to rest the spirits of those slain in such a grotesque manner..." Tranquil Meadow says. "We won't be leaving them in there, in any case." He looks left and right, gesturing to his troops to remove the bodies from the transport and directing that they be laid out on the floor as respectfully as possible.

"Taking the possessions of the deceased can sometimes raise a soul's ire, but I think since we are Dragon-Blooded, they would understand the passing on of such priceless heirlooms as these. So, take what you will, but be grateful," the former monk says. "When you're done, I will perform a short ceremony for them."

The Wood Aspect himself kneels down beside his decapitated compatriot, gently lifting the Daiklaive and Repeater. He murmurs an apology as he does so.
Lee says nothing and stands off to one side, his men facing the way ahead.

He waits patiently and quietly until the group is ready to continue.
Arama walked past, giving one of the repeaters a glance and cautiously picking it up. Shrugging to herself, she also took the accompanying holster and put both on.

"While you take care of the funerary rituals, try to see if it's possible to clean up the Iron Ox's cabin," she asked Meadow, stepping around the bodies and soldiers and into the vehicle. "It will be unpleasant enough a trip in this without having to worry about slipping on blood or such."

The Earth-aspect then went over to the control panel of the Iron Ox and began checking the various gauges and meters.
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust," The fire aspect shook his head as he looked down at the arrayed corpses.

With a light touch and a flaring of the inner essence that was his birthright, the fallen dragonblooded and mortals were ignited, burning white hot. The scent of burning wood and steam rising from the flames were the only signs of the exalted amongst the dead.

As flames slowly died down, the soldiers slowly ensured that the blood wouldn't be a factor in terms of footing with liberal usage of sand, liberated from side compartments in the Iron Ox.
As the flames begin to rise, Tranquil Meadow produces a string of prayer beads from somewhere on his person and entwines them around his hands, closing his eyes and beginning to speak in a low, formal voice; those who listen closely might recognize a passage from the Immaculate Texts, or they might just hear a string of religious fluff, depending on their own disposition.

Fueled by a Fire Aspect's anima, the flames burn hot and quick, leaving only charred metal and hollow Jade armour. As the former monk draws his prayers to a close, so too do the flames reach their end; lacking any means to dispose of the remains, the Wood aspect settles for etching the five-pointed star of the elements into the floor beside them with the aid of the daiklaive he has taken into his possession. He then straps it to his armour, stands up and nods.

"I don't see what more we can do here," he says. "Let's move on."
Aine nods slightly as Tranquil Meadow finishes and moves forward nodding his head slightly to the now burnt remains of the dead.

"The living require our attention, shall we move on?"

Scene is now closed and locked...

XP tally is 4 XP per page (5). Total XP is 20 for all players.

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