[IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 2 : Toy Soldiers [BioHazard]


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
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0515 Hours / 25th Day / Descending Fire

Tanuki City Aviary

0515 hours

25th day of Descending Fire

Year of the Quicksilver Phoenix

The heavens above glimmered with promised heat as it lightened from velverty darkness, streaking with faint crimson and lavender in the pre-dawn.

High above the Tanuki city's aviary's landing field for the smaller aerial vehicles, the Kireeki class skytreme floated imperiously much like the queen of the heavens that it was, crowned with the running lights of smaller patrol airships.

The airfields were oddly rather busy, despite the time of day with entire aerial units being marshalled into formation. The sounds of the various sky-ships in the airfield blended together to form a symphony as warbirds and kani skimmers warmed up alongside numerous Manta transports being boarded by mortal troops and their Dragonblooded commanders.

The amount of firepower being assembled could be considered worrying.

Still, it shouldn't be a concern for the commanders of the six S.T.A.R.S units assembled by the Manta class airship 'Nu Wa's Bounty' and her escorts.

"Okay, here are the maps," the heavily bandaged up taizei in obsidian and orichalcum articulated plate armour, by the name of Cid, handed out a series of flat crystal readers to the other six dragonblooded officers. "You can use the control interface to adjust the point of view, allowing you to work out where you are. Bear in mind that these maps are for schematics of the lower city and do not reflect any possible changes or damage to the structures."

"If you have no other question, I would appreciate it if you could put on your trackers, and board the Nu Wa. We're behind schedule as it is."

EDIT - minor change to # of escorts
Lee pockets his map, and after ensuring that he had everything he needed about himself, applied the tracer and saddled up, motioning to his men to do the same thing.

"This map should help. And stay close to me, men" He said, nodding quietly at them.
Zhi Jun's anger from the day past was still with him today. His expression frigid and austere, he takes the mapping device and pockets it. Without a look to the other commanders or even his fellow Taizei, let alone spoken word, Zhi Jun places the Tracker on the back of his left wrist and walks aboard the Nu Wa, motioning for his squad to follow as he moves.

*Edited for mistake >.>*
Aine reaches up and takes the flat crystal reader from Cid.

"Thanks" he yawns, covering his mouth after speaking. He continues to wipe the sleep from his eyes as he places the tracker on his wrist and steps up on board the Nu Wa. He turns back to his squad motioning them on board and then to a place they will gather, with his head.
0515 Hours / 25th Day / Descending Fire

The interior of the Nu Wa's Bounty was much like any other Manta's interior, cramped and space being a premium. Still, the cargo hold was converted to hold a full talon of infantry.

This despite the fair amount of equipment already loaded within it meant that there was more than enough space for the six S.T.A.R.S. fangs and their commanders without being cramped.


Fang = 5 soldiers, Scale = 25, Talon = 125, Wing = 625, Dragon = 1,250, Legion/Field Force = 6,250
When handed the crystal reader, Amara merely puts it into her pack and heads into the airship. The troops assigned to her march in after her, already aware of her little... quirks. Once inside and seated, she leans back and closes her eyes as she waits for the remaining people to enter and the Nu Wa to take off.
Tranquil Meadow stows the map crystal away and affixes the tracker to himself, still with that ever-present smile as he turns back to his fang. He strikes up a quiet conversation, getting to know them a little.
Aine leans against the bulk-head as everyone else gets onboard, he watches as his fang stows their gear and forms up around him again. While he waits for the other commanders to arrive he takes out the crystal reader and starts going over the schematics of the lower city.
0515 Hours / 25th Day / Descending Fire

The soft whine of the motonic turbine engines overhead and rumbling of the bulkheads was the primary indicator that the Nu Wa was preparing for its flight as essence flowed from the hearthstones in the cockpit.

Outside of the cargohold hatch to the rear, azure essence lightning discharged harmlessly from the tail spires with snap and crackles as of tiny lightning elementals. While beneath the wings that swept out to the sides of the skyship, thruster units cohersed into existence essence patterns that glowed brilliant enough to appear as halos of white lightning surrounded by sinuous azure lightning that didn't quite break free.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this is your pilot Skippy, welcome aboard the Nu Wa's Bounty. Flight systems will be ready in five minutes for lift off on this fine morn," A voice crackled over the interior speakers within the cargo hold, one that was far too chipper and energetic for the time of day. Or for that matter, any time of the day.

"We'll be escorted to our destination by the 'Swift Blade of Tian Zi', 'Justice of Shih Huang Di', 'Jegal Ryang's Vindication' and the old workhorse of the aerial fleet 'Anathema Slayer'. I strongly recommend strapping down, because we have a forecast of turbulence due to the number of essence engines in use around Tanuki city."
Aine plonks himself into one of the seats lining the walls, and straps himself in. He motions his fang into 5 empty seats, then continues to read the crystal reader
Lee nods at his command, sliding the schematics of the lower city out and studying it, plotting out potential rendezvous points on the eventuality that the fang is split up, primarily conferring with his NCO in the seat next to him.
Rinji had a slightly late start, but, he caught up in a quick shuffle, boarding the skyship. He took a seat and began examining his crystal, especially the security details.

"I wonder how accurate these really are..."
0520 Hours / 25th Day / Descending Fire

With the cargo-hatch lifting shut, the only sources of light in the cargo hold were that from the few remaining overhead lights recessed in the bulkheads and from the glowing schematics in the reading crystals.

The faint whine slowly build up around the cargohold, creating a rumbling sensation before dying down into a smooth hum as the sensation of pressure downwards indicated that lift off had occurred.

"And we have lift off!" Skippy's voice announced over the system "If you look out the startboard portholes, you'll see the 'Certain Response of the Shogun', a Kireeki class skytreme in all of her glory."

A minute later, the downward pressure died down before a slight pressure spiked to the rear... but that died off within moments.

"The weather report says that it should be clear skies for the rest of the day, but hold on tight. The air is a mite turbulent with all the essence extracted and dumped back into it by the various engines in the skyships and the skytreme."
Aine continues to read the crystal, working out gathering points, choke points, quickest routes from a variety of places to the hospital. Taking his cue from Lee he starts to discuss with his NCO a number of meeting points depending on where they split up in the city, quickest routes to each of the manses and admin building, possible ambush spots etc...
0529 Hours / 25th Day / Descending Fire

With the initial bumpiness evening out after the first few minutes of leaving the Tanuki city airspace, the flight proceeded uneventfully with the background humming of the engines in flight concealing the quiet murmurings of the various commanders and their gunchei or sergents as they were commonly called.

The maps while detailed, with full listings, did bring up interesting facts and details that were not commonly known; and which made certain structure placements more understandable.

The array of the manses and administrative buildings when gazed from the top down resembled a sakura blossom with delicate traceries connecting all of the petals to its center and to each other.

The fact that all five of the manses and administrative building were interconnected, and not just by pathways or iron-ox carriage tracks, was something known and acknowledged.

What wasn't commonly known was that all five manses had multiple underground tunnels and service corridors that linked each other, and one service corridor linking each manse from the control chambers to the administrative building.

Of course, the fact that the manses all had structures that extended down beneath the surface in a mirror reflection of their upper levels certainly explained how there could be so many people employed in the lower city at any time.

The placement of the hospital in the administrative building also made certain sense, given that it was the central building in the lower city and made access to it easier.

The various outlaying buildings were more for testing of new artifacts, storage of equipment and supplies or even relaxation and resting for the various staff, such as tea houses and cafes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now approaching our destination. Definitely on time, I do recommend making sure you're secure down, because the landing just might get bumpy!"


OOC notes

If you wish to get additional details from the map beyond what is where, I'll need a Intelligence + Lore OR Craft (Earth or Magitech). Geomancy, Architectural specialties can apply.
"Oh joy..." Lee says dryly, nodding at his sergeant. "Get the men ready to move once this thing's stopped. And make sure they know where the rally-points are if there's any difficulty."

Lee spends a couple of moments fiddling with the reader, "book-marking" the rally locations that he and the sergeant had decided on during the flight. Then, pocketing it, he leans back in his seat, fingers idly stroking the blade of Spark of a Thousand Embers as he contemplated what might happen to his command.
"Hmmm, interesting little map here..."

He studied it closer, noting odd details.

"Why would they put a privy there...oh, yeah, essence flow...."


Curse you, my geomancy specialty is in Occult...XP

Anyways, my dice roll as told to me by the all knowing dicebot:

7 successes [9 5 8 8 7 3 10 9 2]
And, there goes my luck for the rest of the game, :(
The landing was... bumpy to say the least, with the shrill whinning of engines given a workout growing more noticable.

And was that echoing sound of as of pistons slamming fire lances activating and being fired in repeated sequence?

An endless eternity of jolting and shaking later, there was only stillness as the whine of the engines slowly faded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have touched down!" the voice of Skippy annouced over the intercom system of the 'Nu Wa'. "Be careful when exiting via the rear egress, as the clearing we're in is a tad bit warm."

The edge of light along the rear cargo-hatch that came with a loud clang of the locking mechanism was accompanied by the scent of smoke and burning.

In quick order, the hatch slowly opened to reveal a burned out clearing with small fires dying out. The mansion in the near distance stood unharmed, while surrounded by trees that stood tall and proud. Presumably, this clearing didn't exist before the landing, given the smoldering stumps here and there.
Aine stands and looks back at his squad, he nods towards the now open exit hatch. He looks outside for a moment before stepping out.
Lee motions to his squad leader, getting the men out and deployed in a defensive perimeter before walking down the ramp, his blade already held out in a ready position.
Ah, the scent of smoldering pine and maple trees, is there anything like it? The syrupy sweet arouma gave the clearing the fragrance of a go or pai sho salon with filled with incense.

Once outside of the Nu Wa, the S.T.A.R.S. commanders could see that the other Manta airships had also touched down safely.

The number of soldiers and sorcerer-technicians getting off the manta and the unloading of a good number of small hand-held artillary and mounts for not so small artillery could be considered surprising. Along with crates with weapons and ammunition.

Admitedly, this was a good sign that it just might be a good idea that on returning from the mission, that the all-okay signal should be done... lest accidents happen.
Lee frowned. This was going to be fun. In that nasty, special kind of way that implied lots of screaming and painful death.
Tranquil Meadow actually frowned, for a moment, upon stepping out in the clearing; apparantly the (former?) follower of Sextes Jylis did not approve of such wholesale destruction. But he made no comment, and stepped to the side to observe his fang disembarking. Once they were all out and had readied themselves with due speed, he engaged his squad leader in some quiet conversation while they waited for everyone to be ready.
With a lazy motion, Arama motioned her squad out of the Nu Wa and into the newly-created clearing. With a tap to the side of her head to properly secure her artifact eyepiece, she followed after them once they had vacated the ramp. Once outside the transport, she watched the various preparations and equipment being set up outside the entrance as she waited for the final, short briefing they were likely to receive before heading into the complex.

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