[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

its art darhling!!!

or to be specific art by this freaky bloke called Mathew Barney... he creates weird art, and created the Cremaster Cycle, which was sort of the art world star wars, its a 5 part art film thing... beautifully shot, some beautiful images, but all just plan weird and if you watch it, it just don't make any sense, in that weird AHRT stylie.

The piccie I use is of the Apprentice from Cremaster 3

more info here though some images may not be deemed work safe

i've seen one of his live shows as well... and i really really really really wish I hadn't...
*fires off information*

12-12 18:17:06 Arama rolls 12 dice to map deciphering 6 successes

9,9,6,4,1, 9,1,5,5,3, 10,7

Big pool, but averaging out... :lol:

If no one has anything else to pose (say by midnight, tomorrow night), I'll be landing the manta... and then... stuff happens.
Dude, you've GOT to be a little better here. This is finals week for me. I have things I want to post, but I don't have even a fraction of the time necessary. I would assume that there are others like me in this game who are also in the home stretch. At least one.
I thought finals were over already... ^_^ ;;;

Damn me and my distorted time frame...

Very well, you shall have your bullet time...
Duh...why didn't the security tech think of that? xD

Oh, wait, it's cause I haven;t read that post yet, xD
By the by, I have a question does anyone WANT to post anything before the manta lands?

Not going to post something, but WANT to post anything?

Because if the answer is no, I'm going to continue on with a post of the manta landing.
i'm guessing fhgwdads05/Wu Zhi Jun may have a few words to say re:I'm the boss sort of thing
Tranquil Meadow sees no purpose in activity at this stage; as Dragon-Blooded, he has been trained with the right methods for this sort of excursion. So too have his men, who incidentally he is sure are much more familiar with this installation than he. A moment of peace while in transit is what he deems most benificial.

Ooommmmmm.... - . -
I'm going to let things be until this thursday morning. If no one posts in the OOC thread expressing an interest in posting something, or actually posting in the IC thread... I'm continuing the scene.
Given that fhgwdads05 has been dead silent for virtually a week now... I'm landing the manta and continuing the scene.

Post as you will.
well off to jamiaca now for slightly over 2 weeks.. see you all for definite on the 9th and maybe before if the hotel wifi works

merry chrimbo and have a great new year

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