[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

THE CAKE IS A LIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs screaming, cackling madly as he begins the world-destroying rites that will bring forth Great C'Thulhu to the world once more*

Ia Ia C'thulhu f'taghn, Ia Ia C'thulhu f'taghn, Ia Ia C'thulhu f'taghn...
And now... you discover the downside of Play By Post. The speed of the game is dictated by the speed of the slowest player, and the real world will impact and influence things.
Oh, I've known that downside for some time. The two other games I'm in the Online-Roleplaying.com forums BOTH suffer from this. -_-
Hence why I suggested taking it ooc.

*shrugs* tis too late now, the die is cast.
The method that involves me interviewing each of you, looking at your personnel files (if available), and if necessary testing you. I'll make one post of questions that will apply to all of you. You'll basically just fill out the form. This is probably how it will lay out:


"Blaghity Blagh blagh?"

"Blaghity Blaghity Blaghen Blagh?"

"Blagh. Blaghen Blagh Blaghs, Blaghit?"


And so on. Once we have everyone and I rant about Aine :P , I'll make that post, we'll get through it, and we'll be done. I'll give assignments on the flight in the morning, giving us something short and quick to talk about then. That all cool?
Haku said:
Not surprised, the man has authority issues... :D
authority issues... nah.... he just don't take orders ;)

the way Aine sees it is the directorate dismissed us, i.e. its his time now, not on duty, time to relax, exercise, go to the bar, get some shut eye ready for the early start...

I bring dire news... your current ST has but limited time left on this plane of existance.

Within seven days (the next sunday), if the current scene does not end or continue, he shall expire before it.

And a Great and Terrible Dark Lord shall rise in his place... and he shall take this game in his iron-clad fist and do terrible things.

You have been warned.
The scene shall be done very soon, with luck tonight or tomorrow morning. Next scene's in-transit portion might take slightly longer though, as I'll be starting out in reaming mode. >.>
Again... do not presume that you have "unlimited" time in transit. This is me saying OOC.
one problem with walking off, out of the IC thread, is that it leaves you very little to do but wait :(
It goes double for an ST whose players have taken themselves out of play and sit waiting in a corridor... :evil:
Sorry. This is dead week for me, so things have become hectic. Never fear, I will post today. And I've decided that to make things quicker and easier, the interview process will most likely now happen OOC.
*coughs and waves from sickbed that is being pushed to the Sick Little ST room*

"I've got a message from the new ST who will replace me after I expire, I'm sure you'll be in good hands."

"Tick. Tock, gentlemen... Tick. Tock..."
*runs around waving hands and screaming at the top of his voice*

we're all gunna die!!!!!!!!!!
make your decision, fhgwdads05... I'd rather avoid the unpleasantness afterwards.

And on that note, Lee's in his room sharpening his blade and going over his suit of Terrestrial Battle Armor.
The decision has been made. The only thing holding back from posting right now is my lack of time. Now to go practice. >.>
practice makes perfect they do say....

well might as well let you know now, I'm going to be away for 2 weeks from the 24th Dec to the 9th Jan, off on holiday to Jamaica, now the Sandels I'm off too does have WiFi but I'll only have my mobile phone with me and tbh i doubt I'll have the time to post much if at all.

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