[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]

heh... going off for a warm christmas with no snow? ^_-

Isn't that like drinking warm beer? :lol:
heh yup.. i've never been one for warm beer... but anything to get away from the welsh rain, cold, etc... plus its the first holiday i've had this year... so a bit of a blow out... furthest i've been from home as well... 10 hour flight..
Okay, so I've posted what's gonna happen finally. You guys should probably post about whether you follow me or not, and as to who goes in the room first. And Gaelic, whether you return or not. The last part reads more like OOC rather than IC, but it was a necessary evil. >.<
Well, Arama is already gone. She said her bit, and she wants to sleep before we all head into a magitech facility possibly infested by Anathema and their thralls only a few days before Calibration.
Wait... this is a few days before Calibration?

And yea, I know Arama is gone. When I said "you guys" I was referring to Thorn and Jukashi.
*points at the date on the opening prelude notice and points at the calender which ends in the season of fire, and the fact that each month has 28 days*

So, yeah... calibration is on up soon.
Start spreading the news

I'm leaving today.

I want to be a part of it, New York, New York.

These vagabond shoes

Are longing to stray

And make a brand new start of it

New York, New York.

I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps

To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap.

These little town blues

Are melting away.

I'll make a brand new start of it

In old New York.

If I can make it there

I'll make it anywhere

It's up to you, New York, New York.

I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps.

To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap.

These little town blues

Are melting away

I'll make a brand new start of it

In old New York.

If I can make it there

I'll make it anywhere

It's up to you, New York, New York.
Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,

Talk about things you'd like to do.

You got to have a dream,

If you don't have a dream,

How you gonna have a dream come true?

Talk about the moon floatin' in the sky

Lookin' at a lily on the lake;

Talk about a bird learnin' how to fly.

Makin' all the music he can make.

Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,

Talk about things you'd like to do.

You got to have a dream,

If you don't have a dream,

How you gonna have a dream come true?

Talk about a star lookin' like a toy

Peekin' through the branches of a tree;

Talk about the girl, talk about the boy

Countin' all the ripples on the sea.

Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,

Talk about things you'd like to do.

You got to have a dream,

If you don't have a dream

How you gonna have a dream come true?

Talk about the boy sayin' to the girl:

"Golly, baby, I'm a lucky cuss"

Talk about the girl sayin' to the boy:

"You an' me is lucky to be us!"

Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,

Talk about things you'd like to do.

You got to have a dream,

If you don't have a dream

How you gonna have a dream come true?

If you don't talk happy,

And you never have dream,

Then you'll never have a dream come true!
Silly Amara, tis not doom that comes, but liberation! progress!

A new day is at hand.

Even as the old ST expires, the new ST is here.

And I promise right and now, I am a fair ST.

I shan't drop rocks from the heavens unless it is necessary to the plot.
That doesn't mean anything. We're going to be underground once we enter the complex.

Rocks will drop from the ceiling, not the heavens.
Mere technicalities, semantics, if you will...

Very well... no rocks from above you.

No stoney death from above.

Cross my heart.
Really now, I can't make such promises...

But I can say this much... the plot shall advance and Flan will be had!
I'd rather have a slice of delicious cake! Possibly cheesecake, but if that's unavailable, I'm willing to compromise
Hey Haku, I think it's definitely safe to assume that no one has any objections to my last post. You might as well just move us on to the next Scene. >.>
The ST is dead. Long live the ST.

"Now... I understand that it can be strange and odd having a new ST. I promise you things will change. For the better."

It wasn't my intention to mislead you

It never should have been this way

What can I say

It's true, I did extend the invitation

I never knew how long you'd stay

When you hear temptation call

It's your heart that takes, takes the fall

(Won't you come out and play with me)

Step by step

Heart to heart

Left, right, left

We all fall down

Like toy soldiers

Bit by bit

Torn apart

We never win

But the battle wages on

For Toy soldiers

It's getting hard to wake up in the morning

My head is spinning constantly

How can it be?

How could I be so blind to this addiction?

If I don't stop, the next one's gonna be me

Only emptiness remains

It replaces all, all the pain

(Won't you come out and play with me)

Step by step

Heart to heart

Left, right, left

We all fall down

Like toy soldiers

Bit by bit

Torn apart

We never win

But the battle wages on

For Toy soldiers

Step by step

Heart to heart

Left, right, left

We all fall down

Like toy soldiers

Bit by bit

Torn apart

We never win

But the battle wages on

For Toy soldiers
This may or may not matter. but after interviewing the three commanders in the evening past Zhi Jun spent some time with his troops. Part of it was getting to know his squad, and part of it was giving them specific details on his methods of command and communication so that they would be better prepared to follow him.
No biggie... I'll remember to put in the modifiers for less sleep later on if they need to make any rolls.

fhgwdads05 said:
Zhi Jun's anger from the day past was still with him today. His expression frigid and austere, he takes the map, neatly folding it up and placing it in the front pocket of his uniform. Without a look to the other commanders or even his fellow Taizei, let alone spoken word, Zhi Jun places the Tracker on the back of his left wrist and walks aboard the Nu Wa, motioning for his squad to follow.
Wait... you're folding up a CRYSTAL reader? :shock:

It's not like a piece of paper... y'know.
Wha? Scratch that then, I was under the assumption we had more time. My mistake.

And fixed the bit about folding the reader. :lol:
Given that the briefing started at 8 pm, dragged on for... let's be generous and say 1/2 hour to an hour. An then you have the interview... say 1/2 hour to hour. That's 1 hour to 2 hours easily spent.

Now click in getting the unit together to talk to them... bear in mind that you started this at 9ish to 10ish...

And you have to be fully kitted up and at the airfield by 5 am. So, wake up 4ish, maybe earlier.

6 hours or there abouts, if absolutely NOTHING happens... yeah. I think you can see why I say lack of sleep? :twisted:
Okay... Cid would have explained this to you.

He and his troops will be escorting you to the entrance, he'll open it up after getting his stuff into position to make sure that nothing gets in or out without his say so.

After that, you go in, entrance is sealed up behind you, and you're on your own.
Holy crap, sorry about me being AWOL, but AT&T fucked me and I just resolved the internet issues now, ^-^;;

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