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  1. Gomezy3k

    Where can I find a list of game terminology??

    Thanks... And after I posted I found this which helps a lot... ... clnk&gl=us
  2. Gomezy3k

    Where can I find a list of game terminology??

    I can find the standard stuff like this: but nowhere can I find all the info that I need the mechanix terminology like Ticks, Join Battle, combos, PDV, DDV, and all the other terms that are used to actually play the game. I get confused...
  3. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kitty 7 Dice = 3 successes Ghost 6 dice = 4 successes
  4. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kittie 6 Dice = 5 Successes Ghost 5 Dice = 0 successes with two 1's (Can you say Seth's new bitch?) Ghost nodded in agreement, "Well what you say does sound fairly reasonable and has possibilities. I do not like the status quo, so perhaps a change might be good." Kittie frowned, "I don't...
  5. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kitty = 6 dice = 2 Successes Ghost = 5 Dice = 3 Successes Kittie Frowned, she could see truth in some of what Seth was saying but... "OK so if you want all this peace and harmony, why did you cause all the death and destruction in the city here? Just to get attention? That is not right...
  6. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost dove for cover when he saw Alexandria use her powers. He wasn't sure what was going to happen. When things had settled down, Ghost laughed and said, "Now that is one Bad Ass Mouse." He made for the door and dove through, pulling his weapons as he landed and rolled to his feet...
  7. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost looked at the statues and asked, "OK so what do we do with these? Can we break them or will that cause an explosion? I wish we had windows so we could see Kittie bringing the other exalted to rescue us." He looked at Kentaru, "OK Grand Poobah, what are your great escape plans? You...
  8. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost got up and went over and checked the door to see if it was unlocked. He carefully went over the door and then slowly covered the room to see if there were any "bugs" or other spying devices. He worked his way around the room, then went through the chairs and other furniture and under any...
  9. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost laughed, “Trust me, I am going to remind you of this every day for a long long time.†He gave a big fake toothy grin. “Anyway, I figured since all of you wimped out and let him knock you out, I might as well see what he was up to. Besides one of you big tough warriors needed to stay...
  10. Gomezy3k

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kittie stayed hidden until the search for her was over and things had settled down. She watched as the others were carried (or led in Ghosts’ case) and then scampered from crack to crack, trying not to be seen. She thought to herself, “If I could just jump n one of these buffoons’ coat...
  11. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost shrugged, “And what makes you think I would care about them? That one (kicking Kentaru) has caused me nothing but a pain in the rear. All his BS about how wonderful this place is.†He turned and looked at Seth, “So, what’s it to you to sign up? Looks like you got a good gig...
  12. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kitty flew down the stairs hugging the wall and trying to remain unseen, thinking, Where's my nose plugs, this place reeks? She heard a growling and noticed dark figures moving. She hesitated a second to see what it was, mouthed a silent "Oh Crap!" (hard to do with a dragonfly mouth) and then...
  13. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost = 6 Kitty = 4
  14. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost smiled, "That was fun, I love doing that." He smiled again and bowed, "Ladies first?" Kittie glanced around and shivered, "The fur on my backside feels agitated! I feel like someones watching us." She glanced around carefully, "And did you notice these symbols on the doorway? Those...
  15. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kittie: "Grounds keeper? if he were my grounds keeper, I'd fired him." Ghost and Kittie slipped along and finally when clear, Ghost rummaged around and dug out his communicator and told Kittie to dig hers out also. He stopped sneaking and began walking along, occasionally stopping to point to...
  16. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost shrugged, "Well for a start, drinks, and cookies might be a good beginning." He looked at Kittie, "How about some nice warm fresh baked cookies." Kittie added, "And warm milk, lots of warm milk. I need a nice nap, don't the rest of you?" Ghost looked at the old man and said, "This is...
  17. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    As the old man begins to speak, Ghost interrupted and said, "Wait, if you will allow us, let us go get our companions outside, that way, you will not have to keep going over the same story again and again. Please excuse us, we shall return in a few minutes and you can talk to our fearless...
  18. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Ghost looked at Kittie and raised one eyebrow quizzically... This old guy seemed way to harmless to be harmless. Kittie wrinkled her nose like she was smelling something foul and gave a slight nod in agreement. "Well hate to tell you but we were on the ship that registered as a unregisterd...
  19. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    After dodging and weaving, Ghost gave up and said, "So, take us to your leader or whoever is in charge here." He looked at Kittie and shrugged. They followed the elemental, as they walked Kittie whispered, "I wonder if this was one of the schmucks who filled in the hole. I should rip him a...
  20. Gomezy3k

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Kittie smiled broadly, "See I told ya there was a hole, a big one. Stupid elementals making me look like a liar, I am so gonna kick some booty." She pulled her catnip bag out and took a big whiff and sighed and smiled a silly smile, then looked around at the others, "Hey just a little...