From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]


Luna's Concubine
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Ghost is placed in heavy chain by the twisted iron links, a bag is stuffed over his head and he hears voices. "Master, the Lunar with this one is missing. It is probably hiding somewhere nearby in some inconspicuous form waiting for her chance to strike. Move with heavy watch and take them below, I will deal with them later."

You can feel several large bodies surrounding you as they guide you throug dark and twisted tunnels until you are stopped, then thrown into a room with a harsh landing on stone ground. Pulling the mask from your face it would appear that you are in the library or some sort of drining room, definetely not a prison cell you were expecting. One captor tells you that while in these chambers your Essence ahs been constrcted to allow you to operate as if you were a cripple; not nearly enough to power Charms or weapons. Ghost also sees the sleeping forms of Alexandria, Kentaru, and our late arrival has bee flopped down on the couch. "Tell them that if they wish to behaive and actually see what is going on, they will need to play nice or punishments will be rapid and painful. The elemental talking to Ghost continues, "Its not that we wish to hurt you, but so much is at stake. It it is determined that you would be a viable recruit for the cause, our Master would be quite interested in what skills you would bring to the table. As far as what we have planned on the others, I hope they listen to you well."

One by one, they start to rise with the feeling that the great Primordial War has just been fought inside your heads. Dizzyness, pain, and disorientation slowly fade away and you all discover that you cannot spend more than one mote of essence every few minutes, and even that is a struggle. Kentaru also seems to have been singled out for a rather savage beeting. He should live thannks to his Exalted nature. The elemental that seems to be in the lead of this chain gang rounds up his servants and offers a shallow bow. "Good day, my Lords and Ladies of Creation. These rooms will keep you comfortable and save until the Master has a moment to interrogate you more." He doesn't say Ghost's name specifically, but you get a whole lot of eye contact. "Once his tests are done, you will be free to go, so do your best and cooperate. it will be much less painful and could actually be quite rewarding. Rest now. Your first trials won't start for several hours."
Kittie stayed hidden until the search for her was over and things had settled down. She watched as the others were carried (or led in Ghosts’ case) and then scampered from crack to crack, trying not to be seen.

She thought to herself, “If I could just jump n one of these buffoons’ coat tails, it sure would make things simple. If I get a chance I will, but I am not going to try anything stupid. I will follow in spurts if nothing else.â€

Moving and then stopping and waiting and watching, and then moving again, took her forever to cover much ground, but it was better than rushing headlong into a trap.


Ghost walked along the library shelves and selecting a book found a comfortable chair and flopping in it, he kicked back and opened the book. Glancing up, he looked at the others as they groaned and started to move, “Well Kentaru, this is another fine mess your wonderful vacation got us into. Man if this place gets any nicer we might as well all just fall on our swords.†He went back to reading.
Kitty is able to follow the demon entorage as they lock everyone up and place guards at the door. You now have the choice of following the Solar to the heart of his evil plot device machine, or try and free the others from the prison they are locked away inside. As Kitty is trying to decide what to do, she notices that she is not the only one watching the locked room with the Exalts inside. A pale serving girl, well dressed in old fasioned atire, is crouched down at the end of a hallway looking lost and very confused and upset.


Kentaru's hand slams into the ground. "So help me gods, I would forsake my Exaltation right here and now if I thought that it would in any way, shape, or form be enough for you to get off my ass about this! Its not like I had planned to have my one vacation in years get ruined by some demon-loving (and I mean that in the worst way) asshat of a Solar plotting to use us in some twisted way to . . . " His face goes very pale as his words sink in. "To break the seal of Malfias and free the Primordials. Oh gods, that has to be it. We have to stop him, no matter what the cost. Creation cannot survive what would happen next if even one of the bound Primordials were to be relased" He turns to look closely at Ghost. "You are enough of a rouge that he may buy your offer to try and pull you in as a willing partner. You have all seen the devistation that blighted the Lands of Creation after the war. It must be stopped from happening again."
Ghost laughed, “Trust me, I am going to remind you of this every day for a long long time.†He gave a big fake toothy grin. “Anyway, I figured since all of you wimped out and let him knock you out, I might as well see what he was up to. Besides one of you big tough warriors needed to stay on his feet and be aware of what is going on, but since you all let him get the best of you, it fell to me to try and rescue your sorry butts..†Looking around, he frowned and said a bit louder so it could be heard hopefully outside the room, “Besides, Kitty escaped and ran out of the building to try and round up some more Exalted to come and assault this place.†He winked at Kentaru.

“So fearless leader, what great escape plans do you have to get us out of this mess you got us into on this nice peaceful, wonderful vacation in paradise?†And gave Kentaru another big grin...
Ghost got up and went over and checked the door to see if it was unlocked. He carefully went over the door and then slowly covered the room to see if there were any "bugs" or other spying devices. He worked his way around the room, then went through the chairs and other furniture and under any rugs. Then went over the ceiling as best he could.

If there was anything there, he would find it, and he went over and examined the lock carefully.
Sherwood said:
Kitty is able to follow the demon entourage as they lock everyone up and place guards at the door. You now have the choice of following the Solar to the heart of his evil plot device machine, or try and free the others from the prison they are locked away inside. As Kitty is trying to decide what to do, she notices that she is not the only one watching the locked room with the Exalts inside. A pale serving girl, well dressed in old fashioned attire, is crouched down at the end of a hallway looking lost and very confused and upset.
As Kittie slipped along from crack to crack, she noticed that she was not alone. She looked up at the girl, and frowned, or a close imitation of a spider frowning, She scuttled up the wall even with the girls shoulder and changed just enough so she could speak and whispered "Who are you?"

She wasn't sure if it was just in her head, something or someone was whispering in her ear. As she examined the female Kittie realized the girl was a small ghostly female apparition. Kittie almost jumped out of her skin. She had seen ghosts a few times and they always scared the bejeebers out of her and gave her the willies. She heard the voice say “Shhh, it’s….it’s me, I am Frost’s companion."

Kittie was relieved, and yet felt goose bumps on her skin, that she was not the only one out here and was the only rescue help for her friends. Kittie asked, “Can you go in there and let them know we’re trying to rescue them?“ She waited for a response of some kind from the ghost and then continued “And come back out here, we need to distract any guards so I can sneak over and unlock the door. I will wait here for you to come ack.â€
Gomezyaddams666 said:
Ghost got up and went over and checked the door to see if it was unlocked. He carefully went over the door and then slowly covered the room to see if there were any "bugs" or other spying devices. He worked his way around the room, then went through the chairs and other furniture and under any rugs. Then went over the ceiling as best he could.
If there was anything there, he would find it, and he went over and examined the lock carefully.
As Ghost begins to search the room, Alexandria and Kentaru get up and join in the search. After about ten minutes of tearing the rooms up, you find three small statues made from Orchalcum placed in different corners. You recognize that they have some sort of mystical connection with each other, and probably with a viewing stone or mirror of some sort. The statues were not precicely hidden, just small and hard to notice unlesss you are searching for them.

The door to the room is locked tight and sealed with magic, with no sign of any lock mechanism on the inside leaving no way for you to pick the lock with mundane means.
As Kittie slipped along from crack to crack, she noticed that she was not alone. She looked up at the girl, and frowned, or a close imitation of a spider frowning, She scuttled up the wall even with the girls shoulder and changed just enough so she could speak and whispered "Who are you?"
She wasn't sure if it was just in her head, something or someone was whispering in her ear. As she examined the female Kittie realized the girl was a small ghostly female apparition. Kittie almost jumped out of her skin. She had seen ghosts a few times and they always scared the bejeebers out of her and gave her the willies. She heard the voice say “Shhh, it’s….it’s me, I am Frost’s companion."

Kittie was relieved, and yet felt goose bumps on her skin, that she was not the only one out here and was the only rescue help for her friends. Kittie asked, “Can you go in there and let them know we’re trying to rescue them?“ She waited for a response of some kind from the ghost and then continued “And come back out here, we need to distract any guards so I can sneak over and unlock the door. I will wait here for you to come back.â€
The ghostly servant girl creeps her way over to the door where your companions are locked up, and quickly turns and runs back with her dress hiked up. With her head hung low, she murmurs, "I'm sorry, M'lady, but the room is warded against spirits, and I cannot enter." She seems to be almost shivering in fear of disappointing one of the Chosen of Luna. "But, if you want, I can try and make some disturbance to lure away those that wander around these halls."
ooc sorry folks had issues with comp (randomly disconnects from internet, which its still doing, sometimes cured by restarting, sometimes have to reset moden, very annoying) and logging on this site (auto log in didn't work and it didn't like my password(s) then had trouble with Haku not getting my emails and me none of his, Sherwood rode to rescue and sent PW ... oh and yeah, there is the new puppy who gets into messes the moment you look away, lol, and animal crossing (I. Must. Get. **All**. Mushroom. Furniture.) er, what was it I was doing... oh, posting lol...


White Snow on Green Bamboo, Killing Frost to her companions, to her friends, well, she had few friends and fewer still of those were alive, the dead so much easier to understand to her. She wasn't however a worshipper of death, a believer is bringing death to all, rather she believed that once a person reached their poper time of death it was only right to do what was needed to bring them peace and help them find their next cycle on the wheel. Sometimes that meant letting a serving girl told she was useless find out she was actually very useful, other times it meant helping her companions bring down some demon worhipping freak who had plainly overstayed its welcome, since to allow him to remain would bring the premature deaths of many others.

Killing Frost woke as if from a nightmare, only to find there was one in the waking world; locked up by demon worshippers who wanted to change the companions' loyal from the unconquered Sun to ... who knew what horrorific Malefean. Once she found out about the spell, and the companions did something about the statues, either blocking them or getting rid of them, she checked to see if her Blood Violin was still present as well as the book she'd been reading on the airship, looking for new spell ideas. "While I play the Blood Violin I can reduced the essence cost of spells I cast by a handful of motes, if I can find a useful charm or spell within the limits..." She sat down with her book, reviewing those she knew as well as the ones she had been looking at, surely there had to be something not too powerful she could use...

Out of habit she brewed more Ghost tea, unaware that the reason she no longer saw her new follower was that they had become seperated by the magic invested in the room, then she did a double take, "Mistdancer, you're alive?" she asked, now out of some silly comment as it might with others but because she wasn't surprised to see the dead as well as the living.

ooc will check my spell/charm list for low powered ones, also I haven't spend any XP and while it will go to spells most likely I don't want ones good for this one time then useless.

It was mentioned earlier at the tabletop game that I had forgotten to specify the warding in the room. Using a point of essence is difficult, but when you go over that, you suffer a feedback of damage in proportion to what you're doing. If you dump 20 motes into a combo attack, it will probably kill you and possibly many around you.

BTW, its good to see Edge posting again. :D

The ghostly servant of Killing Frost
Waking slowly miniska shook her head and looked around "Where are we and where in the nine circles of the abyss are we?" Getting up she felt very stiff and sore like she had been thrown on the floor several times" I feel like terrible what did he hit us with what kinda of magic? Im unfamilar with its after affects and I take it this is the only room we are allowed to be in?"

Looking over the details of the room and its tacky decor Miniska was shocked at the sight of Kentaru and gently touched his face " Does it hurt much? You dont look like your healing as you should" Miniska went and dipped water into a bowla dn managed to find a clean cloth to wipe the blood from kentaru face and neck. "So Killing Frost whats the plan and do we kill the corrupt solar for defying unconqured Sun."
OOC Sherwood, all the spells are 10+ motes, the ones with fewer points turn out to all be charms which generally isn't the way I want her to go (if we had M/F in first age I would have taken briget's heir :P ) while she might pick up some charms right now she'd be more interested in Socerery and Necromancy.
Ghost looked at the statues and asked, "OK so what do we do with these? Can we break them or will that cause an explosion?

I wish we had windows so we could see Kittie bringing the other exalted to rescue us."

He looked at Kentaru, "OK Grand Poobah, what are your great escape plans? You guys are always going on about how you are so great."

He frowned and looked at the others, "Oh wow a great bunch of exalted here. Let some old geezer knock you out and then can't fight your way out of a paper bag or this room." He sighed and went back and sat down and thumbed through the book he had been reading.
Kentaru lets out a noise that is half moan and half sigh. "Ive seen wards like this before. It causes an Essence feedback on the one that channels more than a trickle. Depending on how the ward is designed, it could be a minor bruise or massive burns, up to and including a dead Exalt. I'm still hurt from the encounter with the monster, and most of my spells aren't up to the task of blasting . . . wait, Alexandira, what are you doing?"

All eyes turn to the mouse-totem Lunar as she stands in one corner of the room, eyes squeezed shut, hands clenched, and her breath heaving. She slowly flexes her arms and they twist and shift in a loud cracking of bone, followed by her legs as one by one, her legs lengthen and her knees flex backwards. A tail and a thick coating of fur suddenly sprout out, followed by a set of deadly Moonsilver claws that slide out from her fingertips. Where a attractive woman once stood is now a seven and a half foot tall humanoid rat; the Lunar Deadly Beastman Transformation. As she completes her very first DBT shift, she staggers as a flare of Essence arc out of the statues and strike her, causing deep burns. In a deeper voice but one that is still recognizeable as hers, Alexandria growls, "That fucker's gonna pay. That hurt!" She moves to the door and braces herself. With a glance over her shoulder, she says, "You might want to get down, just in case there is some trap on here and the whole thing blows." Her magically sharpened claws lash out to strike the door over and over, tearing large chunks of wood away. Soon, a hole large enough to crawl through appears, and Alex staggers back and colapses down on the floor. In a quiet voice, she murmurs, "Didn't mean to take the wind from your sails there, Frost, but that might have killed ya. I know it didn't do me much good."
The ghostly servant girl creeps her way over to the door where your companions are locked up, and quickly turns and runs back with her dress hiked up. With her head hung low, she murmurs, "I'm sorry, M'lady, but the room is warded against spirits, and I cannot enter." She seems to be almost shivering in fear of disappointing one of the Chosen of Luna. "But, if you want, I can try and make some disturbance to lure away those that wander around these halls."

Kittie smiled at the scared girl and said, “It’s OK, we will have to find another way to rescue them. Oh and I think your idea of distracting the guards is excellent. Go ahead and I will try and thump some heads.†She laughed. Kittie watched the ghost girl give a bit of a smile and then ran off. Kittie waited for the ghost girl to distract the guards enough to get them to turn their backs on the door. Then quickly changed to dragonfly form, and flew over their heads. This worked when she was fighting the monster so why not try it again. She again changes into a grizzly bear and pounces on them from above, clawing their faces, so they can't call for help. Attacking like a rabid force to be reckoned with. Her metal claws tearing out great chunks of flesh.

She vaguely heard the door being attacked from the inside but was too intent on getting rid of the guards. She kept up a steady attack not letting the guards get the upper hand.

Strength 4 Melee 3 = 5 successes
As Kitty shifts her form and flies over towards the two roving guards, Kala jumps out from behind the wall and runs at top speed down the hallway towards them, and instead of stopping, she runs through them, taking advantage of her specteral body. Needless to say, this gets their attention. As they make the natural turn to chase after her, Kitty shifts her form and drops on top of the two. Normal humans, even well trained and equipped, are no match for the claws and teeth of the angry Lunar. Only a few cries are let out before large chunks of flesh are torn out leaving the two dead on the floor.

Just about the time Kitty is finishing off the guards, she turns to see a furry clawed hand ripping a hole in the door and the smell of burnt flesh fills the hallway. As the hole gets wider, you see that the small mouse-totem of Alexandria has mastered her Warform, but has been injured badly. It is likely that if she were not an Exalt, her injuries would have killed her.

One by one, the freed prisoners are able to crawl through the hole in the door. Alex has to shift back to her human form to fit, and this makes her extensive burns more obvious. As the last of you make your way into the hallway to meet up with Kitty and Kala, a loud bell starts ringing from somewhere off in the darkness. Muffled shouts and snarls of something not human can be heard being roused to action by the alarm.


Kitty needs to make a Int + Lore roll to remember the way out of the underground prison, since everyone else was either knocked out or blindfolded on your way down.
Ghost dove for cover when he saw Alexandria use her powers. He wasn't sure what was going to happen. When things had settled down, Ghost laughed and said, "Now that is one Bad Ass Mouse." He made for the door and dove through, pulling his weapons as he landed and rolled to his feet.

Readying his weapons he looked for the guards and saw Kittie kicking booty. Kicking in his melee charms he pulled a dagger ready to throw it at the back of any guard in front of him.

Dex 5 Thrown 5 = 6 successes

(OOC: Just noticed Ghost has NO melee at all. Not sure how I missed that. And 3 occult which he doesn't need that much LOL)

He stopped when he saw that Kittie had taken both out. He nodded and said, "Good work. Now if you can do that to Seth we are getting somewhere." He laughed and looked at the others, "Kittie, at least you can fight."

Killing Frost went over to help Alexandra out, examing her wounds as best she was able without putting down the Blood Violin, the points saved might make the difference between life and death, and while she did not fear death, she did not rush to greet it with open arms like some fanatic. The type of wound was the first information she needed, certain ones she could spell away, at a high cost, the difference between her helping the others with the the living armor of Incomparable Body Arsenal or even God-forged Champion of War like she had before, at least if the Chosen of Luna was hurt very badly. Frost might still manage the Wood Dragons Claw if Alex wasn't injured horribly, but generally Frost didn't like going face to face with opponents if she could help it.

If Alexandra took aggravated damage the best Frost could do was was hope her companion could take the Humble Mouse Form allowing Frost to carry her in her pocket while casting the Champion of War around them both.

Whatever the means, Frost would smile at her, "Thank you, Alexandra. Let me return the favor now..."

Healing flames, no aggravated damage, cost is 10 motes to activate and 5 add per HL healed if normal damage. will heal her to half total HL minimum if its non-agg dam, what she'd do next depends on how much she has to heal.

If agg dam she'd ask lunar to go small (that pre existed so I am assuming we know she can do it, if not let me know) and carry her with her in CoW (snicker) rather than IBA which transforms Frost to Iron and might not protect the lunar like the mobile suit would.
Frost's examination shows that in order to heal her fully, it will requrie her to restore 6 health levels, so to bring her up by half will be three levels, and rewards you with a relieved sigh from Alexandria. "Thank you, my friend. That feels much better already. I feel good enough to kick some ass now. But, how the hell do we get out of here?"

In her timid voice, the ghost-girl says, "M'lady, down the hallway there," she points, "is the stairway up that they used to bring you down here. Does that help?"
Killing Frost hurried to the Chosen of Luna's side, examining her as best she could while continuing to play the Blood Violin, she would need every point if Alexandra was hurt badly. Once she was sure the wounds were not the aggravated type she carefully bent and pressed her lips to the forehead of the other woman to make the physical contact necessary. She didn't bother trying to hide her banner, so while the huge snowy owl glowing with moonglow arched protective wings over the pair, a wave of dancing white flame licked over the Lunar's injured body, healing roughly half the damage she had taken before dying away.

Holding the violin and the already bloody bow in one hand, she held out her other hand to help the other woman to her feet, then once more put bow to strings as she summoned the God-forged Champion of War, the orichalcum armor forming around the Sorceress Solar, its hands resting still on the haft of the Fan style Firelance. Frost took a moment to safely stow the Violin, her thoughts on the Champion of War; no Flight, for the looming armor brushed the ceiling in places already, while she had picked the 'lance over a Daiklaive for it could be used as both a close up hand to hand weapon when fighting those near her ability level, while when facing mortals and perhaps even Dragon Blood could be attacked at range with the Fanning blast, wide enough to play over the front of a troop but still narrow enough that it ought to be safe to use around her companions without harming them accidently. With the Virtuous Guardian of Flame watching her back - Frost cast that protective spell every day now, its usefulness had been proven in past encounters, with flamelance in hand she strolled after her companions, making sure to let them know if they ran into mortals to back up and let her hose them down with the fan flame, the God forged Champion of War able to stand between for any of the group without the protect of Ox Body or such.

And if Frost occasionally had to destroy low hanging light sources or archways, well it wasn't her duty to clean up the mess afterwards, but it did mean she mostly hung back to keep from dropping stone and glass on the others, besides, the Champion of War made a good rearguard, especially with the Virtuous Guardian of Flame to warn her of enemy approaching from behind.

Iconic Anima Banner

Anima: An impressive snowy owl, her feathers luminous with the Crescant Moon's glow, spreading magnificent wings that trail dazzling Gold, vivid Scarlet, deep Crimson, vibrant Amethyst and intense Cobalt.

Healing Flames

10m (to activate) + 5 motes/HL healed

10 motes + { 3 HL*5 motes}

- 5 motes from cost for Blood Violin playing

Virtuous Guardian of Flame

25m (5 committed)

Duration: until the sun crosses the horizon again.

God-forged Champion of War

20+ motescommitted


20 motes committed

- 5 motes from cost for Blood Violin playing

Artifact Fire Lance 4 dots

8 motes committed

Magical Material (Solar)

5 uncommited motes
A handful of guards along with a demon turn the corner and prepare to charge, but stop short at the sight of the giant war machine filling the hallway. One guard can be heard making the comment, "I ain't getting paid enough for this shit." and he drops his sword and runs. After exchanging a look, two more do the same. Sadly, the demon does not have the option to run, and with obvious reluctance, continues forward to attack the fleeing Exalted.

It is small enough that you can pretty much ignore any attack it tries if you don't wish to take out the demon and save your attentions for something else.
Killing Frost smiled at her ghostly follower as they move through the underground, "I am glad to see you came through without harm, Kala."


Killing Frost turned to face the demon, it might be harmless to them now but it could warn its friends at the wrong moment, or might attact the attention of something more powerful. She brought the Firelance into line then smiled as a thought occured to her, and letting the butt end drop to the ground she let the tip rise to point at the ceiling, firing, she fanned it over the demon's head, bringing down rock and building supports on top of it. Then murmuring for the others to wait up she went back to dig down until she could tell if the demon was alive or dead, dead she'd tear its head off and prop it on a bit of fallen roof to serve as a warning, alive she would fish it out, and carry it back to the group, "This thing might be able to give us some information..."
The blast of Essence from the firelance was able to pierce the layers of rock and plaster to reveal a hole to the more public area of the Manse. As Frost begins to comb through the rubble to find the demon, she is able to find a bit of blood but no body. Perhaps it went insubstantial and made its escape under the cover of the dust and smoke.

Looking up the hole, Alexandria bounds up the pile of rubble and leaps through to the upper level and looks around. "I don't see anyone up here. It might also help to avoid any traps this asshole has lying around. Lets get the hell out of here and call in the cavalry to do an air strike and wipe out this whole place."
Ghost got his daggers and throwing weapons ready, "Good one Kittie, you took them out with no problem. Don't worry, I am right behind you... quite a ways behind you protecting that rear." He smiled broadly. He helped the others who were having problems out the hole and then kept an eye out for trouble as they moved. Some of them looked quite worse for wear. Speaking loud enough for all to hear, "Hey Kittie, check out Kentaru, he looks like something the cat drug in, or more likely coughed up." Ghost laughed and smiled in an exaggerated huge smile at Kentaru.

Ghost whispered, "Oh crap!" and readied his weapons when he saw the group of guards come around the corner. When he saw them run he smiled and sighed. That demon was in deep crap, trying to take on this group. When Frost brought down the roof, Ghost nudged Kittie and said, "Hey come on let's follow Alex up and out." Following her up to the floor above, Ghost looked around and frowned, “Didn’t we pass through here when we were, uh looking for the powder room?â€

kittie nodded, "Let's get our booties out of here, now! After this vacation, I want a real vacation." Kittie starts climbing up the rubble. "Ahh fresh air!" She looks around for her companions and asks "What now, can this get any better?"

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