With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

Sherwood said:
As Kitty and Ghost creep through the darkness, a heavy, fetid smell fills your nose that you recognize as blood. A deep growl comes from the dark as three large, bulky shapes can now be seen. Erymanthoi, demons better known as Blood Apes. Fierce guardians, they are frequently used by sorcerers for grunt labor and violent tasks.
Roll Wits + Awareness for Join Battle!

Ape 1: 6xD10: 8 4 9 5 4 3 -2 successes

Ape 2: 6xD10: 5 9 10 3 3 10 - 5 successes

Ape 3: 6xD10: 7 4 2 1 2 10 - 3 successes
Kitty flew down the stairs hugging the wall and trying to remain unseen, thinking, Where's my nose plugs, this place reeks? She heard a growling and noticed dark figures moving. She hesitated a second to see what it was, mouthed a silent "Oh Crap!" (hard to do with a dragonfly mouth) and then turned back to inform ghost.

She flew as fast as she could and almost ran into him in her haste. Changing form she said, "Are you ready to ruuuuumble?"

Kittie roll is: 5

Ghost Roll is: 3

Anyway, Ghost frowned and began to turn on defensive and offensive charms and got ready to fight. Ghost frowned, he could see movement down the stairs and he said, "I think we need to run. Go warn the others."

Ghost saw Kittie turn into her pidgeon form and he ran up the few steps and flung open the door and they both went through at top speed. Ghost stopped to see if the monsters would be stopped by the barrier or continue through it.
The first of the Blood-Apes sees the Lunar making her escape run and moves to intercept her. A large bony club is raised up and swung at the pidgon-form, but the small size is enough to let Kitty evade the attack, leaving Ghost alone with the three demons.

Now as Ghost turns to flee, the second ape leaps for the agile Night Caste, but is just a fraction of a second too slow and ends up slamming through the door with a loud crash and ends up on the ground in a pile of splinters and kindling. This also helps to slow the third demon as it runs towards the fleeing Exalts.


The pleasant conversation continues smoothly, with your host asking about events that have happened recently in the Deliberative, seeming pleased to trade gossip. Seth looks up at the entrance of the elemental you've seen earlier, and at some signal from the spirit lets out a heavy sigh. "It seems your two friends are too nosy for their own good. It is a shame; it has been quite pleasant having our little conversation, but it is now time to end this."

Even before the words are out of his mouth, Alexandira shows her Lunar fury by flashing out her Moonsilver blade and leaping to the attack. But, before she can do more than take a step, she colapses to the floor. Kentaru jumps up shouting, "NO!" and begins to focus his Essence, but he also falls to the ground, quickly followed by Frost and Miniska. The last thing you hear as you lose conciousness is Seth's voice, "Take them below and secure them. Hopefully, they will prove usefull in recouping my losses from today."

As Kitty and Ghost turn the corner into the sitting room where they had left their friends, they see Seth standing in front of them flanked by several demons. "I have your friends, and unless you wish to see them harmed, you will surrender. It is your choice, but their lives are in your hands."


I was going to have a nice fight with our two solo players, but they rolled high enough to evade the demons (ghost actually tied, but his dex is higher than the demon, so he acted first)
Ghost shrugged, “And what makes you think I would care about them? That one (kicking Kentaru) has caused me nothing but a pain in the rear. All his BS about how wonderful this place is.†He turned and looked at Seth, “So, what’s it to you to sign up? Looks like you got a good gig going here.â€

Performance + Manipulation 4 dice = 7 successes LOL Got 3 10’s and a 7 Love those 10’s

NOTE: He is trying to distract them from what Kittie is doing.

Kittie instantly saw the danger and became a tiny spider, falling to the ground, she quickly scuttled off to a small crack in the wall. Listening to everything that's going on. Kittie thinks, "I'll hide and then just go and learn more about whats going on, and where my buds are contained."

When the chance is good, she plans on running and jump on Seth’s robe and hanging on tight. Or at least following him to where the prisoners will be kept.

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