From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

It is said you should be careful what you wish for....

One by one, you work your way out of the rubble and down the walkway to fresh air and freedom. The scene outside has changed somewhat from the last time you were out here. Two figures stand a short distance off from where you are. One you know as the Keeper of the Manse, the Solar that drugged you and locked you away for some unknown purpose. The second is a large Warstrider of bizarre design. Instead of the finely worked lines and arcs that are as much works of art as they are deadly. This is a ugly mech, a four armed monstrosity where none of the limbs even match one another. The body almost looks shaggy with a thick maine about the head flowing down the back.

Seth Ren, the Solar, does not look the part of some daffy old bookworm. He wears heavy plate armor of some strange black metal. Defenetely not Soulsteel, but something else. [You may make Int + Lore or Int + Craft to identify it from here]. Several blades rest at his back, made from the same dark metal. "You came here at a unfortunate time. If it were only a day later, you would have never even noticed my little projects that I have running up here. I must also remind myself that you are the Chosen of Luna and The Unconqured Sun, so your ability to survive your fight with my creations is not unexpected. But now you have seen too much to be allowed to return to the Deliberative and report on what I'm doing. I have invested far too much time in this phase of my projects to let those idiots stop me now. A part of me had hoped that you might be able to understand what I hope to accomplish, but that is just a foolish dream, and now it is time to stop my idle fancies. I give you one chance;" he pulls out a Hearthstone and holds it up. "This stone can be used to seal bargans and enforce agreements. Swear to me now that you will leave and never come back, and never tell anyone of what has happened here, and I'll allow you to return to your lives of ease in Meru. If you refuse to do so, and I must send your Exaltation to find a new host. Choose now!"
Miniska went along with ehr companions helping were she could and using her talents or charms as best suited. Ghost teasing kenrua didnt sit well with her as he was still hurting from the beating he had received. The skill of killing frost's violin and the music were awe inspiring. Haunting and painfully beautiful it was understood why sprirts were attracted to her. Worried miniska looked about for her companion whom had been missing since her blacking out. The small wild ocelot came bounding out of hiding purring wildly and reliefed to see his mistress as they reached the surface and ruins of the manse.

The corrupt solar's demanding they vow to not stop him or report wasnt goign to happen miniska rather destory him then allow him to unleash the primorals. His warstrider looked warped and evil and miniska hoped Killing frost could handle the mecha while the rest of them dealt with the Solar.

Killing Frost waited for the others to go up, offering a boost up if any wanted or needed it, only afterwards enlarging the hole so the Champion of War would fit, which made her a bit late to the party outside. She heard the corrupt Solar's words and frowned, "You are going to have to be more specific about what you want from us before I'll turn against the other Solars. What are you offering and in whose name exactly? None of us are newly exalted, we no longer believe things just because someone says them loudly and threats only tend to get our backs up in reaction. So why don't you tell us who you are, who your companion is, and then give us some actual information on what it is you are trying to do, and how we would fit into this plans."

Seth raises an eyebrow as Frost questions his motives. "Hmmm. You sound quite reasonable with your request. Perhaps you are not the mindless puppets of the Deliberative that I had thought you were when you first arrived." He looks over the group with a critical eye. "Very well. I serve the true masters of Creation, and I seek to restore them to power from their wrongful exile. The Unconquered Sun has turned his back upon his children, and is consumed with the Games of Divinity. The bureaucracy of Yu-Shan is corrupt and decadent, and the Celestial Incarna care not for Creation." His face twists into an expression of disgust, as if the very words he speaks makes him ill. "Then there is the high and mighty Deliberative. The regime sinks into madness and greed, forsaking their duties to the peoples of the lands they are sworn to protect."

Kentaru goes pale as Seth speaks his treason against the Deliberative. "You are an Infernalist! Every breath you take is an insult to your Exaltation, and Creation will be better off once you and your demon-worshiping kind are all dead!"

Seth coldly looks at Kentaru. "I see that at least some of you have accepted the party line more than others. I am not surprised; the Maidens have their lapdogs on short leashes. I will tell you this, there are more servants of Fate working to the same goal as I than you might think."

"You lie!"

"Do I? Why would I? What purpose would deception serve me now? This conversation has only two outcomes; either you agree to listen and see what the Malfians have to offer you, or we fight until one side or the other falls. Personally, I'd rather live. I leave the choice up to you."
Kitty stayed in bear form and scrambled up the rubble. She growled under her breath when she saw Seth. Hearing what Seth said, she growled and changing form to where she could speak, she said loudly, "What-choo talkin' about Willis?" She glared at Seth. She waited listening intently to what was said.

Ghost frowned and then said loudly, "Look, I am nobodies puppet or lap dog." Looking at Kentaru, he continued, "I agree the powers that be ARE a bunch of corrupt self important stuffed shirts set in their ways, but why should I trade them for a different bunch of stuffed shirts? Personally I would like to tell ALL of you want-to-be bad guys and want-to-be good guys to go to hell. I serve myself and no one else. I go along with the Deliberative because so far I have not had a better offer."

Ghost continued, "Your offer doesn't seem real inviting since instead of being pushed around by the Deliberative, I would be pushed around by a bunch of Malfians. Doesn't sound real appetizing either way. What's in it for us? And you better not say serving a better master."

Killing Frost, aware her face was not visable in the Orichalcum armor, clicked her tongue, "And please, no who wronged who tales; both sides have their truth and lies about that conflict, and its all in the past now. I'm not as chaotic as my companion here; I am more abberrant than anarchist, my honor is my own and I am true to it. So convince me that your path is the one we should walk and answer some legends and supersitions linked to your masters; for example, do you bind yourself, whether it be by blood or spirit for the 'honor' of serving them? For I must say I find that a difficult thing to get past, to spurn one leadership only to give the new one even more power over my person would be unlikely," Frost lets her voice deepen, gaining a smoky sensuality, "I prefer to be the one with the whip in hand when it comes to that."

When Seth was focused elsewhere Frost softly called for her ghostly helper to join her in the body of the Champion of War, "Do you know anything about these followers? Do their dead follow the same paths as others or have they given their futures away to their infernal masters?" She understands the shy ghost might not know anything concrete but even indirect details like if they had ever been seen among the dead or were never seen again gave information that could hellp the companions in dealing with Seth.

Killing Frost had moved to mirror the position of the multi-armed being, "Who is your companion, Seth? What is his or her part in all this?"

Seth shakes his head. "No, I won't try to win you over with a sad story of how Creation has turned upon them dispite all that the Primordials have done for it. You have read the same stories growing up that I have; all you have to do is look at it from the point of view of the Primordials to get a sense of the lies and slander told to the world in an effort to justify their actions and aswade their guilt over their treason. These lands were never ment to be run by the Exalted, and they are slowly losing themselves with the pressures involved. No matter how powerful some of our numbers get, they are not equal to the job thrust upon them by the gods and Incarne. If we were able to free Malfias from his prison-body, he would be able to restore Creation to its proper state of balance, and under his direction, his Chosen would then be properly trained and equipped to handle the roles given to them, with the added force of leigons of demons at our beck and call to help maintain order and the proper flow that is now falling apart." He turns to look at Frost. "To answer your question, this is my companion Kieroon Darkwing. She has seen first hand the damage done to the people of Creation, people that she has sworn to protect, at the hands of the Deliberative. She had Stewardship of a city that was used by the corrupt Solars as a tesitng center for their new weapons of war, without the time consuming process of evacuating them first. Hundreds of thousands of innocents died by their hands and at the hands of the Fae, all so they can test their little 'experiment'."

From the warstrider a woman's voice takes up the tale. "Children died in my arms, calling out for slain parents, just so some weapons designer could see the effects of his latest toy. Every one that died tore at my heart, knowing that I had failed them in my oaths to protect them and guide them in peace to a life of prosperity. I lay due at the feet of the Deliberative every life that was shattered that day, and I aim to collect! My cries for compensation before the high and mighty fell on deaf ears. They didn't care how many had to suffer to further their ends. Now, the only chance for justice lay with the Primordials, and I will not let the lives of those children slip away in vain because of your blind obedience to the Incarne. Join us and you can help bring justice to the world, balance where it has none. Here is a true chance to serve the people of Creation as you were called to do when you Exalted. Look with eyes unblinded by centuries of propiganda and you, too, shall see the horrors that lie just below the surface of the utopian paradise of Meru."

The arguement pulls at you, making you question many of your actions over the years. Could this be true?

Make a Willpower roll.
Sherwood said:
The arguement pulls at you, making you question many of your actions over the years. Could this be true?

Make a Willpower roll.
Kitty = 6 dice = 2 Successes

Ghost = 5 Dice = 3 Successes

Kittie Frowned, she could see truth in some of what Seth was saying but... "OK so if you want all this peace and harmony, why did you cause all the death and destruction in the city here? Just to get attention? That is not right, you are no better than the Deliberative you are fighting against. Not to mention, what's in it for us?" She stood with her arms folded, looking sceptical.

Ghost nodded in affirmation, "I agree, going on about how evil the Deliberative is, which I agree it is not all it is cracked up to be, and then unleashing the monsters on civilians, kind of defeats your argument. Not sure I want to serve a new "master" who is just as bad as the old one."
"Unlike my peers in the Deliberative, I am not afraid to admit my mistakes. Yes, I made that monster. It was to be a part of my army of liberation against the forces of Yu-Shan, but it broke free from my control and escaped. Before I could harness the beast once more, you had already killed it. A blessing in disguise, I suppose. If it could be defeated so easily it would not have done to serve my purposes well."
" This idea of yours lacks the one thing you are missing Seth Unconqured sun is whom you serve and not anyone else nor the primorals. You have become corrupted by their influence and your once clear view of the world bogged down by their darkness. I will not be swayed to swear to demons in hell or their evil doings in any way, shape, or form. To serve and died in my creator's name is my purpose and to serve the common people. You have forgot it is He that gave you life and it is he you should have turned too for guidence. Force of arms will not bring back the slayen Seth nor deluding yourself into thinking this plan of raising an army to fight your berthern will work. " Miniska spoke with sterness and compassion not failing to see their point of veiw but it was not the right way to handle this issue. Things were afoot in the Deliberative and things were bound in rumors and gossip. The Fae were looking to strike in to the real world on a broaded scale but so far things had been kepted in check.

Miniska brought up her charms and defenses as it was prudent but she knew if things didnt not reach a mutual accord soon blood shed would happen.
Seth smiles as if he's just scored some major point. "Ah! You make a valid point that the Unconquered Sun would never stoop to return to life those that have died needlessly in his command; assuming he is even able to restore the dead! Our masters, the true Creators, don't suffer from that same weakness. If you have suffered a loss of a loved one, the power of the Primordials can restore them back to you. This would not be a free gift, of course. You would have to pledge yourselves to Malfias and show that you are worthy of such a boon."

Kentaru lets out a gasp of horror. "NO! What you suggest is wrong! It can't be done! It mustn't be done! Doing that would begin to unravel the Loom Of Fate!"

"And once more you show your ignorance of the powers of the King of Hell. He does hold that power; a power he never released to his lesser servants. As an Exalt, you are doomed to outlive your family and loved ones by thousands of years. With the blessing of Malfias, your proud mother or wife can stand at your shoulder in a mellenium, beaming with pride at the great accomplishments of thier Chosen One. Think of it! Never having to say goodby to those that mean the most to you! This and more can be granted once you show yourselves true to the rulers in exile and work to restore them to freedom. No god can promise that. For them, death comes to all in its due time."

The figure in the warstrider is becomming increasingly agitatted. "M'lord, I don't feel that all are willing to listen to your generous offer and are contimplating violence against you. I advise caution!"

"Yes, Kieroon, I see your concerns. But, there still is a chance that they are ready to throw off the yoke of oppression and see the truth. What kind of an example would I be if I did not at least try?" Turning once more to face you, you are nearly taken a step back by the strength of his will and the power in his gaze. In a great voice, he calls to you. "You are little more than pawns in the great Game of Divinities. Do you have the courage to rise up and grasp the reins of power and do more? Be a critical player, a queen among the chaff being discarded by the millions.


His words a very moving. Roll Willpower with a target number of 8, not seven, and tens count as only one success.


no one told me we were posting again

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes (TN: 7)

Was Frost able to talk secretly with her ghost buddy? and why *was* the primordial locked away?

Killing Frost narrowed her eyes, "You tell us sad stories," she said, her tone dismissive, for she had asked that they not waste time trying to sway the companions with tales of who was crueler to who, and she was glad to see even the normally loose cannons in the group saw through the flaws in that arguement; both sides had plenty of blame to go around, it did nothing but waste time to go over the same ground again and again. It did however bring something else to her attention, Frost knew the tugging at her feeling in response to the story were foreign to her, she thought those living in the past - and rarely learning its lessons even so - were doomed to never escape those emotions. "Yet," she continued, "there are important questions to be answered still: do your lords and masters remove you from the Unconquered Sun's perview and make you their servant, what cost, to you and to them, for this service? What does the oath bind us to, and what benefit do we gain, if any, from serving? For it seems to me that unless one is removed from the wheel of life and death," she did not sound like she thought that was a good idea, "then death would return one to the hands of the Unconquered Sun, and I suspect that we would not like what happened thereafter."

Frost turned to Mistdancer, "Let us listen while they give their side of things, Misty, ask questions if you have them, and afterwards we can discuss whether our path continues as before or if we follow a new destiny."

Results for 6 dice: 2 successes (TN: 8)

(assuming I suceeded in my willpower roll
:P )

Killing Frost turned a bland face to Seth, "Unless, of course, our new aquaintance would prefer to continue trying to sway us with the charm of his voice rather than the justice in his arguements."

OOC I believe I had 5 points from using the violin with the warstrider as well as the healing, I don't have enough for magic (I have the 'Virtuous Guardian of Flame' committed though) and don't have enough understanding of the excellency, dodge and melee, do they last the scene? would I be better doing dodge excellency now or waiting and doing 'Shadow Over Water' during combat? (1m, Reflexive, Combo-ok, Instant, The Exalt invokes this Charm and it allows her to ignore all penalties that apply to her Dodge DV when resolving an attack) or would melee excellency be a more useful combat choice?

Sherwood said:
His words a very moving. Roll Willpower with a target number of 8, not seven, and tens count as only one success.
Kittie 6 Dice = 5 Successes

Ghost 5 Dice = 0 successes with two 1's (Can you say Seth's new bitch?)

Ghost nodded in agreement, "Well what you say does sound fairly reasonable and has possibilities. I do not like the status quo, so perhaps a change might be good."

Kittie frowned, "I don't believe anything you say, you are just as bad as the rest." She frowned at Kentaru and muttered, "I am definitley gonna have to kick your ass later for getting us into this mess." She looked back at Seth, "I can go for peace and harmony but that will never happen, I am not that much of an optimist, and what you say doesn't ring true."

OOC I believe I had 5 points from using the violin with the warstrider as well as the healing, I don't have enough for magic (I have the 'Virtuous Guardian of Flame' committed though) and don't have enough understanding of the excellency, dodge and melee, do they last the scene? would I be better doing dodge excellency now or waiting and doing 'Shadow Over Water' during combat? (1m, Reflexive, Combo-ok, Instant, The Exalt invokes this Charm and it allows her to ignore all penalties that apply to her Dodge DV when resolving an attack) or would melee excellency be a more useful combat choice?

All Excellencies are instant and only apply for that particular roll, and I would go with the Excellency for defense. Each mote spent gives a plus one to your DV to defend against that attack.
" I will listen frost and wait for the rest of our companions to accept or deny the words he speaks." Miniska knew he wasn't correct but she would listen to her friends. Unconqured Sun would not allow his childern to make such mistakes without some guidence to correct the issue. This she would need to mediate on later for answers and prayer to her god for guidence as this revelation of Seth was most distressing. Minsika held her silence when frost mentioned the use of charm use in his voice and her look of disdained was all to see. That proved to miniska he spoke false and couldnt bring himself to give honest answers over his cause or deeds.
The pilot of the Warstrider says, "Master, they obviously do not plan on joining us. Why do you waste our time?"

Seth nods sadly. "Unfortunately, I agree. It is time for me to move on. If you do not survive, I shall find you in your next Exaltation." At this point, he turns around and vanishes from sight completely, leaving the strange looking Warstrider all alone.

She drops down into a fighting stance. "Come and play with me, if you dare!"
Give me some Join Battle rolls (Wits + Awareness)
Order of Battle

0 - Ghost

1 - Warstrider, Kitty

2 -

3 -

4 -

Once Cat makes her post, I'll add her to the Order. Until then, Ghost is up first.
Introducing Moonsilver....

You are one of the mighty Princes of Creation. A Chosen of Luna, your duties have taken you from one corner of the world to the other in service to the mighty Solar Deliberative. After many years of hard work, you have decided that it is time for you to take some time off and enjoy a vacation in the resort town of Misthaven. After several days of enjoying some quiet pampering inbetween adventrues on the ski slopes, a massive explosion rocks the island, raining firery rubble and debris down on the villas. The townspeople begin the job of fighting the fires and rescueing the injured.

After several rough hours of racing back and forth lending aid, the fires are finally out. When you begin to look for the cause of the explosion, you decide to go to the Manse that provides most of the power for the basic services to the islanders. As you approach, you come across a troubling scene. Several Exalts stand ready to do battle against a Hellstrider, a creation of the hated and evil Primordials that are locked away in the prison-world of Malfias, a litteral hell created by the mighty Solars that fought to seal them away. Do you go forth to join your fellow Exalted in battle against the enemy of all Creation?
i run to cast flying guillotine. Wlle doing so i say"hi i'm Spellcaster be glad i came i will help kick some butt"
The sudden appearance of another Exalt is a surprise to all, but it is a pleasant one for everyone but the pilot of the denomic Warstrider.

0 - Ghost

1 - Warstrider, Kitty

2 -

3 -

4 - Moonsilver [shape Sorcery]

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