With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

As Frost begins to open up her awareness to look for the restless dead, she is aware that most that die in service to the Deliberative usually head back into the cycle of rebirth quickly. That being said, there is always the exception to the rule...

A short distance away you spot two figures that to all appearances are having a picnic under the shade of a tree. A closer look tells you that they have both passed on but have decided not to leave their existance in Creation yet. As you approach them and let them know that you can see them, they both jump up and bow deeply. The man, nearly bent in half, asks, "How may we serve the Chosen of the Sun?"


Since there is already a spell in the books that can allow you to bind an elemental aspect to a item to make it hot or cold (usually one at a time), it is no big stretch to have an artifact that can switch back and forth from hot and cold. It is not a game-changing item, so rating it at one dot is fine with me.

Killing Frost gestured for him to stand, "I am White Snow on Gree Bamboo of Sijan," she told them, "known more commonly as Killing Frost, I would like to hear your stories of what happened today. The Lunar Chosen saw damage here, saw survivors helping other survivors, now it is as if it never was. Any information you or your companion have about what happened," she avoided giving any more than bare bone details to keep from priming the man with answers given for approval rather than fact, "would be useful to myself and my companions. Both what happened before, and what happened just moments ago."

Frost smiled, her hand going out to almost touch the man's arm, as if to brush back the woman's hair from her face, but not quite, showing sympathy, concern, but not making the actual contact that would only throw their new state in their faces. "Once I have passed on what you tell me to my companions, I will return if you wish; I am from Sijan, if there is something the two of you need to help you move on I am willing to listen, to help you both to the rest you deserve," Frost shrugged, "or if you desire to stay on this side of death's door, I might be able to help you with that as well."

Frost sat down under the tree, gesturing for the pair to settle with her, "First tell me who you both are and what was your occupations before." She would watch the pair for upset, either mentioning moving on to their rewards and their deaths, or avoiding those phrases, as the pair's reactions showed their comfort levels. She would not endlessly baby them, there was the matter of time pressing, of new eggs, but stressing the man and his companion out needlessly would only result in no information at all.

OOC: Thank you.

Using Charisma (3) or Manipulation (4) with socialize (1)? and/or investigative (1) to find out answers, to know what to ask, to direct conversation to find information they need to know: any informtion on the ghosts' lives or needs she'd store for the moment to return to with the pair later.

4 dots ... 4 dices: 2 successes ... if need 5 dots +1 dices: 1 successes (lol I actually first rolled 5 dice, figuring to ignore anything with 0 or 1 success, and got 5 successes... twice in a row, then 0, then 5 again; at which point I gave up and rolled one dice instead
:P )

The two ghosts trade a look. The woman stands a bit straighter and looks at Frost, "I am Nubella, and this is my friend Raxom. We saw some of what happened here, but I don't know how helpfull it will be to you. A short time ago there was a shaking in the earth, and the energy from the Manse faded, pulled somewhere else than normal. Suddenly, a bright green light flared up, and the ground split open as a monster came out. It went off that way some time ago. Over there, at the Manse, several elementals using sorcery sealed up the rift as if it had not happened under the direction of a Celestial; probably one of the Chosen of the Sun."

Alexandria looks over at Kentaru. "I thought you said that the Manse was under the direction of Dragon-Blooded, not Solars."

"It never has before. Obviously something is going on in there, and we need to check it out. If a Solar is performing experiments using Primordial energies out here, it may be a project banned by the Deliberative. Worse yet, we may be dealing with a demon simpathizer, and it may lead to us having to bring the accused before the Deliberative for judgement." He looks quite displeased with the possibility.

Killing Frost smiled at the dead pair, "That is helpful, Nubella," she said, glancing at Raxom to include him in the praise, "Do either of you recall seeing that particular Celestrial before? Or heard a name?" Frost would ask the pair about general layout, how to get to where Kittie had seen the pit as quickly as possible.

"We are going into the manse to discover the difficulty," she informed the dead, "is there anything I can do for you right now? If not, then I will return afterwards to see what help I might be in return for your assistance," she promised.

To Kentaru and the group she reminded, "There are at least two, the one who sealed the scar in the earth and the one who dueled with me before fleeing. We might not be dealing with one fool raising demonic forces but a whole circle doing so."

Alexandria shakes her head. "You are assuming that the flying warstrider was being piloted by a Solar? If I recall correctly, it was made primarily of jade, not Orcalcum."
Kittie smiled broadly, "See I told ya there was a hole, a big one. Stupid elementals making me look like a liar, I am so gonna kick some booty." She pulled her catnip bag out and took a big whiff and sighed and smiled a silly smile, then looked around at the others, "Hey just a little something to calm the ol' nerves ya know. OK let's go inside and find out what is going on. I am getting hungry, anyone up for some waffles when we get this nonsense done?" She stuffed the bag into her pouch and said, "Come on Ghost, let's go snoop. Hey Ken, if you see us running get ready for a big fight." She laughed.

Ghost shrugged and put his dagger away that he was using to clean his fingernails and stood and wiped the dirt off his clothing. "OK girl, lead on." Turning to the group he said, "Since we are the stealthiest we can sneak in, no use walking into an ambush. Follow along but stay back a ways, and as Kittie says, if you see us running be ready to rumble."

Ghost and Kittie slipped off and moved up to the building, moving from rock to rock and cover to cover, and checking the door for traps, (Kittie Dex 4 Larceny 5 = 3 Successes) Ghost Dex 5 Larceny 3 = 4 Successes) And then moved on in.

OOC: Will let you tell us what they see and go from there.
Moving quickly and quietly, the two of you approach the gounds of the Manse. You can tell from the essence in the area that this is a Solar aspect Manse, with lines of power linking it to the other Manses on the island. The structure is large and very open and bright, with windows channeling in sunlight to brighten up the whole building. As you move through the room, a man approaches you. He is obviously some sort of spirit or elemental. His body is all black - eyes, teeth, clothes, the whole works. With a quick bow, the being asks the two of you, "Welcome. How may I help you?" He is quite insistant, and does not let either one of you pass until you talk to him.
After dodging and weaving, Ghost gave up and said, "So, take us to your leader or whoever is in charge here." He looked at Kittie and shrugged. They followed the elemental, as they walked Kittie whispered, "I wonder if this was one of the schmucks who filled in the hole. I should rip him a new one just for the principle of the thing." She looked around, "This whole thing is wonky, could he be leading us into a trap?"

Ghost frowned, "So...uh...elemental guy, what was the big commotion? What came out from under the ground?" He had kept an eye on the way they went in case they had to retreat quickly. Every nerve was on edge and he did not like this whole thing one bit.
The elemental, you believe that he is a fire aspect, leads you into the heart of the Manse. As you walk with him and ask questions, he is evasive in his replys as any good polititican. "Comotion? I am hardly aware of any problems; I have far too many duties inside the Manse to pay attention to other trivial details. Let me present you to Seth Ren, Solar of the Zenith caste and Chosen of the Deliberative to operate the needs of the island."

Seth strikes you both as more the friendly old grandfather than a member of the Solars. He is wearing simple robes of a utilitarian design with a pair of crystal glasses balanced on his nose. He offers a shy smile and a fluttering wave of his hand. "W-w-welcome. Its so rare that I get any guests here, especially other Solars and Lunars. So unusual, with everything that has happened today with the island's defenses detecting the presence of unregistered demons flying in and the comotion I heard outside later on." He offers another shy smile and bobs his head up and down in the most disarming gesgure you've ever seen. Something about him just screams at you that he's harmless as a mouse.
Ghost looked at Kittie and raised one eyebrow quizzically... This old guy seemed way to harmless to be harmless. Kittie wrinkled her nose like she was smelling something foul and gave a slight nod in agreement. "Well hate to tell you but we were on the ship that registered as a unregisterd demon. We were on a ship flying in all peaceful and suddenly the island attacked us. There is death and destruction all over. What do you know about the monster that came from here that caused all that?

Killing Frost shrugged as she carefully stowed her small teapot and matching cup, "Likely the only Solar Chosen, true enough, however what I meant was another Exalt in a more general sense, Alexandria. Dragon Blooded might not be the warriors and scholars that Solar and Lunar Chosen are but they are not insignificant either."

She glanced around, "Shall we follow our disreputable pair before they get into *too* much trouble? If they can't find it they are perfectly willing to make it," she said with a shake of her head but a smile hovered about her lips.

As the old man begins to speak, Ghost interrupted and said, "Wait, if you will allow us, let us go get our companions outside, that way, you will not have to keep going over the same story again and again. Please excuse us, we shall return in a few minutes and you can talk to our fearless leader, Kentaru. Just don't make the mistake of asking him how he likes your island, he will never shut up." Ghost turned to Kittie, "Shall we return and gather our group of miscreants."

They walked quickly back to the door and Ghost stopped, "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" He gave Kittie a mischievous smile, "Kittie shrugged, "Sure let's do it." She laughed and said, "I bet the look on their faces is priceless."

They set themselves and then flung open the door and went running towards the others as fast as they could, looking back over their shoulders, a look of panic on their faces, as they reached the group they both yelled, "Oh My Gods, it's huge, run!!" and ran past the group standing there. Dodging behind a boulder they dropped waiting to see what the others would do.

After a minute, they came out, laughing, Kittie was laughing so hard she was holding her sides and she said, "Man I bet you guys about peed yourself. The looks on your faces was priceless." Kittie got serious, "We need to be cautious when we go back. and ask more questions.. The guy, Seth seemed suspicious to me. I don't trust any of them. I suggest be ready to fight or run. We need to learn more, but also ready for anything. We just wanted to make sure you guys were awake."

Ghost nodded, "Yeah we met this old guy named seth who seems too good to be true, I do not trust him, that is why we came back for you guys, you need to check him out while we snoop around."
After getting over their chuckle at the expense of the others, Kitty and Ghost are joined by the others inside the Manse. Once there, you all meet the mousy little man that is the resident operator of the machinery. He seems quite flustered at the sight of so many people. "I hardly know what I can do for all of you; I'm just a humble caretaker, after all."
Sherwood said:
"I hardly know what I can do for all of you; I'm just a humble caretaker, after all."
Ghost shrugged, "Well for a start, drinks, and cookies might be a good beginning." He looked at Kittie, "How about some nice warm fresh baked cookies." Kittie added, "And warm milk, lots of warm milk. I need a nice nap, don't the rest of you?" Ghost looked at the old man and said, "This is our fearless leader, I will leave you to his tender mercies."

Ghost nudged Kittie and they slowly moved back and to one side looking at various items as they slowly casually wandered the room. Finding a doorway they peeked in and then glancing back attempted to slip into the room away from the old man and his minions. Ghost whispered, "If anyone asks we are looking for the bathroom." He chuckled.
"Um, well, yes, of course. I don't belive that I have any warm milk, but there are various types of wine you can try." The man seems quite confused by your request, and with the help of the others, Kitty and Ghost are able to slip away without any touble (at the moment). Prowling deeper into the Manse, the two of you find some signs of damage; a broken vase that has fallen from a pedistal, pictures that are hanging off kilter, books that have fallen from the shelf they were on. Proof that some violent event happened reciently.

Sherwood said:
"Um, well, yes, of course. I don't believe that I have any warm milk, but there are various types of wine you can try." The man seems quite confused by your request, and with the help of the others, Kitty and Ghost are able to slip away without any trouble (at the moment). Prowling deeper into the Manse, the two of you find some signs of damage; a broken vase that has fallen from a pedestal, pictures that are hanging off kilter, books that have fallen from the shelf they were on. Proof that some violent event happened recently.
Kittie: "Grounds keeper? if he were my grounds keeper, I'd fired him."

Ghost and Kittie slipped along and finally when clear, Ghost rummaged around and dug out his communicator and told Kittie to dig hers out also. He stopped sneaking and began walking along, occasionally stopping to point to something and saying "Miss Jones, take a note of that." (Ghost and Kittie know the things aren't working but hopefully those working in building won't)

Kittie: "Roger dodger that boss."

If they run into anyone, Ghost will flash his communicator so fast that the other person will not be able to see it, and then say in an official tone, "I am Mortimer from Building inspections, seems we have a bit of a problem here. What is your name?" Consult his hand held for a second appearing to flip through pages, "Ah yes, hmm" shaking head, "Definitely going to have to put you in our report, very sloppy, Ms Jones put this (man?woman/creature) on report, definitely have to have some disciplinary measure." Ghost frowned, "Well don't just stand there get to work or do I have to go get Seth and have him punish you for insubordination?"

Using BS they would walk though the building snooping, Stopping occasionally to point to something, and making "notes" in the handhelds.

Kittie: "Either he's a bad housekeeper or just just thinks everything is hunky dorie. Maybe we should tell him what we seen, and see his reaction is. Have you found anything worth questioning about, Ghost?"

OOC:(If one walks around with a clip board and appears to know what they are doing, stopping occasionally to take notes, usually they can pretty much not be bothered. LOL I did it for two weeks straight when I was in the Air Force just to test theory..it worked.)

Manipulation 2 Performance 2 (4 successes.. love those 10's)

Kittie: Manipulation 4 Performance 4 (6 sucesses)
Lor pulled Frost aside for a moment. "Are you sure its a good idea to let those two go off on their own ? I seem to remember the last time it cost us 2500 in bribes alone." Frost shook her head. "No its not the best plan, but it will keep them occupied while we see what this Seth character knows. " Lor looked at the floor, wishing again Tull had come along. Kitty listened to him---occasionally.

Turning back to the old man, she began to find out anything she could that would be helpful.
As Kitty and Ghost wander through the rooms, you come across a servant girl straightening up the signs of trouble you've seen earlier. She jumps as if stung, then turns on you just in time to be accosted by the clipboard waving 'official' threatening her with a reprimand. The woman attempts to sputter out answers as the questions come faster and faster. With a final deep curtsey, she ends up bolting from the room as our two Exalts do their best to contain their laughter at the poor woman's distress. Once she is taken care of, our two wandering troublemakers come across a warded and locked door. A quick look at the lock shows you that no mortal effort will be able to open it, but thankfully, you are not mortals. A quick tap with Ghosts' Charm of Lock Opening Touch and you are faced with a stairway leading down.

As Frost, Kentaru, Alexandira and Seth enjoy their tea, Seth shows some talent in being vague as Kentaru does his best to weasal some information from the old man. As the two verbally spar, Frost's ghostly servant comes up to her. "M'lady, I've taken a quick look around and discovered that there is several rooms warded to prevent spirits from entering them. Also, I saw Kitty and Ghost find a locked door that hides a stairway down below ground. It it also warded, so I cannot enter."
Ghost smiled, "That was fun, I love doing that." He smiled again and bowed, "Ladies first?" Kittie glanced around and shivered, "The fur on my backside feels agitated! I feel like someones watching us." She glanced around carefully, "And did you notice these symbols on the doorway? Those things scare the whiskers off me," She squinted at them and moved her hand close to but did not touch them. "Curiosity killed the cat so no way am I going to touch those things, they are foreign to me. How about you? Can you read them or know what they are?"

Ghost shook his head, "No, I have no idea, I never got into the mumbo jumbo crap. Must be some kind of mage thing. I think it is some kind of ward, but," He put his hand through the doorway, "It doesn't seem to stop us."

Kittie shrugged, "I'm changing forms and will fly ahead a little ways. Stay here at the top of the stairs, I'll be right back, OK." She changed to her dragonfly form and hovered near Ghost.

Looking back behind them to make sure they were not noticed and closing the door but making sure it could be opened quickly if an escape was needed, they carefully slipped down the stairs a ways, moving as quietly as they could. Ghost said, "We need to be as quiet as possible, no use letting whoever or whatever is down here that company is coming."

Ghost whispered, "I don't know about you but the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up, I don't like this. Remind me to never go on a vacation with that bunch again. Go on I'll keep an eye on your rear, er I mean our rear." He laughed.

Searching for people after the crash had taken up alot of time and energy for which Miniska was annoyed. How the airship was damaged or attacked she was wasn't sure. But the falling part wasn't fun at all nor was her familiar Kalase howling in fright whom she held on to while all the chaos was going on. The landing and the big boom made both her and Kalase unsettled and left lost. Their part of the ship was off on its own away from the main body and any companions and help if there was need. Miniska felt they came off lucky as neither were serious hurt bumps and a very scrapes. Wandering back thru the flight path she managed to find the ship but nobody there. Pulling her egg out from a concealed pocket miniska dons her armor and weapons seeing no reason to not be prepared for trouble. Tucking the egg back in its hiding spot Miniska headed in a direction she hoped was the way to a manse.

Kentrua mentioned there was a manse on the island if not several surely if miniska walked in one direction long enough she'd find someone. Kalase moved slightly ahead of her purring and meowing now and then in questioning over their choice of direction. Between miniska trying to sense a manse and his nose they come across a huge manse with the looks of someone being home. Caution ruled her approach of the manse and looking over the area for signs of fighting or damage.

There was no way of knowing what attack the ship and what might roaming around or who so miniska was careful and patience waiting to see if anyone friendly was around. "Well kalase should we knock or wait to see if someone comes out?"
As Miniska approaches the door, it opens just before you have the chance to reach your hand out to knock. Standing in front of you is a tall, muscular man of all black. When I say all, black, I mean that the whites of his eyes are black, his teeth are black, everything is black and as he opens his mouth to speak, a wave of heat comes pouring out. "Greetings, Noble One. Your approach was noticed, and you are welcome to join the other visitors in the parlor as they talk with the Caretaker. If you would follow me..." You almost get the feeling that it is not an invite to a party, but an order to follow. Surely not, since no elemental in its right mind would truly dishonor a Sunchild like that. In the parlor that the elemental leads you to, you find Kentaru, Alexandria, and Killing Frost sipping tea wth some old man (pictured above). Alex jumps up and runs to give you a hug. "We were so worried about you!" and in a much quiteter whisper, "Ghost and Kitty are exploring; don't blow their cover." Back to a louder voice, "Come, my dear, and get something to refresh yourself. This tea is quite enjoyable."

Elsewhere, as Kitty and Ghost start their way into the stairwell, it is much darker here than in the other rooms, almost repressively dark. Moving slowly gives you a moment to discover something in the dark.

Perception + Awareness rolls for our two rouges, please.
Delighted she was well received by a servant and then puzzled over his manners made miniska wonder what was going on. The reception in the pallor relieved miniska's worrying over her friends she hugged alex back and embraced her lifelong friend Kentaru. " I was very worried but i see yolu managed to get everyone here safely. " Miniska nods pleasantly to Killing Frost and takes a peroffered cup of tea. "Did you manage to find out what happened to the airship and Whom" miniska turns to the elder "is our generous host?" She bows formally to the older man.
Kentaru smiles to see that Miniska has turned up in good health. "My dear, this is our host, Seth Ren, Chosen of the Sun and the current caretaker of the islands geomancy grid. We were the victims of some sort of accident that had contaminated our ship as a denomic presence, and the island defenses responded as they should to our intrusion at that time. We've just been discussing various possibilities on what could have caused the contamination in the first place. Seth Ren is well versed in his duties here, but knows little else, it seems." From as well as you know Kentaru, you know that his words are quite harsh in their focus on Seth Ren, filled with scorn. A tone that you have never heard from this Sidereal before. Something is obviously going on with this caretaker.
Sherwood said:
Elsewhere, as Kitty and Ghost start their way into the stairwell, it is much darker here than in the other rooms, almost repressively dark. Moving slowly gives you a moment to discover something in the dark.

Perception + Awareness rolls for our two rouges, please.
Ghost = 6

Kitty = 4
As Kitty and Ghost creep through the darkness, a heavy, fetid smell fills your nose that you recognize as blood. A deep growl comes from the dark as three large, bulky shapes can now be seen. Erymanthoi, demons better known as Blood Apes. Fierce guardians, they are frequently used by sorcerers for grunt labor and violent tasks.

Roll Wits + Awareness for Join Battle!

Ape 1: 6xD10: 8 4 9 5 4 3 -2 successes

Ape 2: 6xD10: 5 9 10 3 3 10 - 5 successes

Ape 3: 6xD10: 7 4 2 1 2 10 - 3 successes

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