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  1. WolfBoy34102

    Looking for RP partner!

    Hello everyone,  I am a 21 year old male. Looking for a RP partner male or female. The rps I am looking for anything from romance to science fiction, Furry etc. If your interested message me or reply to post!  Thanks guys!!!
  2. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Dax watched this man and smiled as he unloaded his pile of apples. When he announced himself as a engineer his eyebrows shot up. "A engineer you say? So that pale skin isn't just from the pre dried food. You have been up here a long time. I'm guessing you do internal work. have been...
  3. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Dax looked at the guy and smiled "Sure sit there is plenty of room" This was the guy that hat taken more then what he was supposed to. It wasn't a bad thought just a relization. "My name is Dax and this is my wife Anna, I am a botinist and she is a nurse. What do you do?" Dax finished...
  4. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic 1200 Years Later

    Dax hid in the shadows of a building watching the strange people kill others. He had heard of these weapons before from his father a long time ago. Gun's ancient weapons from long ago with killing power far greater then a blade. Waiting for the best time he snuck through the alleyways. His coat...
  5. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    I can accept that ^_^ , your in the clear go ahead and post your opening post and then hope into the rotation when it feels right.
  6. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    @SilverSkyWolf you still playing man?
  7. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    :( I'm sorry Andromeda, don't leave though ^_^ always nice to get more people.
  8. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    I like it but quick question, stein was a engineer of sorts but what were the machines? Gentics? 3D printers of sorts? Somthing like that? I want you to clear up what kind of machines that stein taught your character before you start. After that your golden.
  9. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    Your main worry for bigger guns is the amount of recoil. Desert Eagles have a high recoil out point just by itself but two would hurt most people. You can build a custom heavy weapon and to help with recoil here are some tips: Means of reducing recoil: Recoil that the shooter feels can be...
  10. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic The Orb of the seven brothers (accepting&open)

    Question: Could a crew member be a hired mercenary to work with the fighter of either ship. More like a red shirt fighter instead of the main one.
  11. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Dax's stomach growled as he saw the food. The smell was intoxicating; he quickly filled a plate and shuffled down the buffet line. He hadn't had food this good in a long time. After exiting the line he waited for Anna and then went to sit down at a empty table to eat. He looked around at all the...
  12. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Accepted ^_^ always good to have a few babies on board for *cough* science purposes
  13. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to screw things up. I'll make sure it dosnt happen again.
  14. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    How do we make sure then everyone posts before posting again? So I font mess up again and so I know when to go.
  15. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    If it's by distance wouldn't Dax be first in line? Or is it farthest to closest? Sorry I've just never roleplayed liked that before
  16. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

    No problem sorry for the screw up, sense Dax was being directly involved and the only one in that second I figured it would be fine to respond and it wasn't long because there isn't really much Dax could do at that point. He knows he is cornered. Sorry for thr mess up, I'll wait my turn like a...
  17. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Dax yells in surprise and jumps spinning around to look at Anna. Before he could say anything most people had turned to look at him, his face turned a bright red in embarrassment. "Anna! Don't do that!" He laughed nervously and hugged her keeping her close, a second later he broke the hug...
  18. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Panic sat in as Dax felt Anna's hand was removed for his. He tried to struggle to see but could not. Dax tried to stay calm but it wasn't till a man floated down in front of him and smiled and unhooked his suit from the seat did he calm down. Without saying a word he helped him up and pushed Dax...
  19. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    A low beep sounded inside of Dax's helmet and he awoke slowly. At first he was confused to where he was but quickly remembered. Anna still held his hand gently and he smiled squeezing it softly. The beep sounded once more before a radio frequency opened up. "This is shuttle to ARK2 we are...
  20. WolfBoy34102

    Futuristic We begin Again

    Character accepted hope you enjoy ^_^