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Futuristic 1200 Years Later

Fishman Lord

Here's the scenario: An apocalypse happened in modern times. It could be a nuclear war, a massive plague, nobody really remembers by this point. After the apocalypse, almost all technology was lost. Humanity regressed to near stone-age levels and a dark age fell upon humanity. Fuel went bad, metal rusted away, guns went dysfunctional. About 400 years in, small nations began to reform, under new kings and leaders. A neo-feudal society developed, with lords swearing fealty to other lords who in turn swore fealty to other lords and so on. By 600 years in, almost all habitable lands were claimed by some tribe or kingdom or other nation and individual societies, cultures, and religions began to emerge. By 900 AtE (after the end), English and Spanish were dead languages, evolved and split into many new tongues. The current year is 1200 AtE. The society of our time is largely forgotten, but things like Christianity and other religions have lived on. There is no one USA or Mexico, instead there are hundreds of little kingdoms and states spread across North and South America. What will you do in these strange new times?
Angel City was alive with noise. Merchants shouted their goods, beggars begged for scraps, and animals moved along noisily. The sun had risen up past what was left of the old city only an hour ago, yet it was already busy. Scholars said the city had once been Los Angeles, with millions of inhabitants, but if that was ever true, it was long gone. Now there were maybe 300,000, maybe more, maybe less, but by modern standards it was still a great city.

Jeremy walked through this great noisy city, heading towards the docks. Explorers had come back

all the way from the Southerland, from strange places with strange names like "Peru" and "Ecuador". They had far-off goods and wonders with them, and Jeremy was not one to miss that kind of oppurtunity. As he headed down the long wide street, he stopped at one of the many vendors to buy a roasted bit of chicken, as he had not eaten since yesterday. As he left with his food, he bumped into a man with dark hair and dark brown eyes. "Excuse me," he said in western common, as many people, including himself, did not speak the local language of Angeleno.

@Agent141 I bumped into your character.

@Seiden @Chocoholique The roleplay has started!
Angel City was ripe with noise. Quieter than that of Portland, oddly. Still, less crime than Portland though. The sound of merchants advertising their goods, beggers begging for coin, and the occasional animal.

Kord was there on "business" for one of the many crime syndicates he had received contracts from. Kord, hadn't received a contract like this for a long time, an assassination contract. Kord wasn't experienced in this kind of field, but he needed the money. One Katerina Royale they told him, he didn't know why but he took it anyway. Kord was looking at the list the syndicate gave him, a list of what she looks like. He was occasionally looking up to see if she was somewhere around. He was walking by one of the many vendors in the city. One man was leaving the vendor. Kord accidentally bumped into him. "Excuse me," Kord said to the man in Western Common. The man had brown hair, blue eyes, fair skinned, and about 5"11". Kord walked away. He felt around his belt to see if his pouch was missing. It wasn't but that reminded him he needed to buy some lock-picks, as he didn't have any at the time.

The Market has to around here somewhere. Kord thought. He looked around for something to point him in the direction of the market. Ah, there it is. Kord thought as he spotted a sign pointing in the direction of the market.

@Chocoholique One of the syndicates my character works for wants your character dead.
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Katerina Royale {Twenty} Princess of Azeroth

Katerina had her hooded veil fabricating her identity, her engraved dagger hidden in the side of her shoe, covered from the public by her attached gown. Nobody could tell there was a princess amongst them due to the most noticeable features being covered up.

The girl had received a message a few days ago by her brother Dimitri, who recently discovered she was being hunted down by an unknown enemy. Katerina would have to be careful around everybody, whether they seemed trustworthy or not, there was an asassin in the midst. The young woman was in a hurry as she threw pennies at merchants who had given her their best meat and fruit. She then pushed past a man holding a sheet of paper, but even though she was well mannered, she did not apologise. Instead, she disappeared into the crowd of customers and soon slyle went to her underground lair, a cave she had stumbled upon on het first night away from the kingdom.

@Agent141 Well, I would not want my character to die to be honest with you. But, hey! I loved the storyline so you have the okay to start with this particular scene, but can it be that there is a gap in the story to where my character can escape being asassinated. And can I ask, why is she being targeted? :)
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Kord was walking down the street that headed towards the market. He was still looking down on his list when a young woman wearing a hood almost pushed him to the ground. She seemed like she was in a rush, but Kord didn't question it, he was quite used to this stuff.

Kord was walking toward the equipment section of the market. He came across a vendor selling just about everything. Daggers, gloves, swords... ah here we go. Kord picked up 5 lockpicks from the stack the vendor had. "Excuse me sir, how much for these?" Kord asked the vendor. "10 gold coins." he responded "What?!" Kord exclaimed. "Isn't a little overpriced?" "It's business." the vendor said. "Worthless piece of..." Kord mumbled under his breath, referring to the vendor before he gave the vendor 10 coins and said "Here." Kord walked away.

He was leaving the market area when he heard an odd noise. He followed the noise to an alleyway. There stood a pair of thugs around a family, a father, mother, and 5 children. Kord then started having flashbacks of his own life. He remembered seeing the lifeless faces of his parents, the cries of his siblings when they got taken away. Kord started to shed a tear as he took out his locket around his neck and opened it. There, he had a picture of his family. Remembering the pain those men had caused him, he decided he wasn't going to let it happen to anyone else again; to have someone suffer the same pain he experienced. Kord drew his dagger and snuck up upon the 2 thugs.
Katerina Royale {Twenty} Princess Of Azeroth

Katerina uncovered her face and her eyes scanned the area. "I must pay for a room at a local inn after this assassin is eliminated." She muttered to herself. She was certainly not used to cooking her own food, why that was what servants were for. Buying meat and vegetables for her lunch, Katerina placed a few logs she had collected yesterday and hit two stones together to create sparks and cause a small fire. With a think stick she used as a skewer, she inserted her meat and vegetables and roasted them, hoping what she cooked will have a little flavour at least.
Jeremy continued down the street towards the docks. After about 15 minutes of walking, he reached them. Many ships were anchored there, and hundreds of sailors, merchants, and others shouted in a hundred languages. There, down to the left, were the ships from the Sutherland. The sailors were unloading rare spices, beautiful carvings, and strange animals. They had tortoises bigger than dogs from the far-off Galápagos merchant republic, two amazing golden masks from the Kingdom of Peru, and all other sorts of treasures.

Jeremy approached the ship. There, one of the sailors was telling of an escape from some other ship. "It was a Havayan ship, I tell you. That ship was 5 times as big as any other ship I ever saw, and the carvings were surely from Havay." Jeremy was fascinated. Havay was a mythical land, a utopian island chain in the great ocean. Legend said that they feasted every day and all men were rich there. It had been a long time since a Havayan ship had been sighted.
Kazuma arose with the sun, just as he did every day. He began his day with his routine of exercise, martial arts, tea and fruit. After eating, Kazuma washed upand got dressed. He said a prayer to Chimata-No-Kami, the god of crossroads, highways and footpaths,"Bring me a purpose once more, just as you did long ago...I will walk the path you lay before me, good....or evil....with all my soul, please give me a purpose once more...." It had been two years since Kazuma came the strange land, but it has been two years since he has had a purpose, now he wonders if if he will ever be of use again...

Kazuma's katana and wakizashi where placed into their respective spots on his atair, he left his money on the table and stepped outsude his home and locked it, walking out into the city once more.The samurai like warrior walked through the dock yards to see if anyone was here from his homeland, he over heard a rumor of a Havayan ship but it was not of interest to him. Kazuma walked past a man who was intrigued by the story, he looked familiar for some reason but Kazuma shrugged it off...

The markets were loud and noisy, it was a place he tended to advoid due to its obnoxious cacophony. It was also a place that people looking for trouble usually crept about. Kazuma kept his left hand on the sheath and his thumb on the handguard, ready to break the seal of his sword. He was a seasoned swordsman and the people he had fought here proved not match for him so far, though once he figured that out he used the blunt edge of the sword so he didnt have to kill those to weak to fight him. He also noted the swords here are brittle and can be easily broken sometimes...telling him he would make great money if he had the resouces to forge his swords...
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Kord snuck up on one of the men. Kord grabbed him and slit his throat. As for the other guy, he looked over at the other man. Seeing this he drew his, an iron short-sword. Kord got into fighting stance and the two lunged at each other. Kord landed a few hits but it seemed to not affect him at all. The thug swung his sword at Kord. Kord let out a cry of pain, as the sword cut open a wound in his left arm. Kord fell to the ground, the man standing over him, ready to swing his sword hard into his body. Kord quickly rolled to the left. The man put so much force into that swing that his sword had lodged itself into the ground. Kord took advantage of this opportunity and stabbed the man right in his head. The man fell to the ground, lifeless. Kord took both of the men's pouches of coins. One had a pouch of 7 coins, the other had 8. Kord approached the family and the parents started thanking him in a language he did not know.

They all headed out of the alley. The family presumably went home and Kord went to find an apothecary, to treat the wound he had received from the fight. On his way there he passed the market. He noticed one looked different from all the rest. He couldn't point out what it was about him but what he did notice was his sword. It was shaped like nothing he had seen before. Must be another foreigner. Kord thought and went on his way. He had also hear rumors of a Havayan ship. His father had told Kord stories about the Havayans. However, he didn't believe those stories as he got older so Kord brushed it off as nonsense.

Kord then spotted the apothecary and walked towards it. He opened the door to it and immediatly, who he believed to be the owner, said "Can I help you?" "Yes, do you have anything to treat a sword wound." Kord replied. The owner then ducked down under the counter and started rummaging through some glass bottles, as Kord can hear the clanking of glass hitting each other. About 5 minutes later, the owner came back up. "Here it is." he said. "That will be 14 coins." Kord reached for his pouch and grabbed 14 coins and handed it to him. "Apply the liquid to a piece of cloth then wrap the cloth around the wound." the owner said. Kord walked out the door then did as the owner said, he grabbed a spare piece of cloth, applied the liquid, then wrapped the cloth around his wound. Now that's over with. Kord thought. He was then pushed to the ground by some people. They were heading towards the docks. Must be in a hurry. Kord thought then he followed the people.
Kazuma heard a loud yell while in the markets, he quickly moved to the area where he belived it came from. There was a body on the ground with blood still oozing from the wound, another man had driven his sword into the ground so had it had stuck there, Kazuma chuckled at this while he watched the wounded man stab him in the head. Kazuma obseved this through his peripheral vision while he looked at a vender that sold various foods. A family approached the bleeding man and they seemed to be thanking him which gave Kazuma no reason to approach the man, he was however curious about him...

The Man walked through the crowd and noticed Kazuma but Kazuma didn't show any evidence of himself seeing what The Man did. After the unkown person passed through the crowd Kazuma followed him from a distance, not only to see where he was going, but to also explore areas he had not yet been to.

The Man entered a shop, several minutes later he reappeared with a glass bottle with an unknown substance within. Kazuma looked upon the Man from the shadows as he bandaged his arm after applying the substance to a cloth. Kazuma quickly took out pencil and paper and wrote down the shops location and then placed the items back into a small pouch on his back. He then proceeded to follow the man towards the docks....
Soon, a large crowd had gathered at the docks. Jeremy looked around and realized that there were double the people that were here just a few minutes ago. He looked around, trying to figure out what's going on, but he can't tell.

After a bit, Jeremy noticed that two people he had seen had come back: the man he'd bumped into earlier, now with a bandaged arm, being followed by the other man who had seemed to recognize Jeremy earlier. Jeremy walked over to the man with the bandaged arm and asked, "Hey, do you know what's going on?"

@Agent141 I talked to your character.
Kord followed the group of people to the docks. There was a huge crowd at the docks. He could barely see what was going on. He saw the man from the market again. He also saw the other man he had bumped into earlier. Whatever this is, it must be big. Kord thought. The man he had bumped into earlier approached him. "Hey, do you know what's going on?" he said. "No idea, I'll try to get a closer look." Kord responded.

Kord looked around for a way to see over the crowd. He then noticed the rooftops. Kord had received some training in climbing. He wasn't the best at it, but he had experience. Kord started running towards a wall, he jumped when he was almost about to hit it and jumped off the wall and grabbed on to a nearby balcony rail. It was a trick one of the syndicates taught him. He continued climbing until he reached the roof top. There Kord looked out to sea and saw a huge ship. It was bigger than any ship he had ever saw. "The Havayans." Kord said under his breath. Kord then climbed down. When he reached the ground he ran up to the man and informed of what he saw. "I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it for myself," Kord said. "The Hayayans are real, and they are here."

@Fishman Lord I responded to your character
Kazuma stood at a distance of about a hundred meters, he didn't hide his presence and saw that a massive ship had docked at the port "Havayans..." he muttered to himself as he took a closer look. As personel debarked the ship, a man stepped off from the boat that Kazuma knew....he knew him as Hitori the killer, he was an assassin and an excellent swordsman, unfortunately Kazuma did not know what his business was here and he planned to find out...
"Oh gods... Really? Most people say they were just a legend..." Jeremy climbed higher to see for himself. Sure enough, in the distance there were three ships, each one much larger than any that had been seen her in many years. They were painted and carved very ornately, and had giant crossbows mounted on each side. Along with the three in the distance, one had already docked and was unloading people.

After some people had come out of the ship, a man began yelling to the crowd in a garbled mix of old English and some other strange language. Eventually, a translator told the crowd what he was saying. "Greetings from the Empire of Havay. The glory of the Feathered Emperor wishes you all peace and prosperity. Your false kings have ruled wrongfully, and we have come to liberate you and bring you under the Emperor's care. Resistance is foolish and unwise." The crowd soon realized what this meant and began to yell in protest. The Havayan man shook his head and yelled some more. "We must show our power then. You will soon kneel." The Havayan soldiers pulled out what looked like long metal rods with handles and holes in the end(primitive muskets). A huge bang was then heard and many people fell over dead. "Witness the powers of our Steel Powder. Kneel, and you shall be free."
Margaret watched the horrific event from a safe distance. Kings and their conquest for power. She shook her head and sighed. Tyrants had always annoyed her.

Sure, Axaroth had a king but he was fair. The king had read in ancient text that the old kingdoms there had stayed out of war and conflict and, instead, made trade across seas. He wished to follow the ancients in that tradition, staying out of conflict for the most part. Although the kingdom stayed out of direct war, they were willing to supply armies with the plentiful sea-related resources. Fish, coral, seaweed. You name it.

Margaret cleared her head of her thoughts. "No use in thinking about my past kingdom." She said aloud before continuing to watch the sickening even unfold.
Kazuma's eyes widened at what happened, he then quickly disappeared from the area, "Now is not the time to fight, I would be to exposed and killed instantly" he said to himself as he climed a tall buliding to get a vantage point. He now knew why Hitori was here, the man always seeked war and now he has found it, but Kazuma also knew that Hitori was no common grunt as his skills are far to great for that...

Kazuma watched as the soldiers with the loud pipes continued to spread out and kill anyone who was already unruly towards them. "Finally, I have a purpose again..."
Kord heard the loud bangs and started running in the direction in which he came. He then quickly turned down an alleyway then waited behind some crates. He heard the sounds of people screaming along with the loud bangs. He then heard the shouts of the Havayan soldiers. He had never heard a language like that before. Then, Kord heard the sound of footsteps heading down the alleyway he was in. He drew his dagger and waited. The Havayan soldier walked right by him, seeming that he had not saw him. Kord then snuck up on the soldier. When he was close enough to him, Kord grabbed the soldier by the head, then slit his throat. Kord dragged the body further into the alleyway. Kord found a dark spot to hide the body in. He laid the body down, put on his black hood, and started to walk away, but then he noticed the soldier's weapon. What do we have here... Kord thought. It was shaped like no weapon he had ever seen before. Kord picked up the weapon. It had a long metal barrel and a wooden handle with holes at the end. It had a trigger similar to a crossbow. Kord took the weapon with him when he went on his way.

Kord continued through the dark alleys. Kord came across an abandoned cellar and entered it. There was a single table, few lanterns already lit, oddly, and a few small piles of hay, one of which had a peice of cloth over it. Seems like a nice place. Kord thought. He decided that this cellar will be his home for the time being. He placed the weapon on the table and the glass bottle containing the liquid from earlier. Kord then took out a map of the city and posted it on the wall. It was a rather large map. Kord then placed his finger on the map, tracing the path of the soldiers and planned what to do next.
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Several soldiers notice Kazuma on the roof top and began firing at him. All the shots missed except for one the grazed his shoulder, Kazuma's eyes narrowed in anger as he jumped from the the building as the soldiers reloaded. The soldiers disperesed except for one as Kazuma came soaring in to middle of them, he drew his katana and cut the soldier who stood his ground almost in half then he ran to the soldier that had different armour than the others and drove his sword into the mans chest, cutting into the armour like a tin can. He quickly spun the man around as gun shots went off, the bullets were absorbed by the dead soldiers body. The remaining six soldiers rushed the swordsman, each one easily cut down by Kazuma's blade....

Heavy breathing cane from Kazuma as he dissapeared into a near by alleyway. Coming to the end of the alley he looked both ways down the street to see if there were any more soldiers and none were to be seen so he swiftly crossed the street and dissapeared into the shadows of the next alleyway...
When he heard the blasts, Jeremy ran away back to his inn and grabbed his horse. He jumped on and rode into the alleys. He twisted and turned through the streets, passing other fleeing people. Eventually he reached an alley with only one other person, the man who had seemed to recognize him on the docks.

"Oh my god! Did you see all that happen?" Jeremy asked the other man. "I've never seen anything like those blast-rods. How can anyone fight back against that?"

@Gradous13 I talked to your character
@Fishman Lord

Suddenly a horse rider appeared before Kazuma in the alley way almost drawing his sword, he quickly realized that the rider was one that he saw at the docks. "Oh my god! Did you see all that happen?" The rider asked Kazuma. "I've never seen anything like those blast-rods. How can anyone fight back against that?"

Kazuma began speaking in his native language, Juzuro-Naka but the changed to westerner "Yes, I witnessed what happened, I had heard a rumor of these weapons long ago....hmm.... but this is no place to talk about this new enemy, quickly, I know of a place" Kazuma said and then lead the rider to an underground house that was a good distance from the docks. About a couple miles of traveling, Kazuma looked up at the horseman "Before we get to the secret house... I have a question to ask...I am Yoshizawa Kazuma, Kazuma is my first name, and you? What are you called by?"
"I'm Jeremy Redtower. I come from the Canyonlands." He paused for a second. "I'm also technically the Prince of the Canyons as well, but it's been so long that my family has probably forgotten me." The sounds of blasts could be heard in the distance.

"How about you? I've never heard a name or seen a person like you. Where do you come from?"
Dax hid in the shadows of a building watching the strange people kill others. He had heard of these weapons before from his father a long time ago. Gun's ancient weapons from long ago with killing power far greater then a blade. Waiting for the best time he snuck through the alleyways. His coat was drawn shut with his goggles over his eyes and his mouth guard up. Moving quietly he began to hear two people talking from a alley, was it two of the strange men? Could he get one of their weapons? Perhaps, they would sell for hundreds on the open market; drawing his bow and knocking a arrow he snuck to the edge of the alley and peaked down it spying the two men talking on top of their horses . Not the men with the guns, he frowned slightly thinking of the lost payday but continued to watch around the edge of a building as well as keeping a eye out for the others. Every now and then a shot rang out silencing a scream. Whoever these people were they meant to kill everyone.
Kord thought about what he were to do. He then walked over to the table, where the gun lay. Now, how do you work... Kord thought as he picked up the weapon. He held it in front of him, held his hand out and poured the contents from inside of the barrel into his hand. Some kind of powder, pitch black, and a metal ball. Odd... He thought. He shook the gun again, expecting there would be more in there, instead a metal rod fell out of the gun. Kord poured the contents back into the barrel, powder first then ball, then picked up the rod. He looked at the gun in confusion, then he noticed a small, long hole just below the main barrel. He slid the rod back in the hole. He then studied the other side of the gun. The main stock was there with a trigger, similar to a crossbow, but there was another thing there. A small, hammer-like object just above the trigger, besides the main barrel. It seemed pulled back from what it would seem to be. There was a piece of flint attached to the end of the hammer like object. Directly strait from the hammer like object was a piece of straight steel. It seemed to be worn out and a bit dented. Interesting... Kord thought. He put his hand on the metal and it was warm.

Kord got into firing position, the one he observed some soldiers in, pointed at one of the walls, and pulled the trigger. A loud bang filled the cellar and there was a quick flash of light, a light similar to fire. Kord staggered back, almost falling to the ground. He went over to the wall he fired at. Here was a small hole there. He stuck his finger in the hole. He felt the outline of a ball, right before he quickly pulled out his finger, as it was hot. Kord went back to the gun. He checked the barrel if the powder was still there. There were a few left, a very small pile of it. He then noticed the hammer like object. It was no longer pulled back, like it was before. Instead, it was touching the piece of steel. In an experiment, Kord pulled back the hammer and pulled the trigger. The result was the hammer slammed into the piece of steel and sparks of fire were produced. He then went outside, gathered small pile of hay, lit it on fire, then threw the powder in. A series of smaller, quieter bangs were heard. I think I got it! Kord screamed in his head. He went back inside and wrote a letter to his main syndicate, and the only syndicate he was actually apart of; The Order of Shadows. They mostly work in the shadows, but fight in the open when necessary.

"The Havayans have arrived at Angel City, with deadly weapons and evil intent. They have these weapons that can kill from afar, similar to a crossbow. They may seem complicated at first but simple when you understand the workings of the weapon. There is a hammer like object on the end of the gun, near where you would hold it. Pull it back. When you pull the trigger, the hammer slams into the piece of steel across from it creating a few sparks. Those sparks will ignite the black powder, which you would need to put in the gun, and in turn launch the metal ball, which you would also need to put in the gun. Same as a crossbow, but much more powerful. The powder and metal balls would most likely be found on Havayan Soldiers."

- K.S.

Kord wrote this in Oregoner, as the syndicate was based in Southern Oregon. Kord went outside and whistled a certain tune. A few minutes later, a crow showed up and landed on a nearby wooden peg. Kord gave the paper to the bird and it flew off.
Kazuma gave a respectful bow now that he knew this man was of royal decent, "Jeremy Redtower, I will remeber it.. I am from a very far away land, it still bears its name of old, now known as Neo-Japan, I was banished from my homeland because of a mistake I made but that is history, however, I am a very skilled swordsman and swords smith... I have tested my steel against the swords of this land and I cut through it like soft butter." Kazuma said with some pride showing...

Something in the corner of his eye caught his attention, a shadowy figure down the alley way but the figure did nothing but watch them, "I was attacked by those soldiers with the guns, they may have fire power but their armour is weak, I had no problem cutting through it...they reload very slowly as well...so there is a way around it but the time to attack is small...hmmm" Kazuma was already thinking of a way to defeat the soldiers in a way that doent involve dying.... "You, down the alley, I would like your audience if you will" Kazuma called to the figure hidden with in the darkness...

@Fishman Lord @WolfBoy34102

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