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  1. Magus_Meister

    Chronicles of a Water Bender *8* Character Sheets

    Name: Rosewyn Age: 68 Gender: Female Element: Air Appearance: Personality: Rosewyn is quite the kind and sweet older woman, and is willing to help or listen to those around her, as need be. (Opt.) History: Rosewyn has led a long, fruitful life, and has used her experience to...
  2. Magus_Meister

    A few role play ideas -opinions?

    I rather like the first and last one, myself; especially that last one!
  3. Magus_Meister

    Fantasy/Slice of Life Combination (I'm not even sure what I'm doing) RP Idea

    This sounds like a rather interesting idea; I'd definitely join!
  4. Magus_Meister

    Danger (An Idea)

    This sounds like an interesting idea, Toko. I'd definitely join!
  5. Magus_Meister

    *8*Chronicles of a Waterbender*8*Roleplay

    OOC: I hate to bother anyone, but is this game still open for new players? Just curious. Hope you guys don't mind me posting here; I'm pretty new here, and a big fan of Avatar, so....yeah. Anyway, any room left for another member to join?
  6. Magus_Meister


    Just joined the site after getting it recommended to me from an old friend. This looks like a pretty interesting place. I hope to enjoy myself here!