*8*Chronicles of a Waterbender*8*Roleplay

Narra looked around and spotted Anat and waved her over. She turned back to the princess, "I guess it'll be Anat, Karisa's and I then. I'm not sure where the two boys went. Knowing Arlen he's probably buried away somewhere in a pile of books!" she laughed. "Anyways, we can't wait for them any longer, we should get going before the palace starts getting busy."
Iliana nodded. "Okay then, let's go. They can catch up later if they can find us out there." she started walking to the palace gates that led out to the city. She wound in and out of alleys, markets, busy streets and more, leading them closer to the Master's home. He wouldn't be out and about teaching today, so they would have to go to his home instead. He was very kindly and the Princess knew he wouldn't mind. She kept looking over to the group following her, giving them time to look a bit but still making sure they were keeping up. "It's just up ahead."
Narra followed along behind Princess Iliana as they walked the streets. She watched Earthbender children playing ball in the street and other older benders pushing things around in the streets and such. There was a growling noise and before she knew it, she was pushed slightly by a rush of wind as something big and heavy wizzed passed. Narra waved her hand in the air to clear the dust cloud from the air and realized the object had been a Satomobile. Narra grumbled under her breath, irritated at how close the thing had been to running her over, and the driver's cockiness of driving about nearly running over other pedestrians further down the street. Her hand snapped out and she rolled her weight forward onto her front foot. As the mobile rumbled over a sewer grate, water sprang up, wrapped around the wheel and froze. Though the ice shattered, it was enough to cause the mobile to skid and tip over on it's side and slide into a fruit cart.

A commotion started to rip through the community. At the mobile, someone was scrambling wildly to get out of the compartment. Narra heard zipping behind her and turned to see a few Metalbender police catapulting themselves after the now overturned Satomobile. Narra's eyes grew wide. It was clear that the police were following the mobile but they would start asking questions on how it overturned eventually. To think, what would happen if the police force brought in two waterbenders, the Avatar, and the Earth Kingdom Princess in for questioning--Narra's heart dropped just thinking about it. Narra didn't want today to be that day, especially with the Princess around--she didn't want her to get in trouble. TO think what would happen if the police force brought in two waterbenders, the Avatar, and the Earth Kingdom Princess in for questioning--Narra's heart dropped just thinking about it. Narra flicked her hand and turned the remaining shards of ice back into water which dripped back down the grate; then pushed her companions into a narrower street and hurried them along. The street was crowded a bit, so within a few moments, they were lost in the commotion. At least she knew she could trust her instincts--since it turned out the guy in the mobile had committed some kind of felon. Narra's paced hurried along, "So it's just up here, right?"
Iliana looked at Narra with her mouth agape. "I can't believe you just did that!" she exclaimed. She held her head between her hands. "If anyone ever found out..." She realized how childish and immature she looked. She straightened and took a breath to calm herself. "It's this one..." she knocked using the big metal door knocker. She kept stealing glances at the Avatar, hoping she wouldn't do something else to draw attention.
Anat followed quietly behind the Avatar and the earth princess. She had left Maris behind which left her feeling almost naked. The polar-dog went everywhere with her, she was a safety blanket that protected her in new places. Anat kept reaching out to rest it on animals furry white coat but it wasn't there. They hustle and bustle in the street bothered her, she was used to a quieter village where the sounds of water bending was louder than the dull roar of talking. It became a white noise blocking out all unnecessary sound. They finally arrived before a door and the Princess knocked, she was obviously nervous.
Narra waited patiently at the door. It was a few moments before she heard heavy hollow sounding footsteps resolving with the door being swung open. An older man was standing there, his hair was white and pulled back into a bun and he wore light but simple earth coloured robes. The oddest thing Narra found about him was his eyes, the very pale green ones sunken under heavy lines of age.

"Ahh, Iliana," he said, face breaking into a kind smile, his voice was deep and crackly but full of wisdom, "Welcome, once again. But I must say this is a pleasant surprise. You have brought with you visitors. They are obviously not Dai Li, I could tell that a mile away by the way they walk...Who does accompany you?" He looked at them, though his eyes didn't seem to focus on their faces, but look through them.
"Good morning, Master Yun Fong. I brought with me the Avatar, Narra, and one of her companions, Anat. The Avatar has come here to request that you teach her Earthbending. She is looking for a great Earthbending Master, so of course I brought her to the best of the best." It was obvious the way Iliana casually spoke to the man that she had known him for quite some time. Years, in fact. She had been coming here since she first learned that she was an Earthbender, and he had been teaching her in secret ever since. She looked at Narra and Anat, then stepped aside so that they could speak to Yun Fong and ask personally for his teachings.
Master Yun Fon gestured for them to come in, take their shoes off at the door, and had Iliana lead the way through the large house to a wide open courtyard safe from the peeping eyes of neighboring houses. "The Avatar you say?" the old man said walking to stand in front of Narra. He stomped the ground At the same moment he reached out and pushed her backward. A small block of rock jut up from the earth behind Narra's legs, causing her to fall backward. The earth master caught her heal in the air as her back thudded against the ground. "It's obvious you have had no previous training..." "What makes you say that?" Narra grumbled nearly inaubibly from the floor. But the master heard her easily, "I'm glad you asked; the first thing a proper earth ended learns is firm, sturdy stance. It would take more effort than a wedge of rock to make a practiced earth ended budge." Narra gawked, bet then forced her mouth shut and shook her heard. Master Yun Fong laughed lightly, "I gave gone nearly blind over the years, but the earth has blessed me with a greater knowledge of my surrounding than I could have imagined--and that is lesson two; become utterly aware of your connection to the earth around you." He clasped his hands together under the sleeves of his robes.
Iliana was glad to sit by and watch, it was really interesting to watch someone else learn Earthbending. Sure, it was a lot more fun firsthand, but it was entertaining to see someone else try to do it who wasn't a natural-born Earthbender. She pushed her foot easily into the Earth causing a small round stump of land to come up, stopping at her knees. She quickly sat down on it, motioning for Anat to join her if she wished. She watched the Avatar try to learn her stance, which was the most important thing an Earthbender needed to know. If they didn't have a proper stance, they wouldn't be able to do any Earthbending correctly at all. Master Yun Fong was the best Earthbender she'd ever met. Even being almost blind, he was able to see everything around him, just like Toph BeiFong had long ago. Iliana herself had learned Earthbending barefoot and blindfolded, giving her a huge advantage in the present day where she knew a lot more about really feeling the earth around you that many Earthbenders never learned. She couldn't wait to see what the Master had in store for the young Avatar.
OOC: I hate to bother anyone, but is this game still open for new players? Just curious. Hope you guys don't mind me posting here; I'm pretty new here, and a big fan of Avatar, so....yeah. Anyway, any room left for another member to join?
Ask [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION] :3

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((They aren't the owner but they're on more than the owner is))
[MENTION=2453]Magus_Meister[/MENTION], always room for new comers. :) [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION], I'm so sorry guys! I've been so caught up in other RPs I totally forgot about this one! I'm gonna try hard to make a post. I really can't see to think today.
[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] you should post as the Earth bending master lol, neither me nor MagicPocket can figure out what to say
I would have no idea either! I'll try though I have a major migrane sp it may be crappy.

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I would have no idea either! I'll try though I have a major migrane sp it may be crappy.

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The Master bowed after Illiana and again to Narra. He then sent a chunk of rock flying as he called out "Think fast!" His rather long white beard swished as he kicked another rock. Karisa watched with interest from her spot at one of the stone benches. The Master was quite amazing and knew what he was doing.

(It's short but my brain capacity is like this: () Nit a bunch of room.)
Narra's eyes widened and she sucked in a quick breath as the Master hurled a chuck of rock at her. She had barely even learned much more proper stance, much less move earth. Reacting on adrenaline, time seemed to slow down. Images of earthbenders flashed through her head. But the only thinking was that she needed to stop the rock. Narra spun on her heal and snapped out a roundhouse kick. The rock exploded on impact, the remains crumbling to the ground. She relaxed, her heart pounding. Narra blinked, not quite sure what happened. After a moment she asked hesitantly, "I was suppose to do that, right?"
The Master chuckled "I was just seeing what you could do on contact. Very good though." he said as he walked in a circle around her. He nodded a few times and looked at her "Where did you learn to do that? I've never met anyone who can do one of those so very easily. Especially on one of their first lessons." Master spoke calmly and coolly as if nothing insane had just happened. Karisa sat in awe of what her best friend had done. Narra had never kept secrets from her but Karisa had no idea that Narra was so skilled already. It made no sense to the girl.


Kendra entered her fire bending class and bowed to The Master. She glanced around the room and spied a new girl. Kendra smriked as she thought to herself 'A newbie...This'll be fun.' She tossed a sheath of shining silky black hair over a red silk covered shoulder. She slipped her phone from her pocket and sent a quick message to her older brother 'I'm walking home today. There's a newbie in class. > ;) '
((I'm wondering if I should post as Raven again since the members playing firebenders are more active?))

Iliana was impressed with the girl's skill. She ha only been working on Earthbending for a short time and was already doing very well. Iliana crossed her arms, a hint of jealousy crossing her face. She hoped it wasn't noticeable. But Narra was already really good at something Iliana had been practicing all her life. She stood quietly, not saying a word as Master Yun Fong repeatedly praised the Avatar.

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(( [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] they have phones & such ? O.o Seems kinda advanced doesn't it?))
So, um, time skip? Perhaps to the day before her earthbending test about a year later? Then they can go to the Fire Nation.

And phones seem way too advanced. For this time period. In the show they only have, like, radio and telegraphs and stuff. They don't even have standard tele-communication.
((Well we gotta do something, obviously not many people are still really into this RP, so there has to be something new going on, otherwise it will go inactive O.o so I vote yes on anything that will keep it active, but only if other people are actually going to post as well.))
((I'm sorry guys. I just can't keep up with this anymore. I have hardly any Fandom rps I'm involved in and most are dead so I don't visit often. If you guys want to keep the RP up I don't care but I'd like it if Magic was in charge. Again, I'm so sorry. (Also, you can remove Karisa unless one of you wants to play her.)))
Well, I'm just not that interested in it anymore, I think. There needs to be more action, that's for sure. And we'd need another good person willing to jump in. I don't know.

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