A few role play ideas -opinions?


One Thousand Club
Not all of these have to be done, or if you guys like them all they don't have to be done at once. I was just curious what would cause interest more than anything. Since I'm still trying to feel out the site some.


For a relaxed one I was thinking of going off a Love Monster, or Monster School base. Basically let anyone who wishes for the most part play students, and have teacher's being approved only. It will allow role-players semi free reign while trying to enhance them to be creative in their character ideas.

Students are all a monster of some sort, and mattering the monsters have 2-3 forms. For example a Kitsune can go full human looking-Antro-fox. Monsters can range from American Classics to Japanese to other myths and Legends. To limit any OP'ness, powers or skills that may naturally come with that monster are weaken since they're young and probably still developing them. (Only exception being teachers of course.)

Questions is, is there anything else I should add? Anyone like the idea at all? Should I make all characters only allowed by improvement to keep at least a semi base about them? What thread should I list it under if I really was to make this role play?


A more upbeat sci-fi base, a small group of people has just found out that one of the bigger organizations in the world is experimenting on humans, making Mutants of sorts out of them. The whole battle goes, the small group tries to get larger so they can combat or take down this corrupt setup, while the organization wants this group dead for having the knowledge. Some of the mutants and such want freedom of course but each made is also surgery given a device of poison that when a button is pushed or the device is tried to remove it goes off killing the mutant. It's the safety protocol for the mutants to keep them under control. Note: Mutants usually having some powers, or skill which at times give them a deformity but not always.

This one I like the idea for but wouldn't be too sure how to set up or run would love some help.


The world is being divided, and now you must pick a side. The goddess and god Yin Yang are finally sick of each other and splitting apart. Will you be willing to be trapped in a setting of purely one side or the other? Or are you one of the odd few who think there is away to pull it all back together and keep one world from becoming two?

This role play will basically be taken the concepts of divorce being more and more popular with the famous philosophy. Of course we can't have a world be 100% dark or light, but we can have both worlds lean towards one of the sides or another. It was just a weird idea that came to me.


I think three might be a good start. ^.^ I may post most later if these don't work. Thank you for your time.
Well I really like the last one. It's a pretty good concept. I suppose that one would in a somewhat fantasy kind of world/setting yeah?

I like the sci-fi one too, I'd be happy to help out if you decide you wanna do it. I'm always up for some science-fiction :)

The first one with the Monster School sounds alright, not sure what it should come under though. It could be slice of life or fantasy, depending on if it's not so much about their powers and the fact that they're monsters, but more about the student interaction/highschool romance/drama etc. I'm sure one of the mods will tell you.
Well, there's already a monster academy rp under fantasy. Not sure how much more to say about that.

Anyways, the one that I haven't seen done yet would be the yin yang idea, though it threw me off at first.

I'm sorry to say that I don't actually have any constructive criticism beyond saying that the last idea is quite original.
Thanks heart. I am actually really considering it if my muse picks up a bit more. Just not sure how to approach it. I'll probably start by a bit of research so we can know what both world would have to offer or what not. Then a manner in which Yin and Yang could be approached, keeping them merely background for the main events of sorts.
Thanks Masters, maybe if I can find a co host for the last one we can do it. Maybe have each of us plot on how to make Yin and Yang work.

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