Danger (An Idea)


Netherworld Overlord
So this is a random idea that came to me. Feel free to add or comment on things as my idea is not yet complete.

There are these creatures called Felrids. They can appear human or even like someone else and they feed on human energy, draining people and causing chaos. But they do so in a manner that no one is really, fully aware of their existent or what they are doing yet. So this powerful witch or wizard (their gender is not going to be confirmed in the RP) keeps them at bay for most of their life, but eventually is at a point where they cannot go on and kill off the Felrids leader or find a way to fully rid the Earth of them. So before they can die, they imbue six items with their powers and scatter them across the globe. Six kids (between five and twelve) find them and take possession of the items. The RP is set ten years after this. The six of them all find themselves in a town for various reasons (where is not confirmed yet but the six will be traveling a bit in the RP anyways). They are all drawn to one place as the Felrids have sensed the powers and are going to eliminate the six before they can use it. Instead one or two of them activate their powers and destroy the Felrids after them. The others slowly awaken their own powers and together they decide to rid the planet of the Felrids for good.

This is the basic plot of the RP. I have some of the powers worked out. Each one will start out weak with their power as it will take a while to understand their power and learn how to use it properly. This means their will be errors and trouble in the beginning. Though as the RP progresses so can the powers but this must be done in a reasonable manner.

1. They can increase their strength and endurance, able to lift a significant amount and able to take a good deal of damage. (Beginning level: They can only lift their weight plus half and not for a long time (bout 10 minutes, they can take blows from punches, kicks and other physical blows for about 15 minutes of fighting depending on the person they are fighting and can half take blows from blunt objects)

2. They can summon any weapon at will. (Beginning level: They can summon knives, small blunt objects (like household items or a brick), chains and bats. No guns yet)

3. They can use blasts of energy to attack. (Beginning level: Able to singe clothing depending on closeness to person, give first degree burns and cause person to be knocked backwards several feet. Punches and kicks with it are doubled)

4. They can use minor telekinesis and have slight foresight when fighting, able to sense what an enemy will do. (Beginning level: Able to sense large movements or chances in action when fighting but not smaller or subtler ones. Able to lift person three inches off the group, objects a few feet, able to throw person back a foot or a foot and a half, able to throw objects as if they were normally being thrown)

5. They can shift from one place to another and also shift items as well. (Beginning level: Able to shift items five feet from original area. Able to shift self ten feet from original area and only to a place they have seen and know)

6. They can draw elements to themselves and use it to strike. (Beginning level: Must have a large enough source to draw from and can only take a small chunk (like can use a flame from a candle but cannot take a sink full of water). Must have great concentrate when using it.)

These are the powers. If you wish I can tell you how each power will begin in it's weakest form. I will also explain more on Felrids if anyone wishes. So feel free to ask questions, give ideas or comment on something. I would love to know where you would all love the starting point to be (the place. I have an idea of when it starts off).

Perhaps an explanation of the world and it's inhabitants? This sounds like it's supposed to be a fantasy world, but I may be mistaken. It would be nice to know what lives in this world, maybe something about said witch/wizard, and the Felrids as well. Is there anything of note in this world that differentiates it from others? Besides the antagonistic forces of course.
The planet is normal, current Earth. The only difference is the invaders Felrids. There is no actual magic in the word beyond the potential for it. Which is why i will explain both the Felrids and the witch/wizard.

The witch/wizard (I'll call them witzard to make it shorter) is a very old being, bout 1000 when they died. They crossed over into our world by accident through a portal and has lived among us for quite some time. They are a long-lived species but not immortal. They were about 378 when they came over. The witzard was not aware of the Felrids invader into well in their 500s but learned quickly how to fight it. The witzard, much like the Felrids, lived in mostly secret, moving around and striking where the threats were strong and powerful.

The Felrids are an alien species that had made it onto Earth about a hundred years after the witzard had come here. They are an ugly looking species but have the ability to change form and so appear human so that they can move around freely, usually taking on a form of an actual person though they can alter the form to look different, though the less powerful they are, the less they can change. They came to Earth to feed on us. When they drain a human of their energy, the human will no longer be able to move or function and eventually the brain will shut off and kill them. There is no way to reverse this once the Felrid had fully eaten, but the sooner they are interrupted and pulled away, the more chances of the person surviving without much damage.

The Felrids each have a rank, up to five. Rank one and two are relatively weak and work for the stronger ones, leading humans off to their doom or scouting out an area. They cannot defend themselves well as they are physically weak and have a medium intelligence. Rank two is a bit stronger than one and usually they come in pairs of 1/1/1, 1/2, 2/2 or even 2 by themselves.

Rank three are stronger and smart and tackle the more harder humans. They can alter their form pretty well and take damage well enough to escape normal humans without too much energy. They tend to be by themselves and watch over 1s and 2s on their missions. They are still in the same job position of getting humans or finding a good area, but tend to be sent to harder areas and work on harder humans.

4s usually work in pairs too but do not go out too often unless it is necessary. They are very weak to attack but are incredibly smart and are planners and strategists of the group. They make the plans, send the lesser ones out and the like. They are also strong psychically able to alter memories of humans (though strong willed minds are harder to change), erase memories if need be, sense were other Felrids are and if they are okay, and if needed, harm people though this takes up a lot of energy and so they need to feed often.

Lastly at the highest rank are the 5s. There are few of them and they are the strongest in all categories but are rarely seen. They can go weeks without feeding as well and usually do not hunt down humans unless they have a specific need to do so. They are usually in the background and they work the invasion. There will be five of them in the RP. They tell 4s what to do and command 3s sometimes as well but rarely associate with anyone lesser than 3. They keep track of where all the Felrids are, how much energy is consumed or stored and the number of humans. They are extremely hard to kill and completely manipulative, able to get into almost anyone's head but are lazy and tend not to interfere directly unless it is necessary.

I feel like I explained more than was asked and I hope it is easy to understand. They will not be up for grabs maybe. I might allow the five 5s to be taken later in the RP. But otherwise they are NPCs.

I am still up for explaining more on the powers.
Thanks. The SU (and more information) is currently located in the Other / Uncategorized section.

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