Chronicles of a Water Bender *8* Character Sheets

Name: Jun Seshwa

Age: 19

Gender: male

Element: Fire

(Only one)


Personality: Despite being from the fire nation and being a talented fire bender, Jun is actually a very calm, collected and honestly friendly guy, he tries his best in everything he does and he never wants to fight, however despite his efforts, he is often forced into conflict when others learn of his heritage and his bending Element


History: Once the son of a Fire Nation general by the name of Gao, Jun joined the fire nation's military and signed up to become a scout and spy, however after seeing what the fire nation was doing to the people of the other kingdoms, he became sympathetic to non-fire movements in a non-violent capacity, because although he no longer worked for the fire nation, he still knew many of them to be good people. at the age of 17 Jun was found helping Water Benders escape prisons and he was found to be purposefully misleading fire nation troops so they wouldn't run into fleeing villagers, his father's troops captured him, so his father retained his possition, however Jun was set up for execution, on the night before his execution, one of his father's other agents freed him under his father's secret orders, Jun has been on the run ever since, luckily a look-alike, one of the prisoners he helped free died in his place, so there are no "wanted" posters of him.


Other: is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, is a natural at fire bending (not quite at lightning-bending, but he's getting there) and is trained in single blade combat, double blade and staff/spear combat, he is crafty and clever.

(( [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] )) (( Just wanted to tag the owner, otherwise they might not see your post [MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION] ))
Name: Rosewyn

Age: 68

Gender: Female

Element: Air

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Personality: Rosewyn is quite the kind and sweet older woman, and is willing to help or listen to those around her, as need be.


Rosewyn has led a long, fruitful life, and has used her experience to the benefit of herself and those around her. She has seen and been through many situations, and is quite the scholar and philosopher.



Name: Feng Shi

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Element: Fire

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Personality: Feng Shi eccentric man, to say the least. He's not afraid to speak his mind, no matter what the opinion is, and from time to time he is captivated by the strangest of objects. Overall, Feng Shi is a hard man to describe, but an interesting one, nonetheless.


History: Feng Shi was born into a minor noble family within the Fire Nation, and is the current Heir Apparent to inherent his father's dominion of the Ember Island, being the only child from his father and mother. Still, Feng hasn't been quite satisfied with his lot and life, and was a big rebel in his teenage years....and still is, to some extent.



Name: Avelaine

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Element: Air

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Personality: Unlike most of her airbending kin, Avelaine is hot-tempered and passionate. She is not as kind as her peers, and can be downright cruel at times, if she has been provoked enough.


History: Avelaine was your average airbender, until a tragic accident killed her younger sister and left Avelaine nearly dead, herself. Even after the accident, Avelaine never quite recovered, and has been cold and aloof ever since.



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