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  1. 14hca14

    Instinct by Law- RP

    The scene before Luca was not so troubling; if the prince and princess wandered they were bound to bump into somebody. However he had not expected a feline, he struggled to hide his distaste. The Changeling was not exactly close minded but wary, he had lost many a soldier fighting other clans...
  2. 14hca14

    How do you want me to reply? Everyone has moved on? Should I start over?

    How do you want me to reply? Everyone has moved on? Should I start over?
  3. 14hca14

    I really like your rp but due to school I am only on about once a week, should I quit?

    I really like your rp but due to school I am only on about once a week, should I quit?
  4. 14hca14

    Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

    (my last reply is on the bottom of page 16)
  5. 14hca14

    Instinct by Law- RP

    Luca padded slowly through the monstrous forest; his massive pawsteps masked by the thick layers of wet leaves. He had been dispatched days ago to track down the sight seeing Prince and Princess who had just disappeared without escort leaving the Eastern Royal Courts in absolute chaos. However...
  6. 14hca14

    °Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

    By this point Rosa was severely put out by Marcus and just continued to shoot him dirty looks while she ate a few bites of food. Marcus let out a sigh; his sister was so prideful and obstinate. She could not accept a gift from a stranger without acting like this. He appreciated the way Faith...
  7. 14hca14

    °Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

    Rosa wanted to snap back some witty remark but knew the girl was right. In the end she lay back down but only after she arranged the pillows so she was partially sitting. When the girl offered them food Rosa began to snap a negative answer but Marcus intervened, “That is mighty kind of you and...
  8. 14hca14

    .::.Silverwood's Home for the Engaged.::. RP (Member only)

    Rosa was so frustrated, she was attempting to do right by him and he was not accepting her kindness and respect. He was acting as if he was helping her but in reality she felt seriously confused. “Seeing as this conversation is going nowhere I propose that we postpone it too a later date...
  9. 14hca14

    The Ties that Bind( Shifter Role Play, Spots available!!)

    Rosa was just a step too late when she felt the sharp pinch of the tranq needle sinking into her flesh. If she had been a second faster her spin would have been complete and the dart would have missed her but unfortunately she had not. The pitbull began to feel the affects immediately as her...
  10. 14hca14

    •Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

    After constructing a small moss nest within her tree hollow den Hazel began to explore the depths of the territory. She stayed in the tree tops launching from branch to branch only touching the ground when it became necessary. She wanted to remain unseen for most of her journey and keep her...
  11. 14hca14

    °Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

    Marcus nodded doing his best not to hover closely while the girl worked. All he wanted was to jump in and help despite his lack of skills in the healing department. He ended up just resting his hand upon Rella’s head while he waited and listening to the girl’s soft singing. Her voice was soft...
  12. 14hca14

    I am thinking that we may want to reconvene and rematch the remaining characters

    I am thinking that we may want to reconvene and rematch the remaining characters
  13. 14hca14

    It's not really fair for me to have to post when my other charrie is not going to be played due...

    It's not really fair for me to have to post when my other charrie is not going to be played due to the loss of so many rpers...
  14. 14hca14

    °Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

    Marcus nodded in thanks and carried his sister to the bed of pillows. He laid her down carefully then returned to Fern and the horses. Rella of course never left Rosa’s side, the dog was curled up by her mistress’s feet and gave wary looks to the kind woman who was helping. The horses quietly...
  15. 14hca14

    Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

    “I don’t know why your sorry and if your thinking it’s your fault your mighty wrong. If I wanted to stay here I would but I don’t so I am leaving and you have nothing to do with it,” Rosa replied a hint of bitterness in her voice. Her voice seemed nonchalant as if his very existence bored her...
  16. 14hca14

    Sly Night Fox Rp

    Buck let out a sigh of relief when the Alpha consented and gave him the okay. What happened next was a blur, it seemed as if the vixen was calling for another fox when suddenly another vixen appeared ordered him to go retrieve his sister with the Alpha or Flaming Sparks. His head flipped back...
  17. 14hca14

    Animal I Have Become, Help Me Believe, It Not The Real Me (Wolf Rp)

    Rosa watched in amazement as the small pup scaled the tree. She started to yelp when he lost his footing but his quick reactions saved him. And then the moment he touched the ground he didn’t skip a beat. He was catching all of the leaves in his mouth with ease. Suddenly the fae remembered that...
  18. 14hca14

    The Ties that Bind( Shifter Role Play, Spots available!!)

    Rosa spun her paws betraying her as she tripped and stumbled. She knew that in the heat of battle she could have used her hurt leg just off of the adrenaline but it was tied to her chest so that it could heal without further injury. Quickly the pit bull tried to wiggle out of her constraints but...
  19. 14hca14

    Sly Night Fox Rp

    Buck looked about for the voice before finally spotting the vixen. She was standing proudly upon a huge rock and was exuding dominance. However the dog did not lower his head, he kept himself in a neutral position without demeaning himself. He needed this vixen’s help but he did not want to get...
  20. 14hca14

    The Ties that Bind( Shifter Role Play, Spots available!!)

    With the second shot Rosa was left completely crushed underneath the Maxwell's weight. The girl holding his shoulders had passed out and for a moment Rosa was trapped. His crushing weight made it near impossible to breath until suddenly he lifted off of her, the dog spun about to face whoever...