°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

McAllister decided Aria's question was probably rhetorical, so he just smiled and the two settled into a companionable quiet. He glanced over in her direction more than once, deciding if he wanted to make a show of laying near whichever bed she chose later that night, or if he would do it quietly without any directness. Either way, he wanted to stay close to her throughout the night.

Thinking that made him feel clingy, but he had to admit he wasn't as solitary a person as the man he had become in recent months. He liked being around others. He knew he liked being around her.
Aria noticed McAllisters glances, and smiled, "something the matter?" she asked. she felt a light warmth on her lips a moment which quickly faded. the presence that had followed her for months was gone. she continued to smile, but a tear ran down her cheek. she knew she should be happy, but somehow she was sad. Midnight looked about as if his gaze were following something, he turned his slitted felines eyes upward toward the ceiling. he nuzzled her hand, which she lifted and began to pet him. she put her other hand to her lips, relishing the fading warmth. so long.

Angel made it quick just in case and then put on his clothes, they were baggy but still comfortable, she began to walk down stream and once she saw him she smiled and beckoned him over.
McAllister was about to answer when he saw her tear, gently and silently falling. Without thinking, he caught it just before it could fall from her jaw. "I could ask you the same question," he asked, tilting his head with curious concern, raising a russet eyebrow. "Why are you crying? Late response to our conversation, or ... something else?" For her, he could lend an ear.

Leander smiled, nodding, and quietly made his way to her. "Squeaky clean?" he asked softly, hooking his elbow around hers quaintly before he set off with her back to camp. "I'll help you put up a line so your clothes will dry faster. You can have those for as long as you need. Or, you know, for as long as you want." He smiled, shooting her a timidly cheeky look.
Angel giggled "Thank you." she said again, she always liked baggy clothes, and she liked his guy, he was sweet and kinda funny, She put her hand on his arm gently and smiled shyly.
Arias smile lightened a bit. "he left." she said quietly. "he realizes im safe now, and he moved on." she shivered a bit, as though he may have taken some of her warmth with him. she smiled, and felt herself warm a bit as the Scotsman reached out and caught her tear. Midnight twitched his whiskers and curled up next to her purring.

[MENTION=3060]Paper Heart[/MENTION]
A demon crawled along the roof tops and heard the humans talking, he pinned his wings back and peeked over thew building, he saw them and licked his face with his huge long tongue, He walked away quickly grinding his claws and growling so they could hear him coming.
By this point Rosa was severely put out by Marcus and just continued to shoot him dirty looks while she ate a few bites of food. Marcus let out a sigh; his sister was so prideful and obstinate. She could not accept a gift from a stranger without acting like this. He appreciated the way Faith interacted with Fern so much so that he almost missed her question. “We actually haven’t an idea of where we are going next, Rosa and I needed supplies and we wanted to look for survivors. It is now obvious we aren’t alone out here. I’d certainly appreciate a little company what with Ms. Grouch over here. Trust me she is actually in a good mood right,” he teased.
Faith chuckled, "we can take some supplies from her then move on." she got up and grabbed a few small bottles, "right now you and your companions need rest. im going to fetch some fresh water and i will be back alright?" she walked out the door, looked back to see if she had been followed, and when she felt she was alone she opened her wings and rose up into the sky, heading towards the nearest source of fresh water.
The demon launched its self into the air and flew after Faith, making savage noses, he grabbed onto her white clothes and dragged his claws down ripping though them. Then slashed its claws at one of her wings.
Faith screamed in pain. the bottles dropped from her hands and she plummeted from her low altitude. she hadnt reached a safe height fast enough and now found herself being preyed upon. she managed to slow her fall and stay part way in the air. the sleeves were torn from her dress as well peices around her neck. the neckline of the dress was now showing more then she please to but she didnt have time to worry about a visible portion of undergarment. she flew in an unsteady manner till she reached a tree. she leaned against the tree and fell to the ground. She grabbed her bow from her back, readied an arrow and released it straight at the demon.
McAllister looked into her eyes for a long moment, saying nothing, then looked a few degrees away. "Would you say that's a good or bad thing?" he asked, hoping the question wasn't too personal. Due to the continuing subject they'd been discussing, he doubted it. "I'm glad he knows you're safe ..." He smiled his crooked smile and slid down the makeshift wall to lay flat on his back, looking up at her.

(Sorry it took so long!)
(That's fine)

Aria sighed, "I guess its good. He wouldn't have left for no reason." She looked down at him. "I'm glad he can finally rest. How about you?" She asked carefully. "Though our situations are different, you must be glad your girlfriend didn't have to live in such a hellish place?"
The demon screeched a blood chilling screech and Then flew at her his claws extended to full length and then opened his mouth showing his jagged demonoid teeth.
Faith acted quickly, pulling one of the miscellaneous knives from her bag and slashed at the demon as it came near. she whispered a quiet prayer, hoping she, despite her inexperience with knives, might live through this experience.
The demon gripped her arm and flung her onto a roof of a home he flew into the air, blood dripped from the gashed but her payed no attention to it, he was a strong one, not willing to give up yet,
Faith rolled over and looked as the demon flew up towards her. she knew she had no choice at this point. she lifted her dress to reveal a sharpened cross attached to her thigh by a lacy garter. she removed the cross, saying another quick prayer, then aimed to the best of her ability. she pulled her arm back, then struck forward as the demon came within arms distance.
The demon growled as the cross pierced through the demons chest, he put his hands on her arm and blood poured from his chest, he growled and then yanked her arm away the cross coming out, reviling his black blood. he stumbled backwards and Screamed as he fell off the building, he hit the ground hard and didn't move.
Faith was panting. the demon was dead and she was ok, but one of her wings was damaged, so her flight would be severely impaired. she took a few deep breaths, wiping the black stained cross on her equally as stained dress, or cloak, as some may think. her lowered herself over the edge of the building and floated to the ground, rather quicky, but still safely. she sat at the base of the building, trying to catch her breath as she slid the sharpened cross back into her garter.
Herd of deer, The ran through the city, Stampeding and trampling everything in their way, Some were jumping onto Cars, setting off car alarms and breaking through the window and Getting stuck, making easy prey from the pack of the demonic wolves chasing them.

There were about 30-40 wolves chasing a Huge herd of Deer, They were tripping and crashing into the ground, jumping over logs and other large things in their way, The herd came stampeding towards the Camp full of the people, The wolves nipping at the deers ankles, making loud savage noises.

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