°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

McAllister heard footsteps approaching and looked up from his task, his eyes not entirely clearing. When he saw it was Aria and the new mate, he nodded at them and set Chimera at ease with a soft, sibilant sound. "There's enough room for all of us to sleep in there and then a few more," he called, gesturing in the vague direction of the shelter he and Leander had put together. "We could always continue building onto it," he said ponderously. "Or move on. When everyone's gathered, I say we make a vote on it." He looked at them then, less stormily, wondering at their approval.
Aria nodded back. "thank you for putting this together." she motioned to the shelter. "well, you shouldn't expect anymore people from me. Markus was my only friend, aside from Chase." her eyes flickered with pain for a brief moment before clearing again.
McAllister stood from where he sat against the building and walked over to Aria and Markus. "I doubt if Leander or I will be joined by anyone we knew, either. But I bet we'll be joined by others outside of our parties." He looked around, casting his eyes about each street corner. "Who knows." He shrugged. "Plus, construction would give us something to do."
Angel blushed and bit her lip, He nodded slightly, she got slightly nervous and fidgeted, she didn't want to awkward out the young man and she hid her face slightly with her curly brown hair.
Leander nodded, leading her onward toward the sound of water. He hoped that it'd be a spring of clean water or a stream or something of the like. His hopes came to fruition when they came upon a deep spring with an offset stream. "Well, there you are. While you bathe, I could go further upstream to wash your clothes. You have mine to wear once you're finished. Come find me when you're done, 'kay?" He smiled kindly, nodding to her, his cheeks still faintly pink.
Aria nodded. her stomach growled loudly and she blushed bashfully. "i guess im a little hungry" she scuffed her shoes against the ground. "do we have any food? or should i hunt for something? wiat hang on...." she corrected herself. her bow had been crushed during the fight with the demon dog. "i guess i cant hunt."
"Leander and I raided what used to be a convenience store a couple days back. We've got a whole backpack full of nonperishable food. But we're low on water ..." McAllister looked around, as if noticing for the first time that Leander wasn't around. "Where'd he go anyway?"
Aria looked around, "im not sure. i did just get back after all." her stomach growled again, "er, excuse me. i guess my stomach is a bit more persistent then i thought." she put her hand on her stomach with a bashful smile. Midnight looked up with a hungry expression.
McAllister walked toward the shelter and ducked slightly under the frame of the rickety doorway of their makeshift shelter. "C'mere, lass, I'll get you something," he called from inside. He popped his head out of the door frame. "Oh, ah, Markus, you can eat something too if you like."
Aria followed him into the shelter, Markus right behind her. the shelter was actually pretty cozy compared to the places she had stayed before "thank you." she smiled.

(( [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION], you still in this or you drop this RP?))
Marcus nodded doing his best not to hover closely while the girl worked. All he wanted was to jump in and help despite his lack of skills in the healing department. He ended up just resting his hand upon Rella’s head while he waited and listening to the girl’s soft singing. Her voice was soft and warm and swallowed him with warmth and it was really soothing Fern. His attention shifted from the girl when he noticed Rosa fidget. She had barely moved since being slammed onto the concrete, a worrying occurrence. He moved to her side and picked up her hand, “Hey Rosa, Rosa?” he whispered softly trying to catch her shifting eyes as they opened.

As Rosa came too the throbbing in her head came to the forefront of her attention. It was like a monotonous hammer doing its damndest to crush her skull in. A low groan escaped her lips before she began to push herself up, the room swirled around her and her brother tried to stop her but Rosa was not having any of that. “Where am i?” she croaked obviously feeling put out. She hated awaking in strange places and right now she was lying on a random bed, in strange store and there seemed to be another person in the room. “Marcus what is going on? You know how I feel about accepting help,” she growled as the world spun around her. Both of her hands were planted firmly on the bed to keep her up right and she continued to ignore his concerned looks.

“Well seeing as my sister won’t say Thank you, I guess I will. Thank you for bandaging her head and drawing her out of her concussion. Unfortunately her ‘charming’ demeanor is not just a result of her wound its in actuality her automatic setting” Marcus said to Faith before turning to Rosa and saying. “You were passed out I had to make an executive decision to accept help. You were bleeding, Fern was choking and I needed assistance this is Faith she is the woman who saved you.”
Faith shook her head, "it was nothing really." Faith looked over the dog once more and arrranged a few of the pillows so that its head was in a position to keep the neck comfortable. she turned back to the girl with a gentle expression, "please relax a little, if you move to much it will be bad for your injury. you need to allow yourself to mentally recover from that concussion." Faith urged her to lay down again. "if you would like i could get some food. when was the last time you had any fresh water?" she offered.
McAllister nodded, sitting down by the wall closest the doorway, where his effects had been dumped. He rifled through several bags and pulled one forward. A green backpack, unzipping to reveal packages of nonperishable foods. "Here, take what you like, but use it sparingly please." The offer went for both Aria and Markus, and McAllister scooted back from the bag to let them look through it. He took a thick sleeping bag from another of the three backpacks and lay it out to the side so that someone could claim it for a bed.

Leander's eyes widened again and a smile spread across his face. Nervously, he nodded, grinning and left her to her own mechanisms. He ventured far enough downstream where he couldn't see or hear her, then set to work washing his clothes. He decided last minute that he'd take a quick bath himself. Despite the water being frigidly cold, he made it quick and stepped back out to dress before she could get out to come look for him, sparing her the sight of him being nude. Her clothes were washed and so was he, though now his clothes were slightly damp, it was doable. He filled a water bottle with the clean water as he waited for Angel to come for him.
Aria found a small package of old animal crackers. she munched away even though they were a bit stale. they had stayed in the package well enough that they would do as decent food. she offered one to Midnight, who folded his ears back in displeasure. Aria chuckled and ate the cracker. "well if you dont like it Midnight then do your own hunting. the black cat padded out of the shelter on went near some trees. there was a squirrel in a nearby bush, which he quickly pounced on and killed. he brought his meal back to the shelter and eagerly scarfed it down right in front of Aria and McAllistar. "sorry about his manners." Aria apologized.
McAllister smirked slyly. "Ah, not a problem, lass. My manners aren't that much better." He reached into the bag, pulling out some form of snack cake. The sugar'd do him some good, so he opened the delicate package and took a big bite. They were stale and the sugary whipped icing in it tasted a little off. But with the pickings so low, it was good and it reminded him of before, when he would sit on the loveseat with Cassidy, watching films and eating junkfood. Be he dared not let his thoughts linger on her. He knew he would get upset. Even that small thought had brought a distantly fond and very sad glitter to his eyes.
Aria bit the head off a cracker just as she used to as a child. she wasnt sure why but most people seemed to eat the head first. she glanced over at McAllister and sensed a bit of sad nostalgia, "something the matter?" she asked gently. as Midnight finished his squirrel, Aria picked him up and sat him in her lap, running her hand along his silky fur as he curled up and purred contently.
McAllister looked at her, mixed emotions playing on his face. There was sadness, uncertainty, and a hint of nerves. "I, ah ... " He began, faltering and pausing for a moment as he looked away from her. With a sigh, he decided he'd tell her. "Your story isn't very unlike mine ... I lost my girlfriend not too long ago, after all this had started." He was quiet another moment, his brow furrowing. "Her name was Cassidy Meadows. My Cassy. ... I just miss her. You know how it is." He looked at her squarely again and he looked timid for the first time since they'd spoken. He looked timid and fragile and smaller than he was, but when he looked down some of his rough and tough came back to him. He cleared his throat. "I was just remembering the way she and I would sit on my couch and watch movies for hours, eating a bunch of junk food like this." Half-heartedly, he held up the package of snack cakes.
"that sounds wonderful." Aria commented popping another stale cracker in her mouth. she thought back to Chase again, her expression changing from a frown back to a halfhearted smile. "its lonely without Chase sometimes." she missed his laugh, his messy blonde hair, his smiles and tears, but something washed over her and she smiled, feeling warm. "if you think about it, Chase wouldnt want me this way. im sure Cassy wouldnt want you like this either. we survived, we are still here. shouldn't we be thankful?" Arias expression was warm, "its like we are the ones chosen to clean up the mess, its an adventure....well kinda. we can blaze new trails, and make new friends...." Aria trailed off in thought.
McAllister's eyes glittered brightly in the semi-darkened shelter. He watched her for a moment, wondering if he could've guessed at what she'd been about to say next. But he didn't press. He nodded, his red-brown hair falling near his eyes as he looked down at his fingers. "Aye. You're right, I suppose." A pause. "I'm not as bad as I used to be. I've mostly healed, I just ... It hurts to remember, but I know I could never forget her. Little things like this set me off most of all, I think." He gave a tiny, quick smile, glancing back up into Aria's eyes. "You've got a good head on your shoulders, lass," he said softly as he settled, laying back on the dirt floor of the shelter. After a moment of thoughtful silence, he said in the same soft tone, "'M glad I happened upon you."
"thanks, im glad we happened across each other." she grimaced at a particularly stale cracker and set the package down. "its only human to hurt. they say time heals all wounds, but having good company can help to." she held his gaze, her amethyst eyes filled with mixtures of sorrow and happiness. "you shouldn't cry because its over, you should smile because it happened."
McAllister gave her a crooked smile and nodded. "I've done both," he admitted a little sheepishly, his Scottish accent thick. "Cried and smiled and everything in between, really." He looked away and then back at her, putting his hand on her arm and gently guiding her down to sit closer to him. "But thank you, lass. I think I needed to talk about it."
Aria smiled and scooted a bit closer, she was getting cold anyway. "it no problem really. if we want things to b eas nice as they were before all this the first step is accepting that we cant change the past, but we can build a brighter future." she sighed, "im not saying i dont miss Chase though." she chuckled with a whole hearted smile, "but both he and your girlfriend get to relax now dont they? they dont have to pick up this mess." she said as though she were a cranky mother cleaning up after a child. the atmosphere felt lighter now, like she was able to feel the clean air and water they had once known. she knew this wasnt true however, but it was nice to reminisce.
Rosa wanted to snap back some witty remark but knew the girl was right. In the end she lay back down but only after she arranged the pillows so she was partially sitting. When the girl offered them food Rosa began to snap a negative answer but Marcus intervened, “That is mighty kind of you and we would be very thankful if you were that generous with us. We will have to find a way to repay you,” the whole while he was shooting little glares at Rosa who finally settled back in a huff.
"its really no problem at all. no need to repay me either" She got up and headed towards a shelf stocked with odds and ends boxes and cans. she looked up and down the shelves and grabbed a box of Cheerios. she walked back over and ope the box. she pulled out the bag and handed it to Marcus. "they might be stale, but its still food." she looked down at the injured and stroked her ruffled fur. she loved animals. "are you planning on traveling more? if so, you are welcome to take whatever supplies you need, and if at all possible i would like to travel with you. its been so long since ive had any companions."

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