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  1. CrazyDiamond

    Realistic or Modern Agents Temporalis [Character Thread]

    IRL Character Name- Matthew Lee Age- 20 Gender- Male Looks- Matthew is 5'11" and weighs 140 lbs Personality- Matthew is a rather tired person. All his life he has worked hard to get good grades and make friends and he's pretty burnt out now that he is in his 3rd year at college...
  2. CrazyDiamond

    Futuristic Heros for Hire

    Do you by any chance play MtG? I noticed a lot of parallels between the various nations and corporations and the Ravnica Guilds.
  3. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy The Dragon Wardens: Exodus

    Will we only be allowed to use the magic powers exactly as specified on the mechanics sheet or are we fee to make our own (reasonable) interpretations of what sort of powers our characters would be likely to have?
  4. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy The Dragon Wardens: Exodus

    GM Approved Name: Eadric Age: 31 Race: Human Appearance: (I know the pictue doesn't have red hair, but just imagine it as though it did) Eadric stands at about 6'2" in imperial units and weighs about 175 pounds. His frame is reasonably athletic, though he is not exceptionally...
  5. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy Across the Rolling Abyss

    I'm game
  6. CrazyDiamond

    Just reviving dead account

    Just reviving dead account
  7. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy The Skylands of Novahlis

    "Yes! It is I, Jean, who has come to murder you!" He shouted, playing along with the strange man. Perhaps he was an actor of sorts? Jean figured it would be best to be friendly and go along with him, as he was still a bit awe-struck by the spectacle in the alleyway. He drew a knife and waved...
  8. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy The Skylands of Novahlis

    Jean watched the spectacle unfold in the allies with wide eyes. This was incredible! How could this man easily best all three pirates while retaining his nonchalant demeanor? He was sure his jaw must have dropped to the ground. As he watched the man fight with ease, he discerned a very flashy...
  9. CrazyDiamond

    Blood & Feathers [Inactive]

    "The pleasure is all ours, esteemed one," Kael quickly brushed off the hand on his wrist and began to walk toward the large figure in front of him. "I'm terribly sorry for the tongue of our companion here, he gets like this at times," Yes, Kael remembered this fae from the academy. The little...
  10. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy The Skylands of Novahlis

    Jean quickly tailed the drunken mob of pirates through the streets of the town. It was a fairly average-looking commercial center, that appeared to have an economy designed around tourism. He spotted several vendors and merchants pedaling their wares. He would like to have inspected them closer...
  11. CrazyDiamond

    The Collective

    Appearance: The Bulwark:
  12. CrazyDiamond

    Blood & Feathers [Inactive]

    "Ah, back at last," sighed Kael, as he and some of his brethren arrived at Hordramas. He had been away for a long time, some 75 years, and was glad to be back. He took note of the beautiful architecture of the city as he arrived, something he had missed as a child. The city was build into the...
  13. CrazyDiamond

    Fantasy The Skylands of Novahlis

    "Another round for the table!" Jean shouted to the somewhat distressed-looking and overworked waiter. This statement was met by roars of approval from all the men playing cards at the circular table in the back of the tavern. It was a mixed bunch, all people who had recently arrived in Otanis...
  14. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "So, what should we be doing to go about gathering information?" Ignis asked. As the others had been speaking, his mind had wandered.He didn't really have much to contribute to the discussion, as he was no tactician. Ignis preferred to just complete the tasks given to him. He was a bit...
  15. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "How powerful do you suppose this radiation is, Jumpy?" Ignis inquired, "The majority of my body is inorganic, so it is possible that I would also be able to pass through the filter, albeit, with a bit of difficulty. I can create a size-able enough distraction for you to lower some of the...
  16. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "So we need to steal the jump drive off the ship of some rich f**k?" Ignis asked, "because, if that is the case, I might be able to help with that. My last job was for an aristocrat of some far-off planet that was heavily involved in the illegal weapons trade. His StarYacht should be hovering...
  17. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "Sounds great captain," said Ignis in a determined voice. "Though, I have one question. Are we free to loot the bodies of those we kill? As he asked that, Ignis mulled over the captain's words. He didn't much care for the rule against killing a fellow shipmate. If they pissed him off enough...
  18. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "At least the rest of us have emotions, you f**king pile of scrap," Ignis growled at the android. God F**king Damn it This was absurd. First that lizard bastard and now this guy. If the potential output of this job wan't so high Ignis would have turned around and left. It took everything...
  19. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "Too cool to sit down?" Ignis asked as he entered the room just behind her. He took a seat at one of the consols to the left of the captain. As he sat down, he looked around the room and took note of his new shipmates. The captain was a fairly tall, scaled humanoid. She didn't appear to...
  20. CrazyDiamond

    The Star Hounds [Inactive]

    "To answer your earlier question," Ignis added,"the armory has some pretty basic weaponry, some laser rifles and pistols, and grenades. I would request the use of the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher though. In terms of spare ammo, there looks to be a fairly large stock of typical laser...