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Fantasy The Dragon Wardens: Exodus


Rests Chin In Hands
Questions, comments, concerns, and anything OOC goes here. Please don't write anything OOCly in the other tabs!
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animegirl20 said:
how many years are supposed to have gone by since Haven fell?
Read through either the intro post for the Interest Check, or the intro post found in the IC RPing tab.
This is great! I've been waiting for this to go up. ^^

Question batch 1: What were the living quarters like in the Haven? Did trainees have dormitory-style rooms? After graduation, did they get options to live in single occupant housing or own their own property/land?

Question batch 2: What exactly ddes the bonding process entail? Since it takes so long, are there any particular rituals besides tasks a mentor might assign? Do Wardens always "sense" their dragons first, or do dragons sometimes come finding them? When the dragon and Warden first meet, what exactly do they do to cement their new relationship? (Is it more like the bonding in Avatar or is it more gradual like how Hiccup and Toothless grew to trust each other? - Sorry for the weird examples).

Also, if the Warden is, say, attuned to the element of ice, but resides in the Haven, when he senses his dragon, do he and his mentor take a field trip to the Northern Mountains? Or does the dragon need to be physically much closer to sense?

Thanks in advance!
Sycamore said:
What were the living quarters like in the Haven? Did trainees have dormitory-style rooms? After graduation, did they get options to live in single occupant housing or own their own property/land?
It varied. From infancy to about 3 they lived in a nursery setting. From 4 to graduate they lived as though they were in a private school. From then on they had their own housing (with an annex for the dragon/s either to the side or below the ground.

Sycamore said:
What exactly ddes the bonding process entail?
I think you'll have to be more specific in this question, as the bonding entails a lot, but it is also stated in the Lore tab. I'm assuming you want me to expand upon that, but I still don't fully understand the question.

Sycamore said:
Since it takes so long, are there any particular rituals besides tasks a mentor might assign?
The bonding process doesn't take a long time. It starts as soon as the Warden senses their dragon, and that's when a mentor is assigned. The mentor would try to help the Warden focus on the feeling and talk with them a lot if they're still not understanding the process.

Sycamore said:
Do Wardens always "sense" their dragons first, or do dragons sometimes come finding them?
The dragon may sense their Warden, but the bonding process starts either at a dragon's birth or soon after, so the dragon would absolutely not go out on their own. The Warden is tasked with that responsibility of bonding the two.

Sycamore said:
When the dragon and Warden first meet, what exactly do they do to cement their new relationship?
They know. It's a feeling of completion. They find each other and everything feels as it should. It is instantaneous.

Sycamore said:
Also, if the Warden is, say, attuned to the element of ice, but resides in the Haven, when he senses his dragon, do he and his mentor take a field trip to the Northern Mountains? Or does the dragon need to be physically much closer to sense?
The dragon's location can vary. It doesn't have to be within their own mountains surrounding the Haven.
Does anyone have any good pictures of bald characters? My character shaved his head to live in secrecy, and i cant find any good images for the life of me.
Thanks, @Effervescent! That clarifies a lot. I must have misunderstood what you meant about dragon bonding. I thought it said that bonding takes years to form, so I was curious what the Warden and dragon were doing during that time to further cement their bond. Am I way off base?
Will we only be allowed to use the magic powers exactly as specified on the mechanics sheet or are we fee to make our own (reasonable) interpretations of what sort of powers our characters would be likely to have?
Sycamore said:
Thanks, @Effervescent! That clarifies a lot. I must have misunderstood what you meant about dragon bonding. I thought it said that bonding takes years to form, so I was curious what the Warden and dragon were doing during that time to further cement their bond. Am I way off base?
Sorry for the confusion! It is an instantaneous feeling, but in order for the bonding to be complete, the Warden has to locate the dragon. That's the portion that can take time, since they have to travel a certain distance. So in that time the dragon is being nurtured by its mother (since the bonding would happen between the time the dragon is born and somewhere in its infancy) and the Warden is traveling.

CrazyDiamond said:
Will we only be allowed to use the magic powers exactly as specified on the mechanics sheet or are we fee to make our own (reasonable) interpretations of what sort of powers our characters would be likely to have?
You are free to make up some other abilities within the magical attunement. What I gave are abilities your character could do, and I gave it as more of a guideline to help you determine how you could expand on the attunement's abilities to better fit your personal style.
Effervescent said:
Sorry for the confusion! It is an instantaneous feeling, but in order for the bonding to be complete, the Warden has to locate the dragon. That's the portion that can take time, since they have to travel a certain distance. So in that time the dragon is being nurtured by its mother (since the bonding would happen between the time the dragon is born and somewhere in its infancy) and the Warden is traveling.
You are free to make up some other abilities within the magical attunement. What I gave are abilities your character
could do, and I gave it as more of a guideline to help you determine how you could expand on the attunement's abilities to better fit your personal style.

Thank you! That makes perfect sense.
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Please don't let this be closed...

Unfortunately this roleplay is closed. I apologize for the inconvenience!

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