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Fantasy The Dragon Wardens: Exodus


Rests Chin In Hands
Sign ups for this roleplay are closed. Anyone who has submitted a CS before this notice will be given a grace period to complete their form. Thank you for your interest!

Before you fill out the provided CS code, please read through the Setting/Locations, Lore, and Mechanics tab.

Once you submit a CS it will be reviewed unless you state that it is a WIP. I will ignore all marked as WIP until the player notifies me that it is complete.

If I approve of your character submission, I will like the post and put GM Approved at the top of your post.

If you have any questions regarding this roleplay, feel free to send a PM my way!

Feel free to jazz up the code how you like, but please include all the required fields as I have given.

Race:  state only if they are human or half-elf.  Their birth place does not matter.  I will ignore any CS that states anything other than human or half-elf.
Appearance:[/b]  Please write out your character's appearance here
[b]Personality:[/b]  1+ paragraphs
[b]Strengths:[/b]  list at least 3
[b]Weaknesses:[/b]  list at least 3
[b]Magical Attunement:[/b]  choose one form of magic
[b]Secondary weapon specialization:[/b]  daggers, swords, bows, axes, etc.  Choose one.
Height and length:
Please provide a brief background into their life at the Haven, where they were when the Haven fell, and what they have been doing since.
[tab=Writing Sample]
Write what your characters were doing when the Haven fell.  Were they there?  Were they away on a mission?  Please make the length how you would feel a detailed post would be.
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GM Approved

  • the_wandering_old_man_by_jonimkarvinen-d7xllet.jpg

    Name: Waethrin the Inferno

    Age: 78 years old

    Race: Human

    Appearance: An old man scarred and weathered by life's harshness, Waethrin nevertheless retains much of his physique that made him a legend on the battle field. Though he is only five and a half feet tall, the old man is built like a wall.

    Waethrin hides much of his form, however, and has for some time now. He generally goes about in a shabby brown hooded cloak, with little showing but his chest length ash-white beard and one gleaming eye of green. Yes, one: a scar crosses his left eye, leaving it closed forever in empty pain. Under his cloak Waethrin keeps himself protected with a simple black leather breastplate and two leather bracers to match. Not only that: across his back, displayed readily, is slung a bastard sword, his weapon of choice.

    Personality: As his life has left his body damaged, so too has it left his spirit scarred. Waethrin is a bitter old man, caring little for the lives of those about him or the consequences of his actions. He responds to anything beyond a question or statement of simple fact with anger or sarcasm, finding reason (albeit likely false reason) to be angry at them. Nor has he been provided any reason to abandon this mood; his suspicions and emotional distance has kept him and his dragon safe in the long years since his self-imposed exile.


    +Experienced in living in solitude in the wilderness

    +A once renowned Spellsword, retains much of his skill

    +Forthright and always (often brutally and insensitively) honest


    -Untrusting of anyone beyond his dragon

    -Incapable (to date) of empathy with others

    -Due to his dissociative mannerisms, stands out in a crowd like a Fire Drake in a hay field

    -Has no concept of subtlety

    Magical Attunement: Fire

    Secondary weapon specialization: Yaeger, his single edged bastard sword


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  • e933692e2a90e71d608ca7d56aa4c48e.jpg

    Name: Mordacia 'Kai' Mortensen

    Age: 27

    Race: Baladuri Half-elf


    Mordacia is a somewhat tall individual standing at 6', he has a toned physique with lean muscles and an oddly graceful bearing. His straight hair is long and neatly kept:often tied back and/or braided and is a bright orange-red in coloration, Mordacia has delicate facial features with a narrow jaw, straight nose, bright blue eyes and semi-pointed ears that have been pierced multiple times and are adorned with small gold and silver circle and square loops. He also has a few scars, the most prominent being two ten year old talon inflicted wounds: one curving downwards from the upper left quadrant of his abdomen to the top of his right hip and the other stretching from the center of his collarbone to the top of his right shoulder, both were received during an emergency rescue in an unsuccessful training exercise with his dragon.

    Personality: 1+ paragraphs

    Strengths: list at least 3

    Physical Condition:

    Knowledge and it's application:

    Observation: highly visually stimulated Kai is acutely aware of the smallest details in his surroundings: he is perceptive of small movements and often notices things amiss or of a suspicious nature.


    Confidence/Shyness: Kai is a somewhat reserved person with an initially shy demeanor toward others which affects his ability to function in a group setting, in front of a crowd or under pressure; this is mainly attributed towards his lack of confidence in his own abilities and fear of failure.

    Prone to anxiety: Kais fear of failure and under confidence in his own abilities also often causes him to suffer from anxiety when put under pressure to make decisions that effect others or tasked to complete something of importance.

    Easily distracted/Forgetful of simple things: highly visualy stimulated Kai is the type of person that learns the most from observation but because he has a tendency to focuse so much attention on the tiniest details of his surroundings (i.e the two little ants by his boot fighting over the same breadcrumb or the cloud in the sky that kinda looks like the senior warden with the bushy moustache and permanent scowl tha—you get it) that he forgets about the task at hand or in some cases misses the things that matter completely.

    Magical Attunement: Fire

    Secondary weapon specialization: Bo Staff



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  • Name: Ethiriel

    Age: 16

    Race: Ethiriel is half elf

    Appearance: Ethiriel stands at around 7'6, which is quite short for an elf. She has just below the shoulder red hair, which is always accompanied by a rose behind her right ear. Her face is covered in freckles and her huge doe eyes are an olive green. Her chest isn't very large, as she is only a B. She is kinda skinny and comes across as very weak.

    Personality: Ethirirel is a very sweet girl, she likes to giggle and read. Shes very bubbly and oblivious to a lot of things, unless its in battle. She has a very sweet personality, which everyone assumes is because she spent so much time with the creatures of her forest. She loves to dance and be silly, and is quite childish, she just loves hugging and communication. She is very easy to upset, much like that of a child, and she loves to just have fun and run around. She doesn't tire quickly though, she seems to be just filled with a bunch of un needed energy that seems to come out of nowhere.

    Strengths: Ethiriel is extremely skilled in bowman ship and the communication between anything living, whether it be plants or just people. She has beautiful communication skills that are very handy when travailing.

    Weaknesses: As she acts like an immature child most of the time, she is very sloppy in movements when not in battle. She is klutzy and seems to hit things in critical places by accident, she is also very loud but not obnoxious. She has a voice that seems to carry over citys, well not literally but you get my point. But her biggest weakness, is that of her extremely bruised legs, she is unable to move fast without extreme pain, and if her legs are hit, she instantly hits the ground as it was a birth defect and couldn't be helped.

    Magical Attunement; Ethiriel has dark magic running through her veins, but she has learned and been raised with earth magic. Earth magic is what she knows and breaths.

    Secondary weapon specialization: Ethiriel is exceptionally good with a bow, especially at long distances. She likes using her bow most times, as she has decided it is easier to fight when she is hidden and hitting enemies from a good vantage point.

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GM Approved

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    Name: Cinder

    Age: 33

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Cinder stands at an average 5'10" and has an athletic build. Her red hair is cut very short and styled to stand up at most times. Blue eyes and freckles define were face along with a crisscross of healing scars situated on her lips, left cheek and over her left eye.

    Personality: Cinder is usually considered the life of the party, due mostly to her rather inviting personality and general friendliness. She's often found chatting up people of all classes and dispositions, causing even the coldest of individuals to break down into an engaged conversation on whatever topic seems to tickle their fancy. Her ability to get along well with people is bother trained and inherent to her nature and is a result of her tendency to keep observant. It's hard to get on her bad side, but if you do, she'll become much more serious as she does during battle. The recent attack on Haven has driven her to be more serious and it make take some time for her to rebuild her trust for individuals as the Warden's recover.

    Strengths: Cinder is a highly analytical individual and can usually read a person or situation as it develops in real time. As a result of this she's become a skilled tactician and is a fearsome opponent to best on the battlefield on on the chessboard. Of course, Cinder has the brawn to back up the brain and is particularly skilled in the art of the spear.

    Weaknesses: Cinder can get too focused at times on one object or task and at times leaves her open or causes her to miss things entirely. She also tends to be rather pragmatic in her decision making when in the heat of the moment and is often considered to be self-righteous at times when defending that pragmatism.

    Magical Attunement: Arcane

    Secondary weapon specialization: Spear

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  • Name: Gillian Turkson

    Age: 32

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Gillian is a large, muscular man with tough skin about 6 ft tall. His hands are rough and callused from years of practice with weapons. After the fall of Haven, Gillian started shaving his head in order to protect his identity. His eyes are a dull blue, and his face is rough as though it was carved from stone.

    Personality: Gillian is an extremely stoic, patient man. He believes that good things come to those who wait, and has been known to hold grudges for a very long time as a result. Extremely dutiful, he cannot stand shirking obligations. Although he will try to seek victory, personal pride and honor is not something he considers worth rocking ones life.

    Strengths: Patience, a strong control of his emotions, Physically tough and hardy

    Weaknesses: Has trouble opening up, dutiful to a fault, racked with guilt. Although he is not without intelligence, he is rather uneducated.

    Magical Attunement: Earth, specifically dealing with stone rather than flora.

    Secondary weapon specialization: Halberd

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GM Approved

  • Name: Olsten

    Age: 14.

    Race: Human


    This character was active during the previous iteration of Dragon Wardens. I've updated his CS to reflect changes in his character so far. These can be found under new!.

    New! History:

    Olsten and Grybil were among the lucky few Wardens who managed to escape Haven during the siege. After having survived for a little while in the wild, they found themselves to be hunted by the bounty hunters Kurfast and Jensen. Jensen was slain by Hale and Kraeg who had taken note of the assault. Olsten, in the meantime, brought down Kurfast and interrogated the old hunter to find out who had put the bounty up. Kurfast eventually told Olsten to find the Silver Lance Inn and ask for the innkeeper Jern. Little did Olsten know that he (and those in his company) weren't the only Wardens headed towards the Silver Lance.

    Jern easily saw through Olsten's makeshift disguise and made his neutrality with regards to Dragon Wardens quite clear. Before their conversation could continue however, a large Baladuri bounty hunter by the name of Vorstag entered the inn with a prisoner (Thannel) in tow. Feria, a surviving ice warden, noted that Vorstag carried a necklace that once belonged to her dear friend. Enraged, she charged the large hunter. Soon enough, the situation escalated and a fight ensued. It was only thanks to a clever plan devised by Jern that Olsten, by putting himself at great risk, managed to kill Vorstag. But not before he learned that Vorstag was a henchman of Wallace Savere.

    After the havoc at the Silver Lance inn, Olsten decided to abandon the group of Dragon Wardens and fly southwards, back towards the ruins of Haven. The surviving Wardens might be his brothers and sisters in arms, but he could see clear as day that they were nothing but a defunct, crippled family. As a result he decided to leave and seek refuge with his real family. But before he could, he would have to return to Haven to try and find out who his real parents were and where he might find them.

    He never made it there. An ambush awaited them and Grybil was shot down. Dragon and Warden crash landed several dozens of feet apart and have only been able to sense each other. The Thalls escorting him to Rosenfall claim to be Guides and allies of Dragon Wardens, but Olsten doesn't trust them. They informed him of the Butchering of Edlenfeld which came as a great shock and surprise to him. For now, he maintains hope that he'll be able to convince Queen Malan of his innocence.

    Appearance: Standing 5"4 tall, Olsten gazes into the world with fresh, mint-green eyes. His amber hair is almost always a tangled, spiky mess. While he is slender, as if he works too long and eats too little, he isn't scrawny like the scarecrows in the fields. Although he's not the strongest, his passion for archery has rewarded him with beginning muscles in his arms and chest. His jawline is strong, but his cheeks are still soft. Olsten is caught in the uneasy transition from boy to man: narrow shoulders are beginning to broaden, thin lips are growing fuller every day. Much to his dismay, his voice hasn't broken yet, causing many to assume him to be younger. He has the careless strut and indifferent nonchalance of a boy, but also carries dull, sullen eyes, weighted down by the responsibilities bestowed upon him.

    Personality: Olsten is a volatile, ambiguous boy, prone to flares of extreme kindness and destructive hate alike. Energetic and cheerful at his best, gloomy and downcast at his worst, Olsten's late bonding (just after turning 12) has left him emotionally unstable and at the core, he feels more like a burden than a help. This dualism is a pattern that is reflected on every level of Olsten's personality. He can be kind and caring one week, before turning hateful and apathetic the next. When he feels wronged, he will lash out with words first, and fists second. Impulsiveness guides him more than reason, sometimes to his benefit, but more often to his own detriment. Get on his good side however, and you will not soon be brushed aside.

    New! Recently Olsten has started to regret having abandoned the other Dragon Wardens. He now realizes it was a reckless decision and intents to be more careful in the future. While still prone to rashness, previous events have rendered him more cautios and thoughtful.

    Strengths: Agile, Brave, Intelligent, Resourceful. Olsten, still very much in training, had to rely on quick thinking and his magical attunement instead of physical strength and combat skill. This is also why he prefers a bow. Why try to stick and enemy up close when you can hit him from afar? Olsten is far more useful at a distance and has no desire to throw himself into close-quarter combat unless he really has to.

    New! Olsten suffered an injury to his upper arm and shoulder during his fight with Vorstag. It has been treated and is healing, but currently still hinders his ability to use his bow.

    Weaknesses: Hot-headed, Opinionated, Ambiguous, Stubborn. Olsten won't hesitate to speak up if he disagrees, and he can be quite hard to persuade. Worse, with only minor combat skills Olsten is prone to getting himself into serious danger. When angered, he will stupidly stand his ground, just to make a point. Naturally, he thinks he knows best too and has a knack for finding things out the hard way. Speaking is very much in his dictionary, but listening less so.

    Magical Attunement: Fire

    Secondary weapon specialization: Bow.

    New! Inventory: Olsten was given a potion by Hale just after the skirmish at the Silver Lance inn. Hale claimed it would "help prevent infection", but it actually sends the drinker to sleep. (Read more here)

    Character by Treijim, Dragon by jjpeabody. Source.
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GM Approved

  • latest

    Name: Eadric

    Age: 31

    Race: Human

    (I know the pictue doesn't have red hair, but just imagine it as though it did) Eadric stands at about 6'2" in imperial units and weighs about 175 pounds. His frame is reasonably athletic, though he is not exceptionally strong. He has light skin, blue eyes, and auburn-colored hair cut short with sideburns. His shoulders are broad and his body has no irregularities to speak of. He's normally wearing his suit of steel and leather armor.

    Personality: Eadric talks a good game, and those who first meet him would perceive him as the valiant and heroic type of person. That is very much the person he strives to be, but inside, Eadric is extremely worrisome and quick to run away from a fight. Most of this is hidden behind a strategic way of thinking. Thus, Eadric is the master of excuses. He not only makes them to his companions and opponent, but to himself. He isn't backing away from a fight, he's making a "tactical retreat." He hasn't failed his task, the "circumstances changed in a way outside of my control." Still, he is ultimately a good person at heart and he constantly strives to overcome the less-desirable parts of his personality. All that being said, he is a relatively intelligent and resourceful man, and very good at coming up with a backup plan in a pinch, provided he has been able to overcome his fear.

    Strengths: Eadric is very resourceful, and when this skill is put to use well, he can be very useful in a tough situation, able to come up with a backup plan. He is also a surprisingly adept leader, being able to manage a group very well, though he tends to try and keep himself out of harm's way more often than not. Lastly, he is very adaptable, being able to handle it well when things don't go as planned and continue moving forward.

    Weaknesses: Eadric has a few primary crippling weaknesses that have limited him his entire life. His first is his fear of physical harm. He prefers to keep out of the front lines as much as possible and sling spells from the back. His second weakness is his tendency to become lazy when nobody is watching. He requires a strong-willed companion in order to keep on task and carry out his duties properly. Last are the lies he is able to tell himself. He is constantly making excuses for his unreliability to the point where even he himself believes them. He can get himself to believe that he is doing the write thing, even when his actual actions would suggest the opposite.

    Magical Attunement: Arcane

    Secondary weapon specialization: He primarily uses his arcane magic for defense, but also carries a heavy cavalry sabre around for hand-to-hand combat

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  • 8aa87b421b2b1df992ca4dbcb92712ce.jpg

    Name: Rynar Torchbow

    Age: 15


    Appearance: Please write out your character's appearance here: Standing at about 5 foot five and a half, Rynar has green eyes, pale skin, a slim build and messy hair which gets very dark at the tips.

    Personality: 1+ paragraphs: Rynar is quite spontaneous in personality, he usually acts before he thinks about something, which can be his weaknesses. He usually gets on well with others unless they try to hurt him or his dragon, he is very versatile in a team, and can follow and lead with equal capability. He is loyal to others, especially his dragon, whom he will protect with his life. He values companionship with others, and makes friends relatively easily. He is also highly skilled with his weapon.

    Strengths: list at least 3: Works well in a team, Very good with his weapon, Strong Bond with Dragon.

    Weaknesses: list at least 3: He acts before he thinks, which can get him hurt if he isn't careful. Despite his family name, Rynar is completely hopeless with a bow, or any ranged weapon for that matter. He cannot fully control his magic, as The Haven was destroyed before he could graduate.

    Magical Attunement: choose one form of magic: Fire

    Secondary weapon specialization: daggers, swords, bows, axes, etc. Choose one: Short sword

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  • Name



    23 years old




    Often described as striking and beautiful, Adelaisa has a head of fiery red hair that contrasts brightly against her ghostly pale skin tone. Her eyes are a stunning golden hazel with flecks of yellow along the outside of the iris. She stands at a height of 5'7", and has a slender, yet toned physique. Her heart-shaped lips are naturally tinted a light red color, and she has quite a petite facial structure. Like other half-elves, Adelaisa's ears are slightly pointed and poke out through her hair.

    As for clothing, Adelaisa is often seen wearing a white silk gown that hovers just above the ground. Her wrists and ankles have golden bracelets snapped around them, along with a unique necklace hanging from her neck that she is rarely seen without. Adelaisa carries a brown leather satchel with her at all times, containing many useful items such as books, maps, rare collectibles, and other things she has found along her travels.


    An adventurous and carefree spirited woman, Adelaisa is rarely ever unwelcoming in nature unless provoked or threatened. Her kindness is described as infectious. She is usually able to see past the negative side of things and focus on the positive. On occasion, there are times when the positive side of things are not so clear to her, and in response, Adelaisa becomes unsettled. Irritated even. But because of her outgoing and kindhearted nature, she can forgive things more easily than others can.

    Not only is Adelaisa compassionate, she is also strong willed and full of pride. Any fear she might have is dealt with in a mature, calm manner. She is scarcely blinded by panic or the will to run away from things that frighten her. Instead, Adelaisa will challenge things head on. A challenge is what excites her most, especially when it is particularly difficult.


    Due to her unquenchable hunger for knowledge, Adelaisa spent many years learning and studying about the vast amounts of animals living throughout the lands. She can recognize any animal by a simple clue, such as a paw print in the mud or a feather that had recently fallen from a bird overhead. Her level of knowledge on alchemy is also extremely impressive, since she worked under the wing of an alchemist by the name of Alchemist Savos, who was a Dragon Warden as well. He had an Earth dragon alongside him named Deimos. Unfortunately during the siege, Alchemist Savos and Deimos were proclaimed dead.

    Adelaisa is also quite skillful with the bow, and was self-taught at a very young age.


    Adelaisa has a rather hard time focusing on one thing at a time. She is the type of person who must finish a task completely in order to move on to the next one. It can get in the way of things easily, and become a huge issue at times. She can also be quite stubborn, but very rarely.

    Over the years, Adelaisa has not spent a single day without traveling about or being outside in the wilderness. Being coped up in a room or a confined place for too long can make her uneasy, and considerably harsh when gifted with another's presence. In order to prevent this behavior, she must constantly busy herself with a task or spend the day outside in the fresh air. For those who tire easily, Adelaisa may be too much for them to handle.

    Magical Attunement


    Secondary weapon specialization

    Bow and arrow

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  • 01640cb25b736ee5a950a56135b43332.jpg

    Name: Raleia

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Raleia is unquestionably beautiful, with pale ivory skin, scattered with freckles. Her hair is a bright coppery red in tight curls, running in length to the center of her back, her eyes blue pools, speckled with bits of green and grey. Her features are delicate, with finely arched brows, rosy cheeks and full lips. Her form is small and lithe, with subtle but feminine curves, long arms and legs, ending in smaller hands and feet.

    Personality: Regal and focused, Raleia can, on the occasion, come across as cold or stoic. Her manner is often dictated by her environment, and she tends to show less comfort in circumstances outside of her direct control. Given the history of her people, she can be slow to trust and often times suspicious of the motives of others, particularly those who might appear willing to assist her. Her heart was greatly broken, and because of this, she can be quite closed off and emotionally distant. Beyond even herself, Winnock is Raleia's main concern, and there is nothing she won't do to protect her dragon, even at a risk to her own life.


    + Driven: What she sets her mind, she throws everything into.

    + Mindful: Focused and attuned to the world around her, she rarely allows herself to lose control. Her temperament reflects this, as she so rarely exhibits anger.

    + Devoted: Those she commits herself to, to any degree, she holds unmitigated loyalty towards.


    - Suspicious: A hard life has made it difficult for Raleia to trust easily.

    - Haunted: Having lost so much, Raleia is haunted by the memories of the departed.

    - Idealistic: What Raleia believes, she does not doubt... not ever. Her single-mindedness can be helpful, but it has also been the catalyst to many disagreements.

    Magical Attunement: Fire

    Secondary weapon specialization: A simple short sword, twelve inches in length - thick and blunt, with a heavy wooden hilt, wrapped in a scrap of red cloth.

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GM Approved

  • mg_like_sketch_by_keileena.jpg

    Name: Quyntalis "Quynn"

    Age: 23

    Race: Half-Elf

    Appearance: Quyntalis stands at an average 5'11 and sports a lean build, no doubt inherited from the Elven side of the family. His dark red hair is kept short and is usually swept to the side, yet somehow still sticks out at odd ends and angles, his eyes, deep-set and bold, are the pale green of rough emeralds; a straight, if not handsome nose rests between them. He is marked with a prominent scar running from his forehead down to his left chin, a little souvenir from a time when he arrogantly misjudged his opponent. He has a patchwork beard of light red stubble and unblemished skin, due to his conflicting bloodlines. As he can conjure his own armor, he is usually seen in a simple leather jerkin and cloth trousers, held up by a belt adorned with trinkets and and a scabbard for his blade.

    Personality: Quynn was, and is still a man with something to prove, even though he was supposed to have grown out of the newly-graduated-Dragon-Warden phase some time ago. His demeanor is usually cool and pleasant, open-minded and easy-going, yet pragmatic and almost apathetic sometimes; not entirely unlike the chilling ice that he is attuned to. Quynn likes to think of himself as calm, civilized, humble, and he tries to act like it; that is until someone makes a rude comment about his intelligence, his martial prowess or his patchy mess of a stubble. While it's not something he would duel to the death over, it's not an act easily forgiven. Unshakably loyal to his friends, ferocious and ruthless against his enemies yet prideful to an almost insecure degree, not that he'd ever admit to that last one.

    Strengths: Back when Haven was still a thing and he was just a wee lad, Quynn spent half of his days in the courtyards either bullying a training dummy with a wooden sword or getting beaten up by a much older, much stronger Dragon Warden. That has never discouraged him though, and now he carries his longsword with pride and skill honed by both training and experience. The other half of his days were exploring the ways he could freeze anything he could think of, a habit that developed into a greater understanding of magic in his later life. That does not mean he is a brute however. While lacking in academic knowledge, due to his experience in the field, he is quick-witted and streetwise, and not easily fooled.

    Weaknesses: His arrogance will be his downfall, his mentor used to say. Quynn has a tendency of underestimating his foes or overestimating his own abilities, usually with highly undesirable outcomes. His lack of knowledge may also prove to a be a problem as the Haven library was the only place he never desired to explore both because of how hot it was inside, and how boring the books were. A bit of a wildcard when it comes to plans: he is not known for making them, or sticking to them.

    Magical Attunement: Ice

    Secondary weapon specialization: Longsword

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime_girl_render_9_by_animerenderss-d6dilz6.png.e41a23716e626bd094d081943440285a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime_girl_render_9_by_animerenderss-d6dilz6.png.e41a23716e626bd094d081943440285a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Age: 16

    Race: Human

    Appearance: She use to have red hair but she died it so no one would know what she really was. Her eyes are blue, she is 5'6" and weighs about 120 pounds.

    She is very athletic. Her energy is a never-ending flow, and this energy is extremely shown in her personality. She is usually cheerful, if not always and knows exactly how to turn a mistake into a thing to be happy about or laughed at. At the same time, she holds many part time jobs, she does not want to hinder anyone she wants to save lots of money. She is a glutton when it comes to food, but is also constantly combating with dieting, calling herself a 'diet warrior'. She gets a thrill out of being scared, unlike most people. She also seems to have a very high amount of skill in that regard. Whether it's acting scared or scaring others. Despite her air-headed tendencies, she is very perceptive. Her intuition is very noteworthy, and she can question a single act down to the point it can be answered with simple responses. Her air-headed tendencies are sometimes a facade, to hide her deepest sadness in her heart she doesn't want to show.

    Strengths: Athletic, tons of energy, hard worker.

    Weaknesses: glutton, has air headed tendencies, tends to hide her true feelings

    Magical Attunement: Arcane

    Secondary weapon specialization: staff/spear

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime_girl_render_9_by_animerenderss-d6dilz6.png.d104ca031fcd662996e6718b065139f8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime_girl_render_9_by_animerenderss-d6dilz6.png.d104ca031fcd662996e6718b065139f8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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This character is still a work in progress!

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    Name: Enya

    Age: 25

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Enya stands to a slightly above average height of 5'10", with a more athletic frame. Her red hair tends to run a bit wild, coming to down to around her shoulders. With soft light blue eyes, a clear complexion, and a good smile, strangers are hard pressed not to find Neva attractive. The only detraction from her looks is some scarring along the left side of her face, which are what she proudly calls her battle wounds. For attire, Enya wears consistently her battle armor, even when action is not expected. It may appear odd, but Enya she and her armor have to be one. She has to feel natural in her armor, so that end she wears it constantly.

    Personality: A go-doer would be the best way to describe Enya. She's not one to sit around the house all day sulking when there is work of any kind to be done. There's always something that Enya is up to. Part of the reason Enya is like is because of her type A personality, but at the same time, she also uses her frequent business to cover and disguise her lack of patience.

    A bit of a firecracker, Enya's known for at times having a bit of a temper on her. However, since she became a Dragon Warden, Neva has done wonders to chill Enya's fiery temper. While Enya still becomes mad in the moment, the anger is but a passing thing which is quickly swept to the side and forgotten.

    Socially, Enya isn't inept. She had some good friends among the other Dragon Wardens, in the truest sense of the word. It was only thanks to these friends, friends whose life you could place in their hands, that Enya made it through training by her 16th year. Enya can get along cordially with most, save for those who rub her the wrong way, which she tends to develop grudges towards.


    • Grit: Enya has the resolve to go that extra round in the ring just to prove she can do it. She's not afraid to take hits, and she's willing to dish it right back to them.
    • Focus: When Enya sets her mind on something, she's going to follow through and do it to the best of her ability. The common joke among her friends is once Enya's decided, you best get out of the way before you get run over.
    • Intelligence: A bright person, Enya's very intuitive at figuring out the best way to go about do something. She's able to make a capable plan.


    • Temper: Enya can be a bit of a hot head at times, and isn't afraid to throw that temper at others.
    • Impatience: Waiting around doing nothing is not something Enya ever likes to do. There is always, in her mind, something to do.
    • Hard on Self: While not so much to others, Enya can be extremely critical of her performance or ability to perform certain acts, tearing herself up inwardly on why she did certain things instead of other things. These little mistakes or inaction can eat at her for days or weeks.

    Magical Attunement: Ice

    Secondary weapon specialization: Swords

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    Name: Rasrik

    Age: 42

    Race: Human

    Rasrik stands at 6'2, and despite his age weighs in at 200 pounds, corded with muscle, and has the stamina to still run his students into the ground. A broad, muscular chest tappers down into a V shaped waist line, still giving him an attractive physique for his age. His hair is fading from a deep auburn to ashen grey, causing a contrast with his green eyes. A multitude of scars cover his face and body giving him an intimidating appearance to strangers and young Wardens alike. When not in combat Rasrik wears well worn leather armour with a coat-of-plates, but if called for he has a full suit of plate steel designed to mimic his dragon's appearance.

    Personality: Rasrik's intimidating image is well deserved. He is renowned for his dedication as one of the best sword instructors, levelheaded personality, and harsh criticism. Deep down though, Rasrik has the heart of a teacher. He sees the potential in his students and is willing to push them to their breaking point only to be the first hand offered to help them build their way back up. His sense of humor can be best described as sarcastic, and he is occasionally harsh in his criticisms. He is a realist and bit of a pragmatic, but can occasionally lose his temper. If he is not teaching or off on Emasari duties he can usually be found in some quiet corner with a book or training with sword or magic. Rasrik does have a mischievous streak to him and prone to the occasional good natured prank or a night spent drinking at the tavern.

    Strengths: His countless years of study and training have honed Rasrik into a talented spellsword. His knowledge of various sword fighting arts is combined with his unique approach to applying his arcane magic into combat through minor wards to reflect or turn an opponents blade or using illusion wards to "disappear", only to strike from a different angle or position. His years of teaching and instructing have earned him the ability to spot openings or vulnerabilities, giving him an edge. He will use energy blasts to disable or wound his enemy, but only in last resort, preferring to use his magic to augment instead of predominantly relying on it for offense.

    Weaknesses: Despite his skill and physical abilities, Rasrik's stamina will falter faster than someone half his age. When pushed to his limit he is prone to tunnel vision and a hot temper, leaving him open to things he would normally be aware of. Though his skill and focus allow him access to what would be considered advanced Arcane talents, he is only capable of using them on one, maybe two opponents if he must, though this puts considerable strain on him. At the worst of times his sarcasm funnels into pure pessimism.

    Magical Attunement:

    Secondary weapon specialization: Longsword



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  • 129839f16edc228a7bc3de91824e290d.png
    Name: Feria

    Age: 28

    Race: Human

    Appearance: If you were to ignore the fact that such a hair color is already intensely eye-catching, Feria's appearance would grab you even without it. Tall and graceful, standing at a height of 5'9" with sparkling blue-green eyes, Feria is all around, rather beautiful. Despite her cold stare and demeanor of "I'd rather be left alone", her appearance attracts even if she would rather it not.

    Recently, however, one more eye-catching trait has been added to Feria's appearance; her left arm up to the elbow has been gruesomely ripped off. It is swathed in bloody bandaging and makes most cringe at the sight.

    She also constantly wears a necklace with a glowing blue pendant, one that once belonged to a dear friend of hers, which she recently learned has the power to negate shadow magic.

    Personality: Cold (how fitting), bitter, and distrusting, Feria isn't exactly someone you'd want to be friends with, or even get the chance to befriend. Brutally honest, if Feria has a problem with you, you're more than likely to know, and more often than not she is working towards a personal goal. The only person Feria seems to show any heart towards is her dragon, but even then, they have a seemingly quiet relationship. The only reason why anyone might keep Feria around willingly is because of her skill set. She is stealthy, nimble, and calculative, offering much to the table, as well as her fighting capabilities.

    There may, perhaps, be a softer side to Feria, shown in rare moments under dire circumstances. After the events that followed the attack on the Haven, her cold exterior is slowly beginning to thaw. The loss of her friend, her arm, and other tragedies have lead her to soften up slightly in the presence of those she is beginning to trust, but only become angrier in those who deserve her wrath.

    Strengths: Clever, Feria has a bright mind about her which she uses both on and off the battle-field. Her cleverness, however, doesn't seem to stop her from lashing out at people when she probably shouldn't. Nimble, Feria is fast and quiet, moving around with grace and elegance constantly. Determined, once Feria sets her mind towards achieving a goal, she does not stop until the job is done. Cunning, Feria is skilled in the art of acting and lying to achieve her goals, but this skill is usually put towards sarcasm.

    Weaknesses: Cold, Feria isn't quick to show compassion or kindness. Judgmental, she is always casting glances at others as if they are below her or idiotic without quite getting to know them, as well as always offering a very critical point of view. Feria can also hold grudges longer then most dragons live.

    Magical Attunement: Ice

    Secondary weapon specialization: Daggers

    Note: This character was active during the previous iteration of The Dragon Wardens, and has been updated to fit the recent advancements in plot.

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    Name: Llamarryl

    Age: 22

    Race: Half-Elf

    Bearing her father's height and her mother's looks, this particular half elf stands at 5'10, her weight consistent at 120lbs(55 Kilos). Although she looks a lot like her mother, her facial features have drawn from both of her parent's qualities, proving to be quite a pleasant sight to the eyes. Llamaryl has only trimmed her hair about twice in her life, and likes to leave its length untouched and untied, her tips just barely reaching her high waist. She prefers dark blue clothing to adorn her curvaceous figure, sporting slightly wide hips and narrow shoulders. More often than not, acquaintances will find her wearing her usual corset, crafted from leather and shaded dark blue, as well as trimmed with silver linings. In addition, it sports a metal ring just below her bust which is meant more for adorning and appeal rather than actually holding the corset together. To protect her bare shoulders and chest, she sometimes wears a hide small-cape fashioned from the pelt of a black bear, keeping it buttoned at her neck with a decent amount of space to show off her bust. (Reference. This, but more black/dark blue To accompany her attire, Llamaryl mostly only wears either a pair of dark blue traveling tights, or a flamboyant skirt of similar color.

    She will often be seen wearing a jeweled circlet over her forehead, and a matching necklace.

    Personality: Llamaryl can be considered to be your typical cheery half-elf despite their social status in populated cities. She is a flamboyant woman, and enjoys spending her time among peers and acquaintances. Many know her to be, or, at least knew her to be, one of the more sassy wardens. She thoroughly enjoys wordplay and manipulation, often hustling new acquaintances with her harmless impressions that transition into fruity attitudes. Apart from being a slightly confusing warden, she takes herself to be considerably flirtatious, more-so with other women than men.

    Despite her usually pleasant attitude, Llamaryl bolsters a fairly quick temper, and dislikes being refused. Naturally, she despises when things do not go her way, this part of her often seen when arguing with her incredibly stubborn dragon. However, part of not taking no for answer does have its advantages. From those features, cleverness is born, Llamaryl often attempting to find ways around obstacles and walls of doubt. It is why she was regarded as one of the more revered tacticians of the Wardens.


    • Manipulative - "No" is simply not an answer. Llamaryl more often that not gets what she wants, expertly manipulating others with her words to fall to her bidding.
    • Adept Thinker- As a woman who always seeks to get what she wants, her ambitions must be supported by picky planning and careful plotting. Llamaryl can be considered to be someone who always thinks one step ahead. Someone who can think quickly on their feet, and are able to devise crafty, ingenious ideas for the sake of masterminding operations.
    • Amicable - It's no secret that Llamaryl is an extremely approachable person. Of course, her motives may confuse people who intend to make friends with her, but she is truly a friendly person. In fact, she will often be the one who approaches people, which partly has to do with her flirtatious nature.


    • Noncombatant - When away from her dragon, Llamaryl is fairly weak in combat. Like any Warden, she can handle herself averagely with her blade and magic, but she is considerably weaker than her more expert Warden companions.
    • Dust - Llamaryl is awkwardly sensitive to her allergies, and will get considerably sickly and irate when she suffers from them. Dust is one of the more common causes of her stuffiness and allergies, and as such she chooses to live a clean lifestyle.
    • Injured Hamstring- A few years ago, while running, she accidentally pulled her hamstring! It was a horrific injury, and it has never quite healed correctly. While the pain does subside, her hamstring will usually act up again when she is running or when she makes a grotesque movement with her leg.
    • Strict Mindset - Once she has set her mind on a certain opinion or ideal, she rarely ever changes her mind. This leads her to hold many grudges on people, or have certain ideologies that never change.

    Magical Attunement: Earth

    Secondary weapon specialization: A short, one handed, single blade axe forged from mountain steel and Folhathian wood. She doesn't use it very often, considering she is not a very fighter-esque person, but she is capable with it. She always keeps it clipped to her waist.

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Thanks to Effervescent for all the help.

  • mage_of_the_circle_by_rottenragamuffins-d36olrp.jpg

    Name: Aurea

    Age: 16

    Race: Half-Elf

    Appearance: Aurea stands at 5’ 6” and weighs around 125 lbs. Like the other wardens, her hair is a brilliant red, which contrasts greatly with the pale skin she inherited from her elfen mother. Her hair is kept short, about shoulder length to keep it out of her face during training. It is often tucked behind her slightly pointed ears (much less pointy than the picture suggests). If one manages to look at her face long enough, one can see her blue eyes, not cold, but warm.

    Aurea wears garb typical of trainees of the Haven; it was the outfit on her back during her escape. She wears a blue tunic, with the bottom pleated for a more feminine touch. The black leggings give her the flexibility to dodge quickly. She was lucky to be wearing boots for long treks across the world.

    Personality: The role of the earth mages is to protect and support others in their party. Such a role describes Aurea perfectly. Rather than take the spotlight, she is more than happy to surrender the attention to others looking for glory. Indeed, she gets her happiness from others’. Aurea is also a big fan of order. She’s not one to lose small items: they are always exactly where they need to be. This often manifests in her grooming of Plainswalker: she makes sure the garden on his back is nice and compartmentalized for small, medium and large flora. Finally, Aurea is generally shy, waiting for others to start a conversation. She much prefers to listen anyways.

    Strengths: Aurea is loyal to her friends and will always come to their aid when called. She’s not one to talk back to those of higher rank; she thinks very highly of those who worked hard to get such rank and skill. Aurea will work even harder for those that earn her respect. In addition, Aurea likes to take care of others, lifting spirits when she can. Her caring personality is a boon on the battlefield: she prefers to stay in the back, minding the barriers while the others get the kills. When it’s needed, Aurea has skill with the bow and earth magic, working to combine both for new strategies.

    Weaknesses: As Aurea lets others take glory, her role may go unrecognized. In fact, she’ll downplay her efforts herself, particularly if she doesn’t meet her own high standards. While happy to take on other tasks, Aurea is often at risk of biting off more than she can chew. She has a hard time saying “no” to people. Finally, Aurea hates unpredictability. Performing the daily morning chores around Haven? Great! Spending one morning in the rain and the next running from an angry mob? Bad!

    Magical Attunement: Earth

    Secondary weapon specialization: Bows

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