The Collective



Character Sheet


(Replace with a photo, or a paragraph description)

Name: (Squads of heroes can have a squad name, or separate names for each member)

Gender: (Male, Female, or Both/None)

Race: (Can be made up, depending on the faction you choose)

Divine: (Which one were you chosen by? You can choose all but Draven.)

Equipment: (Any special armor, weapons, or tools?)

Powers: (Any powers of such?)

Personality: (How do they act? Habits, fears, behaviors, Etc.)

History: (Where did they come from before they were taken to Relm? Any events that molded them?)

Other: (Anything that doesn't fit in the other categories)

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So, this looks rather interesting.

I am in the process of making a character right now. I hope it's as good as it looks. This is my first role play in a while. 
Character Sheet

• Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/angel.jpg.6b577aeddf4dea6fb7f40c1e588a6867.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/angel.jpg.6b577aeddf4dea6fb7f40c1e588a6867.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• Name:


• Gender:


• Race:


• Divine:


• Equipment:

Alorik uses a combination of four weapons, though only uses a maximum of two at any given time. His most often used weapons are a pair of twin daggers, crafted in the Holy Forge, which is the forge of which all angelic weapons are made. They are at either side of his hips, both in golden sheaths. He will most likely be seen duel-wielding them, emblazoning them with fire or with Pure Light. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/dagger.jpg.774247a551cb912339731b59bd407490.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/dagger.jpg.774247a551cb912339731b59bd407490.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He may also be seen wielding a silver chain-linked whip, which is kept coiled at his right side, ready to use at any time. It's length when fully extended is 30 feet, though mostly useful at half that length, as it's mostly used to bring in enemies closer so he can smite them with one of his other weapons. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/whip.jpg.a6479aa0893c155ece3cfe0a6bb0b7ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/whip.jpg.a6479aa0893c155ece3cfe0a6bb0b7ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His last weapon is a single handed sword, boasting a length of three feet, including eight inches of the hilt. It's razor sharp and wicked, and if it's not the bare metal, you can be sure to see it glowing with fire or Alorik's Pure Light. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/sword.jpg.01b5ef5031643e6332d49c54556ac1ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/sword.jpg.01b5ef5031643e6332d49c54556ac1ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

You may imagine a warrior angel to travel with heavy plate armor so that no weapon may strike him down, but in all reality, he wears leather and cloth armor so that he can move swiftly and without trouble.

• Powers:

Alorik hones the power of fire, though cannot launch fire in the form of a fireball or anything of that sort. His fire can only spread to what he is touching, such as his weapons, or his skin.

However, he also holds the power of Pure Light. All angels of his order are properties, wielders, and vessels of light. It flows through them, and it is them. In simple terms, he can use it as another means of destruction, or as a means of healing and doing good works. The light would be seen as a vibrant yellow color, and very bright, like that of the sun.

In times of great trouble, or even when it seems appropriate, Alorik sports a pair of wings to go along with the angel get-up. They are pure white, bespeckled with spots of gray and brown, with a total wingspan of twenty feet. However, these only appear when he wants them to.

• Personality:

Being an angel - and not any angel, but an archangel - Alorik is very prideful of his power and his purpose. He will always and forever stick to what he believes is the most honorable and just choice.

He can sometimes be seen as a leader, though maybe too controlling. After all, archangels are the warriors of God, and are the generals of the lower ranking warriors in the Grand Army. Like earlier stated, though, he always does what he thinks is right and just.

Along with all of this, he is also very caring, and very personable.

• History:

As one might guess, Alorik is from Heaven, the earthly afterlife dimension of God's home. Although he looks young, as if he has only been living for a maximum of 18 years, he has been alive since the beginning of time, and even before then. He knew the all holy Lucifer when he was still an angel, and after he was cast out of Heaven, made it his duty to advance to archangel as fast as possible to oversee what Lucifer could not.

It's without a doubt that Alorik's appearance in Relm, within his own mind, may have something to do with some sort of greater purpose. Perhaps without the aid of his other angels, this will strengthen him and teach him many lessons.

• Other:

Make no mistake, although this character is an Angel, and has several weapons and properties that make him look as if he is invincible, he is NOT. In my mind, no angel is ever invincible.

Also. I hope this was a good bio, lol. Haven't written one in a LONG time.



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That outfit with the following head(Left side head)


Name: Kellidra(Kelli for short)

Gender: Female

Race: Keighling, Keighlings(Kay-lings) appear human, but have sharper ears and can control matter via means of bending and solidifying light. This allows them to perform feats most would call magic, and it requires nothing other than practice, such as one would exercise a muscle. Keighlings are also shorter than the average human.

Divine: Araei(Though she tends to just do her own thing, Araei was the one that chose her.)

Equipment: All her clothes are resistant to the elements.

Powers: Controls and manipulates light matter, as explained above.

Personality: Kelli is relatively calm and happy in most circumstances, and doesn't let many things get her down. That being said, at 4'4", she finds most other races intimidating to be around, causing her to become shy and quiet around them. Kelli most fears being alone, but her secondary fears wrought by her size difference don't help. She blames Araei for her predicament and is more than willing to make friends out of anyone who extends a kind hand to her.

History: Kellidra is a Keighling, hailing from the planet Khaliyora. Khaliyora is a near entirely peaceful planet with virtually no crime. Due to this, Kellidra was practically entirely unprepared for the options of war presented before her, and often runs from actual combat and focuses of defensive tactics and healing. Kallidra will also heal those she sees as enemies, in hopes of making new friends of them.(This can backfire horribly)

Other: Has a natural body scent of Lavender. This includes breath.

You're all accepted. And thank you Sean for reviewing this! We may need about 2-3 more people before we start. And Morgana, you can be human if you choose Araei, but you must have some sort of Fantasy-orinentated history or origin. Having some sort of magical property may help too.


Belongs to ibana on Pinterest.

Name: Cecilia Wainsearth

Gender: Female

Race: Gyptian( Gypsy / Egyptian )

Divine: Gabraiel

Equipment: Both swords belong to her, just so you know.


Powers: Cecilia has the power of wind. She can create anything from dust storms to tornados in a matter of seconds.

Personality: Cecilia is a very kind and generous person. But even so, she is very mysterious, very stealthy, and is known for often sneaking off. Many think she may be a spy for a different Divine, but her loyalty to Gabraiel is unquestionable.

History: Cecilia grew up in a very separated home. Her father was an Egyptian blacksmith, learning to make different kinds of weapons by traveling the world. He met her mother, who was a Gypsy fortune teller, and fell in love. Because of this her parents were opposites, her father believed that the only kind of power there was came from machinery and her mother believed power came from the supernatural. One day her mother prophesied that Cecilia would grow up to be a great warrior. Hearing this, her father made Cecilia two amazing swords made from his best material. Later one of the swords was cursed by her mother saying one day she would have to make a choice between good and evil, and either sword would symbolized who she chose.

Other: Nope.
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I like your profile and all, but I prefer you post your history. Close friends would obviously be the only ones to know, but that is for Roleplay, not for the character in general. I will accept you once the history is put, so it can give us a bit more hint of your character.
He also has a scar from his left ear to his chin.

Name: Magna Frey

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire

Divine: Diomedas

Equipment: Corrupt gem sword (It absorbs the souls of those slain by it. The souls attack with the sword, not physically causing damage, but scarring the victim mentally)

Powers: Strong, fast and able to fly at night, he is brought down by his one great weakness, he bursts into flames in sunlight. He is made even more dangerous by the fact that consuming a creatures blood, alows Magna to regenerate.

Personality: Reckless, and sometimes foolish, his exagerrated self confidence is often his downfall.

History: Magna was the youngest of two brothers, and seconed in line to his fathers throne. Magna attempted to prove that he was worthy of rulling after his father, by challenging his brother to a duel. He lost, receiving a scar on the left side of his face. Outraged, he fled the castle and travelled many miles to a rumoured colony of vampires. He then offered himself up to be bitten, so he could become a vampire himself. With his new powers, he returned to the castle that night and brutally murdered both his father and brother. Realising that he would still not have the throne, Diomedas became his only option. After joining the battle, he seized the oportunity to let his anger and hatred fuel his deadly assault on the battle field.

Other: ((I'm not great at backstories. I'm better rping actual situations.))
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[QUOTE="the cracked anvil]
he has a scar from his left ear to his chin
Name: magna frey

Gender: male

Race: vampire (and not the twilight kind)

Divine: Diomedas

Equipment: corrupt gem sword (it absorbs the souls of those slain by it. the souls attack with the sword, not physically causing damage, but scarring the victim mentally)

Powers: strong, fast and able to fly at night, but bursts into flames in sunlight. can regenerate after consuming blood.

Personality: reckless, and sometimes foolish, his over self confidence is often his downfall

History: magna was the youngest of two sons. his brother was heir to his fathers throne. magna attempted to prove he was worthy of the throne by challenging his brother to a battle. he lost, and received a scar on the left side of his face. enraged he fled the castle and travelled many miles to a rumoured colony of vampires. he then offered himself up to be bitten, so he could become a vampire himself. with his new powers he returned to the castle that night and brutally murdered his brother and father. he came to realise he would still not be allowed his fathers throne, he joined Diomedas, and bathed in the glories power he would be granted in return.

Other: ((I'm not great at backstories. I'm better rping actual situations))

I'm sorry, but your post has many spelling and grammatical errors, such as apostrophes, capitalization, and run-on sentences. I would need a cleaner profile, just to make sure that you can be literate with the roleplay.


Name: Ilithiya

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human/Half Faerie

Divine: Araei

Equipment: She wears light armor at all times, it makes her more agile then heavy armor wearers. Her favorite weapon is her twin dagger blades but she can also shoot a bow pretty proficiently.

Powers: Has the power of controlling water, which also gives her healing powers. She can heal minor to medium wounds, if a wound is fatal she does not have the power to heal it correctly.

Personality: Ilithiya is very stoic, passive and reserved; giving no hint to what her true emotions might be. When she chooses to show them they are ferociously passionate. Her tolerance span is short and quickly becomes annoyed or impatient at naivete. As most women she can be opinionated outspoken, and very stubborn about her beliefs. Too people who aren't close to her she comes off as independent, distant and wise. Too people she cares for; they see her emotions, her laughter (which is beautiful like the rest of the faeries) and her compassion.

History: Ilithiya was the outcome of a human man falling in love with a faerie. She had no siblings and lived with her mother who loved her deeply. Ilithiya loved her too except for the fact that she was setting up an arranged marriage with another faerie. Maybe being transported to Relm is a good thing for her.

Other: (Anything that doesn't fit in the other categories)
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[QUOTE="Morgana Pendragon]

Name: Ilithiya

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human/Half Faerie

Divine: Araei

Equipment: She wears light armor at all times, it makes her more agile then heavy armor wearers. Her favorite weapon is her twin dagger blades but she can also shoot a bow pretty proficiently.

Powers: Has the power of controlling water, which also gives her healing powers. She can heal minor to medium wounds, if a wound is fatal she does not have the power to heal it correctly.

Personality: Ilithiya is very stoic, passive and reserved; giving no hint to what her true emotions might be. When she chooses to show them they are ferociously passionate. Her tolerance span is short and quickly becomes annoyed or impatient at naivete. As most women she can be opinionated outspoken, and very stubborn about her beliefs. Too people who aren't close to her she comes off as independent, distant and wise. Too people she cares for; they see her emotions, her laughter (which is beautiful like the rest of the faeries) and her compassion.

History: Ilithiya was the outcome of a human man falling in love with a faerie. She had no siblings and lived with her mother who almost forced her to go to Relm. She told her that she loved her so but her powers were needed elsewhere. With that said Ilithiya left without argument and set out on her journey.

Other: (Anything that doesn't fit in the other categories)

Accepted, but just so you know, Relm is practically unknown to any other universe. Those that are chosen kind of just disappear, or are teleported there out of spite. Other then that, accepted.
Ok I will try again later. I had to post that from my phone so it was difficult to read it back. I will try and correct it now.

Sent from my LG-E460 using Tapatalk
[QUOTE="the cracked anvil]
He also has a scar from his left ear to his chin.
Name: Magna Frey

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire

Divine: Diomedas

Equipment: Corrupt gem sword (It absorbs the souls of those slain by it. The souls attack with the sword, not physically causing damage, but scarring the victim mentally)

Powers: Strong, fast and able to fly at night, he is brought down by his one great weakness, he bursts into flames in sunlight. He is made even more dangerous by the fact that consuming the blood of a creature, allows Magna to regenerate.

Personality: Reckless, and sometimes foolish, his exagerrated self confidence is often his downfall.

History: Magna was the youngest of two brothers, and seconed in line to his fathers throne. Magna attempted to prove that he was worthy of rulling after his father, by challenging his brother to a duel. He lost, receiving a scar on the left side of his face. Outraged, he fled the castle and travelled many miles to a rumoured colony of vampires. He then offered himself up to be bitten, so he could become a vampire himself. With his new powers, he returned to the castle that night and brutally murdered both his father and brother. Realising that he would still not have the throne, Diomedas became his only option. After joining the battle, he seized the oportunity to let his anger and hatred fuel his deadly assault on the battle field.

Other: ((I'm not great at backstories. I'm better rping actual situations.))

[QUOTE="the cracked anvil]
He also has a scar from his left ear to his chin.
Name: Magna Frey

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire

Divine: Diomedas

Equipment: Corrupt gem sword (It absorbs the souls of those slain by it. The souls attack with the sword, not physically causing damage, but scarring the victim mentally)

Powers: Strong, fast and able to fly at night, he is brought down by his one great weakness, he bursts into flames in sunlight. He is made even more dangerous by the fact that consuming a creatures blood, alows Magna to regenerate.

Personality: Reckless, and sometimes foolish, his exagerrated self confidence is often his downfall.

History: Magna was the youngest of two brothers, and seconed in line to his fathers throne. Magna attempted to prove that he was worthy of rulling after his father, by challenging his brother to a duel. He lost, receiving a scar on the left side of his face. Outraged, he fled the castle and travelled many miles to a rumoured colony of vampires. He then offered himself up to be bitten, so he could become a vampire himself. With his new powers, he returned to the castle that night and brutally murdered both his father and brother. Realising that he would still not have the throne, Diomedas became his only option. After joining the battle, he seized the oportunity to let his anger and hatred fuel his deadly assault on the battle field.

Other: ((I'm not great at backstories. I'm better rping actual situations.))

Sent from my LG-E460 using Tapatalk 
I think I have corrected my entry now.
[QUOTE="the cracked anvil]Sent from my LG-E460 using Tapatalk 
I think I have corrected my entry now.

Accepted. But like told Morgana, nobody ever knows about Relm. They are usually just taken there during The Collective at a random moment.




Unit 47890








A scanner that will help it see through certain objects like a wood or thin wall. Medium lining of polymer/metal mix to help deflect some bullet types but mainly sword strikes and some blunt weapons. A gun with a combination of a pistol and shotgun in one to help deal with close up or medium targets. Thermal sight to see targets in dark or smokey environments




Very calculated with no real emotion. Doesn't think about consequences for any action that it commits


Created to be a prototype of a secret weapon by Jediale to help keep peace in its own realm. It was created to test and see wether he was a viable candidate to make more copies of and see if it was worth the resources. It was given a hand crafted weapon to see it's fighting capabilities. It is able to process the words spoken from other people, process the info and speak back just like any organic could.


Nothing extra bout this char

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Harbinger said:




Unit 47890








A scanner that will help it see through certain objects like a wood or thin wall. Medium lining of polymer/metal mix to help deflect some bullet types but mainly sword strikes and some blunt weapons. A gun with a combination of a pistol and shotgun in one to help deal with close up or medium targets. Thermal sight to see targets in dark or smokey environments




Very calculated with no real emotion. Doesn't think about consequences for any action that it commits


Created to be a prototype of a secret weapon by Jediale to help keep peace in its own realm. It was created to test and see wether he was a viable candidate to make more copies of and see if it was worth the resources. It was given a hand crafted weapon to see it's fighting capabilities. It is able to process the words spoken from other people, process the info and speak back just like any organic could.


Nothing extra bout this char

Accepted, I like the idea of him being made by Jediale. I'm gonna add something in Jediale's intro post about how they bring in prototypes along with The Chosen to be part of the war.

The Bulwark:


The Tongue:

The Arcana:

Name: The Shrouded Ones, The Bulwark, the Tongue, and the Arcana

Gender: None

Race: Modified Human

Divine: Pravet

Equipment: The Bulwark: Sword, extremely durable armor

The Tongue: Equipped with a poisoned dagger

The Arcana: staff

Powers: The Bulwark is incredibly tall(about 8') and has physical ability far outclassing the average human. The Tongue has a vast knowledge of tactics and strategies that he can use to defeat his foes. The Arcana uses devastatingly powerful spells to deal damage, buff his allies, and hinder his enemies. (will post a list of sorts when I have some more time)

Personality: The Bulwark is stern and brash, choosing to remain silent most of the time and let his sword do the talking. He is the fighter of the group. The tongue is sly and strategic, being an incredibly persuasive and motivating speaker. He speaks for the group, as his allies typically remain silent. The arcana never speaks, albeit the occasional foreign incantation in some discernible language. He is dark and mysterious. He is largely the trump card of the group, using his magic decisively to turn the tide of fights. The three are all linked together telepathically, enabling them to sync their combat for improved effectiveness.


Blood and carnage everywhere. The bodies of dead soldiers littered the battlefield. Some were sliced in half by swords, others impaled on pikes, more still with arrows sticking out of their bodies. In the center of the field stood a lone figure, the only survivor. His equipment was stained red with the blood of enemies and allies alike. Much of this was his doing. When the fighting had finally subsided, he roared his challenge to the Gods, and the Gods listened. He was chosen to be the sword of the deity Pravet in the upcoming war. The soldier smiled, knowing that endless war and carnage awaited.

The man tensed as the executioner readied the guillotine. He thought back to how he had come to this unfortunate position. Growing up among the lords and ladies had introduced him to political ways of thinking from a young age. He had observed the complex politics that governed the country. He saw the corrupt officials and lords greedily using their tongues and wealth to grab as much as they could for themselves. Money, power, it did not matter to them, they wanted it all, and would use any means to get it. To live in this world, the man had realized he would have to surpass all of them in the art of deception and trickery. He had become quite good at it too. But, as he unfortunately learned, nobles were not the only ones capable of deception and betrayal. He had become so confined and oblivious in his own little world that he ignored the signs of civil unrest until it became a full-fledged rebellion. Such events led to the precarious situation he was in now. Just as the guillotine was about to be activated, and his head dismembered, he wished he could have used his gifts for something more. It had been fun playing with the lords and ladies, but he was ready to move on to bigger things. He had learned his lesson here. He would not blunder again. The world was his. He just needed more time...

Who and what is the arcana? Perhaps he was once a powerful sorcerer? Maybe a wandering vagabond performing magic tricks for petty cash. Perhaps he was one of those villains we read about in fairy tales, defeated and broken by the hero. A more accurate answer would be to say he represents a force of unknown in the world that has been present though all history. What humans fear most is the unknown. Therefor, the arcana is the creature of nightmares. He is a monster, created by the God Pravet to represent that which remains unexplained. What is the extent of his power? That too is unknown. Perhaps he is just a simple nightmare, foreboding and frightening, but with no real ability to harm. On the other hand, he could be a being with power rivaling the Gods themselves. It is all unknown, and it will stay unknown as long as Pravet and the Arcana himself have anything to say about it.

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Iscariot said:
(sorry, I didn't have much time to write my rough version. It's basically a squad of three, all with different roles/ abilities, a fighter, a strategist, and a magic-user. It's more so to announce my intentions rather than be a final character sheet, as it will likely be modified heavily when I have some time)

Name: The Shrouded Ones, The Sword, the Tongue, and the Arcana (temporary names, might come up with new ones)

Gender: None

Race: Modified Human

Divine: Pravet

Equipment: The Sword: Uses a sword

The Tongue: Equipped with a small dagger

The Arcana: None

Powers: The Sword has incredible physical ability, far outclassing the average humans. The Tongue has a vast knowledge of tactics and strategies that he can use to defeat his foes. The Arcana uses devastatingly powerful spells to deal damage, buff his allies, and hinder his enemies (will post a list of sorts when I have some more time)

Personality/History: They are lifeless bodies infused with the spirits of great warriors, the sword with that of Hector of Troy and the tongue with that of Sun Tzu. It is unknown what the Arcana is exactly, but it is thought to be infused with the spirit on an old magician that had obtained immortality, only to have his body rot away as he inhabited it. As such, their personalities fit these roles. The Sword is boisterous and confident, the tongue is sly and strategic, and the Arcana is silent and mysterious.

Accepted, but if you are uncertain of the entire sheet then go ahead and edit it. All I truly need at the moment is an appearance, but I do like the concept of this, and also the fact that we get a new Divine to be introduced.

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