Search results for query: *

  1. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    xarvh PMs the Char Gen background and rules, give him a yell and he should fill you in. Our ultimate goal is not to be profitable. It would good to know how many demons we can start the game with.
  2. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Hearthstones [Four Factions ]

    So each character can take anything from the core book, the exalted power books, and any one other book of their choice? So if one chooses the white and black treatise they can take anything and everything from that book (that their type can use and they can pay for, of course)? So everything...
  3. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Welcome Havok, did someone drop out or are we up to four players on team conviction? Good suggestions, though! I doubt that spirits will be very helpful, but I completely forgot about the option of using 1st circle demon armies. I put it out of my mind since it's so looked down on in the...
  4. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Thanks for the map, I'll try to come up with some ideas for our building. Don't think about it as running away with our tails between our legs, think of it as sailing to glorious victory with all of the good people who would have died but for our extraordinary compassion for their well being.
  5. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Idle Arrangements [Four Factions ]

    Defending our humble abode from foul infiltrations, assassinations and the like. Remember: It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you. If you're not a member of Team Conviction, then leave now before you read secrets that will destroy your very soul. You have been warned.
  6. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Ships are only resources 4, so we could potentially start with our own fleet and just sail everyone back to the Blessed Isle. That's my best plan for success, does anyone else have other ideas? The Realm is not going to help us, it seems. Cherak is about 1000 miles away, where the Blessed...
  7. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Ok, if you're both going to be melee combat oriented I might just go with the investigator/tracker instead. That way I could take melee and we could all benefit from the group excellency. While combat can't be completely overlooked, trying to compete in the arms race in this game will mean...
  8. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Info about Tyresö [Four Factions ]

    How far north is it to Marama's Fell?
  9. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Charm Discussion [Four Factions ]

    fhgwdads05, xarvh told us that the teams were purposefully chosen to be on unequal power levels. Since the DBs have little chance of defeating even one well built combat celestial there must be some plot device that will even the odds. The DBs will just have to flee from any serious combat...
  10. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Enlightenment charms count as non-aspected martial arts charms, so with 6 charms I'll have the first 4 from the air dragon style and my next charm will be the form. Shrouding the Body and Mind's about the best charm I'll have, so I have to consider what tactics I would focus on with it...
  11. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Yes, although it's probably not worth it since I'll only have 5 charms and have to spend 2 of them to initiate, but the concept could be fun.
  12. TheFeasterFromAfar

    OOC thread [Four Factions ]

    Indeed, I'll have to re-read that section on what happens when I put on my suit of soldiers. I doubt it's going to help us much against our enemy's perfect defenses, especially while trying to defend our poor little city against attack 24/7. Right now I'm leaning towards an air immaculate...
  13. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Four Factions (slots full)

    Re: Four Factions Yeah, I'll have to see whether there's anything DBs have that can compete with Heart-Compelling Method, etc. I do know there's good reason that it's the Immaculates that are sent looking for Solars...
  14. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Four Factions (slots full)

    Re: Four Factions I'd like to play on team Dragonbooded, probably Immaculate if we're trying to keep up with Solars in combat.
  15. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Sidereals - Life in the Bureau

    I'm in, Chosen of Secrets if not already taken.
  16. TheFeasterFromAfar

    Character sheet [Fire and Water]

    Where's Antipater?