Four Factions (slots full)


Malevolent Entertainer
Short game split into several factions that may or may not have conflicting interests.

The PCs will have to convince, lie, kill, fight and in general abuse the PCs of the other factions.

The factions will be strictly composed by Solar, Lunar, Terrestrial and Abyssal Exalted and their followers and minions, but wait before doing your char sheet because every faction has its quirks.

You are going to face other PCs, that unlike common NPCs do fully stunt, play always smart, deceive, and act with incomplete information.

Keep this in mind when making your sheets; all the characters will be somewhat base characters, and will have to best other Exalts in mass combat, diplomacy, deception, assassination and information gathering.

Every faction has partial information available, so depending on your strategy, providing or withholding information to the other parties may be of extreme importance.

The game will take place at the end of an especially cold winter, around the northern town of Tiresö, a forgotten imperial settlement on the coast just south of Marama's Fell.

The game is going to be complex, so restrict yourself to the core and MEPs, one exception allowed per player with ST approval.

As the game is short the PCs will not require deep backgrounding, especially since a 70% mortality ratio is likely.

Expect 1 BP for a nice description of what the others see when they see and interact with your PC, and another BP for providing a small image of your PC that you will be welcome to append to each of your posts, 2 BPs if it's originally composed (ie you drawn it yourself or used something like the Gaia generator

I'll do my best to reward creativity, cool actions and the occasional comedy, it's a game so let's make it fun.

Each thread will be explicitly marked with the codes of the players/parties that can join it, there is no enforcement so all of you must be mature and honest enough to access only the threads you are supposed to.

And remember that the Siderals are watching you.

Pleasepleaseplease don't quite at half game.

Game's short, but enlist only if you are motivated, the other players are going to rely on your presence.

If you want to play, post here the types of Exalt you are willing to play and, if you want, the kind of character you'd like to play and any other detail you may want.

I'd like to have some 12 players, enlistment will close as soon as I get enough players to fill the factions but no later than the 13th May.

Also, I'd like to have a couple of experienced players helping me with some collective NPCs.


Our roster is complete, all slots have been claimed.

                          DB  A  L  S
Chaka                             *
TheFeasterFromAfar          *
lockepick                      *
fhgwdads05                     *
Shadow Red Claws               *  *  *
Atrius Night                      *
Tikor                       *  *  *  *
Myllinnia                         *
hammercro                      *  *
IdyllicSilence              *
Isley                       *        *
Re: Four Factions

I REALLY shouldn't, but the idea of playing a game actively against other PCs interests me. I'll put my name down for Team Lunar.

On a side note, I really recommend these character creation rules for Lunars. They're what the charm writer was using at the time, and they give Lunars a much more even playing field when going up against Solar Exalted.
Re: Four Factions

Dibs on sweet Abyssal?

Do we have to be on 'Team' Abyssal? I'm fine with being a gun for hire if any other team would take me.

Also, will each 'team' get to talk before character creation? It's sort of vital that we make a balanced party, no?
Re: Four Factions

Huh. As I'm really damn busy as is, I really shouldn't, but if you end up not getting the 12 I'd love to try an Abyssal.
Re: Four Factions

but wait before doing your char sheet because every faction has its quirks.
Curious as to the meaning here...?

With my current lack of knowledge though....I'm leaning towards team Lunar.....
Re: Four Factions

I'm totally in. Any of the 4 factions. Let me know when I can crank one out.
Re: Four Factions

I'm in Team Lunar for me ^^

Edit: Most likely a Changing Moon.
Re: Four Factions

Yay for the partecipation! =)

Three more players and we'll start already conspiring against each other.

Chaka, lockepick: I'm not disclosing right now any information about the power level of the PCs (but we will stay around basic-ish) or about your opponents and their composition.

lockepick: Each team will chargen together, to ensure that the team as a whole has all the required skills.

TheFeasterFromAfar: don't make the mistake to think that you are going to compete with Celestials only on combat.

Besides, they may even be your ally. Or maybe the enemy of your enemy. While conventional ass-kicking will definitely give you an edge, don't underestimate the opportunities opened by game theory.

Also, ensure carefully that you are going to kick the right ass when the time inevitably comes.

Atrius Night: Some teams may or may not be well prepared, backed and equipped, some may or may not have a good idea before chargen of the challenges they will face, some may or may not just be thrown in the action with no clue of what's happening.

Does this answer your question? :mrgreen:

I will have also to impose a few details about your chars to properly fit them in the scene (don't worry, it's minimal stuff).
Re: Four Factions

Yeah, I'll have to see whether there's anything DBs have that can compete with Heart-Compelling Method, etc. I do know there's good reason that it's the Immaculates that are sent looking for Solars...
Re: Four Factions

Integrity Charms are your best friend, along with oodles of Willpower. I suggest an applicable Integrity specialty as well, whether against the influence of the Anathema or simply attempts to sway you from the tenets of the Immaculate Philosophy.
Re: Four Factions

I'm thinking combat-oriented, probably full moon or Changing Moon, with a heavy emphasis on speed and agility.
Re: Four Factions

An interesting idea.

I'm more familiar with Lunars, but tempted to try Abyssals despite their flaws outside the Underworld.
Re: Four Factions

Pretty much, thanks

As an aside I've an idea forming, but will hold of character ideas till we get to individual threads of plotting-ness
Re: Four Factions

Check his first post for a roster of factions and everyone who's spoken; Abyssals and Lunars are completely full, but DB's have a space still, and Solars are somewhat open.
Re: Four Factions

Don't confuse "faction" with "exalt type". =)

Anyway, as fhgwdads05 points out, we're open for DB or Solars.

We may have an Abyssal on a quest for redemption instead of a Solar.

We have already too many Lunars, if one of the Lunars (Chaka, Atrius Night or Myllinia) would switch to Solar it would make things a lot easier for me.

(But the Rule of Fun prevails: if you want to play a Lunar you play a Lunar.)

The factions are intentionally designed NOT to be balanced power-wise and it is really important to keep that specific imbalance.

I may have to resort to less-than-elegant solutions.

I'd tend to start the game within the next 24h whether we get that last player or not.

In case not, I will try to patch up the imbalance with BPs.
Re: Four Factions

I'm out of town this weekend - I'll read chargen rules on Monday.

fhg - I was just hoping to add more clarity for potential new players. I've already expressed my desire to be on any faction - I sypmathize with xarvh trying to get the right number of people in the right boxes.
Re: Four Factions

Yeah I saw, and the sentiment is mutual. I was just pointing it out.

And yeah, I hadn't thought too much of mixing and matching. But then, while I could see Solars, Lunars and even Renegade Abyssals mixing together, Realm DBs and loyalist Abyssals seem like they'd each be on 'sides' of their own. Not that you wouldn't ever see them working with the others on occasion if it suited their needs, but it seems like without a plot device and/or the commands from higher up leading them to do so that the chances would be slim.
Re: Four Factions

I probably won't be able to do chargen for a couple of days, RL stuff is happening (nothing bad, I'm just busy). I can make up a character around monday or so, but if I get time to make one I will. As I said I'm planning on combat oriented with an emphasis on agility and speed. Feel free to start without me though.
Re: Four Factions

Tikor, you don't know how much am I loving you for your flexibility... =)

No problem for the chargen, I'm quite confident that we are going to waste a lot of time before we can actually start.

I'll have to adapt the scenario and double check for plot-holes, which will also be time-consuming.
Re: Four Factions

if there is still an opening, i'd be interested in playing a solar or db. either combat oriented or sorcerer.

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